Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ekonomisk bokhistoria"" "subject:"ekonomisk conhistoria""
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Unmasking the Invisible Hand : German perspectives and processes of foreign trade Aryanisation in Sweden, 1936-1945Lecuit, Tom January 2024 (has links)
This paper explores the mechanisms and processes within the German foreign trade Aryanisation project in Sweden from the mid-1930s to 1945. Aryanisation as a concept has, similarly to the Holocaust and National Socialism before it, for the longest time been seen as a uniquely German affair. While that situation has greatly changed when it comes to the Holocaust, Fascism and National Socialism, Aryanisation is still defined as a German affair affecting only Jews in Germany even by the US Holocaust museum’s Holocaust encyclopaedia.1 As a result, research into Aryanisation efforts in Nazi Germany’s foreign trade sector has been relatively sparse. Drawing on the small existing body of research that was sparked by Swedish historian Sven Nordlund, this paper seeks to complete the picture of the German trade Aryanisation campaign in Sweden by examining its inner workings on the German side of affairs. The study is framed within an elastic interpretation of the rationality v ideology binary and further tied to Holocaust research by highlighting characteristic elements of modernity, bureaucracy and artificiality in how NS ideology crept its way into every aspect of life, even trade with a neutral country. Through a thorough analysis of a large body of associated correspondence and official documents, this study uncovers the complex and evolving picture of German perspectives and processes within its project to shape its trade relations to Sweden according to Nazi ideas.
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Giftets värde : Apotekares förståelse av opium i Sverige, 1870-1925 / The Value of Poison : The understanding of opium among Swedish pharmacists, 1870-1925Berg, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Before the regulation of opium as a “narcotic” in Sweden in 1923, opium was not regulated for its intoxicating properties and was freely available. But not in any kind of shop. Opium was legally available only through the pharmacies. This thesis explores how this free availability of a narcotic was understood by its traders, the pharmacists. The title of this thesis – The Value of Poison – indicates how opium could be conceptualized both as a safe, everyday remedy essential to keep freely available and as a drug of intoxication. As a poison it could be articulated as a matter of primarily pharmacological, not moral or medical, concern. This also gave the pharmacists, with their special knowledge of pharmaka (drugs, poisons), an autonomous space of knowledge free from the ever more intruding “medical gaze”. But, in order to articulate this kind of understanding of opium, another kind of knowledge was needed to be acknowledged: that of the user. In this articulation a “sensus communis” was tied in with a broader cultural knowledge of drugs. Problems with opium were focused on the danger of acute poisoning, not recreational intoxication. Concepts that could have problematized this kind of use were rearticulated as problems either of illegitimate trade, unregulated markets and advertising or of draconian regulation by greedy or sloppy doctors. These rather opposite elements were made equivalent through the articulation of ignorance in both cases, thus further emphasizing the special knowledge of the pharmacist. The thesis locates a process of contradiction that contributes to the eventual diminishing of the discourse of poison towards the end of the period. The pharmaceutical knowledge that guaranteed the discourse was based on a “pharmaceutical gaze” on pharmaka. It pierced through the drug to identify its constituent parts. In this process it was promised that the different effects of opium would be separated. “Narcotic” could be a by-product, to be discarded or controlled, without dispensing of other therapeutic effects. With this ever deeper knowledge of opium, knowledge in the pharmacies was made insufficient for the full understanding or opium, and so too was that of the traditional user. The era of opium as a poison was over. / Före den första särlagstiftningen om narkotika i Sverige 1923 reglerades inte opiumets rusgivande egenskaper. Drogen var fritt tillgänglig i handeln. Men inte i vilken butik som helst. Opium kunde bara köpas lagligt på landets apotek. Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur denna fria tillgänglighet av narkotika förstods av droghandlarna själva, apotekarna. Titeln pekar på hur opium på en och samma gång kunde tänkas som en säker husmedicin vars tillgänglighet var avgörande för folkhälsan och som en rusgivande drog. Som ”gift” artikulerades det som en i första hand farmakologisk angelägenhet, inte en moralisk eller medicinsk. När de talade på detta sätt upprättade apotekarna, genom sin särskilda kunskap om farmaka, ett eget rum för sitt vetande, fritt från läkarnas allt mer genomträngande ”kliniska blick”. Men för att kunna artikulera denna förståelse av opium krävdes också att en annan typ av kunskap vidkändes: brukarens. Genom denna artikulation knöts brukarnas ”sensus communis” samman med en bredare kulturell kunskap om droger. De av opiumets problem som lyftes fram handlade om akut förgiftning, inte rekreationellt rusbruk. De begrepp som hade varit möjliga att användas för att problematisera denna senare form av bruk reartikulerades: antingen förpassades de till den olagliga handeln, de oreglerade marknaderna och reklamen, eller också till de drakoniska regleringarna som giriga och slarviga läkare stod bakom. Apotekarna artikulerade dessa båda helt motstående element som ekvivalenta genom en brist på kunskap, vilket i sin tur ytterligare stärkte deras egen kunskapsmakt. Avhandlingen lokaliserar även en processande motsägelse som sker när giftets diskurs tynar bort vid slutet av den undersökta perioden. Den farmaceutiska kunskap som underbyggde diskursen vilade på en ”farmaceutisk blick” på farmaka. Denna genomborrade drogämnet för att avslöja dess beståndsdelar. Genom denna process utlovades att opiumets olika effekter skulle kunna skiljas från varandra. ”Narkotikan” kunde ses som en bieffekt, som kunde kastas åt sidan eller kontrolleras separat, utan att opiumets kvarvarande terapeutiska effekter minskade. Denna allt djupare kunskap medförde att de enskilda apotekarnas eget vetande på apoteken inte räckte till för att fullt ut förstå opium, och därmed bröts även samartikulationen med brukarnas kunskap. Tidseran när opium var ett gift tog därmed slut under mellankrigsperioden.
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Vägen till Beirut : Svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder i Libanon 1920-1975 / The road to Beirut : Swedish trade promotion initiatives in Lebanon, 1920-1975Hussein, Ahmad January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates Swedish trade promotion in Lebanon from 1920 to 1975. The aim is to increase knowledge about how actors in a small open western economy tried to develop their economic interests in an emerging market characterized by great uncertainty. Here, the promising economic outlook coincided with a high degree of political instability. The study analyzes the interactions between Swedish trade related authorities, organizations and companies in their efforts to develop Swedish business interests in Lebanon: a developing country in a conflict-affected area with potentially large and emerging markets, where the cultural distance to Sweden was significant. In this study a model, which is known as the Uppsala model, forms an analytical interpretative framework for studying the actions and strategies of the trade related authorities and organizations despite the model's specific perspective on the establishment process of firms abroad. Based on the taxonomy, which is the basis of this interpretative model, this interpretative framwork has been possible to apply because of the assumed interactions between trade related authorities/organizations and companies when establishing commercial presence in new markets. The assumption is that the trade related authorities and organizations enhance for companies in various ways, while there is an economic-political interest that the state strives to reach by encouraging companies to set up business in new markets. By using this model, the events have been systematized through a historical generalization and periodization of Swedish trade promotion and organization. Added with the type of knowledge development that has taken place. In this way, the role of authorities and organizations in trade promotion and organizational build-up abroad has been highlighted. The results show that Swedish trade promotion attempts and organization in Lebanon took place in close cooperation with Swedish trade related authorities and organizations through their information inflows. In practice the companies' needs for information and assistance were reflected in the work that has been exercised by the authorities and organizations. By playing an important role in information building, escalating network positions and at the same time providing the companies with specific information, the trade related authorities and organizations became key actors in the development of Swedish trade relations with Lebanon. The study concludes that new perspectives can be obtained by including trade related authorities and organizations when using the Uppsala model in future studies. / Denna avhandling studerar svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder i Libanon 1920-1975. Syftet är att öka kunskapen om hur aktörer i en liten öppen västekonomi försökte utveckla sina ekonomiska intressen på en ny framväxande marknad präglad av stor osäkerhet, där lovande ekonomiska utsikter sammanföll med en hög grad av politisk instabilitet. I studien analyseras samspelet mellan svenska handelsrelaterade myndigheter, organisationer och företag i deras strävan att utveckla svenska handels- och affärsintressen i Libanon: ett land som betraktas här som ett utvecklingsland i ett konfliktdrabbat område med potentiellt stora och nya marknader med ett betydande kulturellt avstånd till Sverige. I studien utgör den så kallade Uppsalamodellen den analytiska tolkningsramen för att studera myndigheternas och intresseorganisationernas agerande och strategier, trots att modellens perspektiv bygger på företagens utlandsetablering. Med utgångspunkt i den taxonomi som är grunden i modellen har denna tolkningsram varit möjlig på grund av det samspel som antas finnas mellan företag och myndigheter, särskilt när det gäller etablerandet av en affärsmässig närvaro på en ny och osäker marknad. Antaganden är att myndigheterna på olika sätt underlättar för företagen, samtidigt som det finns ett statligt ekonomisk-politiskt intresse att få företag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Med hjälp av modellen har händelseförloppen systematiserats genom en historisk generalisering och periodisering av svenska handelsfrämjande åtgärder med avseende på organisation och den typ av kunskapsuppbyggnad som skett. Därmed belyses också myndigheternas och organisationernas roll vid företagsetableringar i utlandet. Resultaten visar att företagsetableringsförsöken och organisationen av svensk handel i Libanon skedde i nära samarbete mellan svenska myndigheter och organisationer genom utbyte av information. I praktiken avspeglades företagens behov av information och hjälp i myndigheternas och organisationernas arbete. I och med att myndigheterna/organisationerna deltog i informationsuppbyggnaden, skapandet av nätverkspositioner och samtidigt förmedlade information mellan företagen var dessa betingade som centrala aktörer vid etableringen av svenska handelsförbindelser med Libanon. Studiens slutsats är att nya perspektiv gällande företagsetableringar på utländska marknader kan erhållas genom att inkludera myndigheters och organisationers agerande vid tillämpningen av Uppsala modellen i framtida studier.
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Samspel mellan miljöpolitik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylskåp och bilar / Interdependance between environmental policy, innovation and technological development : Case studies on Swedish wastewater treatment, refrigerators and carsWallentin, Sam January 2013 (has links)
Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries. The aim is also to investigate how environmental policy is shaped by opinion, technology and relationships within and to an industry. In each of the cases, the current technical system was a major determinator for what could be accomplished in an industry. This was more or less dependent on foreign conditions, such as market, opinion and policy, but the domestic level of technical advancement was critical. The geographical breadth of the issue at hand was a major factor. Also, all three cases showed that each industry has, for good or bad, dominating players that either dictates or largely influences the pace of adoption of environmentally motivated innovation. Government agencies must understand these facts, inventively use the array of policy tools at hand and include both industry representatives and foreign piers to speed up environmentally motivated innovation.
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Resfeber : Berättelser från semesterns barndom 1938−1959 / Bitten by the Travel Bug : Tales from the Early Days of Vacation, 1938−1959Lewén, Aurora January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation provides an in-depth analysis of Swedes’ perceptions about vacations during the period of 1938 to 1959. The aim is to contribute to a more thorough understanding of vacation-related consumption, which in Sweden was of growing economic importance from the 1930s and onwards. The study examines perceptions about the relationship between vacation and work; the experience with nature; interactions with family members and other social relations; relaxation and rest, and the act of travelling. The dissertation also analyzes the adoption of the first Holiday with Pay Act in 1938 and examines how people vacationed during the period. Throughout the study class and gender are used as analytical categories. The principal source material is autobiographical recollections, which consist of written replies to questionnaires sent out by the Nordic Museum. Other sources include materials related to the introduction of the Holiday with Pay Act, mainly the Swedish Government Official Report and the parliamentary debate. Representations of vacations in magazine advertisements are also analyzed. Equalization between classes was an important reason for the adoption of the Holiday with Pay Act in 1938. Proponents of the legislation in parliament and, to some extent even the opponents, viewed equalization as a positive outcome of the reform. As a result of the legislation, blue-collar workers, both women and men, were able to enjoy vacations to a greater extent than before. However, large groups, mainly farmers, entrepreneurs, and housewives, continued to lack entitlement to paid vacations, a fact that were debated in parliament. Nevertheless, persons without legal entitlement to paid vacations still occasionally took time off and went on vacations. It was relatively common to travel during the vacation, even at the beginning of the period. The desire to experience a contrast to everyday life was prominent. People desired contrast not only with work but also with everyday life outside of work, including regular leisure time, something that is particularly evident in the autobiographical recollections. In one form or another, the desire for contrast permeated views on the various factors examined in the dissertation. Travel represented an ideal way to experience contrast. Nature was more interesting if it was located somewhere else, relaxation and rest was best achieved if one went away, and meeting new people was seen as more exciting than spending time with family. Overall perceptions concerning vacation were similar among blue-collar and white-collar workers of both sexes, as well as among housewives, farmers, and entrepreneurs. They all wanted to experience a contrast to everyday life. On a more detailed level, though, these desires took somewhat different forms depending on working conditions and economic circumstances. These common perceptions had economic significance, as going away meant more purchases than staying at home. It was not just a matter of spending what was required for the trip to happen. Travel and the desire for contrast had amplifying effects on other vacation-related consumption as well. An English summary of the dissertation is provided. / I centrum för avhandlingen står en analys av semesteruppfattningar år 1938–1959. Syftet är att på så sätt bidra till en mer ingående förståelse av semesterkonsumtionen, som fick en allt större ekonomisk betydelse från 1930-talet och framåt. Aspekter som undersöks närmare är uppfattningar om semester i relation till arbete, naturuppsyn, uppfattningar om familj och andra sociala relationer, uppfattningar om vila samt uppfattningar om resande. Vid sidan om den fördjupande analysen av uppfattningar studeras även införandet av semesterlagen 1938 och det konkreta semesterfirandet under perioden. Genus och klass utgör analytiska kategorier genom hela avhandlingen. Huvudmaterial är så kallade frågelistsvar. Dessa är självbiografiska minnen nedskrivna av informanter som svar på en frågelista Nordiska museet skickat ut. Dessutom används material med anknytning till semesterlagstiftningens införande, främst semesterutredning och riksdagsprotokoll, samt semesterrelaterade annonser i veckotidningarna Husmodern och Lektyr. När riksdagen fattade beslut om semesterlagen 1938 var ett viktigt motiv att man ville utjämna skillnader mellan klasserna. Både de som var positiva till reformen och de som var negativa till reformen såg klassutjämning som ett positivt resultat av den. Fler arbetare, både kvinnor och män, fick nu också semester. Samtidigt fanns stora grupper, främst jordbrukare och företagare av båda könen samt hemarbetande hustrur, vilka inte hade några semesterrättigheter alls, något som också debatterades i riksdagen. Det hände dock att kvinnor och män utan semesterrättigheter ändå tog ledigt på egen bekostnad. Det var relativt vanligt att resa iväg på semestern, även i början av perioden. I frågelistsvaren syns en stark uppskattning av att få uppleva en kontrast till vardagen. Ett liknande synsätt kom till uttryck i utredningen, i riksdagsdebatten och i de semesterrelaterade annonserna. Avhandlingen visar att informanterna ville uppleva en kontrast både till arbete och till övrig vardagsfritid. Synsättet präglade semesteruppfattningarna gällande alla aspekter som studerats närmare. Naturen sågs som mer intressant om den var belägen någon annanstans än hemmavid, vila och avkoppling ansågs bäst kunna uppnås om man reste iväg någonstans och semesterfirarna uppskattade att göra nya bekantskaper medan familjen snarare togs för given. Genom att resa iväg på semestern kunde informanterna uppfylla önskemålet om att få uppleva kontrast till hela sin vardag. Avhandlingen visar att semesteruppfattningarna på en övergripande nivå var lika bland arbetare, tjänstemän, hemarbetande hustrur, lantbrukare och företagare. På en mer detaljerade nivå kunde önskemålet att få uppleva en kontrast till vardagen ta sig något olika uttryck beroende på semesterfirarens arbetsförhållanden och ekonomiska situation. Avhandlingen visar dessutom att uppfattningarna hade ekonomisk betydelse, då resor innebar att informanterna gjorde fler inköp än då de stannade hemma. Det handlade inte enbart om sådan konsumtion som krävdes för att resan skulle bli av, utan även andra typer av inköp var större i samband med en resa än vid en hemmavistelse.
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Enabling socio-technical transitions – electric vehicles and high voltage electricity grids as focal points of low emission futuresAlbrecht, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires an understanding of the wider socio-technical context of transitions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is therefore to analyse such socio-technical transitions towards low-emission futures enabled by the electrification of passenger cars and high voltage grid development. A combination of different transitions theories (for ex. Multi-level perspective and Technological innovation systems) and institutional theory has been used. To reach the aim paper I analyses the climate impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) and policy measures to achieve a breakthrough scenario for EVs. The results show that a mixture of short and long term policies are needed that take into account the technology development stage and behavioural aspects of EV adopters. Paper II addresses the need to include the high voltage transmission grid and its planning procedures as a central part of debates on transitions. Therefore the opportunities, challenges and reasons for conflict in the established regime are studied. The results show that in order to achieve a sustainable grid development regime, it is necessary to spend time on achieving legitimacy and social sustainability. The third paper uses semi-structured expert interviews and focuses on innovation dynamics for EV adoption. By focusing on dynamics instead of single policy measures, it is possible to grasp interactions within a niche, but also in between a niche, regime and landscape. The results show that strong initial technology legitimacy was needed to start substantial innovation dynamics. This could be further strengthened with a strong and broad coalition of actors. Both those factors led, if present, to an improved variety and match of policy instruments. As such this thesis has shown that transitions are not just about technology or policy instruments as such but about the dynamics and processes needed to enable them. This can be relevant in other transitions that otherwise may underestimate the importance of these components. / <p>QC 20170512</p> / Norstrat
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The Moral Economy of Swedish Labour Market Co-operation and Job Security in the Neoliberal EraFleming, James January 2021 (has links)
In the neoliberal era, there has been a global trend towards increased labour market insecurity and inequality, even in countries traditionally emblematic of union strength and socio-economic security such as Sweden. In this study, I present the first ethnographic research conducted in anthropology of negotiations between the central Swedish union and employer peak bodies (known as the ‘labour market partners’). These negotiations were conducted in 2020 against the background of a political crisis and political pressure to modernise and liberalise longstanding and fundamental job security protec- tions in the Employment Protection Act (LAS). Through the lens of these negotiations, I investigate the role of the labour market partners in moderating neoliberal trends and how the partners see their relationship and role in society. I investigate, for example, why Swedish employers support unions and a system that ostensibly curbs their own power. I employ the notions of moral economy and em- bedding to look beyond economic self-interest, to the moral and institutional norms that help explain the partners’ co-operation over time and the role they see themselves as playing as guardians of the social peace. I also incorporate interview material describing diverse workers’ experiences of the current job security protections under LAS. I argue that workers’ voices and experiences reveal a parallel moral economy, where current job security protections are revealed to be important but inadequate, and that job security is a highly nebulous, ambivalent and contextual phenomenon. I argue the moral economy of job security is one of entangled reciprocity between employer, worker and the state, and I consider the proposed reforms in this context. The study shows that even in the context of increasing market- isation of labour and society, reciprocity and cooperation both at the workplace and during the LAS negotiations serve to de-commodify labour and embed the economy in various moral norms. In this way, the research contributes to the anthropological literature on embeddedness and moral economy. It also contributes to both an ethnographic and theoretical understanding of job security.
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Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971Funke, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood. The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes. The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.
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