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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從國際趨勢看智財策略管理與企業經營整合-以企業內部智財策略與實施為例 / Enterprise Strategic IP Management:Integrating IP and Business Management within Organization

陳奕之, Alex Yi-Chih Chen Unknown Date (has links)
從轟動全球的鴻海與夏普併購案、安謀與英特爾兩個直接競爭者間的晶片架構授權、蘋果與三星纏身多年仍難分難解的設計專利訴訟,再再都顯示智慧財產的重要性,及妥適的規劃與運用企業智財策略管理,能為企業帶來 的競爭優勢與經營彈性,可惜的是相關文獻不僅相當少,既有策略管理文獻,對智慧財產層面之策略管理,又鮮有論述。為期許自己能夠對實務及學術領域皆盡棉薄之力,並推廣相關知識,本研究選擇企業智財策略管理為研究標的,以有無積極採取此面向策略管理之利弊分析為主軸,分別涉及之具體考量為核心,再輔以國際案例說明,以應證智財管理與企業經營整合之趨勢。   為完整探討企業智財策略管理,本研究前兩章先思考廣泛認知的策略管理面向,並套用至智慧財產層面,說明智財策略管理為何及其重要性,與企業應將其導入日常經營;於第三章與第四章,倚賴客觀嚴謹之文獻解讀與專家訪談,搭配靈活之商業邏輯分析,試圖拉近古今中外類似策略思維,說明此概念實非前所未聞,毋寧係吾人未善加利用之競爭策略,並由具體事項整理欠缺企業智財策略管理之危機與積極採取企業智財策略管理之國際趨勢,以充分說明欠缺注意之問題與徹底落實之好處,本研究更利用柯達和全錄,說明企業是如何從默默無聞到高度成功,後續又為何日漸衰敗,並以波音與安謀,描述其係如何日益壯大,與善用智財策略管理更上一層,應證前述分析,係實質可期之策略應用;於第五章嘗試歸納、分析與整合相關資料,經過多次思考、討論與修正,提出企業宜進行之內部組織調整及12步驟之企業智財策略管理,給予企業一套有具體步驟的策略指引,嘗試協助企業成就更上一層,維持高度競爭力,並永續經營;透過深入探討企業智財策略管理議題,亦希冀能夠達到拋磚引玉之效,激發更多討論,補充本研究之不足。 / From recent Foxconn-Sharp merger, licensing deal among ARM and Intel, and dogfight be-tween Apple and Samsung; the importance of intellectual property (IP) is self-evident. Enterprises could gain competiveness and flexibility if strategic IP management is carefully planned and applied. Generous IP activities remained, but only a handful of scholarships dedicated to the topic; more likely than not, these papers focused on traditional perspectives, rather than strategic IP management. This research intends to provide an account broadly discuss relevant issues, including, what strategic IP management is, how it should be treated by enterprises, and guidelines of integrating it to business management. Hope the thoughts provided could benefit current practices as well as academics. Chapter I & II described how the research is done, delved into traditional perspectives of strate-gic management, and construed strategic IP management to show the necessities of proper integra-tion for enterprises. Banked on resources and professional insights, Chapter III & IV carefully drew connections between strategic IP management and ancient Chinese wisdoms, and shown threats, benefits, and trends on why enterprise should incorporate strategic IP management into business. Further, it used famous corporations including Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Boeing Company, and ARM Holdings to show how successful businesses have failed due to careless on strategic IP management, in contrast to businesses indeed can benefited from proper integration of such instrument. Chapter V scrutinized materials, and integrated different opinions and perspectives, then provided adjustments to organizations within corporations and formulated a 12-steps strategic IP management intended to provide enterprises a guideline that would lead to further success. Lastly, Chapter VI provided a ret-rospect of the research, and wished to set an example and to stimulate more discussions.

學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究:以國中小特色學校為例 / The relationships among school-based financial management, innovative school management and school effectiveness: A study on the specialist schools of junior high schools and elementary schools

莊清寶, Chuang, Ching Pao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著各縣市陸續成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算,使得國中小開始具有發展「學校本位財務管理」之契機。復因近來教育界也開始關切「學校創新經營」如何在國中小特色學校實施的議題。只是「學校本位財務管理」及「學校創新經營」都是一種經營管理的手段,因此本研究希望進一步探討其是否能達到提升「學校效能」之目的。   本研究採用文獻分析法、訪談法及問卷調查法進行研究。訪談法方面,發展出「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算與國中小學校本位財務管理關係訪談大綱」作為研究工具,並採立意抽樣方式從臺北市、高雄市、新北市、桃園縣、基隆市等5個縣市抽取11位受訪者進行電話訪談。至問卷調查方面,則以「學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能調查問卷」為研究工具,並以已成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算且獲教育部補助國中小特色學校經費之49個學校教職員作為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查並剔除無效問卷,獲得有效樣本數802份。本研究除採用結構方程模式分析方法及LISREL8.72軟體分別驗證學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之內涵外,也進一步據以探討學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之間的關係。並且也透過平均數及SPSS13.0軟體來瞭解學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之現況。此外,更透過具潛在變項的路徑分析及Mplus 5.0軟體,來探討填答者的不同背景變項(包括性別、現任職務、教育程度、服務年資、服務地區、學校規模)是否分別對於學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能具有預測效果。 本研究可獲得幾個主要研究結論如下: 一、「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算」與國中小「學校本位財務管理」關係之訪談結果  (一)簡言之,縣市政府成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算以後,其所轄國中小多能具備附屬單位預算之特性及優點,並有助於落實「學校本位財務管理」的理念。  (二)地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算在相關制度規劃或授權方面的待改善之處   1.各縣市政府基於財政考量,仍對其地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算自訂額外的限制,有待逐步協調放寬之可行性。   2.非直轄市之地方政府認為宜成立專業、專責的會計單位,以處理地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算相關事務。   3.地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算之預算執行規定及作業方式經常變動,且業務相關人員異動頻繁,造成許多預算執行困擾。   4.「地方教育發展基金會計資訊系統」之開發過程並未充分訪談會計人員需求,且系統不夠穩定而功能不足,故仍有待改善。  (三)多數(6位)受訪者較喜歡「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算」的運作型態,另有3位認為還好(或各有利弊),2位則相對傾向於較不喜歡。 二、學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之實施現況方面  (一)成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算以後,國中小「學校本位財務管理」之實施現況尚屬略高程度(M=3.88)。  (二)成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算之國中小特色學校,其「學校創新經營」實施程度很高(M=4.06),且具有很高的學校效能(M=4.09)。 三、學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之關係方面  (一)「學校本位財務管理」對於「學校創新經營」具有高度正向的直接效果(γ1=.78),此顯示學校本位財務管理之實施程度越高,越有助於提高學校創新經營之實施情形。  (二)「學校創新經營」對「學校效能」具有高度正向的直接效果(β1=.92),此顯示學校創新經營之實施程度越高,越有助於提高學校效能。  (三)雖然「學校本位財務管理」並不能對「學校效能」產生顯著的直接效果,但「學校本位財務管理」卻可透過「學校創新經營」來對「學校效能」產生間接效果(其效果量為.72)。亦即「學校本位財務管理」實施程度越高,越能透過促進「學校創新經營」實施程度之提高,進而間接提升「學校效能」。 四、背景變項對學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之效果方面  (一)對於學校本位財務管理具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、服務地區(直轄市>一般縣市)、學校規模(12班以下>25班至48班)等4個變項。  (二)對於學校創新經營具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、學校規模(12班以下>49班以上;12班以下>25班至48班)等3個變項。  (三)對於學校效能具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、學校規模(12班以下>49班以上;12班以下>25班至48班)等3個變項。   最後,本研究並依據上述研究成果,提出各項具體建議。 / With the establishment of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund by many municipalities and counties, there are more and more opportunities to develop the “school-based financial management” (SBFM). And there were more and more researches stress the way to implement the school innovative management in specialist schools in the academic circles. However, the “school-based financial management” and “school innovative management” are both parts of the management methods. Therefore, the present study wanted to explore whether these two management methods can achieve the purpose of enhancing “school effectiveness.”   The present study adopted three approaches, including “literature review,” “interview,” and “questionnaire survey.” In terms of the interview, the present study designed “the outline of the interview on the relationship between affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund and school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools” as an instrument. The present study chose 11 participants from the county government and schools in the Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, New Taipei city, Taoyuan County, and Keelung city by purpose sampling. Eventually, the present study had interviewed those participants by telephone. In the aspect of questionnaire survey, the study designed the “questionnaire of the school-based financial management, school innovative management and school effectiveness” as the instruments. Teachers and staff from 49 specialist schools were the participants, and they were from schools that implemented the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund. The present study distributed questionnaires by simple random sampling, and got 802 valid samples after gathering and deleting some invalid questionnaires. The study not only took structural equation modeling and the software of LISREL8.72 to confirm the contents of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness respectively, but also confirmed the relationships of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Moreover, the present study adopted means and the software of SPSS13.0 to understand the current situations of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Furthermore, the present study adopted the path analysis with latent variables and the software of Mplus5.0 so as to understand whether the context variables of the subjects would have predictive effects on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, or school effectiveness. Those context variables included the sex, position, education level, seniority, district, and school size of the participants.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.The results of the interview on the relationship between “affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund” and “school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools”  (1) In brief, junior high schools and elementary schools had most of the properties and advantages of the affiliated units’ budget after the municipality and county governments establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund, and it’s helpful for the schools to implement the “school-based financial management.”  (2) The deficiencies of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund: A. There are still some additional restrictions of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund made by the municipal and county governments, which should be loosened. B. Other county governments except for municipal governments suggest that they need to set up a professional special agency to conduct those affairs of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund. C. The regulations and operations of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund always change, and the staff redeploy too often, so that there are some problems in the process of practices. D. The interviews of the accountants’ needs are insufficient during the development process of “the accounting system of local education development fund”. Furthermore, the system is unstable and its functions are insufficient, so there is still room for improvement.  (3) As for the preference degree of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund, most of the participants (6 participants) felt “like”, 3 participants felt “fair”, and 2 participants felt relatively “unlike.” 2.The current situation of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) The current situation of the school-based financial management belonged to the extent of slightly high (M=3.88) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund. (2) The specialist schools’ practice extent of the “school innovative management” was very high (M=4.06), and their “school effectiveness” was also very high (M=4.09) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund. 3.The relationships between school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) “School-based financial management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(γ1=.78) on “school innovative management”. That is, the higher the implement degree of “School-based financial management” is, the higher practice degree of “school innovative management” will be. (2) “School innovative management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(β1=.92) on “school effectiveness”. That is, the higher the practice degree of “school innovative management” is, the better the “school effectiveness” will be. (3) Although the “School-based financial management” has no significant effect on “school effectiveness”, “School-based financial management” has an indirect effect on “school effectiveness” through the “school innovative management” (the indirect effect size is .72). In other words, when the practice degree of “School-based financial management” is higher, the “school effectiveness” will be enhanced indirectly through the “school innovative management” 4.The effects of the context variables on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) 4 context variables have significant effects on the school-based financial management. These variables involve sex, position, district, and school size. (2) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school innovative management. These variables include sex, position, and school size. (3) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school effectiveness. These variables are sex, position, and school size. Finally, according to the results of the present study, there were some suggestions be proposed.

資訊揭露與公平交易法 / 無

牛曰正 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要所探討之問題為公平交易法上之資訊揭露,而因資訊揭露之主要問題規範於公平法第24條之規定,因此本文主要乃以公平法第24條作為探討之核心。而從資訊揭露之意義、類型與功能出發,並就公平法上之其他規範、其他規範中之資訊揭露問題作相關之說明。而從經濟分析之觀點,觀察資訊揭露可能的成因,以及資訊不對稱的問題所可能造成之結果。 而由於公平法第24條對於資訊揭露之規範本身欠缺相當之體系,因此難以令人了解其所規範之類型究竟為何,因此本文中亦從過去公平會所處分之案例進行分析,而進行較具體系之整理,以期拋磚引玉而使資訊揭露之問題能稍加釐清。 此外在外國法之立法例上,本文主要從日本法之相關規範為介紹,而從日本法關於資訊揭露之規定中進行比較,認識其所採取之規範模式及修法方向,而作為我國法相關規定之修正時之比較與借鏡。而在較重要、較新興之交易關係中,本文亦從美國法之相關規定為重點式之介紹,而希望能就目前我國法之不足,找出可能之解決方案。 最後本文則從以上所得出之結果,試圖建立公平法上之資訊揭露規範體系,而為公平會及相關處理原則日後之修正,描繪出一些可能的輪廓。

寬頻網路與數位內容發展前景與關連之研析 / A Research on Prospects and Correlation of Broadband and Digital Content

王正德, Wang, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,寬頻網路與數位內容的興起,受到世界先進國家的注意。在台灣,寬頻網路與數位內容不僅是產業界及學術界熱門的研究及發展課題,也是政府既定的產業政策方向,但卻少有研究同時針對兩者進行完整的討論和其關連之研析。 本研究旨在針對科技、產製、市場、經營與政策五個面向,透過文獻分析與深度訪談法,從趨勢發展的角度探討數位內容與寬頻網路彼此的前景和關連。 本研究認為,寬頻網路與數位內容在科技、產製、市場、經營及政策等面向上的發展關連緊密,彼此相輔相成,並可以產生整合的效果: (一)科技面:寬頻網路傳輸效能與效率的提升,加上科技匯流與IP網路的整合,提供內容已成為寬頻網路必然的發展趨勢。 (二)產製面:數位內容可以發展多元創新的應用,主要仍是寬頻網路的推波助瀾,因此寬頻網路未來勢必成為數位內容最重要的傳輸通路。 (三)市場面:寬頻網路與數位內容的市場需求彼此重疊。提供加值內容可以創造寬頻市場的範疇經濟優勢,透過寬頻傳輸則可以擴大數位內容的市場規模。 (四)經營面:寬頻網路與數位內容經營者的核心能力不同,彼此價值鏈的關連緊密,並可以提供創新和多元的經營模式。 (五)政策面:世界重要國家都很重視寬頻網路與數位內容的推展,同時推展寬頻網路和數位內容可以滿足彼此在政策上的供給和需求關連。 在台灣,近年來寬頻網路和數位內容產業發展迅速,但少有相互合作以發揮整合優勢的成功案例,另外在寬頻連線速率和線上內容的品質方面,也還有進步的空間。因此,政府除應持續加強寬頻網路和數位內容的推展,也可以同時思考寬頻網路與數位內容產業政策之間的支援與整合。 / While the upsurge of broadband and digital content has attracted considerable attention in developed countries recently, in Taiwan, despite the fact the fixed official policy has propelled the R&D on the subject either in the field of industry or academia respectively, integrated program researches are inadequate. This research aims to explore the prospects and correlation of digital content and broadband through literature analysis and intensive interviews, focusing on five dimensions of technology, production, market, operation, and policy. In conclusion, the broadband and digital content developing cooperatively and coordinately results in synergy out of the five facets as below: A.Technology:The upgrade of transmission effect and efficiency, as well as the digital convergence and IP network integration, broadband entrepreneurs offering content has inevitably become a trend. B.Production:Broadband fostering the growth of digital content enables it be applied in an innovative way, making it definitely a significant transmission material for digital content. C.Market:The market demand of broadband and digital content overlaps, and the economy scope advantages in broadband market is reachable when broadband is provided with value-added content. D.Operation:Broadband operators and digital content operators, closely correlating with each other in value chains, vary in core competence, which may innovate and variegate business models. E.Policy:Most advanced countries have been making efforts to promote broadband and digital content, while the policies of broadband and digital content are both enforced, the supply and need of both industries can be fulfilled. Despite of broadband and digital content industries developing in Taiwan in recent years, successful synergy cases out of cooperation between broadband and digital content run short. The speed rate of broadband access and the quality of online content issues remain to be strengthened. It is suggested that the government persist in popularizing broadband and digital content, besides working out interdisciplinary policies for broadband and digital content.

論金融控股公司保險子公司之經營策略與內部稽核 / Managerial strategy and internal auditing of an insurance subsidiary under a financial holding company

謝紹芬 Unknown Date (has links)
由於國內金融(包括銀行、保險、證券商等)家數過度膨脹,形成惡性競爭,導致金融服務品質低落,而且獲利式微,面對金融市場自由化與國際化之趨勢,政府為改革金融體制,引進金融控股公司制度,使金融機構跨業經營機制更具規模,滿足顧客得一次購足金融商品,促使金融機構朝大型化發展,發揮金融綜效與規模經濟,以提升國際競爭力。 本文主題「論金融控股公司保險子公司之經營策略與內部稽核」,理論與實務並行探討,先論述控股公司之相關法律問題、金融控股公司之立法例。其次以「五力分析術」探討保險子公司經營環境之優劣勢及風險,提出創新之經營策略,並實例引證美國花旗集團異業聯盟之成功經營策略。為確保投資大眾及保戶之權益,同步探討公司治理制度及內部稽核制度之重要性。 本文「結論」:評述政府金融政策之缺失,成立金融控股公司推動金融改革,保險子公司應強化競爭力。「建議」:金融控股公司及各子公司均應加強風險管理,政府並應建置金融監理制度。 關鍵字:保險子公司、金融改革、控股公司、金融控股公司、跨業經營、一次購足商品、金融綜效、規模經濟、五力分析術、異業聯盟、公司治理、內部稽核、風險管理、金融監理 / Due to the over-supply and severe competition among financial institutions (namely banks, insurance companies and security firms), the quality of finance service deteriorates and the profit margin of financial industries decreases. To cope with the global trend of liberalization and internationalization of financial services, the Government has undertaken the reform in the aspect of financial service system and enacted the “Financial Holding Company Act”. Under new current mechanism, a financial conglomerate can sell its products by means of cross selling. Not only it may benefit consumers with a “one-stop shopping”, but also may create a synergy in economies of scale to enhance financial institutions in global competition. The main theme of this thesis focuses on the managerial strategy and internal auditing in an insurance subsidiary under a financial holding company. It addresses in the first place the legal issues related to a holding company and a financial holding company. Then the author adopts five factors approach to analyze the business environment of an insurance subsidiary under a financial holding company. As a successful case for its' strategic alliance,the CitiGroup experience in the United States is also examined. In addition, to protect the interest of investors and policyholders, corporate governance and internal auditing issue is also explored. In the conclusion, it is observed that under the new era of financial conglomeration, an insurance subsidiary still needs to enhance its competition ability. It is suggested that the government should continue to reform the financial regulatory system and to require financial holding companies and their subsidiaries to implement a comprehensive risk management. Keywords: Insurance Subsidiary, Financial Reform, Holding Company, Financial Holding Company, Cross Selling, One-Stop Shopping, Financial Synergy, Economies of Scale, Analysis of Five Factors, Strategic Alliance, Corporate Governance,Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Financial Regulation.

股份有限公司股東會與董事會權限劃分-論章定股東會權限範圍 / Allocation of Power between Shareholder’s Meeting and the Board of Directors

黃柏嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
民國90年公司法修正第202條之前,即有謂股東會為萬能機關,在民國90年修正公司法第202條規定後,將公司業務之執行,除本法或章程規定應由股東會決議之事項外,均應交由董事會決議行之。此修正所帶來的最大意義在於股東會不再是萬能機關,而明確劃分股東會和董事會之間的權限。然而是否能那樣的「明確」,則未能無疑?首先,公司法如此修正後,可否說在現行公司法下,股份有限公司之機關權能已傾向董事會優位?再者,即便公司法已修正第202條之規定,董事會與股東會之間仍有權限衝突之可能。亦即除法定或章程規定應由股東會決議之事項外,均應由董事會決議行之,簡單來說,股東會仍可透過修改章程的方式,來侷限董事會權能,進而擴大自身可決議之範圍,股東會此一「擴權」方式,有無必要加以限制?其範圍應如何加以限制? 而在股東會與董事會權限衝突時,所謂「企業所有與經營分離原則」,能否扮演指導的原則,為董事會帶來更高的權力依據,抑或應尊重企業自治精神。本文並就董事持股數、經理人委任及報酬、章定特定對象交易條款容許性、公開發行制度等議題與章定股東會權限範圍衝突,提出看法及依據。


吳文義, Wu, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的個案是系統單晶片企業,系統單晶片是電子系統的核心,因此該企業對於下游電子產品的發展扮演著舉足輕重的角色,是積體電路產業價值鍊最高價值的一環。本研究的主要目的是藉著一個極為成功的系統單晶片設計公司的成長軌跡與其相關的產業歷史,透過還原當時的時空環境了解並分析其經營策略的本質,以建立適合系統單晶片設計公司之經營策略本質的分析架構,同時實證其分析的結果,藉以尋求其研究問題「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的解答,並從個案企業的歷史中找出常被忽略的寶貴的經營智慧,而另一目的是能夠藉著收集具有時間標記的經營事件,提供豐富的研究素材給有興趣系統單晶片設計產業做更進一步或其他主題的研究。 一開始的動機是為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個問題,但研究之後發現這是一個很有可能沒有通用解的問題,因此本研究轉從「策略本質的思考」出發,試著從個案公司的各個不同系統單晶片產品及其下游相關的產業的事件中,進行分析、推理、歸納與實證所關心的議題,其中個案分析主要包括四個產業:(一)光碟機產業;(二)DVD播放機產業;(三)數位電視機產業;(四)手機產業。其中每一個產業的故事都以某一個案的企業發展為中心,以時間的先後呈現,描述當時的產業環境、企業狀態、決策的因果關係,以及如何執行與執行結果。為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個的大問題,同時從個案的分析與理論推論研究,從不同方向的思考並嚴謹的歸納與分析提出以下的研究發現:(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質;(二)以利潤方程式分析策略本質;(三)SOC晶片訂價策略;(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質;(五)後進者的經營策略;(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略;(七)經營智慧的闡述。希望能提供企業經營者策略思考的架構,而建構出適合自己的經營策略。 本研究藉著邱志聖「行銷理論」中產品的「外顯」與「內隱」之價值分析方法,發展出「(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質」之研究發現中一系列的理論,並以此為基礎,輔助論證其他的研究發現,再根據「利潤彈性」的定義,提出可以以嚴謹的數學証明的一系列有關訂價的創新的理論,以此為基礎進而提出「(三)SOC晶片訂價策略」,再藉著「(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質」的個案研究,發現組織的能耐與低成本優勢有的強烈的相關性,整合以上相關的研究發現,進而提出「(五)後進者的經營策略」,以創新「先進者支援的兩難」理論為切入點,並根據以上研究的結論,提出「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的參考解答。當企業成功之後,必然會面臨成長的困境,因此本研究從個案的深入分析,提出所應採取的「(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略」,以及最後提醒經營者一些知易行難的「(七)經營智慧的闡述」。 根據TEEC的「動態能耐」的理論,企業的策略深受「路徑相依性」的影響,且當不同企業的內部狀態或外部環境不同時其所需的策略也不一樣,因此後進者僅採用模仿的策略是不易成功,所以企業必需要思索適合自身的策略,並透過策略本質的分析,檢驗其策略是否有效,然而任何策略分析的方法都有其盲點,因 此分析或擬定策略時要依據競爭對手與產業特性選數種適合分析的架構進行分析,才能夠互相印證與互補,並思考其矛盾之處以避免致命的盲點,因此本論文提出專為系統單晶片設計企業策略本質的思考之架構以檢驗其策略有效性。 / The System on Chip (SOC) is the core of the electric system of an electric end product. Therefore, the firms that design and produce the SOC play the critical role in the development of the end product and contribute the most valuable part in the IC industry chain. The purposes of this paper are to develope the strategies and wisdoms of management as well as the frame structure for analyzing the essence of management strategies for the late comer. In the case study, there are the companies have been very successful in the world. In the cases, there are a lot of time-marked traces of the growth of the successful firm and its related industry history so that we can clarify what and why the strategies were executed at that time by analyzing the sequences of the management decisions and their consequences. Additionally, I hope the case stories can be utilized for the further research or another related research. Initially in this research we focused only on the topic of the question“What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”. However, after further studies we found that the general answers for the big question might not exit; therefore, we adjusted the research direction and converted to focus on the topic of the essence of the analysis of the management strategies. In the studied case, there are four different kinds of SOC products including optic storage chip, DVD player chip, digital TV chip and handset chip and their related industries. In the story of each product case, the main stream of the story keeps close track of the situation of the management decisions making, the status of the execution by the studied firms and their consequences in timing sequence so that the evolution of the environment of the firms and the industries can be shown clearly. To study for the answer of the big question “What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”, firstly we analyze the cases and simultaneously study the related theories. Secondly we transform the big question into the following seven research subtopics: (1) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies based on the marketing promotion theory, (2) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the net profit, (3) Pricing strategies for the SOC products, (4) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the perspective of the“Dynamic capabilities”, (5) Management strategies for the late comer, (6) Strategies for the growth and new products selection, and (7) Wisdom of management. Finally, we hope this thesis can provide managers with the frame structure for both thinking and analyzing the strategies so that managers can develop the best strategies for themselves. There are some kinds of logical relation among the theories developed in the above subtopics. The foundation of theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”is the value proposition that bases on the analysis of the explicit value and implicit value in the marketing promotion theory. Theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”are one of the most fundamental pillars that support the other theories in this thesis. According to the definition of elasticity of net profit in this thesis, we can deduce some innovative and valuable theories by the rigid mathematical reasoning. Furthermore, we can develop the innovative theories “(3) Pricing strategies for the SOC product”. In addition to developing the above theories, we apply the theory of “Dynamic capabilities” to analyze the strategies in the case stories to find the effective cost advantage is supported by the capabilities of organization with effectiveness and efficiency. We integrate the above theories to propose “(5) Management strategies for the late comer”. A firm will eventually confront the saturation of the growth after its successful startup. To solve this issue, we base on the deep investigation of the cases and some theories developed in this thesis, we propose “(6) Strategies for growth as well as new products selection”. Finally from the case stories, we abstract some both valuable and critical wisdoms that are easy understood but they are hard to be practiced due to the human natural weakness. According to “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management” by TEECE, the strategies for a firm strongly depend on the path that the firm has experienced, thus the imitative strategies from its rival is usually not effective just because their paths they passed are different, not to mention that neither their environments nor the conditions of the firms are totally different. Therefore, a firm works out any strategies and then its managers have to carefully check the effectiveness of the strategies by analyzing their essence of the strategies and then modify them before they are executed. However, any framework for analyzing strategy has its blindspots. To avoid the strategic blindspots, we have to use several different and suitable frameworks to analyze the strategies, and then check if there are any conflicts among the results from different frameworks analyzing, we have to deliberate to find why and how to solve the conflicts. Therefore, we develop a new frame work that appropriately analyzes the strategies of both the SOC firm-level and their products with a totally different perspective

資訊科技公司產業解決方案之策略研究 - 以IBM公司之「智慧的地球」計劃與其產業解決方案策略為例 / The industrial solution strategy research for IT companies - IBM`s「Smarter Planet」initiative and solution strategy as the case study

馬紹宏, Ma, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從IBM在軟體的策略,尤其是軟體的產業解決方案作為研究的核心。2008年的金融海嘯造成全球經濟大衰退,IBM適時提出了智慧的地球的計劃與願景,並積極推動從客戶實際需求與價值思考出發的產業解決方案(Industrial Solution),結果IBM驗證了其營運與業績不但沒有受到影響並且在營收與獲利上繼續穩健成長。本論文首先依時間軸對IBM自1993年葛士納總裁接任後針對服務與創新的轉型;到2003年帕米沙諾接班後的併購計劃與智慧的地球創新策略;乃至於2012年羅美蒂繼任後推動之商業分析,軟體產業解決方案以及最重要的2015年成長計劃等各項重要改革與執行策略做一詳細的整理與分析,個案研究針對IBM公司所面臨的挑戰與企業經營策略及轉型架構進行分析與探討並延伸至軟體產業解決方案,以Michael Porter的五力分析架構對IBM公司在軟體產業與產業解決方案的產業競爭態勢予以深入探討分析,並針對IBM與其主要競爭對手的軟體產業解決方案以SWOT做一完整的分析,此外也從IBM的軟體事業群的成長與轉型策略,來驗證IBM對軟體的產業解決方案的重視與策略意涵,並針對軟體之產業架構(Industry Framework)的發展與導入的「客戶導向與客製化產業解決方案開發策略(client focused & tailored execution strategy)」與成功要素予以分析並歸納。 最後結論中對國內軟體產業以Michael Porter的鑽石模型做一分析,並對未來台灣軟體產業可能的發展方向提出建議以提供產業與政策制定者參考,如何面對與開發國際市場以及如何從人才面發展並建立台灣的軟體產業競爭優勢將是值得我們仔細深入思考的方向,希望未來台灣的軟體產業也能創造出典範移轉,發展出如同IC設計與製造產業的規模與競爭優勢。 / The development of this paper is focused on IBM`s software strategy,especially on the strategy of IBM`s software industrial solution as the research focuses。When the financial tsunami caused the serious economic recession around the world during 2008 year end,IBM raised the「smarter planet 」initiative and vision to drive the execution of series of industrial solution centric projects according to the client real requirements and values。IBM proved that its operation and business performance were not affected by this crisis,moreover IBM continued to grow steadily in the areas of both income and margin。In the context of this paper,I will first analyze the IBM`s transformation history in the three key stages under three CEOs,including Lou Gerstner`s service & innovation transformation since 1993;Sam Palmisano`s Merge & Acquisition plan & smarter Planet initiative;and Ginni Rometty`s 2015 roadmap plan to shoot for at least US$ 20 EPS by year 2015。 In the case study we will analyze the challenges which IBM was facing from corporate operation and transformation standpoints. For IBM`s software & software industrial solution strategy,Michael Porter’s five forces framework will be used to do an analysis to have a clear view on IBM`s competitiveness in the software & software industrial solution industry. SWOT analysis will also be applied to gain an in-depth view on IBM and its major software industrial solution competitors。From IBM software group’s growth and transformation strategy,we can also verify the strategic imperatives on IBM`s focuses on industrial solutions。Finally we use the example of how IBM successfully developed the various Industry Frameworks through client focused & tailored execution strategy to illustrate IBM`s asset-based solution development concept。From the recent organizational transformation of IBM software group in 2012,we can also prove that the transformation direction is toward solution centric。 In the summary of this paper I will analyze Taiwan`s software industry using Michael Porter’s Diamond model to come out several suggestions for the reference of software development vendors and government policy makers in Taiwan。How to develop the international market and build the talent resources to increase Taiwan`s competitiveness advantage will be the key focuses which we need to think deeply。Hopefully the software industry in Taiwan will have a paradigm shift and grow to the scale of the IC design and manufacturing industry with competitiveness。


盧曉彥, Lu, Hsiao-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究重點係母子公司合併時子公司少數股東權益保障的爭議問題,並嘗試從美國法之觀點檢討我國母子公司合併案例與相關之規範設計。 從美國德拉瓦州法院對於母子公司合併規範模式之演變,應可察覺一國法制總體面因素的變化,以及合併基礎法制變遷,對於母子公司合併規範設計之影響。總體面因素諸如當代公共政策的游移、投資人與市場周邊機制之成熟度、公司內部治理機制的健全、社會思潮的偏向等;合併基礎法制幾個重大變遷,包括可決合併門檻多數決原則之確立、簡易以及制式現金逐出合併之陸續完成立法等,在在都影響了法院對於母子公司合併之規範態度。法院的態度變化,也顯現在子公司少數股東所擁有之兩項救濟,亦即股份收買請求權以及違反受任人義務訴訟救濟,在近一世紀以來,其起初係平行發展、繼而相互競爭至目前走向調和之變遷過程。而在過程中,違反受任人義務的內涵與課責標準一直持續變化,連帶地也影響股份收買請求權理論基礎的汰換、調整與新生。 德拉瓦州法院對於母子公司合併的處理方式,是區分簡易合併與制式合併而適用不同的規範模式。制式合併係適用「財產法則」概念下之常規交易審查模式,違反常規交易標準即屬違反受任人義務;簡易合併則因為協商成本太高,所以適用「補償法則」,以股份收買請求權為唯一救濟。此項規範模式,很顯然地是一種妥協之處理方式。尤其股份收買請求權之相關配套設計,包括評價得否採計合併綜效、救濟成本之負擔方式以及程序障礙設計猶存諸多問題,採取「補償法則」背後的考量因素或許正是為便利母公司執行合併。 從美國德拉瓦州公司法母子公司合併規範設計之歷史演變,比較我國目前現階段的母子公司合併規範之設計,大體說來,由於我國公司法與企業併購法之規範設計不利於子公司與母公司進行協商、再加上董事以及控制股東(亦即母公司)對於子公司之股東並無直接負受任人義務,在子公司股東無法對於不公平的合併對價,直接請求董事或母公司負擔損害賠償責任的情況下,將很難期待子公司的董事會盡力為子公司少數股東,向母公司爭取公平的合併對價。 換言之,由於我國受任人義務體系之不完備,少數股東縱然認為合併對價涉及不公情事,似乎也祇能依照民法侵權行為之規定,向董事或母公司請求損害賠償。按照民法第一八四條之規定,其舉證責任門檻事實上即相當於美國法對於簡易合併場合之規範。亦即是說,我國法似乎並無特別針對母子公司合併此項具有利益衝突之重大交易,提出任何有別於常規交易之差異規範,此即導致子公司少數股東僅能按照一般侵權行為之規範,請求母公司或董事負擔損害賠償責任,這對於少數股東而言,自是甚為不利。 短期而言,從經濟政策上係鼓勵合併,抑或從我國公司內部治理機制以及市場機制尚未健全發展至足以提供子公司相當之協商力量以與母公司抗衡的角度,我國似乎都無法在仿效美國於制式合併場合,建立偏向「財產法則」概念下之「近似常規交易協商模式」。因此,現階段或應思考從改善我國股份收買請求權設計開始著手。對此,ALI Principles與RMBCA有關股份收買請求權設計之立法例,我國應擇其優而加以援用。 長期而言,按照我國現階段的規範趨勢,似乎係在仿效美國法制,逐漸朝向市場導向之公司治理機制(market-oriented style of corporate governance),因此持續開拓我國資本市場的深度與廣度,以及建立適合於我國公司生態的公司內部治理機制,都將是繼續努力的目標。倘若未來我國市場之周邊機制與公司內部治理機制皆能發揮適當的治理功能,前述偏重於「補償法則」概念下規範模式之股份收買請求權設計,即有必要加以調整,以避免美國現階段在現金逐出合併場合所發生之「規範重疊」(regulation overlap)問題。


楊承翰 Unknown Date (has links)
我國考察先進國家之金融體系架構,發現外國非銀行業務(Non-bank business)已行之有年、蓬勃發展。是以開放融資公司設立,為民國八十四年亞太營運中心計畫(金融中心部分)執行事項之一,嗣於八十七年因受亞洲金融風暴之影響而暫緩辦理。九十一年間考量國內外經濟環境之變化,為使企業與個人融資管道多元化,並發展國內非銀行業務等因素,爰再研究開放融資公司設立相關事宜。經建會乃透過二階段之委託研究,邀請專家、業者,與經濟部、財政部等相關機關研擬後,於九十三年五月間完成「融資公司法」草案之確定版本,六月十四日經行政院經建會第1178次委員會議討論通過,八月十九日於行政院院會完成初審,而九十四年三月三十一日經濟部修正後再送行政院,俟行政院最後審議。 融資公司法制對法律人而言,係一全新之領域,本文乃係探討融資公司法制之理論體系,釐清相關規範之基本內涵與概念,以提供後續學理討論及與本議題相關之專業人士參考。又他山之石,可以攻錯,故本文整理分析外國立法例,尤其是日本法,以做為我國融資公司法草案之借鏡,俾利提出最適於我國情狀以及需求的法解釋論與立法論,亦可成為訂立相關法規及面對實務問題之酌參。在比較法例上觀察鄰近我國的日本,因其「非銀行(Non-bank)業」(稱「貸金業」)發展歷史已有相當時日,故對之制訂有所謂的「貸金三法」。該等法律因應著日本貸金業制度陸續產生的社會、法律問題,屢屢增加規範密度,此應可對我國尚在法制化過程的融資公司法草案帶來許多啟發。至於我國融資公司法草案興利防弊之立法芻議,本文將由淺而深的參酌日本法與我國相關財經法律以對照表形式廣為比較說明。並就融資公司制度實務,不僅針對融資公司法架構下之融資業務,甚至是雖非受融資公司法草案規範,惟咸信為將來主要業務者之經營型態及法律關係做研究分析,藉以理出一套最適於我國國情之融資公司法制。最後點出將來制度調整之方向及展望。 綜觀民國八十四年討論融資公司相關議題至今業已十個年頭的法制化過程,隨時空環境之轉換下,融資公司法草案內容迭有變遷。惟檢視目前經濟部融資公司法草案,似仍有未臻完善、尚須補足之處。諸如融資公司法草案第三、第十二條「融資性交易」之定義是否妥適?相關配套措施能否與實務運作情形配合?現行實際經營融資業務之公司改制為融資公司誘因為何?主管機關依融資公司法草案所採之管理模式是否適宜?對金融秩序之建構又有無正面之效應?凡此種種,除於經濟層次上有其重要性外,法律層面上之探究即為本文觀察建議重點所在。

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