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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sverige och smygrasismen : En retorisk analys av ämnena integration och invandring i svensk press / Sweden and the hidden racism : A rhetorical analysis of the topics of integration and immigration in the Swedish press

Brunnström, Josefine January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how three Swedish news publications writes about integration and immigrants. The news articles were analyzed with a rhetorical analysis. The method was supplemented with theories of media and ethnicity, agenda setting theory and gatekeeping theory. This study resulted in the conclusion that racist discourses are found in the three news publications, regardless of political color, writer or article genre. Many of the articles makes a clear division of "us and them", where "them" is defined by the text's "us", who are often Swedes. "Them" is described by the attributes that ”us” don't want to be associated with. Immigrants are often portrayed as victims of their culture or as a threat to Western society. There is also a clear link between immigrants, Islam and Muslims irrespective of where the immigrants come from. The articles on integration continues to talk of immigrants as a unified group but these articles are accusing politicians and organizations to a greater extent, for the integration problematics. Both topics are discussed mainly on the basis of values and feelings and statistics showing the whole context is missing.

Svensk-franska förhandlingar : Bland sprätthökar och franska flugor i svenskt 1700-tal / Swedish-French Negotiations : Among Fops and French Fads in 18th Century Sweden

Karlsson, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen tar till syfte att närmare förklara hur det i svensk 1700-talslitteratur vanligt förekommande satiriska porträtterandet av en landsman som har låtit sig påverkas av fransk kultur, i seder, språk och mode, på sådant sätt att han har blivit en ”sprätthök”, utgör en kritik av det franska kulturinflytandet. Avhandlingen visar också hur det kritiska förhållningssättet till det franska kulturinflytandet, som kanaliseras i beskrivningarna av sprätthöksfigurens förfranskade later, är inbegripet i diskurser om nationell tillhörighet, kultur, moral och språk. Det åberopade källmaterialet, till större delen från perioden 1720-1772, består av varjehanda moralsatirisk litteratur, varav sedekomedier och moraliska veckoskrifter utgör kärnan i analysen. Den analytiska delen av avhandlingen är indelad i tre större kapitel. Det första analsykapitlet tar itu med hur sprätthöksfiguren definieras i källmaterialet. Dessutom visar kapitlet hur resandet till Frankrike och i synnerhet till staden Paris, samtidigt som det ingår i tidens allmänt hållna kritik mot unga adelsmäns bildningsresande, utpekas som förklaringen till att svenskar omskapas till förfranskade sprätthökar. Det andra analyskapitlet visar hur sprätthökarna kan sägas förkroppsliga de stereotypiska föreställningarna om en moraliskt fördärvlig fransk nationalkaraktär och därigenom bidra till konstruktionen av motbilden till en svensk, dygdig och positiv nationalkaraktär. Det tredje analyskapitlet behandlar de språkideologiska motiv och den kritik mot en förfranskad umgängeskultur som kan utläsas i åsikterna om och beskrivningarna av sprätthökarnas språkbruk. / The subject of this dissertation concerns 18th century literary depictions of a certain satirical character, the fop, or in Swedish the “sprätthök”. The overall aim of this study is to investigate how the portrayals of the “sprätthök” are involved in the creation of a critical discourse on French cultural influence and how this, in turn, has a bearing on 18th century conceptions of national identity, morals, culture and language. The material referred to in this dissertation consists of Swedish 18th century literature during the period 1720-1772, mainly comedies of manners and moral weeklies. The analytical part of the dissertation is divided into three major chapters, each dealing with a certain theme. The first of these chapters addresses the question of how the “sprätthök” is defined in the source material and moreover how the criticism of educational travel abroad, to France and Paris, is part of the discussion of how young male Swedes are transformed into Frenchified fops. The second of these chapters deals with the concept of national character and how Swedish fops can be said to embody the negative image of the French national character. The third major analytical chapter concentrates on the language used by fops, and the underlying criticism based on language ideology which is thereby evoked.

Landet i Öst : En studie i den svenska bilden av Ryssland

Esteman, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström expressed in 2014 that Russia is erratic and making swedes fear Russia while claiming this to be a new phenome. The statement is a big difference if compared with the words of foreign minister Leila Freivalds during 2004 whom said that Russia was the most important cornerstone in the Swedish security policy work. The change is interesting. Russia has gone from being perceived as friend to being perceived as an enemy. This study contains an analysis the Swedish discourse on Russia in the security- and defence politics between the years of 2004-2015. The point of this study is to unveil veiled and hidden structures in the discourse in order to better understand the Swedish image of Russia and to reveal ´the other`. The study examines the extreme change in the Swedish perception of Russia from a critical discourse point of view. The critical discourse approach is used to understand how the image of Russia is perceived in the Swedish security- and defence politics. In attempting to understand whyRussia is perceived in a certain way a theoretical connection to Copenhagen´s school of securitazion is made. The study proceeds to take a starting point in Balzacq’s three assumptions to understand the connection to referent object. The material examined is the Swedish Foreign Policy Statements and defence propositions. The result of the study shows that Russia is framed as a threat, even while being mentioned as a friend. Russia is always perceived as ´the other´ and thus a constructed threat to Sweden.  The Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström expressed in 2014 that Russia is erratic and making swedes fear Russia while claiming this to be a new phenome. The statement is a big difference if compared with the words of foreign minister Leila Freivalds during 2004 whom said that Russia was the most important cornerstone in the Swedish security policy work. The change is interesting. Russia has gone from being perceived as friend to being perceived as an enemy. This study contains an analysis the Swedish discourse on Russia in the security- and defence politics between the years of 2004-2015. The point of this study is to unveil veiled and hidden structures in the discourse in order to better understand the Swedish image of Russia and to reveal ´the other`. The study examines the extreme change in the Swedish perception of Russia from a critical discourse point of view. The critical discourse approach is used to understand how the image of Russia is perceived in the Swedish security- and defence politics. In attempting to understand whyRussia is perceived in a certain way a theoretical connection to Copenhagen´s school of securitazion is made. The study proceeds to take a starting point in Balzacq’s three assumptions to understand the connection to referent object. The material examined is the Swedish Foreign Policy Statements and defence propositions. The result of the study shows that Russia is framed as a threat, even while being mentioned as a friend. Russia is always perceived as ´the other´ and thus a constructed threat to Sweden.  The Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström expressed in 2014 that Russia is erratic and making swedes fear Russia while claiming this to be a new phenome. The statement is a big difference if compared with the words of foreign minister Leila Freivalds during 2004 whom said that Russia was the most important cornerstone in the Swedish security policy work. The change is interesting. Russia has gone from being perceived as friend to being perceived as an enemy. This study contains an analysis the Swedish discourse on Russia in the security- and defence politics between the years of 2004-2015. The point of this study is to unveil veiled and hidden structures in the discourse in order to better understand the Swedish image of Russia and to reveal ´the other`. The study examines the extreme change in the Swedish perception of Russia from a critical discourse point of view. The critical discourse approach is used to understand how the image of Russia is perceived in the Swedish security- and defence politics. In attempting to understand why Russia is perceived in a certain way a theoretical connection to Copenhagen´s school of securitazion is made. The study proceeds to take a starting point in Balzacq’s three assumptions to understand the connection to referent object. The material examined is the Swedish Foreign Policy Statements and defence propositions. The result of the study shows that Russia is framed as a threat, even while being mentioned as a friend. Russia is always perceived as ´the other´ and thus a constructed threat to Sweden.

Skapa om livet. En existentialistisk analys av modernitetsbehandlingen i Ivar Lo-Johanssons Kungsgatan.

O'Nils, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Kungsgatan av Ivar Lo-Johansson visar urbaniseringen och moderniteten i mellankrigstidens Sverige. Romanen har framför allt studerats genom protagonisten Adrians bildningsresa, men denna uppsats framhåller statardottern Martas fall som kvintessentiell för Lo-Johanssons gestaltning av moderniteten. Med avstamp i det frihetstema Ola Holmgren identifierat i Lo-Johanssons författarskap tillämpar jag existentialistiska begrepp från Jean-Paul Sartre i syfte att undersöka vad Martas fall orsakas av och hur hennes fall relaterar till moderniteten såsom den beskrivits av Marshall Berman och Georg Simmel. Slutsatsen blir att Martas livsöde bör förklaras i termer av att hon agerar i ond tro och att hon därigenom antar ett omodernt levnadsmönster som inte fungerar i moderniteten. Orsaken till hennes agerande härleds till en obalans mellan transcendens och fakticitet, en orsak som rättfärdigas med hjälp av Lo-Johanssons andra skildringar av statarnas livsvillkor. Slutsatsen blir att moderniteten gestaltas som krävande invånarnas anpassning och att alla inte är kapabla till sådan, vilket förtydligas om man utvecklar Holmgrens forskning genom existentialistiska begrepp och nyttjar dem till att analysera Martas fall.

"Det ska inte vara lätt att knarka" : En studie om sprututbyte och svensk narkotikapolitik.

Andersson, Johanna, Nilsson, Emely January 2010 (has links)
The drug treatment staff attitude towards needle exchange is what investigates in this study. The aim of this study is to see what’s affecting the standpoints in the needle exchange issue and also to investigate if the needle exchange is compatible with Swedish drug policy. The study has a qualitative approach and it’s based on eight semi-structured interviews with drug treatment staff. To analyze the empirical material we’ve used Berger and Luckmanns social construction theory, the theoretical concept profession socialization and the four ethical principles: autonomy principle, goodness maximization principle, harm minimization principle and the principle of justice. The result of this study shows that drug treatment staffs are negative to needle exchange efficacy. They don’t believe that needle exchange is compatible with Swedish drug policy which strives for a drug free society. The drug treatment staffs are worried about that harm reduction interventions, such as needle exchange, will lead to a liberalized drug policy and that drug use will be legitimized. They fear that the drug policy will be weakened with harm reduction. The results illustrate that there are numerous factors that influence staff attitudes towards needle exchange, these are profession socialization, workplace, organization, context, the current drug policy as well as knowledgeable of the needle exchange. Keywords: Needle exchange, Injection drug users, Drug treatment staff, Harm reduction and Swedish drug policy.

En studie av den rådande New Public Management-diskursen kring svensk sjukvård : En kritisk diskursanalys

Montelius, Gustaf, Sandberg, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan 1980-talet har en uppsättning organisatoriska idéer och teorier lånade från näringslivet under namnet New Public Management tagit sig in i den offentliga sektorn och sjukvården. I takt med att medvetenheten om dessa idéer och teorier ökat hos allmänheten har en levande debatt om New Public Management inom sjukvården tagit fart. Från politiskt håll har nu en önskan om att utveckla nya styrmodeller för offentlig sektor bortom New Public Management lagts fram. Därför är det av intresse att studera New Public Management-diskursen kring svensk sjukvård. Syfte: Denna studie avser studera den rådande New Public Management-diskursen kring svensk sjukvård. Utifrån ett kritiskt analytiskt perspektiv är syftet med studien också att undersöka hur denna diskurs kan kopplas till de strukturella relationer som manifesteras av språket. Metod: Kritisk diskursanalys Teorier: New Public Management, Revisions- och mätbarhet, Kvalitetsbegreppet, Diskursanalys, Kritisk diskursanalys Empiri: Sekundärdata bestående av debattartiklar om svensk sjukvård. Slutsats: Denna studie har identifierat en strukturell maktrelation i den diskursiva praktiken som manifesteras i språket. / Background: Since the 1980s, a collection of organizational ideas and theories borrowed from the private sector and under the name of New Public Management have entered the public sector and healthcare. As the public awareness of these ideas and theories has increased, a vivid debate about New Public Management within the healthcare has gained momentum. Politically, a wish for a development of new models of management beyond New Public Management in the public sector have been introduced. Thus, it is of interest to study the discourse of New Public Management surrounding Swedish healthcare. Objective: This thesis aims to study the current discourse of New Public Management surrounding Swedish healthcare. By using a critical analytical perspective the objective of the thesis is also to study how this discourse can be linked to the structural relations that manifest themselves through language. Method: Critical discourse analysis Theories: New Public Management, Auditability, Concept of quality, Discourse analysis, Critical discourse analysis Empiric: Secondary data consisting of debate articles about Swedish healthcare Conclusion: This thesis have identified a structural relation of power in the discoursive dimension which manifest itself through language.

Blåvitt begär : Postkoloniala läsningar av finskhet, klass och genus i svensk film

Borg, Kristian January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att studera finska representationer i svensk spelfilm ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Med en diskursanalytisk ansats och med stöd i psykoanalys, postkolonial och feministisk teori diskuteras hur finsk etnicitet konstrueras, omförhandlas och samverkar med kategorier som genus, sexualitet och klass i svensk spelfilm från 1980 till 2010. Författaren vill visa på vilka sätt representationerna kan kopplas till en postkolonial relation mellan Sverige och Finland. Ett annat syfte är att ge exempel på hur postkolonial teori kan tillämpas i en svensk-finsk kontext. Fyra filmer analyseras: Två killar och en tjej, Seppan, Populärmusik från Vittula och Kid Svensk. Varje filmanalys utgår från ett tema: 1) hur etnicitet kan kopplas till olika rum eller miljöer; 2) hur kategorier som sexualitet, klass, genus och etnicitet samverkar; 3) hur etnicitetsbegreppet kan töjas samt 4) hur olika motståndsstrategier kan se ut. En central slutsats är att representationerna av finnar i svensk film ingår i en kolonial diskurs. Filmiska representationer är en del i denna diskurs. När den etniska kategorin finskhet är närvarande i svensk film aktiveras olika maktordningar som vilar på historiska stereotyper och sociala och materiella förhållanden. Men även motståndsstrategier blir synliga. Finnar och finskhet framstår och konstrueras ofta som något exotiskt och skrämmande men samtidigt begärligt i en svensk kontext.

Vem och vad äger sportbilagornas etta? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av kvällstidningarnas sportbilagors förstasidor / Who and what owns the sports sections first page? : A quantitative content analysis of the tabloid newspapers sports sections first pages

Andersson, Jonas, Håkansson, Elias January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to illustrate how the Swedish tabloid press construct their sports sections front pages and what they present on these pages. A second purpose, and by the first following, was to investigate the items these newspapers offer the audience to add to their daily agendas. The aim to show a bigger picture of the front pages content was reached by implementing a content analysis of 196 front pages from the two largest tabloid newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen, during a period of four years. The study examined 98 items per newspaper and since the aim was to examine sports journalism the units were chosen from the two newspapers sports sections, Sportbladet and SportExpressen. The great conclusions that were made during this process were the differences in between genders, the dominating sports and what big part sponsors have in sports. The most common front page shows a Swedish man playing football in the age between 20-35. A less common page is woman, playing any sport. She is only found on nine of a hundred front pages. As in the case of men, football is the dominating sport in Swedish tabloid press. On second place we found ice hockey. What we also could find was the big part sponsors have in sports. We saw the logos of sponsors on every second front page.

Att investera i medicinteknik : En kartläggning av svenska landstings och regioners investeringsprocess och beslutsunderlag / To invest in health technology : Mapping of Swedish county councils investment process and use of supporting information

Kjellgren, Jasmine, Mojancevska, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Ökad kostnadsutveckling inom offentlig hälso- och sjukvård och en ökad en efterfråga dess tjänster har uppmärksammat behov av prioriteringar för resursfördelning, inte minst för avancerad medicinteknisk utrustning. Användning av olika beslutsunderlag kan bidra till lättare prioritering och mer kostnadseffektiva investeringsbeslut i den svenska hälso- och sjukvården. / Increased expenses in the public health care, combined with an increased demand of its services, have led to a higher demand for resource prioritization, not least for advanced medical equipment. Using different types of supporting information enables better prioritizing and more cost-effective investment decisions in Swedish public health care.

På uppdrag av regeringen : En studie av regeringens styrning genom myndigheternas uppdrag

Joel, Viegård January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar beskriva förändringen i formell styrning av förvaltningsmyndigheterna under tidsperioden 2006 till och med 2012. Av intresse för studien har varit styrutredningens (SOU 2007:75) kritik mot regeringens styrning av förvaltningen samt regeringens budgetproposition och förvaltningspolitiska proposition för år 2009. Studiens avsikt är således att beskriva förändringen över tid sedan styrutredningen presenterades. Centralt i studien är de av regeringen utfärdade uppdragen i regleringsbreven. I analysen presenteras ett antal mätbara variabler: antal uppdrag, storlek på uppdragen och antal återrapporteringskrav. I de fall som uppdragsdelen har förändrats eller stått oförändrad, utforskar studien dess innebörd för den sammantagna styrningen av förvaltningen.

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