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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

God skiljemannased / Good Practice for Arbitrators

Lilliehöök, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Utifrån ett handelsrättsligt perspektiv har skiljeförfarandet som tvistelösningsmetod alltjämt varit att föredra. Kommersiella aktörers speciella krav på handläggningen upprätthålls med hjälp av en stark partsautonomi som möjliggör en insynsfri, snabb, effektiv och ändamålsenlig handläggning. Effektiviteten aktualiseras inte minst på grund av uppbyggnaden som ett eninstansförfarande. Ett förfarande utan en generell överprövningsmöjlighet medför vissa inskränkningar i parternas rättssäkerhet. Den inskränkta rättssäkerheten i ett skiljeförfarande anses dock kompenseras av att parterna är medvetna om förfarandets uppbyggnad och av att det står dem fritt att välja varsin skiljeman de har förtroende för. Förtroendet för såväl skiljemän som allmänna domare är en fundamental beståndsdel för respektive verksamhets fortskridande. För att bibehålla allmänhetens förtroende för domstolsverksamheten ansågs det viktigt att gemene man fick insikt i domares förhållningssätt i etiska dilemman. Det ansågs därför nödvändigt att domarkårens yrkesetik, den goda domarseden, analyserades och tydligare definierades. Trots motargumentet att det redan existerade en god etisk standard inom domarkåren, ansågs det viktigt att arbeta för att ytterligare förstärka allmänhetens förtroende. Att etik är något man har och inte något man skaffar sig med hjälp av ett regelverk ansåg inte heller eliminera behovet av att försöka definiera en överenskommen standard. Skiljeförfarandets uppbyggnad som ett insynsfritt eninstansförfarande tillsammans med en otydlig innebörd av de krav som ställs på skiljemäns etiska ansvar torde tala för ett införande av en överenskommen etisk standard även för skiljemän. Hitintills finns dock ingen synlig diskussion om yrkesetiken för skiljedomsverksamheten likt den som ansågs behövlig för domare. Det finns ingen känd etisk kravbeskrivning för skiljemän i Sverige. En kodifiering av god skiljemannased saknas, trots en befarad ökning av skiljeförfaranden och trots en svårdefinierad yrkesgrupp och avsaknaden av kompetenskrav för den. Det hade möjligtvis varit rimligt om en vägledning till innebörden av den goda skiljemannaseden funnits i svensk gällande rätt men de svenska rättskällorna ger inget tydligt svar vad gäller innebörden av en sådan sed. När rättvisa ska skipas i ett eninstansförfarande är det viktigt att på alla tänkbara sätt försöka säkra att etiska värden upprätthålls innan en slutgiltig dom meddelas. Det måste anses finnas ett allmänt intresse i att på alla sätt försöka förstärka parters rättssäkerhet oavsett val av förfarande. En kodifierad god skiljemannased skulle utgöra ett starkare preventivt skydd för ett rättvist förfarande. En etisk kod är således viktig för att bibehålla förtroendet för skiljedomsverksamheten i stort.

Socialarbetares möjligheter att stödja sexförsäljare : En intervjustudie och diskursiv analys av hur tre socialarbetare uppfattar att sexköpslagen och de yrkesetiska principerna för socialarbetare påverkar deras möjligheter att stödja sexförsäljare / Social workers' opportunities to support sex sellers

Eriksson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine social workers’ discourses about the Swedish sex purchase law and how they perceive that the sex purchase law and the social workers’ professional ethical principles affect the social workers’ ability to support people who are selling sex. This study is a discourse analytical interview study based on a social constructionist perspective. The study focuses on analyzing the interviews based upon an inductive method. The interviews are qualitative and semi-structured. The interviews were conducted by interviews with three social workers with experiences of working with people who sell sex. The central focus of the study is to analyze the social workers’ statements that are regarded as their perceptions. The statements serve as arguments that answers the purpose questions. The results show that the interviewed social workers perceive that the sex purchase laws do affect the social workers’ ability to support people who sell sex. On the other hand, they show disagreement on whether the social workers’ professional ethical principles affected the social workers’ ability to support people who sell sex.

En hotad lärarprofessionalism? : En intervjustudie om lärares möjligheter att utnyttja sin professionella kompetens

Jonasson Vangen, Maya January 2021 (has links)
Previous research which has acknowledged how New Public Management has come to deprofessionalize welfare professions, with the focus on teachers, constitutes this paper's starting point. The swedish government believes that professional skills are not being used in the public sector, and a re-professionalization is necessary to increase the quality of public services. This study aims to investigate whether it is possible to identify professionalism in occupational practice for nine teachers who are working in public schools in Uppsala Municipality, to answer whether their professional competences are being used. The result shows a fairly high degree of professionalism among the teachers in the study, with quite great opportunities to make use of their professional competences. The teachers experience potency and independence to exercise their profession within the framework of the national curriculum. The management of the schools and the municipality seem to have very little need to direct and control the teachers.

Stopp! Min kropp! : en idéanalys av lärares yrkesetik kring intergenerationell beröring vid undervisning av kontaktimprovisation i gymnasieskolan

Lindberg, Ariana January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of intergenerational touch within dance education in upper secondary schools in Sweden, focusing on contact improvisation. In this study, interviews with dance teachers in four upper secondary schools have been used to examine teachers' ideas and choices regarding intergenerational touch in contact improvisation through idea analysis. This study explores how teachers relate to the no-touch discourse and the domain-specific ideology within the contact improvisation movement. It also examines what an ethical approach to intergenerational touch in contact improvisation within upper secondary education could be. The study shows that some strategies teachers use in relation to intergenerational touch could function to downplay or adapt to the no-touch discourse, but no causality can be proven. There is also a proximity between some strategies and the domain-specific ideology within the contact improvisation movement. An ethical approach to intergenerational touch requires teachers to be aware of influences from different idea systems and to be reflexive regarding their own history and basic assumptions. It also requires teachers to get to know their students well and be sensitive to them in every moment.

Det basala bemötandet är det vitala

Plathin Rosvall, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to depict care personnel’s perception of social treatment in care relations. Another aim was to bring forth what the personnel acknowledge as important factors to reach a goal of good encounters with the elderly. Through interviews with five care assistants working at the same nursing home, three different themes were formulated in order to answer the study questions. The themes were Concerning treatment, Organized care, and Personnel force.The personnel described the social treatment as something else than just being friendly and polite when approaching the elderly. They meant that the importance was lying in the energy and the feeling you convey everyday when coming in to the ward in the beginning of the shift. Organizational issues, however, were perceived as hinders for the personnel to always be able to accomplish a desirable encounter in care relations. The most important factor that improved the conditions for a positive social treatment in care relations was the team of colleagues. Within the team they had the opportunity to reflect over work, issues, the social treatments and other problems, and also learn from each other. The most important issue that the interviewed persons emphasized is that it is not about being friendly and polite when approaching care takers. It is about being percipient and able to create a positive energy around yourself and others.Nyckelord: Bemötande, omsorgspersonal, social omsorg, äldreboende, äldreomsorg

Nya perspektiv på medieekologi : En studie av hur ekoreligiöst inspirerad epistemologi kan fördjupa journalistisk etik / Revisiting Media Ecology : Exploring the Potential of Eco-Religious Epistemology in CriticalInquiry in Professional Media Ethics

Willman, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
This thesis addresses the objective of formulating a moral-philosophically credible media ethics by encompassing two main dimensions: the examination of existing media-ethical models and the integration of sustainable arguments through utilizing eco-religious epistemology to overcome identified challenges. By incorporating eco-critical perspectives within the Media ecology tradition, which studies media as environments, the thesis proposes a creative intersection between established media theories and a theological tradition that tackles profound questions about humanity's place in the world. The initial section of the thesis analyzes moral-philosophical concepts within the media ethics frameworks proposed by three ethicists; Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson; Clifford G. Christians and Sandra L. Borden. While all three endorse universal values, they offer distinct frameworks for both understanding the ontology of universals and how these are contextualized in the journalistic community. Christians' moral epistemological theories,particularly regarding the ethics of being and Proto-norms have generated significant controversy and scholarly debate on the necessity and intellectual credibility of defending universal values in media ethics. Critical perspectives from this discourse are presented and evaluated as a complement to the analysis of Christians' media-ethical model. In exploring sustainable moral-philosophical arguments, the thesis suggests that moral claims can exhibit both universal and contextual characteristics. It suggests that a media-ethical model should integrate universal values with a communitarian perspective on journalists'moral responsibility. However, understanding the interplay between the contextual and universal dimensions of ethical values requires engaging in critical moral-philosophical theory. In addition, critical perspectives on technology and ideas of space and time need to be addressed in new ways. Thus, eco-religious epistemology, as advocated by ethicist and theologian Whitney Bauman, is proposed as a creative means to understand moral-philosophical questions regarding space/time, contextualism/universalism, and technology within media ethics.

Ett högt och ädelt kall : kalltankens betydelse för sjuksköterskeyrkets formering 1850-1933 / A High and Noble Calling : The Notion of a Calling and the Formation of the Nursing Profession

Andersson, Åsa January 2002 (has links)
This thesis describes the impact of the notion of a calling on the development of the nursing profession during the period 1850–1933. The focus of the study is on how perceptions andnotions of a calling were altered over time, and in which way this historically shaped conceptinfluenced the professionalisation of the female health care work. Some contexts of relevancefor the notion of a calling and which are emphasised in the thesis are the women’s rights movement, the expansion of the civil servants’ movement, the professionalisation and modernisationof the health care system as well as the general secularisation of society. The study consists of three parts. The first part constitutes a conceptual background tothe notion of a calling and here the Christian heritage of ideas is examined. The second partof the thesis describes three leading institutions of nursing education: the Ersta Institution ofdeaconesses (1851), the Red Cross education (1867), and the Sophia Home (1884). The study shows how Lutheran features influenced these educational institutions, mainly the educationof the deaconesses. The meaning of the calling differed between the deaconesses and thenurses of the Sophia Home. The deaconnesses’ notion of a calling emphasised the value ofhumbly serving fellow beings, whereas the Sophia Home attached more importance to theelevated and noble aspect of the calling. The third part of the thesis is the most comprehensive one. It is here analysed how the circlearound the Swedish Nursing Association (SNA), used and related to the notion of a calling during the period 1910–1933. The description is structured under four themes. The first describes how the notion of a calling expresses a particular professional ideal and an ethical attitude characterised by a Lutheran work ethics with strong altruistic features. Under the second theme, the gendered perception of the vocation is discussed. It is claimed that the nursingprofession was not unambiguously permeated by feminine gendered perceptions. Instead the nurses’ professional ideal espoused a mixture of masculine and feminine gendered metaphors.Under the third theme, it becomes clear that the nurses’ proclamation of a calling strengthened and increased the status of the profession. Under the fourth theme, the nurses’notion of a calling is related to two male professional groups, doctors and clergymen, and thepessimistic and sombre spirit of time at the turn of the century, 1900. The general secularisation of society, and the gradual modernisation of the health care sector seemed to have contributedto a need for a professional corps, marked by strong tradition, apparently considereda guarantee for a health care system that would still comprise Christian love. / Diss. Umeå : Univ., 2002

Revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer : En jämförelse / Auditors’ professional etical reasoining in lager and smaller audit firms : A comparison

Johansson, Ida, Rydberg, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Revisorer ställs ofta inför olika yrkesetiska dilemman då olika lösningar måste vägas mot varandra. Revisorns yrkesetiska regler anses då vara ett viktigt hjälpmedel. Det anses dock att ett yrkesetiskt problem inte kan lösas genom endast reglering då det är svårt att med hjälp av regler förhindra oetiskt handlande i praktiken. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan revisorer anställda i mindre- respektive större revisionsbyråer. Studien undersökte även om olika aspekter skiljer sig mellan revisorer i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer samt huruvida dessa påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte har en empirisk undersökning i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer från såväl mindre- som större revisionsbyråer genomförts. Studiens resultat påvisar att revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan mindre- och större revisionsbyråer; dock inte på grund av revisionsbyrån storlek. En slutsats som kunnat dras av studiens resultat är att revisionsklientens storlek påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. Större revisionsbyråer erhåller oftast större revisionsklienter vilket ställer högre krav på de yrkesetiska reglerna som tillämpas. / Auditors often find themselves in situations where different solutions must be weighed against each other. In such dilemmas, applying the auditors’ rules of work ethics can be helpful. It is considered that a professional ethical problem cannot be solved merely by regulation as it is difficult to solely use preventative measures to control unethical actions. The intention with the study was to investigate whether auditors professional ethical reasoning differs between auditors in smaller- or larger firms. The study has also explored the different circumstances facing auditors in smaller- and larger firms and whether these circumstances affect the reasoning of the auditors’ professional ethics. To address these questions, semi structured empirical interviews with auditors of both smaller- and larger firms have been conducted. The results suggest that auditors’ professional ethics reasoning differs between smaller- and lager firms, however, not solely because of the size of the firm; a conclusion that was drawn during the study was that the size of the audit client affects the professional ethical reasoning among auditors. Larger audit firms often hold larger audit client which increases the demand on the auditor’s professional ethic rules.

Rätt till utbildning för papperslösa barn

Alsuhairi, Josef, Elhüseyni, Cansu January 2015 (has links)
1 juli år 2013 trädde en ny skollag i kraft i Sverige. Den nya lagen ger papperslösa barn i Sverige rätt till utbildning. Detta gäller både om barnet har fått avslag av Migrationsverket på sin uppehållstillståndsansökan och om barnet lever gömt och inte sökt uppehållstillstånd. Idag har papperslösa barn rätt till utbildning men detta innebär inte att dessa barn har en skolplikt, utan det avgör barnet själv eller familjen till det papperslösa barnet om rätten ska nyttjas. Denna valfrihet leder till att flera papperslösa barn inte utnyttjar sin rätt till utbildning. Det finns flera orsaker till detta som exempelvis att många papperslösa familjer inte känner till den nya skollagen och att polisen de facto har rätt att omhänderta en papperslös elev från skolan. Då det inte existerar någon garanti för att den papperslösa elevens trygghet i skolan väljer många papperslösa familjer bort denna rättighet på grund av rädslan att barnet skall bli omhändertaget av polisen. I samband med detta har vi identifierat olika dilemman för lärare, dilemman som uppstår vid en sammanstötning mellan lärares yrkesetik och lärares lagstadgade plikter såsom anmälningsplikt. I Sverige har lärare en skyldighet att anmäla, om de misstänker eller får kännedom om att ett barn far illa skall de meddela socialtjänsten. Denna anmälningsplikt orsakar ett stort dilemma för lärare då konsekvensen av en anmälning kan bli förödande för den enskilde papperslösa eleven och dennes familj. För att få en klarare bild av lärarnas dilemman utförde vi intervjuer med olika lärare på Skånska skolor. Vid intervjutillfällena fick vi förklarat för oss att dilemmat med anmälningsplikten och skyddande av papperslösa elever är någonting som lärare fruktar. Utifrån Barnkonventionen, lärares yrkesetik, tystnadsplikt samt specifik skolsekretess kan lärare skydda den enskilde papperslösa eleven. Dock så finns rädslan kvar bland lärarna om vad som händer om en specifik situation leder till att socialtjänsten måste kontaktas. Resultatet av analysen ger en bild av att lärares yrkesetik inte är så stark som andra yrkesetiker, således kan lärare stå upp mot andra myndigheter och neka deras begäran om tillträdde på skolan. / July 1 2013 a new law entered into force in Sweden. The new Education Act gives undocumented children in Sweden right to education. This is regardless whether the child has been rejected by the Migration Board on their residence permit application and shall be rejected or if the child lives in hiding and has not applied for a residence permit. Today, undocumented children's right to education does not mean that undocumented children have a school attendance, this determines the child himself or the family of the undocumented child´s the right to be utilized. This choice leads too many undocumented children do not exercise their right to education. There are several reasons for this, such that many undocumented families are not aware of the new Education Act, but also that the police actually have the right to seize an undocumented student from school. Then there exists no guarantee that the undocumented student's safety at school, many undocumented families declines this right because of the fear of being found and cared for by the police. In connection with this issue, we have identified various dilemmas for teachers, dilemmas that arise when there is a clash between teachers' professional ethics' and teachers' statutory obligations such as notification requirements to authority. In Sweden, teachers have an obligation to notify if they suspect or become aware that a child is being abused to social services. This notification requirement causes a big dilemma for teachers as the consequence of a notification can be devastating for the individual undocumented student and their family. To get a view of the teacher's dilemmas, we conducted interviews with teachers from Skåne. In the interviews we got told by teachers that the dilemma with the notification requirements and protection of undocumented students is something that teachers fear. Thanks to the Convention of Children´s Rights, teachers' professional ethics, teacher´s obligation to observe silence and confidentiality that exists at the school, teachers can protect the individual undocumented student. However, there are fears remain in the teachers about what happens if it comes to the situation where a claim must be made to social services. The results of the analysis gave us that the teachers' professional ethics is not as strong as other professional ethics so that teachers can stand up to other authorities and deny their request for the entry of the school.

Djävulen sitter i detaljerna: Etiska överväganden bakom svenska redaktioners rapportering om gängkriminalitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ansvariga utgivare / The devil lies in the details : Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors

Hampus, Skoglund, Eric, Heller January 2024 (has links)
Abstract "The devil lies in the details": Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors. This study investigates how Swedish newsrooms, through their editors-in-chief, manage ethical considerations in reporting on gang-related crime. With a combination of qualitative interviews, literature review, theoretical framework including the Social Responsibility Theory by the Hutchins Commission and the Theory of Consequence Neutrality by Erik Fichtelius, which help understand the ethical dilemmas and processes editors face. The essay explores how editors-in-chief balance the need to inform the public with the responsibility to avoid unnecessary fear and stigmatization. The study addresses the following questions: How do editors-in-chief ensure ethical reporting on gang-related crime? What ethical considerations are made by Swedish newsrooms when choosing to report on gang-related incidents? How do societal expectations shape local newsroom reporting on gang crime? The findings reveal that editors-in-chief face significant challenges in navigating ethical dilemmas, such as avoiding glorification of criminal lifestyles and managing the potential impact of their reporting on public perception. Ethical considerations in sensitive publications are paramount, with editors carefully weighing the impact of naming and picturing individuals involved in gang crime. Editors emphasize the importance of ethical guidelines and the need for a careful, balanced approach to reporting that respects personal integrity and avoids sensationalism. The study also identifies areas for future research and development, emphasizing the importance of continuous adaptation to the evolving media landscape and societal expectations. Keywords: gang crime, media ethics, news reporting, editors-in-chief, public perception.

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