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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李珊瑩, Lee ,Shan-ying Unknown Date (has links)
由人力資源管理的觀點,員工福利是整體待遇上相當重要的一環,過去企業常以增加福利的方式作為偏低薪資的彌補,如今隨著勞動力結構的改變、員工權益的覺醒,雇主也逐漸認知到員工福利不僅能獲得稅務上優惠、以及傳達照護員工的善意,更能透過制度的完善設計,發揮其功利性價值,從而達成人力資源管理上激勵、留才的效果。 我國政府機關的待遇制度常為民間企業參考的指標,其員工福利照護完整,亦向被視為人員投入公職及趨向永業的主要因素。本研究在現行政府機關各類福利制度的比較分析中,發現各類福利給與的重覆性極高,然惟有公教住宅輔購一項,不僅在總體福利支出中增加的幅度最大,且即使員工符合申請條件,亦未必能獲得,加以住宅輔購政策既可為雇主內部管理工具,亦能補充公共福利提供之不足,極能彰顯員工福利的雙元特性,故以之為本文主要研究對象。 本研究參考Miceli & Lane的理論模型,以員工對其福利公平性的認知及員工福利的滿意度為主要構面,由組織因素(整體待遇策略、成本負擔方式)、福利管理(福利的溝通參與、參考人的資訊)、員工因素(員工屬性、需要性、功利性)、員工對福利分配公平性的認知、整體員工福利滿足感、彈性福利計畫為變項架構,分別針對中央及地方公務人員抽樣進行問卷調查,與理論相印證的結果,有如下發現: 一、多數公務員肯定員工福利在人力資源管理上的功能。而公教住宅福利制度是其認為在我國政府機關各類員工福利項目中相對較重要者。 二、員工對福利的需要性、福利的功利性、溝通和參與及參照對象的福利,是影響我國政府機關員工對整體福利和公教住宅福利滿意度的重要因素。符合理論文獻及本研究的主要觀察面向。 三、我國政府機關員工福利制度是吸引人才投入公職並且繼續留任的主要原因,但整體而言員工並不感到滿意。 四、現行公教住宅福利制度的設計是功利取向、對高官等人員有利的,此點與其他福利項目的照護取向並不相同。政府必須確認此一政策的執行目的是對於績效高者的酬償、抑或是為了照顧基層員工的需求。 五、公教住宅福利政策存在確有其必要,然辦理方式殊值檢討。或許參考日本、新加坡等成功經驗,採用儲蓄鼓勵置產或其他更符彈性福利理論規劃原則的政策工具(例如設定不同貸款額度、利率,由需要者自選、或政府利用團體的優勢與金融機構議定較佳利率和條件供公務人員選擇等),會是可行的治本之道。


黎士華 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1980年代以來,民主改革進程快速,程序性的的民主機制(procedural democracy)如公平的選舉與競爭性的政黨政治,已逐步建立,如何提昇民主品質已是朝野共同努力的續階任務。在不同的改革方向中,政策過程的公民參與以及民主審議已逐漸受到學界的重視與熱烈討論,不過目前學界主要仍停留在規範性的探討或實驗設計的階段,對於如何實踐審慎思辯式民主仍未有系統性的研究。為了落實公民審慎思辯的功能,James Fishkin提出審慎思辯式民意調查機制,希望有助於探求經過審慎思辯且具有代表性、值得聆聽的民意。為了探索審慎思辯式民意調查的操作過程以及參與者在經過深思熟慮後態度是否發生轉變,本論文嘗試透過檢閱相關文獻,引介國外實施審慎思辯式民意調查的經驗外,並以「我國是否實施募兵制」之政策議題,對國立政治大學選修軍訓課的大學部學生進行審慎思辯式的民意調查。而本論文實驗結果發現,審慎思辯的過程不但使得參與者對議題認知更清楚,同時在資訊相對充分的情況下,部分參與者的政治偏好將與資訊較為缺乏的情況下有所不同,此結果無異強化對於民眾無知的悲觀主義者論點,也就是民眾在資訊不足的情況下,其真正偏好往往受到各種環境因素的扭曲,而無法適切的表達。 故本論文主張,現階段我國可以從大都會的社區進行審慎思辯式的民意調查,因為在這些地區資訊流通較為快速,比較能進行精緻的對話;同時,可結合超然的民間團體、學術單位以及媒體的力量,針對大家共同關切而具有爭議性的議題,舉辦審慎思辯式的民意調查;最後,可利用網路民主機制,作為審慎思辯式民意調查的另一種介面與途徑。總之,不論採用哪種方式蒐集民意,唯有確實履踐審慎思辯的精神,才能還給人民在民主政治下真正的聲音與力量。


劉建宏, Liu,Jeng-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
一個組織行政人員穩定性關係著組織效能的良窳,因此教師兼行政人員的穩定性以及離職情形對學校效能有著重大的影響,再加上工作壓力及工作滿意與離職與否息息相關,因此本研究旨在探究目前桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員行政職務平均任期以及教師兼行政人員工作壓力、工作滿意和離職傾向的關係。最後作出結論和建議供教育行政機關、學校行政主管、教師兼行政人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究調查表資料以桃園縣89學年度(含)以前成立之國民中學進行普查,共計發出46份調查表,回收40份,回收率為87%,有效的調查表計33份,可用率為83%。問卷調查也以上述46所桃園縣國民中學之教師兼行政人員為資料分析對象,從桃園縣13鄉鎮市抽出33所國民中學之全部教師兼行政人員,抽取樣本共有463人,問卷回收433份,回收率為94%,有效問卷計410份,可用率為95%。在資料分析上,問卷調查資料主要用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元及逐步迴歸分析、因素分析等方法。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、桃園縣國民中學學校規模越大,教師兼行政人員平均任期越長,教師 兼行政人員離職率越低。 二、桃園縣國民中學學校歷史短,主任及組長的平均任期較長;學校歷史 短,組長平均任期較長。學校歷史長,主任及組長的離職率較高;學 校歷史長,組長離職率較高。 三、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力感受屬於中等程度,以工作 負荷壓力最高;工作滿意感受屬於中等程度,以主管領導滿意最高; 離職傾向屬於中等程度。 四、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作壓力感受上,30歲以下顯 著大於41歲-50歲、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年、未婚顯著大 於已婚、訓導(學務)處組長顯著大於教務(教導)處主任、行政年 資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、設校50年以上顯著大於設校10- 20年、20-30年、30-40年及40-50年、研究所碩士以上顯著小於師 大、師院或大學教育系畢業及一般大學院校畢業。 五、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作滿意感受上,51歲以上顯 著大於31歲-40歲、任教26年以上顯著大於任教5年以下及6-15年、學 校規模73班以上顯著大於13-36班、設校20-30年顯著高於設校10年以 下、30-40年、40-50年及50年以上。 六、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員的離職傾向,30歲以下顯著大於41 歲-50歲及51歲以上、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年及26年以 上、未婚顯著大於已婚、教務(教導)處組長及訓導(學務)處組長 顯著大於輔導室主任、行政年資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、 學校規模13-36班及37-72班顯著大於73班以上。 七、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作壓力與離職傾向關係呈顯著 正相關。 八、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與離職傾向關係呈顯著 負相關。 九、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與整體工作壓力關係呈 負相關。 十、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力的角色衝突層面對離職傾向 最具預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究的建議如下: 一、辦理教師兼行政人員職前研習及輔導制度,適時給予鼓勵、獎勵及關 懷。 二、爭取經費改善學校環境設備。 三、同性質業務合併,減少不必要的公文。 四、適量地交辦工作,減少不必要的行政程序和規定。 五、鼓勵教師兼行政人員進修學位。 六、學習壓力調適,建立良好人際關係。 關鍵字:教師兼行政人員、工作壓力、工作滿意、離職傾向 / Administrative personnel have a critical impact to the overall success of the organization; therefore, the stability and turnover situation of those teachers who also perform administrative functions (referred as administrative teachers) is very important to the school itself. In addition, the work pressure and job satisfaction have close relationship to the turnover rate, so the goal of this dissertation is to study the correlations among those length of service, work pressure, job satisfaction and turnover frequency of these teachers. Also a set of conclusions and suggestions were proposed for future study reference for education administrations, school’s management board and those administrative teachers. The survey of this dissertation was distributed to those junior high schools established prior than YR2000; total of 46 copies were sent out and received 40 back (87% of return rate) with 33 sets of completions (83%).The survey population was based on those administrative teachers among those 46 schools; sampling size was 463 teachers with 433 returns (94%) and 410 effective results (95%).For the data analytical tools: descriptive statistics,T-test,one-way-ANOVA,canonical correlation,Pearson product-mo- ment correlation,multiple regression analysis,stepwise multiple regression analysis , factor analysis were utilized. The conclusions are as follows: I. The larger the size of Taoyuan junior high schools, the length of service (LOS) is longer for those administrative teachers, and the turnover rate is lower. II. With Taoyuan junior high schools’ history being not long, the LOS of Directors and Supervisors was longer. For older schools, the LOS of Supervisors is longer, but with higher turnover rate of Directors and Supervsiors. III. The pressure level of those administrative teachers is Medium and the work load pressure tends to be the highest. The job satisfaction is Medium, and the leadership satisfaction is the highest, while the turnover tendency tends to be Medium. IV. For the overall work pressure level of those administrative teachers: 30 yrs old > 41-50 yrs old; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 yrs; single > married; student affairs supervisor > academic affairs Director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school history longer than 50 yrs > 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 yrs; master degree and above < university (college) degree V. For overall job satisfaction (for administrative teachers): age of 51 and above > 31-40; LOS greater than 26 yrs > 5/under and 6-15 yrs; school size 73 classes and more > 13-36 classes; school’s history with 20 to 30 yrs > 10 yrs and below, 30-40 yrs, 40-50 yrs, and 50 yrs above. VI. For overall turnover tendency: 30 yrs and below > 41-50 yrs old and above; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 and 26 yrs and above; single > married; academic affairs supervisors and student affairs supervisor > counseling director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school size with 13-36 classes and 37-72 classes > 73 classes. VII. Overall work pressure and turnover tendency have a positive correlation. VIII. Overall job satisfaction and turnover tendency have a negative correlation. IX. Overall job satisfaction and overall work pressure have a negative correlation. X. The job role conflict situation could be used as an indictor of future turnover tendency. Based on the conclusions of the study, the suggestions of this dissertation are as follows: I. Set up training and counseling system for administrative teachers; provide sufficient encouragement, rewards and care. II. Apply for more funds to improve the overall school environment and facilities. III. Combine similar businesses to reduce unnecessary paperwork. IV. Set up appropriate job-assigning process to reduce administrative procedures. V. Encourage continuous learning (ex. pursuing for higher degree) VI. Learn to adjust pressure and to build up good communication skills. KEY WORDS: administrative teachers, work pressure, job satisfaction, turnover tendency


劉玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在學術研究中,不少研究指出了兩性在政治定向及行為模式上有所差異,且從國內的政治社會化研究中我們發現:兩性隨著年齡的增長,其差異漸漸擴大,到了大學階段,兩者的政治知識和政治參與傾向的差異更是極為顯著,因此,本研究欲透過政治社會化理論來比較男、女兩性於政治定向和行為模式上的異同,並分別就政治社會化媒介和人格特質等因素作詳細地解釋,企圖找出能解釋個體於成年時期政治定向和行為存有性別差異的原因。   研究結果顯示,性別仍是預測大學生政治定向和行為的因素,家庭、學校和媒體等環境因素與人格特質都不是造成男、女大學生有所差異的重要原因,在日後的研究中,有必要再作其它因素的探討。但在政治參與方面,控制環境因素和人格特質後,女大學生比男大學生更積極於參與政治活動,顯然女大學生在大學時期的政治社會化經驗並不是造成她們日後政治參與低落的原因,甚至這些成年期的政治社會化歷程促使她們有較活躍的政治參與。   另外在權威性人格方面,本文有不同於以往的研究發現。研究結果顯示:權威性人格愈鮮明的男大學生,不僅內、外在政治功效意識愈低落,其政治信任感也愈低,而政治參與卻愈積極,且認同國民黨者,其權威性人格愈高。因此我們認為這是反映出男大學生對當時民進黨政府的不滿,2000年總統選舉的政黨輪替,對具有權威性人格的個體而言,民進黨執政是破壞了傳統、改變了現狀,因而使得男大學生積極於參與選舉活動,企圖改變現狀。   整體而言,影響兩性政治定向和行為模式的原因並不盡相同,日後相關的研究應針對性別作深入且個別的探討,將兩性分別視為完整的個體,以作更明確且更有意義的分析。


郭齡鞠 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文藉由行為財務學為橋樑,試圖利用法律經濟分析來檢視證券交易法的制定。結合了行為學、法律以及財務。首先利用認知心理學來介紹投資人行為偏誤的現象。整理出三項投資人處理資訊的偏誤,分別為有限注意、過度自信以及框架效果。在資本市場上投資人因為這些偏誤產生的無效率現象分別有,會計資訊解讀不完整、股價報酬產生動能現象、投資人過度交易、對公司事件宣告產生反應不足的現象、忽略資產配置的重要、處分效果以及偏好現金股利等等的現象。 而在了解行為模型對於投資人的行為預測以後,我們試著去進行法律經濟分析。行為財務學點出了效率市場假說不存在的證據,並試著以心理學的角度來解釋這些現象,但是行為財務學仍然缺乏一個良好的預測模型,它無法預測投資人何時會有反應不足,何時會有過度反應。不過行為財務學仍然提供了一些觀點值得政策制定者考慮。1.投資人偏好是不一致的,可能會因為情境改變而改變。2. 投資人只有有限的理性。3. 投資人會受到資訊揭露形式而有不同的判斷。根據這些觀點,我們以行為學的角度來分析證券交易法對於詐欺、操縱以及資訊揭露的規定。


張史寶, Chang, Shi-Bao Unknown Date (has links)
在世界文學發展過程中,有一種顯而易見、又不容忽視的現象:即某一種典型意象,在不同主題的文學作品中反復出現;某一種表現手法,在不同時代的文學作品中被有意無意的再現。即使在一些經典性的文學作品中,深刻的思想、錯綜複雜的感情,總表現在有跡可循的模式或象徵符號中,成為人類深層的經驗圖式,隱含著超越時空的永恆價值。其實,這些主題早就存在於人類生活中甚至神話傳說,並成為文藝創作特別是文學意象和象徵的一個重要泉源。在中國文學作品中普遍可見的「桃」,就是這種象徵符號。它的花開在文學的莖脈中,它的果結在信仰的枝枒上,它的根更是深深扎進民俗的土壤□。它的繁衍,不僅是初民的食物來源之一,也是人們寄寓美好奇麗想像的對象;它的成長,不僅須經歷四時寒暑風雨,也經受了千年來變動不居的文化風暴。舉凡個人的愛情、婚姻、生子與壽夭,團體的禳災、辟邪、除禍與祝禱,這些眾所熟悉的象徵與作用,都是它一圈又一圈向外擴張、深深烙印在人類文化中的年輪。本研究即試圖從神話古籍以及中國少數民族創世傳說等神話材料著手,抽繹出初民在桃身上所寄託的無意識心理,並參驗相關文學作品為佐證,檢視桃意象在中國文學中的象徵文化意涵,以呈現其跨越時空持續存在的背後力量。 / In the development of world literature, there is one phenomenon that is apparent and cannot be ignored: certain typical imagery repeatedly appears in the literary works among various topics; certain way of expressing ideology has been intentionally or unintentionally re-used in the literary works at different times in the history. Even in some classic literary works, profound thoughts and intertwining and complicate emotions are always embedded in the traceable models or symbolic symbols. This approach has become an empirically mental imagery of humankind and implicitly carried the everlasting value that transcends time and space. In fact, these themes have long been existed in the lives of humankind even in the mythology and fables. They have also become very important sources of literary invention, especially in the literary imagery and symbolization. "Peach", commonly seen in Chinese literary works, is a symbol of this symbolization. It blooms on the stem of literature, is ripe on burgeon of belief, and deeply roots in the soil of folk customs. Its gradual increase in number is not only a source of food for ancient people, but also has become the object which people will relate their wishes and imagination to. Its growth not only needs to go through four seasons, cold, hot, wind and rain, but also it has to withstand the cultural storms that are constantly changing and unstable over thousands of years. These well-known symbolizations and effects such as personal affection, marriage, delivery, birthday and death, group's praying for eliminating catastrophe, driving off evils, avoiding disasters, and benison, are all its continuous extensions and they are deeply imprinted in the growth rings in the culture of humankind. This study attempts to start with studying the literature including mythological classic books and world creation legends among China's minority races to deduce the unconscious mentality associated with the peach that antiquity has put into. We will also use evidences in literary works as a supplemental proof and study the symbolic, cultural implication of peach imagery in Chinese literary works to reveal its continuously existent and sustaining strength behind that transcends time and space. Summaries of each chapter are as follows: Chapter 1, Introduction: Research Motivation, Scope and Methodologies It starts with the motivation and steps of this research. It also defines the research direction to help effectively accomplish the objectives of this research and provide a macroscopic view of this research. The method uses "Psychological Archetype" of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) and "Literary Archetype" of Northrop Frye (1912-1991) as the base vision, and uses the literature as the primary research sources supplementing with the unearthed literature, i.e. a methodology of using multiple sources of evidences. By adopting this approach, we will identify and deduce the metaphorical role of "Peach Imagery" and explicate the profound meaning of "Peach Literature". Chapter 2, Primitive Thought and Plants Worshipping This chapter starts with the investigation of the thinking of antiquity's creation of ancient mythology to understand the principles of creating mythology and explicate the development of primitive thought (or myth thought). This will help capture the characteristics of primitive thought to facilitate the following research in the mythology and archetype. The "peach", the primary role in this research, is a holy tree second to hibiscus tree in China. Therefore, we will also investigate the consciousness of plants worshipping based on the views of ancient people's reliance on plants and the primitive thought of treating every thing to be a living being. At the same time, we zoom in the worshipping of holy trees in China to depict the origins of plant's holy and sacred imagery. Chapter 3, Deification and Mythology of Peach The creation of literary works is absolutely not an invention of any individual. Literary works should be studied in the context of entire scope of literature. The study in the literary history concludes that literature, as an organic entity, is rooted in the primitive culture: the model of initial literature must trace back to the religious ceremony, mythology and legend in ancient society. This chapter will mainly study the "peach" in the mythology. In Chinese mythology, though there is no mythology and legends centered around the peach, yet peach often shows up in activities or events associated with figures in the mythology and in some research as well. In this chapter, the author will base on a different angle of symbolization of symbols – use peach as the primary theme supplementing with figures in mythology or events – and use the method of reviewing mythology and archetype to re-investigate the mythological imagery of peach and to depict the cumulative and settling original imagery of peach in the mythology. Chapter 4, Displacement: Peach Imagery in the Poem and Literature Due to the attraction of Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Shangri-la", the "arcadia" becomes the pronoun of Chinese Utopia and has displayed strong strength of life in Chinese culture. It also deeply influences the consciousness and conducts of Chinese scholars. Though the topic of this chapter is "Peach Imagery in the Poem and Literature", the discussion will focus on the article of "Peach Blossom Shangri-la", supplementing with the literature related to "Peach Blossom Shangri-la", and continue to adopt the method of reviewing mythology and archetype to explore and reveal its implicit, inhibitive, and profound meaning. Chapter 5, Displacement: Peach Imagery in Fable and Drama Based on the angle of archetype review, the clue to induce the law of literary development and evolution is the "displacement" of the archetype. The original mythology and literature will be displaced into a new literary genre along with the progressing of the development in the society. Therefore, after investigating the origins of peach and mythology, and the "arcadia" imagery, this chapter will use more literary works – mainly focusing on novels, dramas (for example, "Journal to the West", "Peach Blossom Fan"), and fables (for example, the story of Emperor Wu of Han China and the story of Liu、Ruan) to reveal peach's model of mythology and its consciousness of archetype in the literary works, as well as how does it stimulate the collective unconsciousness: concern toward life. Chapter 6, Conclusion: Archetype of Life After investigating the symbolic implication of peach from mythology to literature, this chapter will draw conclusions of this research – using the symbolic implication of peach to depict humankind's resisting mentality against death. Even until nowadays, we still can see various cultures of symbolization appearing in the folklore events that use peach imagery. The common mentality behind may be explained as that humankind's strong denial against death over many generations and the unchanging longing for eternal life.


孫健智, Sun, Kian ti Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以戰後第一代法學期刊為史料,探討1949年至1971年這二十餘年間,民法學的發展與變遷,包括民法學的題材與論證,以及時代背景、司法實務、外國法等等因素的影響。   1950年代至1960年代初期的民法學論文,宛如甚而即是教科書抽印本。法學者主觀的認知及其客觀的功能上,期刊論文的任務與教科書相同,均是交代基礎理論。1960年代中期,民法學論文在取材上有些微的轉變,民法學研究者從外國法繼受諸多議題,如公害、生物科技、醫療糾紛、產品責任。   民法學論著中,法律論證的總體取向,係探求法律文本的原意,即「民法諸條文構成什麼樣的秩序」。詮釋性議題多源自法條文字的語意性問題,哪些文字的語意有待探究,又受到外國法影響。   在方法論上,文義、邏輯,加上比較解釋,幾乎吞沒所有解釋要素。民法學研究者尚無方法論的自覺,對價值與原則的掌握與運用也相當有限。直到1960年代中後期,戰後第二代法學者開始明確指出應保護之利益,惟尚未在所舉案例中,具體衡量當事人的利益。   在國共內戰的時代背景下,法律人以「法秩序至上」的觀點看待世界,他們熱烈地談論政治議題,卻對社會議題冷漠。對於前者,法律人僅重申既存法秩序,但後者要求新秩序的創造,法律人無能為力。法律詮釋對秩序的渴求是此一背景的產物,這樣濃厚的政治意味,也使法學各部門受到的關注與其政治色彩成正比,民法學相對不受重視,甚而被邊緣化。 根據當代的標準,當時民法學界與民事審判實務之間,關連薄弱。回應實務見解本非期刊論文的主要題材,實務見解的引述亦多用於佐證,而非為檢討、批評而引用。當時法學界對司法實務的關切,本非檢衡量其適切性,而在提出法規操作的準則;此外,法學界缺乏溝通的平台,法學者缺乏溝通的意願與能力,加上保守的高等教育政策,使外於實務的法學社群既小且弱,難與實務界平行對話。民法學既已邊緣化,相較於刑事法,其取材更為單調。   比較法觀點在民法學中佔據支配地位,而此觀點之運用,是法律繼受工程的延續。在論著題材上,為求與外國法的架構對應,期刊論文多按體系切割題材;1960年代中後期,議題取向的論著亦是外國法影響的產物。在法律詮釋上,包括比較法解釋在內的比較法觀點,支配著民法學論文的議題與論證。   民法學研究者透過外國法認識本國法,藉由外國法鑑別本國法上的議題,從外國法借來議題,並利用外國法既有的成果,解決本國法各種疑難雜症。但比較法觀點的操作,仍藉助文義與邏輯,價值與理念則退居其次,甚或消失。方法論的貧乏使民法學研究者沒有充分認知本國法,間接致使比較法觀點的誤用。


陳言熙 Unknown Date (has links)
本體論的目的在表達一個大家能共用分享的概念,且為知識表達的重要基礎,可用來協助電腦搜尋、交換資訊及了解文字。本體論的應用使網路上的資源都能夠透過電腦明確的被定義出來,使機器透過本體論語言的描述,了解自然語言,加強資料檢索效率並達到知識共享的效果。 本體論建置的困難點主要是有太多不同專業領域的領域本體知識需要被定義,所以非常的耗力費時。為了加強建置效率,需要依賴系統化的方法論來進行建置本體工程,並驗證其品質。 為了使電腦能夠理解人類語言,許多研究者透過文字探勘技術發展能讓電腦理解的電子詞典,經過分析後將詞典中的詞彙連結成語意網絡,並將語意網路將應用於各種不同的研究領域。 因此,本研究嘗試利用文字探勘技術協助建置本體知識,而結論包含可利用文字探勘技術半自動化的協助建置公司治理議題詞庫、語意網路,及以公司治理語意網路作為建置本體知識的基礎,並經由建置方法的提出,將語意網路轉化為公司治理本體知識。 / The purposes of ontology are offering reusable and sharable concepts, and being the base of knowledge representation. It serves a smart way of information searching and exchanging, the resources on internet can easily defined, and computer can understand people’s natural language by the application of ontology, improving the efficiency of data indexing. In order to let computer understand natural language, many researchers have worked hard on electronic lexicons containing computer’s logic through text mining technology, by analyzing lexicons for finding out relative vocabularies and connecting them into a semantic network. Therefore, this research try to utilize text mining technology to support on ontology engineering, the results are developing a text mining technology to support the building of corporate governance’s lexicon and semantic network semi-automatically, and take corporate governance semantic network as the bases of ontology engineering, and introduce a method to turn semantic network into corporate governance ontology.

承銷方式.投資者意見差異與上市績效 / IPO method,divergence of opinions and the performance

吳筱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文係以台灣新上市股票作為研究對象,欲檢驗「投資者意見差異變數」 對於股票長短期績效之解釋能力,使用相似之「投資者意見差異變數」,是否同樣可以合理解釋台灣新上市股票市場的現況,台灣的實證是否同樣支持Miller所提出的假設。並進而探討在不同承銷制度下,是否會影響「投資者意見差異變數」對於上市績效之解釋能力與影響方向。 研究使用「蜜月期天數」、「買賣價差百分比」與「新股蜜月期間周轉率」三者作為「投資者意見差異程度」之代理變數,研究結果發現:此三變數在排除公司特性、發行市場現況等控制變數的影響部分之後,其餘無法被控制變數所解釋的部分,確實對於新上市股票之長短期報酬具有解釋能力,且各意見差異變數與新股短期報酬率之間存有正向關係,而與一年至三年之長期持有報酬率間存有反向關係,此研究結論相當支持Miller假設,除此之外,研究並發現:不同新股承銷制度不會顯著地影響投資者意見差異程度,且若使用公開申購與競價拍賣兩種不同的新股配售方式,僅會影響「投資者意見差異變數」與「新股長期報酬」的影響程度與方向。 / This paper focus on the Taiwan’s IPOs and tries to test the direct relationship between “ divergence of opinions ” and “ the short- run and long- run performance of the initial public offerings (IPOs). ” We use several similar variables to explain the situation of Taiwan’s stock market and find out if data can support the Miller’s hypothesis. Besides, we want to discuss the relationship between “ IPO method ” and “ divergence of opinions ”. We check that different IPO method will have influence on the explanatory power of the “ divergence of opinions”. We use three different variables:“ the number of the honey moon date”, “ the percentage of bid-ask spread ” and “ the turnover rate during the honey moon” as the proxies of the divergence of opinions. The research result finds out that three proxies can truly provide significant explanatory power of the short-run and long-run performance of the IPOs after controlling for issue quality. The results support Miller ( 1977 ), who suggests that greater divergence of opinions or uncertainty about an IPO can generate short-run overvaluation and long-run underperformance. In other words, the divergence of opinions have positive relationship with the initial return and negative relationship with the long run holding period return of IPOs. Besides, the two IPO method ( fixed-price offerings and discriminatory auction ) will only change the long run relationship.


謝宗翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究世貿展場中以showgirl為促銷策略的運作方式與細節,試圖解讀隱藏於showgirl現象背後的意識形態結構,從而對以性訴求為主要說服策略的商業與消費行為提出批判。 本文回顧歷年相關報導與研究發現,showgirl逐漸從過往單純的產品解說員變成訴求性感、分飾多角的3C展場焦點,乃隨廠商需求、消費習性與社會文化而變遷。而雖然性訴求策略仍難斷言其效果,訴求性感的showgirl活動仍被3C廠商普遍採用,並且呈現出刻板單一的性感女性形象。 為了深入剖析展場showgirl活動,本研究援用Saussure提出的毗鄰軸/系譜軸分析法,以及Barthes的意識形態分析,針對所收集之五個個案中十七個足以代表3C展場showgirl活動樣貌的事件,進行深入的解讀。研究發現,3C展場活動的敘事符號結構,重點其實就是以穿著暴露的showgirl來貫串整個敘事脈絡,一切的目的在以性感、性化、提供性想像的showgirl作為酬庸,換取男性消費者的駐足參與,從而將showgirl物化為感官消費的商品,以順利達成廠商的銷售目標。 據此,本研究對3C展場showgirl活動提出兩項批評:(一)廠商在缺乏仔細思考下挪用性訴求說服策略於3C展場,反而將真正重要的產品利益與消費者需求邊緣化;(二)以男性消費者為目標的性訴求策略,枉顧女性消費者權益,也枉顧不關注showgirl活動的男性消費者,並將所有男性視為同質性的群體,如此偏狹的性別認知及其所造成的消費者歧視,無論對兩性與社會,都是深刻的傷害。 / This research aims to explore the function and details of “showgirls as a marketing strategy” in Taipei World Trade Center. The goal is to interpret the ideology structure hidden behind the showgirl phenomena, and to criticize adopting “sex appeal” as a persuasion strategy of consumption. Relating news reports and researches point out that the role of showgirls alters from simple product narrator to eye-catching sexy babe in 3C mall, which results from the demand of suppliers, consumption habits and social culture. Though the effect of sex appeal has not been proved yet, sexy showgirl activities still prevail, while the showgirls are molded into the stereotype of sexy female image. In order to interpret the showgirl activities in World Trade Center, Saussure’s syntagm and paradigm and Barthes’ ideology analysis are applied to seventeen cases out of five core events that can sketch the showgirl incidents. The research indicates that the whole point of the 3C mall narrative structure is the half-naked showgirls, and the purpose is to present these sexy, sexual and sexually-imaginative showgirls as rewards for male consumers’ attention and gaze. Showgirls are so objectified as products of sensuous consumption to achieve the sales-volume goal. Therefore, the research offers two criticisms regarding the showgirl activities in 3C malls: 1. the suppliers adopt sex appeal persuasion strategy without thorough consideration, which results in the marginalization of product benefits and consumer needs. 2. Aiming at the male consumers, the sex appeal strategy disregards the interactions of female consumers and also those male consumers who are not attracted by showgirls. Neglecting the variation of male consumers, such a narrow gender definition and the discrimination towards consumers does a serious damage to both sexes and the society.

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