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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


盧俊誠, LU, JUM-CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文一冊,約十二萬言,共分六章,茲扼要說明內容: 第一章:「緒論」:就本論文之研究動機及研究方法、範圍,加以說明及界定。 第二章:「經營判斷法則之背景及功能」:說明法則之起源,立論背景及對公司經營 所產生之功能。 第三章:「美國法上傳統經營判斷法則之適用」:分析評述美國法上如何適用經營判 斷法則來規範董事之行為及其責任之界定。及該法則之適用範圍。 第四章:「日本法上經營判斷法則之適用」:說明日本法上該法則之運用情形,同時 就我國法上應如何適用此法則加以評析。 第五章:「股東代表訴訟與經營判斷法則」:說明美國法如何利用攻擊性之經營判斷 法則經止代表訴訟,並評析此用法於我國適用之否行性。 第六章:「結論」:提供我國法院利用經營判斷法則審查董事行為之方法


石兆佐, Shi, Zhao-Zuo Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論說明本論文的研究重點。第二章何謂分裂國家,分成三節,第一節國家 的屬性,第二節國家的種類,第三節分裂國家的屬性。第三章從分裂過程看分裂國 家,下分四節分別敘述。第四章從承認看分裂國家,下分三節,第一節是承認概說 ,第二節是從分裂國家的憲法及國內政策看分裂實體的相互關係,第三節是影響分 裂國家被承認的幾個問題。第五章是從繼承看分裂國家,主要是探討條約的繼承。 第六章則從國際組織看分裂國家,主要是探討分裂國家在聯合國及其附屬專門機構 的會籍的代表權。第七章結論則是綜合前述各章作一概括的總結。


申佩璜, Shen, Pei-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約七萬兩千字,共分六章十六節。 第一章探討我國對待外人傳統思想,並回顧比較唐代外人在華法律地位及鴉片戰爭前 外人在華法律地位,研究其中之變化。最後研究領事裁判權時代外人法律地位,採究 不制外人權益對我國之禍害。 第二章探討外國人之定義及國籍問題,以研究外人權益之準據因素。 第三章探討外國人在我國權益之濧律淵源--條約及國內法令,並研討國際法要求我 國對待外僑之標準。 第四章探討外僑在我國出入境及居留之限制,我國對外僑之刑事管轄權,以僑在我國 之財產權、工作權、營業權、訴訟權等權利,以及在公法私法上之義務。 第五章探討我國對外僑投資之獎勵與保護,並特別研析徵收問題。 第六章結論將總結分析我國政策及法令對待外人之一般情形,並提出數點建議。


黃增新, Hwang,Tzeng Shin- Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以新竹縣國中學生為對象,探討「學生家庭結構及家長社經地位與其學生性別角色」之關係。其中包含國中學生性別角色類型分布與性別角色特質發展情形,及「學生家庭結構與家長社經地位」之各變項與「學生性別角色」之相關性。更著墨於「學生家庭結構與家長社經地位」對「學生性別角色」之影響,藉此提出親職教育及學校教育之建議,以供相關單位之參考。 本研究以問卷調查的方式,以「學生性別角色量表」為施測工具,採非比例分層隨機取樣的方法,抽取新竹縣十三所國民中學一至三年級學生,得有效問卷998份,其中男生525人,女生473人。以SPSS統計套裝軟體進行描述分析、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析及卡方分析等。其獲得的結果如下: 一、國中學生的性別角色特質部分 (一)從年級來看,正向之男性特質與正向之女性特質有隨著年級增加而增長的趨勢。 (二)1.在正向男性特質上 (1)學生性別與子女數在性別角色發展上,對男性特質確有影響存在。 (2)不同學生性別與子女排行對男性特質確有影響存在。 (3)家長屬高社經地位的男女生,其男性特質高於低社經地位者。 (4)不同學生家庭類型與家長社經地位對男性特質確實產生影響。 (5)因子女數與家長社經地位之不同而有交互作用。 (6)因子女排行與家長社經地位之不同而有交互作用。 2.在正向女性特質上 (1)因子女數與家長社經地位之不同而有交互作用。 (2)因子女排行與家長社經地位之不同而有交互作用。 (三)在「性別」為重要因子的前提下,子女數、子女排行、家長的社經地位及家庭類型的交互作用下,均對性別角色特質產生決定性的影響。 二、國中學生性別角色類型部分 (一)國中學生性別角色類型分化情形,會因「年級」或「性別」或「家庭類型」或「子女數」或「家長社經地位」的不同而有差異。 (二)國中學生性別角色類型未因子女排行而有顯者著差異。 (三)對於國中學生性別角色類型影響較大者(主要因素)分別為性別、年級及家長社經地位,其次要因素為家庭類型與子女數 (四)在性別角色類型分化上,性別是分化的主因。隨著年級的增加,性別角色類型也產生較多的「兩性化」,「未分化」的比例在各年級間的差異不大。 (五)在性別角色類型分化上,男女生在國中階段依然存在著男女性別角色偏向。 本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以提供親職教育、學校教育及未來研究者之參考。 / The subjects of this study are the students from the junior high schools in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The study deals mainly with the mutual relationship among the structures of students’ family , the social and economic status of parents, and the sex-role of the students, including the current sex-role types and the development of sex-role characteristics. It also deals with the relationship between all the different factors in the structures of the students’ family and the social and economic status of their parents, and students’ sex role. The influence of the structure of the students’ family, the social and economic status of their parents and the sex-role of the students are much emphasized in this study. This study leads to the suggestions concerned parental guidance and school education, and provides referential information for educational administration. The data in this study are mainly based on questionnaires. And “student sex-role inventory” is used as measurement tool. A separate layer random collection sampling method has been used to draw out 998 valid surveys ( 525 males and 473 females) from the first to the third grade students at thirteen different junior high schools in Hsinchu County. After this a SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science ) was used to run descriptive statistics-- one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and Chi-Square analysis. And the results are as following: A. Characteristics of junior high school student sex-roles I. As far as grade is concerned, positive male and female characteristics are much related with their age, that is, they become obvious as their age increases. II-1. Positive male characteristics: (1) The students’ sex and the number of siblings in the development of sex-role have much influence on male characteristics. (2) Different sexes of the students and seniority among siblings have much influence on male characteristics. (3) Students whose parents have high social and economic status have more male characteristics. (4) Different types of the students’ family and social and economic status of their parents have obvious effects on student’s male characteristics. (5) The different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics. (6) The seniority of the students in their family and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics . II-2 On the Positive Female Characteristics (1) The interaction between the different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents is quite obvious. (2) The interaction between seniority among siblings plays an influential role in students. III. As the premise of sex being the prime factors, sibling numbers, seniority of the children, social and economic status of parents and family types have strong influence on the quality of sex-role. B.Types of sex-role of Junior High School Students: I. The types of sex-role of junior high school students are decided by students’ sex , grade, family types, the number of siblings, and the social and economic status of their parents. II.The seniority among siblings do not much affect the sex-role of the students. III.The major factors that form the sex-role of the students are sex and grade of the students and social and economic status of their parents. The minor factors are family types and the number of siblings . IV. Sex is the main reason for the division of sex-role types. As the grade level of the students getting higher, sex-role types become androgynous. Undifferentiated ratio among different grades is not great. V.In respect to sex-role types, both males and females carry tendencies towards their respective sex-role types. The suggestions based on the study are raised here to be used for further study in school education and parental guidance.

里長治理網絡之建構與發展 / The Construction and Development of Li-Chief Governance Network

謝呈祥 Unknown Date (has links)
現今村里組織為台灣地方自治最基層之編組,其運作之健全與否對於地方治理的發展,自有其一定的影響。本文即以里長為研究對象,並以兩個在成立背景及特質強烈對比的里作為研究之個案,探討里長在治理過程是如何拓展個人網絡,並從里長角色、地位與網絡三個部份做點、線、面的分析。 本文的研究方法主要採用參與觀察法並輔以訪談法,觀察地點基本上以里辦公室以及里民會堂為主。而研究問題則要去探討,里長這個角色的目標是如何去完成的?哪些是幫助里長完成角色目標的最適夥伴?里長在治理網絡中要採取何種策略或是工具?接著,里長是如何去拓展能完成角色目標的網絡? 研究發現部分,本文嘗試提出三點命題:第一個命題:擔任里長的新舊世代會影響其對里長角色的主/被動態度。第二個命題:新世代的里長處理爭議時抱持著資源取向的敵對態度來面對,而舊世代里長則以人情取向的和平態度來應對。第三個命題:新世代的里長在空間資源與物力資源爭取上採取積極取向,人力資源重心放在里民;相對的,舊世代里長在空間資源與物力資源方面採取保守取向,人力資源重心放在政治人物。 / Nowadays the village/Li organization is the most basic unit for Taiwan local self-governance. Its operation has certain influence on the development of local governance. The research objects of this thesis are two Li chiefs who contrast sharply in their background. By analyzing their roles, status and networks, this research attempts to find out how they construct and develop their individual network in the governance process. The research methods of this thesis are participant observation and in-depth interview; the places of observation are the Li office and the public conference hall; the issues of this research are as followed: how is the goal of the Li chief completed? who are the most suitable partners that help the Li chief achieve the goal? what kind of strategies or instruments does the Li chief adopt in the governance network? how does the Li chief develop and construct the network that can achieve the goal? Regarding the findings of the research, this thesis attempts to propose three propositions. The first proposition is that the new and old generation of Li chiefs contribute to the difference between active and passive attitude of the Li chief. The second proposition is that the new generation of Li chief holds a hostile attitude toward disputes, but the old one holds a peaceful attitude in resembling circumstances. The third proposition is that Li chief of the new generation adopts positive orientation toward the spatial and the material resources, and focuses on Li residents in the human resources; however, Li chief of the old generation adopts conservative orientation toward the spatial and the material resources, and focuses on political figures in the human resources.

大學生家庭社經背景對其工讀行為之影響-以政大社會科學學院為例 / Impact of undergraduate students' social and economic background on their working decisions--evidence from college of social sciences at National Chengchi University

謝玉燕, Hsieh, Yu-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是為探討國立政治大學大學部學生家庭社經背景對其工讀行為之影響。對於本研究的進行,研究者將探討「家庭社經地位」、「其他背景變項」、「助學貸款」與「工讀行為」等變項間的關係。 本研究以九十七學年度第二學期社會科學學院二至四年級大學部學生為調查對象,以問卷調查法蒐集資料,有效問卷434份。研究工具為自訂「政治大學社會科學學院大學部學生家庭社經背景調查問卷」,所取得之資料以Probit模型檢定,使用Limdep 7.0套裝軟體進行資料分析。 在敘述統計部分,樣本資料中,以社會系學生有工讀行為之比例最高,而財政系學生工讀之比例則相對最低;若以年級區分,三年級學生有工讀行為之比例遠高於二年級與四年級學生;在性別上,女生工讀之比例高於男性。經進一步分析,父親教育程度為專科或高中職者,該大學生打工比例占樣本數八成,母親教育程度在國中小以下者,該大學生打工比率最高,占86.89%;父親目前失業或退休者,其子女打工比率最高,為81.54%,而母親則不論是家管、工作中、失業或退休,大學生工讀行為占樣本比例,均高達7成。家庭月收入在3萬以下者,大學生工讀比例為90.20%,在家庭結構上,單親家庭之大學生工讀比例略高於雙親家庭,而手足總數超過4人者,工讀比例均為100%。申請助學貸款者,工讀比例為93.62%,調查並發現,有75.12%的樣本曾有工讀情形;依據曾打工之樣本進一步分析,在打工地點上,校內與校外所占比例相當,在對學業成績之影響上,60.74%認為無影響,持正面影響與負面影響之樣本,均近2成。 經由Probit模型估計後發現:在家庭社經地位中,父親教育程度為專科或高中職者,對大學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;母親教育程度則除了大學之外,博碩士、專科與國中小者均對大學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;父母親就業現況對大學生工讀行為無顯著影響;而家庭月收入在3萬元以下者,對大學生工讀行為則有顯著正向影響。 其他背景變項中,社會科學學院大學部各系所中,僅民族系對學生工讀行為有顯著的正向影響;而二年級對工讀行為有顯著的負向影響;性別對於工讀行為,在統計上並無顯著影響,手足總數在對大學生工讀行為上也呈現顯著的正向影響。 而在助學貸款方面,經過分析亦發現,對大學生的工讀行為有顯著的正向影響。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family social and economic background of undergraduate students from National Taiwan Chengchi on their working decisions. For the proceed of this study, the researcher will probe about the relationship among the variables of “family social and economic background, “other background variables,” “student loan,” and “working decisions.” This study has based on the undergraduate students from sophomore to senior year with the College of Social Science at the second semester of 2008 academic year as its target, and questionnaire method is used to collection information, with 434 valid questionnaires retrieved. The research tool is of the self-produced “Family Social and Economic Background Questionnaire of Undergraduate Students from College of Social Science of National Chengchi University,” and the information obtained will be verified with Probit model, using Limped 7.0, software to conduct information analysis. In terms of descriptive statistics, it is found, from samples information, that students from department of sociology are given the highest ratio of working decisions, while those from department of finance are found with the lowest ratio. If it is classified in terms of year, the ratio of junior students with part-timing behavior is found far higher than those of sophomore and senior year; in terms of gender, the ratio of female students with part-timing behavior is relatively higher than those of male students. With further analysis, it is found that if the students whose fathers are found with educational background of junior college or high school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior would have amounted to 80% of the samples, and if those students whose mother are found with educational background below junior high and elementary school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior accounts the highest, amounting to 86.89%. As for father who are currently retired or unemployed, the ratio of their children is found with the highest part-timing behavior, amounting to 81. 54%; as for those students whose mother works as housewife, or who are with employment, unemployed, or retired, the ratio of university students who are part-timing among the samples has average reached 70%. For family with income less than NT$30,000, the ratio of student with part-timing behavior reaches 90.02%; in terms of family structure, the ratio of university student from single-parent family who part-times is slightly higher than those from dual-parent family; as for family with siblings over 4 people, the ratio of part-timing behavior is entirely 100%. For those students who apply for student loan, their ratio of part-timing behavior is 93.62%, and it is fond from the investigation that 75.12% of the samples are given with part-timing behavior; based on the samples with part-timing behavior for further analysis, it is found that the ratio of part-timing location within and outside the school is relatively the same; as for effect on their academic performance, 60.74% of the students believe that it does not effect at all, with about 20% of the samples that hold either positive and negative effect. It is found from the estimation of Probit model that if the educational background of the student’s father is found either with junior college or high school it would, in terms of family social economic status, render positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student. Aside from educational background of the student’s mother who is found with college education, their educational background with either Ph.D, master, junior college, junior high, or elementary school, it would render with prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students. As for current employment of the parents, it would hardly render any significant on the part-timing behavior of the student; for family whose monthly income that is less than NT$30,000, it would render with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student. Among other family variables, it is found that only the Department of Ethnology renders with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students among each of the undergraduate students from the College of Social Science; sophomore year renders with significant negative impact on the part-timing behavior of the students. As for gender on part-timing behavior, it does not provide any significant impact statistically, while the number of total siblings has exerted prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the students. In terms of student loan, it is found, after analysis, that it would exert rather significant and positive impact on part-timing behavior.

教育與心理健康之關聯:大學水平分化的效果 / The Relationship between Education And Mental Health: The Effect of Horizontal Differentiation within Higher Education

蔡承珈, Cai,Cheng Jia Unknown Date (has links)
社會學研究心理健康關注焦點在了解社會因素如何造成心理困擾的發生,其中教育是重要的一環,教育程度的提升有助於身心健康。在社會變遷的脈絡下台灣的教育結構產生變化,高等教育擴張帶來諸多影響,教育對健康的意義可能有所改變,因此高等教育擴張後不同的教育類別是否會產生各種期望上落差的因素出現心理健康的差異是本文的研究課題。 本文使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫後續調查 (TEPS-B) 2010年以及台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 (TEPS) 2003年高中職五專學生與家長問卷資料,嘗試了解教育擴張後大學水平分化的結果是否會透過經濟資源(如學以致用、工作收入)、主觀地位與社會資本造成不同教育類別在這些因素上的差異進而產生對心理健康的效應,並使用一系列迴歸分析與Bootstrapping檢驗這些因素之間的關聯性。 研究結果發現,相對於專科以下,國立一般大學與私立一般大學憂鬱程度較低,教育對心理健康的直接效果得到部分支持。國立一般大學、國立科技大學愈能在工作上發揮所學進而憂鬱情緒較低,國立一般大學與私立一般大學主觀地位較高,進而降低憂鬱情緒,因此教育會透過學以致用與主觀地位對心理健康產生效果,工作收入無顯著差異,社會資本與過去研究結果相異,教育的間接效果得到部分支持。希冀透過檢視上述的各種因素能對於其中的樣貌有更清楚的掌握。 / To figure out how does social causes lead mental illness to be occurred is what the mental health of sociological study focus on, and the education plays an important role in this statement, which means the higher education will make the better physical and mental status. Under the expansion of higher education in Taiwan, it might have changed the meaning in education to health. The purpose of this research is to realize the direct and indirect effect on mental health whether different education category have different kinds of causes leads to mental health discrepancy after the expansion of higher education. Based on the both data of Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond (TEPS-B) 2010, Taiwan Education Panel Survey wave2 (2003) Senior (Vocational) High School and Junior College Students and parents, this study attempt to examine the pathway of which education category have direct and indirect (job match, income, subjective social status and social capital) effects on mental health after the expansion of higher education which produces horizontal within higher education. The major findings, which by using OLS regression and bootstrapping analyses, were as follows: (1) Comparing to junior college, the general universities have the lower degree of depression, but it’s not significant in technical universities. These findings partially support the education directly affect to mental health. (2) Both of public general and technical universities have the better sense of job match and the lower distress. (3) Public and private general universities have higher subjective social status and lower distress. Income is not significant and the results of social capital contradict to the previous research. These findings support the education indirect effects on mental health partially


崔月和, Cui, Yue-He Unknown Date (has links)
由於現代行政國家應擔負起國家發展的引導角色,所以非具備應付行政需求的能力與責任不可,為了適應行政需求的急遽變化,也應該隨著時代的變遷與不同的需求,而不斷地改善行政組織、管理技術與公務人員執行公務時的態度作為等。 為因應此時代的需求,韓國政府在一九六四年六月一日設置了「行政改革調查委員會」。而後,再設置「行政改革委員會」(一九七三年設立)、「行政調查研究室」(一九八一年設立)與「行政改革委員會」(一九八八年設立)。 然而上述四個行政改革機關在其活動期間的長短、隸屬關係的層次以及結構型態上各有不同,因此,它們所扮演的角色與表現上互有相同及相異之處。為何其在功能上會產生不同之處?為何會發生如此不同的表現呢?哪一種行政改革機關比較有效率?往後行政改革的推行,究竟哪一種行政改革機關最合適?最有成效?需求不需要分別建立「常設性」與「臨時性」的行政改革機關?這些問題都是非常值得探討,因此筆者欲對上述的行政改革機關之間作一比較研究。 由於時間、財力等限制,故本文所探討的範圍僅侷限於行政改革機關的結構面。即是,從機關的法定地位、機關結構的特性、與機關功能的分化等三方面來加以比較。但是與此三方面有關的部分像內部結構的過程面(包括機關的溝通體系與推動過程等方面)、資源方面、方案的產出方面、以及外在環境等方面的因素,將在相關部分中附帶的略加以說明。本研究的探討著重於文獻資料的研究法,藉助於有關的圖書資料,檔案等的蒐集、整理、分析與綜合,進而提出結果與建議以供實務者及研究者的參考。全文共計五章,約十萬餘言,本論文章節的編排如下: 第一章為緒論。敘述本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍、方法與限制、以及研究假設與設計,並闡釋行政改革之概念。 第二章為理論基礎。關述機關(制度)建立之模型,探討行政改革機關在結構方面比較變數,以及闡述行政改革機關的類型。 第三章為韓國行政改革活動之概觀。介紹韓國行政改革機關設置關之狀況、常設性行政改革機關之活動、以及臨時性行政改革機關之活動,並評估韓國行政改革活動。 第四章為機關結構面之分析比較。比較並探討各行政改革機關之法定地位、結構特性、以及功能分化等方面。 第五章為結論與建議。摘要說明本研究的發現,並提出改進與建議。


吳松林, WU,SONG-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在編製一適用於本國青少年的非理性觀念量表,用以了解我國青少年非理性 觀念之現況,並以性別、年級、智力、家庭社經地位、父母管教態度、城鄉地區及學 業成就等自變項,從事與非理性觀念有關之研究。 本研究以台灣地區之國中、高中與高職學生為母群體,根據研究目的,以分層隨機抽 樣方式, 分別選取國中46所、高中30所、高職31所為受試學樣,再自各受試學校中以 隨機方式,抽取國中生3000人,高中生1000人和高職生2000人,合計6000人為量表編 製之樣本。相關研究部分則研究需要,分別選取所需之樣本,進行研究。 本研究之工具包括自編之個人信念量表,基氏人格測驗,柯氏性格量表、父母管教態 度測驗、國民中學智力測驗、系列學業性向測驗及理情教育資料等七種。基中個人信 念量表係研究者依據Ellis 的非理性觀念之十個主要類型編製而成,用以測量我國青 少年之非理性觀念。本研究除以典型相關、積差相關分析個人信念量表之信度、效度 ;及以專家評定和因素分析考驗本量表之效度外,並以單因子變異數分析,雙因子變 異數分析、共變數分析及逐步迴歸分析,分別探究及考驗相關之資料。 本研究獲致以下之結果: 1.編製個人信念表:本量表適用于我國國中、高中和高職學生,共有十個分測驗,每 一分測驗十題,全部共100題,分別測量Ellis的十個非理性觀念類型。其信度考驗採 折半信度及重測信度兩種。效度考驗則兼採專家效度及與基氏人格測驗、柯氏性格量 表作同時效度考驗,另外性別、年齡、家庭社經地位、父母管教態度、學業成就等作 建構效度之分析。此外,亦建立國中、高中、高職各年級及城鄉學生之常模,將可用 於了解與診斷青少年學生之非理性觀念,並作為輔導上之參考。 2.我國青少年非理性觀念之分析:(1) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普通存有某些非 理性觀念。(2) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普遍存有某些特殊的非理性觀念類型。 (3) 男女青少年非理性觀念有差異情形。(4) 青少年非理性觀念與年齡有相關。(5) 青少年非理性觀念與智力有相關。(6) 青少年非理性觀念與父母管教態度、家庭社經 地位有相關。(7) 適應不良青少年之非理性觀念與一般青少年非理性觀念有差異。(8 ) 理情教材對促進學生之理性觀念有影響。(9) 性別、年級、學校類別、智力、父母 管教態度、家庭社經地位等變項對青少年之非理性觀念具有某種程度的預測力。 基於以上之結果,本研究將建議重視能力分班教學,理情教材、師生溝通、思考訓練 及親職教育諸問題及對適應不良學生的輔導策略,並提出其他相關之建議,以供教學 輔導之參考。


陳開□, CHEN, KAI-XUAN Unknown Date (has links)
人事行政為行政中最重要的工作之一,在側重人治的時代,姑且不論,即在法治時代 ,有良法仍須有適當之人為之執行。復以「福利國家」時代,政務趨繁,用人增加, 為有效任使人才,達成現代國家的使命,自須有健全的人事機構,始克盡其功。 我國人事機構原屬部外制,人事與行政不無難期配合之弊,為謀補救,爰於民國五十 六年經 總統依「動員戡亂時期臨時條款」第五項的決定,設立行政院人事行政局, 負責統籌行政院所屬各級行政機關及公營事業的人事行政,其地位特殊,功能重要, 頗值研究。又為其推行業務主體的所屬行政機關人事機構,因與其關係密切,自亦須 相提並論。 本文以探討我國行政機關人事機構的組織與功能為主體,參採卡斯特與羅森威的組織 系統模式及夏坎斯基的行政系統模式為分析架構,全文共分五章十六節,計約十萬言 ,其內容要點如下: 第一章緒論:闡述人事行政的意義及人事機的涗革、設置緣由與組織形式。 第二章外在環境與輸入動力:分析我國行政機關人事機構內在與外在社會環境的情況 ,並探討各方對此等機構的需求和提供資源的支持。 第三章組織透視:從組織的靜態、動態和生態三方面說明我國行政機關人事機構內部 的運作。 第四章功能的剖析:探討我國行政機關人事機構的職權、地位及重要的輸出成果。 第五章結論:根據前述各章的分析和探討,作綜合性的檢討,並提出改進建議。

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