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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Socialtjänsten är som våra föräldrar" : En studie om den interkulturella kommunikationen mellan nyanlända och socialtjänsten / "Social services are like our parents" : A study on the intercultural communication between newcomers and socialservices

Ngwiki, Nikita, Marthin, Stella January 2022 (has links)
Vi har gjort en studie som handlar om den interkulturella kommunikationen mellan nyanlända och socialtjänsten. Sverige tar emot 5000 kvotflyktingar varje år och segregeringen har under lång tid ökat och klyftorna har blivit större. Det har dessutom pågått en desinformationskampanj på nätet där svensk socialtjänst anklagas för att de omhändertar muslimska barn. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka nyanländas kommunikation med socialtjänsten och innebörden av det interkulturella mötet. Vi vill med detta öka kunskapen för att främja det interkulturella mötet och integration. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer där sju nyanlända fick möjlighet att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter av kommunikationen med socialtjänsten. Genom våra kvalitativa intervjuer har studiens frågeställningar besvarats. Dessa handlar om hur kommunikationen med socialtjänsten upplevs och vad kultur har för betydelse i mötet med socialtjänsten. Empirin har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och fem teman som analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning samt utifrån ett sociologiskt, psykologiskt och interkulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att kultur enligt respondenterna inte har en stor betydelse i kommunikation med socialtjänsten. Många upplever att anpassningen till den svenska kulturen är svår och upplever inte någon förståelse från socialtjänsten kring detta. Samtliga respondenter har inga förväntningar på men önskar att socialtjänsten ska besitta en interkulturell kompetens. När vi analyserade resultatet kom vi fram till slutsatsen att den första tiden i Sverige styrs av att tillgodose grundläggande behov så som att komma i trygghet och att det kan vara en anledning till att kultur initialt inte har en sådan stor betydelse för nyanlända i kommunikationen med socialtjänsten. Vi kunde även se utifrån ett interkulturellt perspektiv att det finns brister i den interkulturella kommunikationen mellan nyanlända och socialtjänsten men att respondenterna la lite eller ingen vikt vid det. / We have done a study that deals with the intercultural communication between newcomers and social services. Sweden receives 5,000 quota refugees every year and segregation has for a long time increased, and the gaps have become larger. There has also been an online disinformation campaign where Swedish social services are accused of taking Muslim children into care. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate newcomers' communication with social services and the meaning of the intercultural encounter. With this, we want to increase knowledge to promote the intercultural meeting and integration. To achieve the purpose, qualitative interviews were conducted where seven new arrivals were given the opportunity to share their experiences of communication with social services. Through our qualitative interviews, the study's questions have been answered. These are about how communication with social services is perceived and what culture means in the meeting with social services. The empirical data has been processed through thematic analysis and five themes that have been analysed based on previous research and from a sociological, psychological, and intercultural perspective. The results show that, according to the respondents, culture does not have a great importance in communication with social services. Many feel that adaptation to Swedish culture is difficult and do not experience any understanding from social services about this. All respondents have no expectations but wish the social services to possess more intercultural competence. When we analysed the results, we came to the conclusion that the first time in Sweden is governed by meeting basic needs such as getting in safety and that this may be one reason why culture initially does not have such a significance for newcomers in communication with social services. We could also see from an intercultural perspective that there are shortcomings in the intercultural communication between newcomers and social services, but that the respondents paid little or no importance to it.

Kriminalitet och socialt arbete: Görs det tillräckligt? / Crime and social work: Is enough being done?

Yalda, Maha January 2023 (has links)
Crime and gang violence are often subjects of media attention in today's society. This has led to an increased debate and a widespread perception that it is a societal issue. There is a division among politicians about which strategy is considered most effective in reducing crime. Some belive that harsher penalties will lead to reduced crime, while others argue that preventive work and investments in social work are needed. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the social work being conducted is sufficient to prevent a greater degree of recidivism or whether authorities need to work differently. To conduct the study, five social workers participated in interviews where they were asked about their views on the reintegration model that exists in Sweden, as well as whether they believe other strategies are needed. Since these social workers have different professional roles, their answers provide a broader perspective on how different professions work with criminals. The results of the study show that more preventive work is needed from an early age to prevent individuals from committing criminal acts. When authorities become involved, it is usually to late, and the individual is already trapped in a cycle of crime that is difficult to break. To prevent this, signicicant investments are needed in various social activities that are there to support early on. Additionally, the study shows that society must give the criminals a fair opportunity to reintegrate into society by, for examle, employing individuals who have served their sentence to reduce social exclusion.

Offentliga myndigheters attityder mot föräldrar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning / Public authorities' attitudes towards parents with intellectual disability

Eltahan, Mona January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this literature study is to gain a deeper understanding of what the public authorities' attitudes towards parents with intellectual disabilities look like, how these parents experience these attitudes and how these attitudes exist. The study will be based on a qualitative literature study based on articles which presents interviews with people with intellectual disabilities and social workers at social services. This study is also based on articles made of quantative surveys. This strategy is done to get answers to the questions in a way where no socially vulnerable group is violated or exposed to a stressful situation. Because this group of people is considered socially, culturally and economically voulnerable. The result of this study is shown that the attitudes from public authorities towards parents with intellectual disabilities can vary. There are social workers that have stereotypical, judgemental thoughts and negative ways of speaking to these parents but there are also professionals that behave with tolerance and acceptance and with believing that these parents can be good parents with the help and service from the authorities that have the duty to help these families. This study has also shown that these attitudes sometimes come from the socio political view that these organizations are built by. For example the time limit, the policies and the organization's goals that the social workers have to follow. These factors have an effect in the investigation process and have also an effect in the assessment and decision making because it can make a life changing determination for parents with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Ett växande motstånd i myndigheternas frånvaro : En diskursanalys av vaccinmotståndet i det senmoderna Sverige / A growing resistance in the absence of the authorities : A discourse analysis of the vaccine resistance in the late modern Sweden

Löfgren, Susanna, Jonsson, Mia January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to examine, using a late modern perspective, the anti­vaccination discourse in Sweden. The study contributes to a better understanding of what is communicated in the discourse, the truths that are presented and how legitimacy is created. Through a broadened understanding of the way this resistance operates in digital media, we are given a better understanding of how authorities can respond to the increased vaccination resistance on these platforms. The theories used in this study is Ulrich Beck's theories of the late modern risk society, Henry Jenkins theory of participatory culture and media convergence and Michel Foucault's theory of power/knowledge and truth effects. The method used for this study is a discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault. The premise regarding the choice of material for the study was to adopt a position of a person seeking information regarding vaccine. Thus, a search at Google.com was made. The result showed that the authorities were under­represented in the hit lists in all the searches, and sometimes even completely absent. The results also show that the anti­vaccination discourse is characterized by a strong distrust of authorities, science and pharmaceutical companies. Further, truths about societal actors systematic cover­up of the vaccine's actual content and effects is revealed in the discourse. Moreover, there is a focus on the truths about vaccines. The vaccines are said to be ineffective, dangerous because of its toxic content and causing serious side effects. Furthermore, the diseases that we are vaccinated against is said to be harmless and natural. Overall, the anti­vaccination discourse presents a very critical view of the entire vaccine industry. Finally, this resistance must be faced and dealt with by the authorities to prevent serious social consequences due to decreased vaccination coverage.

Krisinformation i molnet : Att uppnå stabil distribuering av krisinformation med Cloud Computing

Huzell, Linus, Öhlund, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur svenska myndigheter bör tänka för att uppnå en stabil driftlösning vid distribuering av webbaserad krisinformation med hjälp av molntjänster. Resultatet är fyra faktorer som myndigheter kan använda sig av och ta hänsyn till för att uppnå detta. Resultatet uppnås genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma personer inom området, både från myndigheter och privata företag, för bringa flera perspektiv på forskningsfrågan. Faktorerna härleds därefter från intervjuerna med en induktiv ansats för att sedan testas med en deduktiv ansats mot tidigare forskning som lyfter upp tio utmaningar vid införande av molntjänster hos myndigheter. För att bekräfta sin relevans och funktion testas sedan faktorerna i en historisk fallstudie av ett fall där ett falskt VMA-larm utlösts i Stockholm sommaren 2017. / This study examines what Swedish authorities should consider in order to achieve a stable operational solution when distributing web-based crisis information using Cloud Computing. The study results in four factors that authorities can use and take into account in order to achieve this. The result is achieved through interviews with professionals, both from private and public sectors, to bring multiple perspectives on the topic. The factors derive from the interviews with an inductive approach and then tested with a deductive approach to a previous research that highlights ten major challenges facing governments in implementing Cloud Computing. To confirm their relevance and function, the factors are then tested in a historical case study of a case where a false important notice to the public (VMA) was sent in Stockholm in the summer of 2017.

E-deltagandets potential : En explorativ studie av hur offentliga myndigheter möter sociala medier / The potential of e-participation : An exploratory study of how social media affect government agencies

Fabel, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Internet är idag en ny arena där alla delar med sig av information till alla. Det nya Internet, Webb 2.0, handlar om interaktivitet, kommunikation och dialog. Medborgare och intressenter vill ha större insikt och bättre möjligheter att påverka. De som bidrar med kunskap och synpunkter vill veta hur bidragen påverkar verksamheten, annars slutar de föra dialog. Regering och riksdag vill även att effektiviteten och tillgängligheten till myndigheternas tjänster ska öka. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en trend mot ämnesarenor och att det kan föreligga ett paradigmskifte från fokus på tjänsteleverans till nätverkade myndigheter som involverar medborgare och intressenter i sin verksamhet. Detta ställer nya krav på riktlinjer och strategier. För att explorativt undersöka dessa trender och fenomen har representanter för tre svenska myndigheter intervjuats. De empiriska resultaten har sedan belysts med nyinstitutionell teori och analyserats med hjälp av lednings- och kommunikationsstrategiska teorier och koncept. Studien konstaterar att de tre undersökta myndigheterna har tagit små steg för att närma sig de virtuella ämnesarenorna. Vissa medarbetare deltar i sociala medier, men deltagandet är inte formaliserat och insikter och lärdomar aggregeras inte inom organisationerna. Samtidigt som kunskapen om sociala medier är relativt låg verkar det finnas institutionaliserade myter som påverkar beslutssituationen. Myndigheternas ledningsgrupper är åldersmässigt relativt homogena. De träffar varandra inom sektorn regelbundet och avvaktar och följer de andra myndigheternas exempel. Den nya e-logiken utmanar de befintliga maktstrukturerna och myten om expertis genom att externa aktörer får mer makt över verksamhetsutvecklingen än tidigare. För att börja delta fullt ut i dialogen på de virtuella ämnesarenorna krävs sannolikt en förändring i verksamhetskulturen och eventuellt behövs ett generationsskifte. Genom deltagande i några väl utvalda e-projekt kommer lärdomar och insikter som kan ge beslutsunderlag för att gå vidare. Erfarenheterna kan leda till att de institutionaliserade myterna kommer att börja förändras så att det förutspådda paradigmskiftet tar plats. / Internet has been transformed. The new Internet, Web 2.0, is all about interactivity, communication and conversations. Citizens and stakeholders demand transparency and influence. The individuals that contribute their knowledge and views demand insight into how their contribution is used to develop the organization, or they leave the conversation. At the same time the Swedish parliament requires improved efficiency, availability and access to government services. Previous research shows there is a trend towards issue arenas where issues and topics, not organizations, are at the center of communication. The emergence of e-government represents a paradigm shift, from emphasizing standardization and cost-efficiency, to an emphasis on coordinated network building, external collaboration, and customer services. This transformation from bureaucracy to networked governance requires new strategies. To explore these trends and phenomena research interviews have been conducted with representatives for three Swedish government agencies. The empirical findings have then been illuminated with neo-institutional theory and analyzed with governance and communication strategy concepts and theories. The findings show that the three agencies have taken some small steps toward the virtual issue arenas. Some employees participate in social media, but the participation isn’t formalized and knowledge isn’t aggregated within the organizations. The general knowledge of social media is low and there seems to be institutionalized myths affecting the decision environment. Management consists of members of similar age. Top management from different agencies in the sector frequently meets, and the agencies await and follow the other agencies examples. The new e-logic challenges existing power structures, as well as the myth of authority, since external actors gain power over business development. In order to fully participate in the conversation in virtual issue arenas, a change in organizational culture is likely needed, and potentially generational change might be necessary to facilitate the change in culture. Engaging in a few, carefully selected e-projects will enable the agencies to learn and expand the engagement gradually. The accumulated experience may lead to a change in the institutionalized myths, thus enabling the predicted paradigm shift.

Chefers upplevelse av framgång i sitt ledarskap : - Vad chefer på en statlig myndighet upplever som faktorer för att utöva ett framgångsrikt ledarskap.

Axenstedt, Simon, Fredriksson, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Fältet ledarskap är ett tidigare väl utforskat område, trots detta har relativt lite forskning inom ämnet berört svenska organisationer och än mindre statliga institutioner och myndigheter. I följande studie undersöks, vad chefer på en statlig myndighet upplever som faktorer för att utöva ett framgångsrikt ledarskap i sin organisation. Studien bygger på empirin från kvalitativa intervjuer med fem chefer på den statliga myndigheten Trafikverket. I och med denna studie har även en ny intervjumetod utvecklats, interaktivt tematiserad intervju. Där respondenten är en del i att skapa och utforma intervjuguiden. I resultatet av denna studie framkommer det att de undersökta cheferna själva upplevde att ett framgångsrikt ledarskap i sin organisation bygger på fyra faktorer. Dessa benämnda som relationer, beslutsfattande, utveckling och autenticitet. Slutsatserna som denna studie kan bidra med, utöver vilka faktorer som cheferna själva anser genererar ett framgångsrikt ledarskap, är också hur cheferna agerar för att utöva ett vad de upplever framgångsrikt ledarskap, men även vilka roller ett framgångsrikt ledarskap innefattar. Att rollen som chef, rollen som ledare och rollen som sig själv, påverkar tidigare nämnda faktorer, relationer, beslut och utveckling, och att samspelet mellan dessa roller och faktorer på olika sätt påverkar chefernas grad av upplevd framgång i sitt ledarskap. Studien visar även att Trafikverkets nya ledarskapsfilosofi stämmer väl överens med vad cheferna upplever som bidragande faktorer för att utöva ett framgångsrikt ledarskap. Samt att denna nya filosofi kan bidra till att cheferna till större grad kan utöva ett vad de själva upplever framgångsrikt ledarskap. / The field of leadership is a previously well-explored area, but relatively little research in the subject has concerned Swedish organizations and even less government institutions and authorities. In the following study, what managers at a government authority are perceived as factors to exercise successful leadership in their organization are investigated. The study is based on empirical evidence from qualitative interviews with five managers at the State Administration of Transport, Trafikverket. Through this study, a new interview method has also been developed, interactive themed interview. Where the respondent is a part in creating and designing the interview guide. In the results of this study, it is found that the investigated managers themselves felt that successful leadership in their organization is based on four factors. These are referred to as relationships, decision making, development and authenticity. The conclusions that this study can contribute beyond what factors the managers themselves consider generating a successful leadership are also how the managers act to exert what they experience successful leadership, but also what roles a successful leadership includes. That the role of the manager, the role of leader and the role as himself, affects the aforementioned factors, relationships, decision and development, and that the interaction between these roles and factors in various ways affects the managers' degree of perceived success in their leadership. The study also shows that Trafikverket's new leadership philosophy is in line with what managers perceive as contributing factors for the pursuit of successful leadership. And that this new philosophy can help managers to exert more what they themselves experience as a successful leadership.

Hur kan statliga myndigheter lyckas med sina IT-satsningar? : Dialogseminarier med beställarorganisationer / How can IT investments in Government authorities become more successful?

Löfqvist, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Varför misslyckas statliga myndigheter så ofta med sina IT-satsningar och vad kan man göra åt detta? Att IT-investeringar som görs av våra myndigheter inte ger önskade nyttoeffekter i verksamheten, innebär en stor kostnad för samhället. Tidigare forskning visar att det är vanligt att man utvecklar IT-stöd utan att först utreda vad organisationen egentligen vill uppnå med dem. Huvudfrågan i detta examensarbete är hur man kan förbättra myndigheters IT-beställningsprocess. I en seminarieserie delar åtta personer, med sig av sina erfarenheter, genom dialogseminariemetodiken. De är alla involverade i beställningsprocessen, på olika statliga myndigheter. Vi kan, i enlighet med tidigare studier, konstatera att för att kunna grunda sina IT-beställningar på de behov som verksamheten och användarna har, så måste den som är beställare ta reda på vilka dessa behov är, redan i förarbetet till beställningen. Beställare behöver få ett ökat ansvar för att se till att detta blir gjort, och att slutresultatet faktiskt ger den verksamhetsnytta man vill åstadkomma. Ett utpekat ansvar kan ge beställaren både ökad motivation och ett starkare mandat. På myndigheterna är det traditionellt sett IT-leverantören som står för stora delar av kravframtagandet och, i den mån det förekommer, användbarhetsaktiviteter och verksamhetsanalyser. Våra resultat visar att det är svårt att ändra på detta förhållande mellan leverantör och beställare. En anledning är att IT har hög status, vilket gör att leverantören lätt får övertag över beställaren. För att myndigheters IT-satsningar ska kunna ge önskat resultat kan vi konstatera att beställarna måste stärkas i sin roll. I denna studie drar vi slutsatsen att beställarna behöver backas upp av ett tydligare och mer relevant metodstöd, ett område som inte behandlats så ingående i tidigare forskning. Vidare måste beställningsprocessen specificeras mer noggrant och ansvarsfördelningen mellan de olika parterna klargöras. Avgörande för att detta ska ske är att personer i ledande position på myndigheterna kommer till insikt om hur mycket man har att tjäna på att låta verksamhetens behov vara det som styr IT-utvecklingen. / Why do IT investments so often go wrong, and what can we do in order to achieve better results? IT investments in Government authorities are often problematic, and it is common that the resulting product of a procurement does not meet the organization's expectations in the actual usage. It has been shown that IT products are often designed without sufficient investigation of the organisations' business requirements or their users' needs. In this study, through a series of dialogue seminars, eight people from different Swedish Government authorities, who are involved in the procurement process, will share their experiences with us. The main question of this master thesis is how the procurement process at the Government authorities can be improved. If the procurer does not find out the users' and business' needs in the earliest phases of the process, the procurement can not be based on them. Traditionally at Government authorities, which is also confirmed in this study, it is often up to the IT supplier to perform usability activities. In accordance with prior research, our results show that the procurer have to be given more responsibilities for the effects that the end products has on the business. It becomes a problem that the supplier, due to the high status that comes with IT knowledge, have ascendancy over the procurer. To support the procurer in their task of formulating their procurements on basis of the organisation's needs, we can conclude that the procurer has to be given a much better support through customized methodology. A field of research that has not been dealt with so much in earlier scientific studies. And in order to change the relation between supplier and procurer, the results suggest that the authorities must clarify the responsibilities and proceedings of the procurement process.

Socialsekreterares och HVB-personalens erfarenheter av arbete med ensamkommande barn / Municipal social workers and HVB-staffś experience of the work with unaccompanied children

Dogan, Cemile, Hassan, Lawen January 2021 (has links)
Syften med studien var att undersöka och få en fördjupad förståelse kring socialsekreterares kompetens i arbetet med ensamkommande barn, detta utifrån socialsekreterare och HVB- personalens perspektiv. Studien undersökte även vikten av kulturkompetens och hur samarbetet fungerade mellan aktörerna. I denna kvalitativa studie har nio intervjuer genomförts, med fyra HVB-personal och med fem socialsekreterare. En semistrukturerad intervju valdes eftersom en semistrukturerad intervju har fler öppna frågor och bredare tema, vilket ledde till att respondenterna hade möjlighet att påverka intervjuns innehåll. Vi strävade efter ett resultat och en analys där respondenternas egna ord och upplevelser stod i centrum. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter postkolonialism och intersektionalitet gav studien de perspektiv som möjliggjorde en analys av den insamlade empirin. Slutsatsen utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar tydde på att socialsekreterare behöver mer erfarenhet i arbetet med just ensamkommande då utbildningen inte sträcker sig över ämnet ensamkommande och migration. Kulturkompetens visade sig vara av stor vikt i arbetet med ensamkommande för att kunna förstå deras kultur och bakgrund samt vad individen bär med sig. Samarbetet mellan aktörerna fungerade bra men kunde förbättras, aktörerna var dock oense om vem som oftast tog initiativet till kontakt. Det som försvårade för aktörerna var att rollerna kunde uppfattas som otydliga och brist på resurser. / The purpose of the study was to investigate and gain an in-depth understanding of the municipal social workers competence in the work with unaccompanied children, this from the perspective of the municipal social workers and the HVB-staff. But also the importance of cultural competence and how the cooperation between the authorities worked. In this qualitative study, nine interviews were conducted, with four HVB-staff and five municipal social workers. A semi- structured interview was chosen to be conducted because it has more indefinite questions and a broader theme, which led to the respondents having the opportunity to influence the content of the interview. We strived for a result and an analysis where the respondents’ own words and experiences were in focus. The study’s theoretical starting points postcolonialism and intersectionality gave the study the perspectives that enabled an analysis of the collected empirical data. The conclusion based on the purpose of the study and issues indicated that municipal social workers need more experience in working with unaccompanied children as the education does not extend to the subject of unaccompanied children and migration. Cultural competence proved great importance in the work with unaccompanied minors in order to clearly understand their culture and background, what the individual carries with them. The cooperation between the authorities worked well but could be improved, however, the respondents disagreed on who most often took the initiative to contact. What made it difficult for the respondents was that the roles could be perceived as unclear and lack of resources.

En studie om skogsägares syn på hållbart skogsbruk i Sverige : En analys av skogsägares värderingar / A study of forest owners view on sustainable forestry in Sweden : An analysis of forest owners' values

Sjösten, Emil, Eriksson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
This study intends to investigate how different demographic groups among individual forest owners in Sweden view issues related to sustainable forestry. The study also intends to investigate what different individual forest owners perceive as positive/negative aspects in terms of species protection and policy changes. It also investigates in what way individual forest owners' views and forestry relate to decided goals and what previous research defines as sustainable forestry. To investigate this, a survey has been conducted where the survey was distributed to individual forest owners around the country through various online communication channels such as social media and online forums. The survey resulted in a total of 226 respondents spread across most parts of the country. The results that emerged from the study shows demographic differences and similarities, where we for example can see that there is a greater proportion of women than men who believe that Swedish forestry is not sustainable today. At the same time, we can observe that the majority believe that it is sustainable within all demographic groups. Incidentally, we can see that there is a dividing line between authorities and the interests of individual forest owners. Views on sustainable forestry vary and many forest owners strive for less government intervention in their forestry and property rights are central. We see a willingness to compromise if the forest owner receive financial compensation, in terms of protected areas. We can also see goal conflicts between forest owners' views and uses and authorities' directives and goals.

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