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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spökflygarnas dagordning : En textanalys av ledarsidor som beskriver misstänkta flygkränkningar i Norrland under 1930-talet.

Berglund, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out how editorials in various Swedish newspapers interpreted the ghost flights. The study shows how the phenomenon was interpreted based on defense and security policy. Through text analysis 44 editorial articles from the period 1934-1938 were investigated which showed that the most editorials interpreted ghost flying as military flights. The agenda of swedish liberal and moderate newspapers was to interpret military aviation as a reason for establishing an independent air force and in giving the military greater authority to make security decisions for the country. The Social Democratic agenda in editorials was to downplay loud defense interests. And the communist editorial agenda was more ideologically expressed in countering imperialist and warlike interests. Local Norrland newspapers were more likely to express hopes for greater military efforts for Norrland's sake and the development over time shows that it was the newspaper Norrskensflamman and Aftonbladet, political and ideological antagonists, that were the ones who kept the debate about the ghost flights alive until the outbreak of the Second World War. / <p>Godkänt datum 2020-06-05</p>

De skriver sekt - vad menar de egentligen? : en religionssociologisk studie av användningen av sektbegreppet i den efterföljande mediedebatten efter dokumentären ”De utvalda barnen”.

Helmersson, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
In the beginning of 2021 the documentary “The selected children” was aired in one of the public Swedish television channels. In the film we follow the filmmaker as he returns to his elementary school that he left almost three decades ago. His memories where positive but the film depicts abuse with a focus on the leadership and a rope swing . The ensuing media debate was influenced by the fact that the school was, and still are, a waldorf school (Steiner school) and the cult concept was frequently used. This bachelor thesis aimed to find the underlying reasons for the media usage of the cult concept in this context and further how and why a description of a school in the past became a novelty in the present. The perspective is religion sociology and medialization. The purpose is to understand how and why the cult concept is used in nationwide written news media, narrowed down to 11 articles published in Aftonbladet, Dagens ETC, DN, Expressen, GP, SvD och SVT nyheter during May and June 2021. I used a qualitative content analysis method combined with an abductive reasoning. The theory used was in the field of cults, NRM and medialization with an emphasis on media logic also described as media modus operandi. The result shows that the cult concept is used to describe and frame the extreme characteristics of the school. There is a connection between the school and other waldorf schools both in the description of the schools as cults related to abuse and abnormality but the main reason is the foundation in relation to the waldorf pedagogy and anthroposophy. The media uses a very narrow number of sources describing the school, waldorf schools and the anthroposophic movement. The descriptions are made in the present as if the film was depicting the present school as well. As such the sources alongside the framing language constructs the news value in line with the media logic. In conclusion I argue that the findings show that media uses the cult as a description aswell as a news story in line with the theory, describing how the news are storytellers as they have developed into the entertainment industry.

Stockholms vattenburna kollektivtrafik - vision 2020

Lindencrona, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Varför har vi inte en mer utvecklad vattenburen kollektivtrafik i Stockholm, vad krävs för att en sådan ska bli verklighet och hur kan den komma att se ut. De frågorna är grunden i examensarbetet Stockholms vattenburna kollektivtrafik - Vision 2020.

The Reconceptualized War : A critical analysis of the new war theory through a case study of the Yemen War

Malmgren, Victor January 2021 (has links)
The much-debated new war theory suggest that a new type of organized violence has developed during the last decades of the twentieth century. These new wars occur during an era of globalization and differ from old wars concerning four factors: the goals, the actors, the finance, and the methods. One of these new wars is the war in Yemen (2015-), a country divided and war torn, suffering the world's largest humanitarian crisis. The study aims to critically analyse the application of the new war theory through a qualitative singular case study of Yemen. The analysis shows that an understanding can be made about both Yemen and the theory. The Yemen War revolves around reinvented and/or rekindled particularistic identities, formerly kept under control, but now unleashed after years of exclusion, increasing economic gaps, the Arab Spring, and the dismantling of the central state during an era of globalization. The war took on decentralized characteristics, the Yemeni government lost its monopoly on violence leading to several state and non-state actors involved in the war. They are sometimes financed by external actors or through looting, racketeering, kidnapping, etc., all akin to the methods of new war warfare which sees civilians as the main victims. The study argues that an even greater understanding can be made by reformulating the theory as a process rather than as separate factors only showing the differences between new and old. The new war process shows the interconnectedness between the four factors, while simultaneously including other impactful new war terms and concepts such as globalization, the motives of war, and the reoccurring and persisting violence. Globalization then becomes part of the new war process rather than being a separate element.

“As long as there are Sweden Finns then there should be a need” : A Qualitative Study of Finnish Revitalisation Initiated by the Sweden Finnish Youth Organisation / “Så länge det finns sverigefinnar så ska det finnas ett behov” : En kvalitativ studie av finsk revitalisering initierad av Sverigefinska ungdomsförbundet

Backvall, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Young people are a central group in revitalisation efforts that aim to turn the tide of language shift for speakers of endangered languages. In the context of the five national minorities of Sweden, this thesis looks at the motivation of young Sweden Finns to participate in or lead revitalisation efforts for Finnish in Sweden. The study circles in beginner’s Finnish organised by the Sweden Finnish Youth Organisation provide a point of entry into the way young people plan and adapt revitalisation efforts to the needs of other young people. Along with a study of materials pertaining to the study circles, five young people have been interviewed about their participation in or leadership of the study circles, or their involvement in the Sweden Finnish Youth organisation. Grin’s (1990) COD model has been used to explore the relationship between motivation (Desire) and the Sweden Finnish context. The study found that the study circles have been adapted to the needs and desires of young people on several levels. It also found that identity, a practical and emotional need for the Finnish language, an awareness of the situation for the national minorities in Sweden, and the acceptance of varying goals and non-standard varieties of Finnish, play important roles in young people’s motivation to learn Finnish and participate in or lead revitalisation efforts.

Nya chefers utveckling : en studie om hur nya chefer hanterar sina ledarroller / New managers’ development : A study about how new managers handle their leaderships roles

Rydberg, William January 2022 (has links)
Förståelsen för effekter av lärandet och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom individen själv och omgivningen var av betydelse för nya chefers hantering av sina ledarroller. Syftet med studien var att bidra med kunskap om hur första linjens nya chefer hanterade sina ledarroller inom äldre- och funktionshinderomsorgen. Studiens tillvägagångssätt utgick från en fenomenologisk och kvalitativ fallstudie. Datainsamlingen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analys av data genomfördes utifrån en tolkande fenomenologisk analysmetod. Slutsatsen visade att nya chefers utveckling kategoriserades som strategier och omständigheter. Strategier utgjorde nya chefers interna villkor som var att öva på att bli chef, inta ledarrollen och att växa i sin ledarroll. Omständigheter utgjorde nya chefers externa villkor som var att vara chef i första linjen och att klara av ledarrollen. Slutsatsen visade också att mängd arbete, användning av flertal datasystem, tiden, individen själv, relationer till andra, individens utveckling, arbetsinnehållet i första linjen och den komplexa organisationen påverkade nya chefers utveckling i sina ledarroller. / The understanding of the effects of learning and the psychosocial work environment through the individual herself and the environment was important to new manager´s management of their leadership roles. The purpose of this study was to contribute knowledge with how the first-lines’ new managers handled their leadership roles. The approach in this study was based on a phenomenological and qualitative case study. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews. Performance of analysis of data was based on an interpretive phenomenological analysis method. The conclusion showed that the development of new managers is categorized as strategies and circumstances. Strategies were new managers’ internal conditions and those are to becoming a manager, to take on the leadership role and to grow in the leadership role. The circumstances constituted new managers’ external conditions and those are to work as a manager in the first-line and to fulfill the leadership role. The conclusion also showed that the quantity of work, the use of several computer systems, time, individual herself, relationships at work, the individual’s development, content of work, and the complex organization affect new managers’ development in their leadership roles.

A Pricing Model for AIaaS : An analysis of a new AI personalization product within the edtech space / En Prismodell för AIaaS : En analys av en ny AI-baserad personifieringsprodukt inom edtech

JEFIMOVA, ZENJA, NABSETH, SOFIE January 2018 (has links)
As pricing is vital for an organization’s marketing strategy, it is a significant area to consider for companies offering new products where Artificial Intelligence as a service (AIaaS) is provided. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible pricing models for an AIaaS product. The study was delimited to the edtech industry. The main research question to be investigated was “What pricing model should an AI-company have for its B2B personalization product to correspond to the value delivered by it?”. Sub-research questions consisted of how perceived value can be related to price, what factors the organization should consider for the pricing model and the implications of implementation. The exploratory research was carried out through a literature review, a survey where Van Westendorp’s Price Sensitivity Meter was applied, as well as in-depth interviews to gather qualitative data. The quantitative results showed that the price sensitivity depends on the number of monthly active users a platform has, where there is a negative relationship between the number of monthly active users and the price willing to pay per learner. The qualitative results showed that the perceived value depends, amongst other factors, on which segment the buyer belongs to. The primary results were discussed with the findings from the literature review, which mainly consisted of pricing model for Software as a Service (SaaS) products, that resulted in a designed pricing model for AIaaS providers. The conclusion of the study is that pricing an entirely new product is complicated as the buyer does not know the value of the product. Also, there does not exist one single value which can be quantified and translated into price; the price must be adjusted according to the segment’s perceived value. The pricing model presented accounts for adjustable variables needed to be considered by an AIaaS provider before determining a price. Key-words: AI, AIaaS, edtech, education technology, personalization, price, pricing, pricing strategies, pricing models, pricing tools, pricing AIaaS, software pricing, pricing for new / Då prissättning är viktigt för en organisations marknadsstrategi, är det ett betydelsefullt område att ta hänsyn till för organisationer som erbjuder nya produkter baserade på Artificiell Intelligens as a Service (AIaaS). Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjliga prismodeller för AIaaS produkter. Studien var begränsad till edtech industrin. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan var “Vilken prismodell borde ett AI-bolag ha för att dess B2B personifieringsprodukt ska motsvara det levererade värdet ?”. Delforskningsfrågor bestod av hur uppfattat värde kan relateras till pris, vilka faktorer en organisation bör ta hänsyn till för en prismodell samt implikationerna av att implementera den. Den utforskande studien genomfördes genom en litteraturstudie, en webbenkät där Van Westendorps priskänslighetsmätare applicerades, såväl som fördjupningsintervjuer för att samla kvalitativ data. De kvantitativa resultaten visade att priskänsligheten beror av antalet månatliga aktiva användare som plattformen har, vilket visar på ett negativt samband mellan antalet månatliga aktiva användare och priset en är villig att betala per elev. De kvalitativa resultaten visade att det uppfattade värdet beror av vilket segment köparen tillhör. De primära resultaten diskuterades mot resultaten från litteraturstudien, vilka främst bestod av prismodeller för SaaS produkter, och slutade i en framtagen prismodell för AIaaS leverantörer. Slutsatsen av studien är att prissättning av en ny produkt är komplicerat eftersom köparen inte vet värdet av produkten. Det finns heller inte ett enskilt värde som kan kvantifieras och översättas till ett pris; priset måste anpassas enligt segmentets uppfattade värde. Prismodellen som presenteras tar hänsyn till justerbara variabler som en AIaaS leverantör måste utvärdera innan ett pris bestäms.

Self-branding on elite level : How female athletes use social media for empowerment

Wiebach, Stephanie January 2022 (has links)
Professional athletes use social media for many different purposes. That includes sharing personal lives, sport achievements as well as endorsements and branding activities with sponsors. Women’s professional sports gain more and more popularity which is why creating a brand around oneself becomes more important and essential to stay valuable and attractive to sponsors. Online settings have become a stage for self-presentation and social media has enabled athletes to not only share marketing content but to communicate and spread a message. Based upon Goffman’s self-presentation theory, performances and “economies of visibility”, this research aims to understand how female athletes use social media, especially Instagram, and how new media is used as a tool for empowerment and as a tool to raise awareness around social justice causes. For that, a content thematic analysis has been conducted. The sportswomen who have risen to the top level demonstrate how their sports have helped them to build self-confidence and use their power on and off the field. The result indicates that the majority of Instagram posts focus on the athletes’ personal life and backstage insights are shared as well as empowering and motivational messages. / Professionella atleter använder sociala medier för många olika syften. Det inkluderar att dela med sig av personliga livet, sportprestationer samt endossement och varumärkesaktiviteter med sponsorer. Samtidigt blir kvinnors professionella idrotter allt mer populära och det är därför det blir viktigare att skapa ett varumärke runt sig själv för att förbli värdefulla och attraktiva för sponsorer. Onlinemiljöer har blivit en scen för självpresentation och sociala medier har gjort det möjligt för idrottare att inte bara dela marknadsföringsinnehåll utan också att kommunicera och sprida ett budskap. Baserat på Goffmans teori om självpresentation, prestationer och "synlighetsekonomier", strävar denna forskning till att förstå hur kvinnliga idrottare använder sociala medier, speciellt Instagram, och hur nya medier används som ett verktyg för att stärka egenmakten och för att öka medvetenheten kring social rättvisa. Därför har en tematisk innehållsanalys utförts. Idrottskvinnorna som har tagit sig upp till toppnivån visar hur sporten har hjälpt dem att stärka sina självförtroenden och använda sin makt på och utanför idrottsplatsen. Resultatet av studien indikerar att majoriteten av Instagram-inläggen fokuserar på de kvinnliga atleternas personliga liv och att de innehåller insikter bakom kulisserna såväl som stärkande och motiverande budskap.

The Ni-Vanuatu RSE-Worker : Earning, Spending, Saving, and Sending

Ericsson, Lina January 2009 (has links)
<p>In April 2007, New Zealand (NZ) launched the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme.  The scheme allows for unskilled workers from the Pacific Islands to enjoy the benefits of seasonal work in NZ’s horticulture and viticulture industries for up to seven months at a time.  One of the articulated objectives of the scheme is to advance the effects on development in the countries of origin of the workers, for which remittances have been stressed as key-benefits. Although previous data and interviews concerning these aspects are marginal, all studies indicate clear benefits for Pacific Islanders.  In contrast, this study provides the novel insight to the individual views and perceptions of the earning, saving, spending and remittance possibilities of 23 Ni-Vanuatu RSE workers in June of 2008.  The findings indicate an absence of autonomy among the individual RSE workers to decide over and manage the spending of their respective incomes, along with negative implications on the potential for workers to send remittances while working in NZ.  Identified as the primary cause of this outcome, is the dual and simultaneous role that NZ based companies, on the one hand, can play as recruitment agents in Vanuatu, and on the other hand, as pastoral care agents in NZ.  This twofold capacity creates a middle hand situation that severely restricts the possibilities for the workers to access their wages while in NZ.  The conclusion therefore holds that, in this example of 23 Ni-Vanuatu RSE workers, the degree of remittances depends on the type of employment governing the participation of the workers in the scheme, as opposed to the individual spending and saving patterns, differences in earnings, or differences in the availability of work of each worker respectively.</p> / <p>I april 2007 så startade Nya Zeeland (NZ) sitt Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program.  Programmet tillåter lågutbildade arbetare från Söderhavsöarna att erhålla fördelaktigt säsongsarbete i NZ:s jordbruks industrier med upp till sju månader per arbetsperiod. Ett av de uttalade syftena med programmet är att avancera utvecklingen i arbetarnas hemländer, för vilket penningförsändelser från säsongsarbetet har lyfts fram som huvudsakliga förmåner. Trots att tidigare insamlad data och intervjuer som berör dessa delar av programmet är marginella, så har alla studier indikerat klara förmåner för säsongsarbetarna. Till skillnad från tidigare resultat, så påvisar denna studie nya insikter skildrade från ett perspektiv av 23 Ni-Vanuatu arbetare, och deras uppfattning om möjligheter till inkomst, sparande, och att kunna skicka penningförsändelser under en arbetsvistelse i juni 2008. Resultaten från studien pekar på en frånvaro av autonomi hos arbetarna att bestämma över hur deras inkomster skall spenderas, med negativa följder av att inte kunna skicka hem tillräckligt med pengar till sina anhöriga. Den identifierade primärorsaken till detta är framförallt den dubbelroll som NZ baserade företag, å ena sidan, kan spela som rekryterare av arbetskraft i Vanuatu, och å andra sidan, som förvaltare av arbetskraft i NZ. Denna dubbelroll skapar en mellanhandssituation som hindrar säsongsarbetarna från att tillgå sina inkomster under sin vistelse i NZ. Slutsatsen, i detta exempel av 23 Ni-Vanuatu arbetare, påvisar att nivån utav penningförsändelser beror på typ av anställningsform, istället för individuellt sparande eller spenderande av inkomster, skillnader i inkomst, eller skillnader i tillgängligt arbete för respektive arbetare.</p>

Vem var det som kom på vägen? : Bibelbruk i Britt G. Hallqvists psalmer

Ericsson, Carl Eric January 2017 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks sju psalmer som alla har text skriven av Britt G. Hallqvist (1914-1997). De sju psalmerna är ”Vem är det som kommer på vägen?” (1955), ”De skall gå till den heliga staden” (1976), ”Lär mig att bedja av hjärtat” (1970), ”Han gick den svåra vägen” (1975), ”Sackeus var en publikan” (1958), ”Ett litet barn av Davids hus” (1966) samt ”Graven ligger tom” (1970). I uppsatsen ges en bakgrund kring psalmer som fenomen och psalmerna är placerade in i en psalmbokskontext och psalmboken i en nutida kontext. Därtill är författaren, Britt G. Hallqvist, presenterad, vars psalmer är studerade i uppsatsen. Därefter är en analys av de valda psalmerna gjord, psalmerna är i sin tur jämförda med de nytestamentliga texter som är kopplade till den psalmen. I diskussionen gås alla psalmerna igen utifrån några punkter som förenar psalmerna med varandra, eller för dem längre ifrån varandra. I slutsatsen sammanfattas resultatet i analysen och i diskussionen och förtydligas vad svaret på uppsatsens frågeställning blir.

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