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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unconventional futures : anticipation, materiality, and the market in oil shale development

Kama, Kärg January 2013 (has links)
This thesis offers a political geography of unconventional energy development through a study of a particular fossil fuel resource called oil shale. Having long occupied a critical place in the politics and economy of certain states, most notably in Estonia, oil shale is now widely known as an ‘unconventional’ resource that is yet to become technically possible, commercially viable and socially acceptable to exploit. Following the movement through which oil shale becomes both unconventional and conventional, the thesis traces the resource through a series of geo-scientific, economic and political interventions. This study is based on analysis of technical literature and policy documents along with ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, and site visits conducted in Estonia, Colorado, Utah, Jordan, London and Brussels. Drawing together relational accounts of natural resources in political ecology and economic geography with insights from Science and Technology Studies, this project both contributes to critical research on the carbon economy and to recent debates on the concepts of materiality, anticipation, and marketization in social sciences. The thesis proposes a relational conceptualization of resource materiality, situating oil shale in multiple and conflicting forms which derive from geographically disparate practices in both resource assessment and technological development. The future of oil shale exploitation is not pre-determined by the process of global resource decline, nor is it precluded by international demands to move towards lower-carbon futures. Rather, it is determined through the conjunction of different future-oriented economic and political calculations that are entangled with resource materials and associated technological systems. Developing a non-essentialist account of markets as socio-technically distributed arrangements, the thesis argues that these rival calculations influence the design of market rules for both energy and emissions trading. The thesis concludes that what counts as ‘unconventional’ is not given, but continues to be both created and contested at the same time as it is ‘conventionalized’.

Välja vara : En studie om gymnasieval, mässor och kampen om framtiden / Choosing Subjects : A Study on Upper Secondary School Choice, School Fairs and the Battle for the Future

Harling, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Avhandlingen kartlägger och analyserar i fyra empiriska artiklar hur elevsubjekt konstrueras i skolans vardag och vilken roll marknadens principer spelar i dessa konstruktioner. I synnerhet fokuseras vilka logiker som konstituerar gymnasievalets praktiker, samt hur dessa legitimeras, tolkas och utmanas. Resultatet visar att gymnasievalets praktiker delar upp både nuet och framtiden för eleverna, som valet mellan en uttalad utopi eller en underförstådd dystopi, där eleverna i hög grad själva görs ansvariga för att lyckas eller misslyckas med att förverkliga den utopi som iscensätts i valets praktiker. Denna uppdelning framstår för aktörerna till stor del som naturlig och apolitisk, vilket i sin tur legitimerar dess effekter i termer av exkludering, ojämlikhet och segregering, ofta på basis av social klass. Den marknadsstyrda skolans diskurser konstruerar och delar också upp eleverna som om de vore varor med olika värde. Begreppet fantasmatiska logiker kan förklara hur elever greppas av  marknadsliknande diskurser, samt hur de hanterar motsägelsefulla villkor. Exempelvis hur gymnasievalet för eleverna både innebär att förändras och bli vad man vill, samtidigt som man formas att bli mer av den man redan är, genom att välja att vara den man är. Elevernas problematisering och destabilisering av dominerande marknadslogiker i skolan förekommer i alla undersökta sammanhang, och beskrivs i avhandlingen som både genomskådanden och ifrågasättanden av hur skola och utbildning kopplas samman med marknadens logiker. Genom att genomskåda gymnasievalets förmenta neutralitet synliggör eleverna hur marknadsstyrningen av utbildning i allmänhet och iscensättningen av mässorna i synnerhet tycks ligga i skolornas, snarare än elevernas intresse. / The thesis explores and analyzes in four empirical articles how student subjects are constructed in everyday school life and what role market principles play in these constructions. In particular, it focuses on the logics that constitute upper secondary school choice practices, and how these are legitimized, interpreted and challenged. The results show that upper secondary school choice practices divide the present and the future of the students as the choice between an explicit utopia and an implied dystopia. Here, the students themselves are made responsible for their success or failure in realizing the utopia that is staged in school choice practices. This division generally appears to the actors as natural and apolitical, which in turn legitimizes its effects in terms of exclusion, inequality and segregation, often on the basis of social class. Furthermore, the market-driven school discourses construct and divide the students as if they were commodities of different value. The notion of fantasmatic logics can explain how students are gripped by market-driven discourses and how they handle contradictory conditions. For instance, it explains how, for students, school choice means they can transform and become who they want to be, while at the same time they can also become more of what they already are, by choosing to be who they are. Students, however, problematize and destabilize dominant market logics in the school in all examined contexts, which in the thesis is analyzed in terms of penetrations and destabilizations of how schools and education are linked to the market logics. By penetrating the presupposed neutrality of secondary school choice practice, the students expose how the market orientation of education in general and the staging of school fairs in particular appear to be in schools’, rather than students’, interest.

幼兒園經營與策略行銷分析 / The Study of Strategic Marketing Analysis in Preschool Business

林倍瑜, Lin, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
自貿易自由化及全球化以來,先進國家的教育「市場化」已成趨勢。此時教 育產業中的消費者-學生與其家長可依據其意願和偏好在眾多教育機構中來做 選擇,教育市場勢必逐漸走向「消費者」主導的競爭機制。近年來,全球少子化 議題延燒,台灣更在 2012 年創下全球最低生育率,其中幼托產業首當其衝。不 僅在幼兒就讀人數的逐年下降外,幼兒園的核心資源-幼教師亦因不斷增設的公 立幼兒園,嚴重的流失。 本研究即以幼兒園為研究主題,屬質性之個案研究,以個案公司-A 公司為 研究對象,並選擇同一教學法及規模相近之標竿公司作為比較基準,探討與個案 主體公司之經營現狀比較,並運用策略行銷 4C 模型中四項消費者心中產生之成 本-外顯單位效益成本、資訊蒐集成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本作為架構, 進一步探討兩公司之現行策略中,與消費者心中主觀成本間所產生的落差,並依 據分析結果提出針對 A 公司未來發展策略之建議。 研究中發現私立幼兒園在營運模式上,應著重在服務模式及教學專業的精進, 以提升消費者心中的價值,得以降低其外顯單位效益成本(C1),並對消費者及內 部員工皆維持一致的產品定位,以降低資訊搜集成本(C2)及道德危機成本(C3); 最後因長期耕耘的品牌價值,與消費者建立起專屬資產,得以成為消費者最後的 選擇。最後,需同時洞察市場變化及風險,即時掌握學前教育政策,靈活彈性的 調整企業自身的狀態,達到永續經營的長程目標。 / Since trade liberalization and globalization, the marketization of education in advanced countries has become a trend. At this point in the education industry, consumers - the students and their parents can choose educational institutions in accordance with their wishes and preferences. Therefore, the education market is gradually moving toward the consumers-leading competition. In recent years, as the world's dramatically birthrate declining and continuing as a hot issue, Taiwan even reached a new record of world’s lowest fertility rate in 2012, which directly impacted private child-care industry. Not only declining number of children enrolled, but also increased turnover rate of the teachers due to new-established public preschools and day-care centers. The theme of this research aims at preschool industry, using the qualitative study on A company and choose a same approach and size as the benchmark company to discuss A company current operation situation. Besides, applying strategy marketing 4C model –Cost of External Unit Effectiveness(C1), Cost of Searching(C2), Cost of Moral Hazard(C3) and Cost of Engagement(C4), to further investigate the gap between corporate strategies and the consumers’ insight needs. Then propose suggestions of future development strategy to A company based on the analysis results. The study found that the business model of preschool should focus on client service systems and sophisticated teaching development in order to enhance the value of consumer insights, and to significantly reduce the external unit tcost-effectiveness (C1). In additions, given the consistent brand positioning to both consumers and internal teachers could effectively reduce the cost of searching (C2) and the moral cost (C3). In the end, as a result of a long-term cultivation of brand value to establish exclusive assets to clients, it spontaneously becomes the customer first choice with high royalty. Moreover, it is also suggested that people should keep high awareness to industrial changes and challenges, and timely review the government regulations to ensure sustainability of the company.

Charter School Policies and Teachers’ Sensemaking of the Pressures to Recruit Students to Their Schools

Luke, Jeremy B. 21 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Marketization of Labor and Countermovements in the post-“Rose-Revolutionary” Georgia: Towards a Politicization of Polanyian Countermovements

Khelaia, Nino 26 June 2024 (has links)
Im Zeitraum 2004-2006 wurde in Georgien eine beispiellose Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes vorgenommen, um die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Diese Maßnahmen waren Teil umfassenderer Vermarktlichung- und Privatisierungsbemühungen, die von den so genannten "Rosenrevolutionären" Eliten angeführt wurden. Diese Studie, die sich auf Karl Polanyis Konzept der Arbeit als "fiktive Ware" stützt, untersucht, wie eine solche Kommodifizierung die Wirtschaft von der Gesellschaft entkoppelt und gesellschaftliche Gegenbewegungen hervorruft, die sich gegen die Expansion des Marktes schützen wollen. Polanyis "Doppelbewegung" beschreibt gesellschaftspolitische Kräfte, die eine demokratische Kontrolle des politischen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens anstreben und die künstliche Trennung zwischen beiden in Frage stellen. Die wichtigsten empirischen Fragen lauten, ob die georgische Gesellschaft auf die Marktöffnung reagiert hat und welche Konflikte daraus entstanden sind. Die Studie beleuchtet zwei Protestbewegungen, die sich gegen die Marktideologie wandten und versuchten, die schädlichen Auswirkungen der Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes abzumildern. Trotz ihrer Bemühungen gelang es diesen Bewegungen nicht, eine breitere demokratische Kontrolle über das Wirtschaftsleben zu etablieren. Wenn es diesen Bewegungen nicht gelungen ist, die Wirtschaft wieder in die Gesellschaft einzubinden, wie kann dann eine demokratische Kontrolle der wirtschaftlichen Sphäre theoretisiert und erreicht werden? Die Studie bezieht die Gramscianischen Analysen der "Beziehungen der sozialen Kräfte" mit ein und argumentiert, dass die Infragestellung der marktgetriebenen Ordnung mehr als nur spezifische, themenbezogene Antworten erfordert. Durch die Integration von Polanyi und Gramsci schlägt die Studie die Notwendigkeit eines politisch sinnvolleren Ansatzes vor, um der Marktideologie zu begegnen und eine demokratische Kontrolle über die Wirtschaft zu etablieren. / In the period of 2004-2006, Georgia underwent unprecedented labor deregulation to enhance international competitiveness and attract foreign investments. These policies, leaving most workers unprotected, were part of broader marketization and privatization efforts led by the so-called "Revolutionary" political elites following the Rose Revolution. This study, drawing on Karl Polanyi's concept of labor as a "fictitious commodity," explores how such commodification disembedds the economy from society, prompting societal countermovements seeking to protect against market expansion. Polanyi's "double movement" describes sociopolitical forces aiming for democratic control over political and economic life, challenging the artificial separation between the two. The key empirical questions addressed are whether Georgian society responded to labor marketization and what social conflicts ensued. The study focuses on two protest movements—the Tbilisi Metro strikes and Chiatura miners’ strike—which opposed market ideology and sought to mitigate the harmful effects of labor deregulation. Despite their efforts, these movements failed to establish broader democratic control over economic life, representing "corporatist re-embedding" and "pre-political" responses rather than achieving full "re-embedding" of the economy into society. The study poses a theoretical question: if these movements couldn't successfully re-embed the economy in society, how can democratic control over the economic sphere be theorized and achieved? To address this, the work incorporates Gramscian analyses of “relations of social forces” and hegemony, arguing that challenging market-driven order requires more than specific issue-driven responses. By integrating Polanyi with the Gramscian framework, the study suggests the need for a politically meaningful approach to countering market ideology and establishing democratic control over the economy.

越南高等教育改革邁向大眾化、市場化及國際化之研究 / A study on the approach to massification, marketization and internationalization of higher education in Vietnam

胡士雄, Ho, Sy Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解當前高等教育的改革趨勢,進而探討與分析越南高等教育對當前高教改革趨勢的相關改革及其所衍生的問題,並提出一些建議,作為越南教育主管當局的參考。 基於高等教育大眾化、市場化及國際化的理論基礎,本研究採用文件分析與訪談法進行研究,探討與分析越南高等教育對當前高等教育改革趨勢的相關改革及其所衍生的問題。經過研究後,本研究得到以下的結論: 一、大眾化、市場化及國際化是當前高等教育改革趨勢 二、越南高等教育發展的各個時期經過許多變遷和不斷地改革 三、教育品質低落是當前越南高等教育的最大問題 四、為滿足國家發展的人力資源需要及人民學習的需求,越南高等教育加速大眾化 五、在高等教育市場化的趨勢下,越南高等教育以革新教育管理制度、推動社會化教育政策及結合產學合作方式等改革來因應。 六、為提高國內高等教育品質及與國際接軌,越南政府以留學生政策、學術交流合作及結合國內外合辦高等教育政策,來推動越南高等教育國際化。 七、越南高等教育大眾化導致量與質不均衡、整併及增設高校問題及非公立高等教育機構的問題 八、越南高等教育市場化所衍生的問題包括教育市場尚未完全形成、管理制度的問題、社會化教育政策的問題。 九、人才流失、國內高等教育市場面臨國際競爭壓力及經費不足導致國際交流合作困難是越南高等教育國際化的主要問題。 / The purposes of this study is to explore the reform trends of higher education; to analyze the reforms of higher education in Vietnam and its problems and then to offer some suggestions to the Vietnamese educational administration as a reference. Based on the basic theory of massification, marketization and internationalization of higher education, analyze the reforms of Vietnamese higher education and its problems through the document analysis and interview methods. The study has following findings: 1.Massification, marketization and internationalization are the trends of higher education reform in the world. 2.Vietnamese higher education system has undergone several periods of reform and every period has its features. 3.Low quality is the most serious problem of Vietnamese higher education. 4.The needs of manpower for national development and the learning need of society have resulted in accelerating the massification of higher education in Vietnam. 5.Innovation of the management system, promotion of the educational socialization and industry-academy cooperation are the resolutions to face with the marketization of higher education in Vietnam. 6.In order to improve the quality of higher education and to integrate into the world’s level, Vietnamese government has promoted the internationalization of higher education by the policies of teachers and student mobility, academy exchange and inter-cooperation. 7.The massification of higher education in Vietnam has resulted in the imbalance between quality and quantity and many problems from the amalgamation and the non-public higher education institutions system. 8.Education market has not completely shaped, the problems of management system and educational socialization policy are resulted from the marketization of higher education in Vietnam. 9.Brain drain, pressure from the directly competitiveness with foreign universities and lack of finance are the problems of Vietnamese higher education system in internationalization process.

Nu är det väl valfrihetsrevolution på gång? : En undersökning av samhällsmedborgares möjligheter till reell valfrihet i välfärden på landsbygden

Grönström, Alfons January 2023 (has links)
Over the past few decades, the Swedish welfare system has undergone a process of marketization, characterized by the implementation of choice reforms. In order for citizens to be able to utilize their freedom of choice, a set of requirements have to be met. However, while it is argued in the literature that the conditions for choice reforms are worse in rural areas compared to urban areas, there is a lack of empirical studies examining these requirements in a rural Swedish context. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the market diversity requirement and the overproduction requirement in rural Swedish municipalities that have set up a system of choice for home care services in accordance with The Act on Systems of Choice (LOV). The results show that out of the sixteen municipalities included in the study, both requirements for functioning freedom of choice were fulfilled in four rural municipalities. Most commonly, the market diversity requirement was violated because of the absence of multiple established home care service providers. In some municipalities, the same requirement was also violated because providers failed to offer a variety of services. Further, the study shows that because some providers have restricted their operations to certain geographical areas within some municipalities, the ability for rural citizens to utilize their freedom of choice can differ within a municipality. All providers were able to accept new elderly clients, meaning that the overproduction requirement was fulfilled in all sixteen rural municipalities.

”Maten är kass, men lärarna är snälla” : Recensioner av gymnasieskolor - ett beslutsunderlag för gymnasievalet på skolmarknaden / ”The food is crappy, but the teachers are kind” : Reviews of schools – basis for decision-making for upper secondary school election on a school market

Barakat, Mohammed, Östergren, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för vad det är elever som söker till gymnasieskolan kan tänkas möta då de läser recensionstexter. Syftet är således att kartlägga recensionssystemets omfattning och innehåll kvantitativt; vad som tas upp i recensionstexterna, samt att undersöka hur recensionstexterna är konstruerade. Avslutningsvis syftar uppsatsen till att diskutera recensionssystemet i en större samhällskontext - som ett resultat av och en del i vår samtid. Vilka ämnen och teman förekommer i recensionstexter av gymnasieskolor samt hur frekvent är förekomsten?  Hur värderas (positivt, negativt eller neutralt) de olika temana i recensionerna?  På vilket sätt är recensionstexterna konstruerade och hur kan det tolkas? På vilket sätt framträder en skolmarknadsdiskurs i recensionstexterna? Metod De kvantitativa frågorna undersöks genom en innehållsanalys av slumpmässigt utvalda recensioner på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms län. De förekomna orden kvantifieras och delas in i teman, kategorieroch subkategorier. En bedömning görs även utifrån om de förekomna orden lyfts i en positiv, negativ eller neutral kontext. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av en textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalysen. Av ett antal utvalda recensioner, baserat på dess innehållsliga relevans, analyseras dessa semantiskt med diskursanalytiska verktyg. I diskussions- och analysdelen behandlas resultatet utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskning.  Resultat Av innehållsanalysen framgår att de vanligast förekommande temana var allmänna värdeomdömen om skolan, att kommentera lärare samt skolans upplägg och utbildningens kvalité. Det är även vanligt att sociala aspekter så som atmosfär och gemenskap lyfts fram i recensionerna. Av den kvalitativa delen framgår det att recensenterna uttrycker sig på ett sätt som speglar skolmarknadsdiskursen. I somliga fall framgår tydligt hur recensenten anammat skolmarknadsdiskursen. Slutsats Resultatet indikerar att recensionssystemet riskerar att generera segregerande effekter. Framförallt utifrån den asymmetriska tillgången av information och att skola och identitet knyts allt närmare varandra. Detta förtydligas och ställs på sin spets i hur recensionerna är konstruerade och kan, i vissa fall, tänkas vara svårare att bearbeta då gemene elev tenderar att se recensenter som objektiva (till skillnad från övrig tillgänglig information). / Aim The aim with this study is to explore what kind of information pupils, searching for upper secondary school, might get from reading reviews of schools. The purpose is thus to quantify the scope and content of the review system quantitatively; what is mentioned in the review texts, and to examine how the review are textually constructed. Finally, the paper aims to discuss the review system in a larger social context - as a result of and a part of our time. What topics occur in reviews of upper secondary schools and how frequent is the occurrence? How are the different themes in the reviews valued (positive, negative or neutral)? In what way are the review texts constructed and how can it be interpreted? In what way does a school market discourse appear in the reviews? Method The quantitative questions are examined through a content analysis on randomly selected reviews of upper secondary schools in Stockholm County. The words in question are quantified and divided into themes, categories and subcategories. An assessment is also made based on whether the existing words are lifted in a positive, negative or neutral context. The qualitative part consists of a text analysis inspired by the discourse analysis. From a number of selected reviews, based on its substantive relevance, these are semantically analyzed with discourse analytics tools. In a merged discussion and analysis section, the result is treated on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Results The content analysis shows that the most common themes were general value reviews of the school, commenting on teachers and the school's structure and the quality of the education. It is also common to mention social aspects such as atmosphere and cohesion. From the qualitative part it appears that the reviewers express themselves in a way that reflects the school market discourse. In some cases, it is clear that the reviewer has adopted the school market discourse.  Conclusion The result indicates that the review system risks generating segregating effects. Especially based on the asymmetric availability of information and the fact that school and identity are getting more connected. This is clarified and put on its tip in how the reviews are constructed and, in some cases, may be more difficult to process when the common student tends to see reviewers as objective (in contrast to other available sources of information).

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