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反饋法則下財政政策之總體效果 / The Macroeconomic Impact of Fiscal Policy with Feedback on Debt莊汜沂, Chuang, Szu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究亦透過『效準』實驗以評估模型『配適度』之良窳,即便於反覆疊代法下,該模擬表現係瑕瑜互見而不盡完美,卻也大抵符合景氣循環之『典型化特徵』;然就實質景氣循環模型所為人詬病之勞動市場一隅而論,引進公債之反饋法則下的財政政策操作,無疑地改善了傳統工時與工資率動輒高度正相關之本質,從而獲致相對較低之理論相關係數,亦朝實證資料所呈現工時與工資率存在幾近零相關甚或低度負相關之表徵更邁進一大步。 / With current financial difficulties beyond government capability, it is inevitable that the already deep-in-debt Taiwan opted for momentary relief by paying debt through debt financing and ended up in an infinite loop, causing spiral-down performances in government policies and faulty operations of social welfare instruments. Taiwan has been on the verge of reaching the statutory upper limit of debt financing according to “The Public Debt Act” regulations and all nationals are becoming anxious about such impacts as crowding out of short-run government spending, levying of distorting taxes, and damages on long-run economic growth.
To better understand the debt’s impacts, this research uses the “Real Business Cycle Model” extended by taking government treasury agency and monetary institution into account. Starting with Money In Utility Function (MIUF) as proposed by Sidrauski (1967) to introduce real money balance into the theoretical model and, in the process of econometric manipulation, to detect empirical governmental policy functions in the period between the first quarter, 1971 and the fourth quarter, 2007, it is not hard to discover that there are considerable persistence in both government purchases and tax rates, with manifestation of certain degree of responses to the total amount of outstanding bonds the government has yet to pay. In other words, a governmental bond financing policy designed to render high initial bonds outstanding tends to cause suppression and crowding out of government spending in current and even later periods. Furthermore, the government is bound to plan on raising taxes in the future in order to cut financial deficit gap caused by paying back the principles and interests of the debt. Therefore, this study focuses on presenting the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policies and monetary policies, as well as the dynamic adjustment processes of macroeconomic variables based on the impact of feedback effect of bonds outstanding on government spending and tax rates. Even thought public bonds issuance or debt financing serves as a governmental fiscal instrument for financial turnover to ensure flexibility of fiscal policies, our model shows that the government should, from a long-run perspective, maintain a stable amount of bonds outstanding. Put in a different way, the level of bonds outstanding shows “mean-reverting” characteristics which rely on future government spending cut, distorting tax adjustment and seigniorage financing policy to achieve balance of budget. As a result, such setup would cause the bond-financing backed tax deduction policies to create practical effects on economies and, as the bond financing instruments are “Non-Neutrality” policies, would render the “Ricardian Equivalence Theorem” invalid in our model.
In the policy aspect, this study tries to relax both “feedback rules” and setup of policy parameters for investigating the differences between long-run and short-run effects on the economy by different degrees of changes in government spending, tax rates and even money supply channels which are used to balance the fiscal deficit caused by increased bond issuance. This article also studies, through the impulse response function, the policy propagation mechanism and the dynamics of key macroeconomic variables under the situation of government spending increase, tax deduction and monetary expansion. It is obvious that the government, in the case of high debt ratios and when making all endeavors to spur economy by implementing macroeconomic policies aimed for instant results, is accustomed to seeking quick fixes only to achieve very limited effects, sometimes even to drive the economy into further recession. It is therefore evident that fiscal degradation could lead to economic disaster. Moreover, as the monetary policies have certain degrees of influence on real variables of the economy, this model will not be able to clearly analyze the “neutrality of money” in such a short period of time. The effect will only reveal in the long run. In summary, the government should keep “sound finance” as the highest guiding principle and be extremely cautious in formulating policies in order to weigh all pros and cons discreetly, thus help to achieve a benefiting economic performance that generates more confidence.
Furthermore, this study assesses “goodness of fit” of the model through a “calibration” experiment. Although the simulation results show, under recursive method, intermingled good and poor occasions that are beyond satisfaction, they generally agree with the “typical characteristics” of business cycles. However, in the aspect of long-criticized labor market of the real business cycle model, the fiscal policy operation under feedback rules with introduction of public debts for sure has greatly improved on the conventional intrinsic property of high correlation between labor hours and real wage rates, by delivering a relatively low theoretical correlation coefficient, which is a big step towards the empirical results of almost zero or even weakly negative correlation between labor hours and real wage rates.
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我國選務機關組織與功能之研究劉明堅, Liu, Ming-Jian Unknown Date (has links)
的 途徑。
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青年創業與輔導制度之研究陳松柏, Chen, Song-Bo Unknown Date (has links)
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政府與私部門防治支出、環境政策制定以及環境顧志耐曲線賴靜瑤, Lai , Ching-yao Unknown Date (has links)
為解決經濟發展過程伴隨的污染問題,常可見到政府和私部門一同投入防治工作,Pearce and Palmer (2001) 發現OECD國家隨著經濟成長,政府逐步提高公共防治支出,而且各個國家私部門的防治投入仍然佔有相當比重。Seldon and Song (1994)、Antle and Heidebrink (1995) 和Komen et al. (1997) 等實證文獻曾提出「倒U字型」EKC成立的原因可能來自環境財為奢侈財,使得經濟成長過程中公共防治投入快速增加,污染才會逐步減少。雖然Pearce and Palmer (2001) 實證OECD國家公共防治投入的所得彈性確實大於1,可是Kriström and Riera (1996) 發現許多國家對環境品質改善之願付價值的所得需求彈性值介於0到1之間,環境品質實為正常財而非奢侈財。鑒於相關實證資料的矛盾,本文從政府公共防治決策過程,了解環境品質所得需求彈性與公共防治投入所得彈性大於1的關聯,以連結環境品質所得需求彈性與EKC成立的關聯。本文證明無需奢侈財的偏好條件,而僅需環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得提高,消費者對環境品質的主觀願付價格高於客觀代價,模型預期政府將不斷提高防治費率,平均所得水準和防治費率同步增加,公共防治投入的所得彈性必定大於1,污染量終會減少並趨向於零。
實證研究指出並非所有種類污染物的污染水準與平均所得關係,一定呈現「倒U字型」關係,而過去理論模型單從消費者對於環境品質偏好條件,或是單從污染物防治技術是否具備規模報酬遞增,仍不能完全解釋不同污染物與所得關係的差異性。本文強調必須將經濟成長帶動所得分配變化對污染的間接效果納入,有助於釐清不同種類污染物與所得關係的差異性。首先,所得分配固定不變而平均所得提高,只要滿足環境品質偏好為正常財,以及防治技術滿足規模報酬遞增或固定,平均所得對污染的直接效果為「倒U字型」。再則平均所得固定不變時,只要消費者對環境品質的偏好為正常財(而非奢侈財),所得分配改善,經由多數決投票決定均衡費率反而調降,污染隨之增加。考量高所得國家經濟成長帶動所得分配改善 (即顧志耐曲線存在) 的間接效果,不同污染物面對相同的所得分配變化,唯一的差異僅是防治技術的不同。防治技術之規模報酬遞增並不保證平均所得對污染的淨效果為「倒U字型」,而必須該污染物防治技術之規模報酬指數很高,直接效果大到足以抵銷間接效果,淨效果才可能為「倒U字型」。
另外,本文探討為何世界各國普遍有公私部門同時投入防治的現象,以及研究公共防治支出對私人防治投入產生排擠或排入效果的機制。模型發現無論政府和私部門的防治要素是否為互補要素 (complementary inputs) ,政府和私部門的最適防治投資都不為零。假若私部門增加設備無關乎提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治增加,將對私人投資產生排擠效果。假若私部門增加設備可以提升公共防治設備之效能,公共防治對私部門防治投資可能產生排擠效果或排入效果,端看該國對於環境品質的重視程度。
政府環境政策制定與私部門防治投資決策的互動息息相關,環境政策的成效實有賴私部門是否願意配合投入防治設備。一旦公共支出對私人投資具排入效果,政府傾向事前宣布較高費率,期望刺激私人投入防治,待事後私人已經投入防治設備,政府則有誘因調降費率。反之,假若公共支出對私人投資具排擠效果,則政府傾向事後再調高費率。只要政府落實事前宣布政策,在符合實證支持的技術條件,污染與平均所得的關係為「倒U字型」的環境顧志耐曲線 (Environmental Kuznets Curve, 以下簡稱EKC) ,若缺乏機制督促政府落實事前宣布政策,且消費者理性預期政府背離意向,當動態一致性 (dynamically consistent) 費率低於事前宣布政策的費率,則執行動態一致性費率所對應的EKC將高於政府確實執行事前政策之EKC;若動態一致性費率高於事前宣布的費率,環境政策的動態不一致反而使得EKC降低。
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丹麥與歐洲聯盟:兩層次賽局分析廖宗山, Liao, Zhong-shan Unknown Date (has links)
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政府機構轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程 / Adopting and Implementing IT infrastructure: A Case Study of the Transformation Process in a Government Agency汪其芬, Wang, Chi-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用個案研究法,觀察經濟部國際貿易局這個成功案例如何進行資訊科技基礎設施的轉換。該個案有幾個特徵:一、政府機構;二、面臨內外危機及電子化政府的壓力;三、採行的技術策略,對組織而言是一種全面性、突破性(Radical change)的改變,技術無法累積,必需重新學習。
本研究發現,轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程無法以單一的歷程模式加以描繪。轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程涉及一組相關問題的解決,通常在大眾印象中多只看到硬體設施的建置及導入,極易忽略真正困難的問題在於人員觀念的轉變與不斷的學習。由於這些隱藏的問題,整個歷程會出現一些意想不到的狀況。本研究可作為實務界導入資訊科技基礎設施、組織變革及組織創新的參考;對於涉及長達七年轉換歷程的資料,還可以提供未來學術界研究之基礎。 / Adopting and implementing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure , like the removing already-built premises for reconstruction, involves a comprehensive and massive conversion. Less than two years before the Y2K crisis, when the Microsoft platform had not been fully developed, there were only a few successful cases of domestic IT infrastructure adoption and implementation. Moreover, Internal personnel of organization was not proficient with the related technology, and IT department was not able to effectively handle the issues; however , top management adopted a strategy of IT infrastructure conversion by switching the mainframe to Local Area Network servers and then re-developing all the application information systems. How did they successfully implement this strategy amidst such a massive re-engineering, and with high-risk information technology ?
In reality, IT infrastructure adoption and implementation involves extremely broad and complicated levels, including hardware, software, procedures, systems, personnel, and so on. Machines and equipment can be updated at once, but the core application information systems installed on new machines and equipment must be sequentially developed and adjusted. To achieve the desired effects, people especially, need to change their ways of thinking and learn constantly if they want their equipment, systems, and system standards to be aligned with the needs and business goals of the organization. However, results cannot be achieved in a short time. Therefore the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process needs to be studied longitudinally. With respect to time, we can see the impact of IT infrastructure adaptation on organizational changes and its interactive association.
This study uses the case study approach to observe how the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan has successfully adopted and implemented IT infrastructure. This case is characterized by the following properties: (1) It is a government organization; (2) It encountered internal and external challenges and pressure to launch an “e-Government;” and (3) It used technological strategies, which are comprehensive and radical changes to organization, so that the technologies involved were unable to be accumulated and needed be relearned.
As it is a very long and complicated process to adopt and implement IT infrastructure, this article uses a general research framework (consisting of contents, context, and processes), supplemented by “problem solving”, to systematically describe the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process. Moreover, with the hope of properly controlling the information for this research, three major issues are described and analyzed: (1) How to formulate and implement strategies; (2) How to integrate and apply information; and (3) How to transform the information system department and its personnel.
Additionally, the characteristics of a transformation process can be studied using the organizational process model derived by Chiang Chi-ku (1999), comprising of a planned model, an adaptive model, and an emergent model. This organizational process model studies the properties and differences of these three process models using the two components of “problem solving” —“goal setting for problem solving” and “status control and resource allocation.” Moreover, this article also studies the roles played by the problem solvers (i.e., top management, information manager, and the executive team) in these processes and their effects.
According to the findings of this study, the process of adopting and implementing IT infrastructure can’t be described as a single process. Moreover, it involves solutions to a series of related problems. Generally speaking, most people only recognize the construction and implementation of hardware, but easily disregard the real difficulty in personnel’s conceptual change and constant learning. Due to these hidden problems, some unexpected conditions may appear throughout the transformation process. Hence, this research can be taken as a reference for the business sector in adopting and implementing of IT infrastructure, organizational change, and organizational innovation. Moreover, it can also provide the basis for future academic research of the data involving a seven-year-long adaptation process.
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修憲後我國監察制度與芬蘭國會監察使制度之比較分析李文郎, Lee,Wen-Lang Unknown Date (has links)
監察制度(control system)是民主體制中重要的監督機制,主要的功能是監督行政和保障人權,隨著第三波民主化的發展,從一九八0年代開始,監察使制度(ombudsman system)快速擴散至全世界,形成一股「監察風潮」(Ombudsmania)。在民主國家中,我國與芬蘭都是實施監察制度較悠久的國家,僅次於瑞典。無獨有偶,兩國都在一九九0年至二000年進行一連串的憲政改革,修憲後我國政府體制從修正式的內閣制(Parliamentarism)轉變為半總統制(Semi-Presidentialism),而芬蘭則從典型的半總統制傾向議會內閣制。同時在憲政改革的過程中,兩國的監察制度也都有許多的變革。
本文是從權力分立原則(Doctrine of Separation of Powers)、有限政府(Limited Government)和第四權(The Fourth Branch of Power)概念等監察理論作為法理基礎,並以法制研究途徑(Legal-Institutional Approach)和新制度主義(New Institutionalism)作為分析架構,從靜態的法制層面和動態的運作層面,探討我國的監察制度和芬蘭的國會監察使制度,以及兩國在二000年憲政改革之後的運作情況,以瞭解兩國制度之特色及優劣,並且針對中、芬兩國基本國情、監察制度的基本差異、制度與制度變遷、實務運作與案件、實施成效等幾個面向來作分析比較,剖析其間之異同及其原因。
最後,筆者針對以上缺失,分別從監察院的定位、組織規模、監委選任、特殊監察使的設立、監察院的職權、監察院的預算、人權保障、與外界互動、對監委的監督等幾個面向,提出具體改革之建議。 / The control system is an important mechanism in democracy to supervise administration and to protect human rights. Since 1980, with the development of the third wave democratization, the ombudsman system rapidly disseminate to all parts of world, forming the phenomenon of “Ombudsmania”. Among the democratic countries, the control system has been carried out for long in both ROC and Finland, only shorter than Sweden Coincidently, both countries underwent a series of constitutional reform during 1990 to 2000. Thereafter, ROC transformed from the revised Parliamentarism to the Semi-Presidentialism, while Finland turned from the classical Semi-Presidentialism to the parliamentarism. The control systems of both countries have also changed a lot during the constitutional reform.
Based on the control theories including concepts of Doctrine of Separation of Powers, Limited Government, and The Fourth Branch of Power as the legal basis, this article utilized the Legal-Institutional Approach and the analysis constructs of New Institutionalism to explore the ROC’s control system and parliamentary ombudsman system of Finland, as well as their operation after the post-constitutional reform in 2000, from the static legislative level and the dynamic operational level. This provided understanding of the characteristics and evaluations of the systems in both countries. Moreover, we focused on the aspects of the essential differences in cultures and in the control systems, the evolution of the systems, the functioning, the cases, and their outcomes to analyze the reasons for the differences between the two systems.
Furthermore, based on the international comparison and the success experience in parliamentary ombudsman of Finland, the conditions required for successful practice of the control system was involved: (1) establishment of the authority of the ombudsman, (2) the independent, neutral, and professional characteristics, (3) The national integrity system, (4) the support and cooperation of the parliament, (5) The respect of the politicians to the ombudsman and to the control system, and (6) The well-established interaction between the ombudsman and the outside. Further evaluation found the major problems in the present control system in ROC, including (1) lack of the substantial independence, (2) not established authority, (3) the incapability of some Control Yuan members, (4) the necessity to improve the functions of the Control Yuan, (5) the deficiency of marketing and of interaction with the outside.
Finally, for the weakness mentioned above, I proposed the concrete recommendation for reformation, from the aspects of the position of the Control Yuan, the dimension of the organization, the election of the committee members, the establishment of specific Ombudsman, the powers and the budgets for the Control Yuan, the protection of human rights, the interactions with the outside, and the administrations of the committee members.
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中國大陸金融改革對銀行業經營績效的影響---兼論台商大陸投資績效問題 / The effects of China’s banking reforms on banks’ performance呂青樺, Lu,Chin Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
第三個主題探討我國上市櫃公司不同的對外與大陸投資決策對母公司獲利性的影響。本文將投資決策對公司獲利的影響視為內生,也就是投資決策受公司特性因素的影響。同時,我們進一步假設公司的投資決策是分兩階段完成,第一步會先決定是否進行海外投資,一旦確定後,再決定是否赴大陸投資。因為有兩層的投資決策,本文以延伸的Heckman’s Two Stage Method進行估計。
實證結果顯示,在投資決策的影響因素方面,對第一層赴海外投資而言,規模愈大、國際化程度愈高、愈勞力密集的公司愈傾向赴海外投資;對第二層赴大陸投資的決策,影響因素也類似,只是公司規模不再是重要影響因素。至於獲利的影響因素方面,第一類「赴大陸投資的公司」與第二類「未赴大陸但赴其他國家投資的公司」的利潤型態較類似,長期負債對獲利都有負向顯著影響,總資產也傾向負向影響,至於第三類「未從事任何海外與大陸投資公司」的利潤型態則與前兩類不同,總資產與研發支出都呈現顯著負向影響。而三類公司的績效比較部分,第一類公司的平均預期資產報酬率雖若高於第二類,第二類公司又高於第三類公司,但三類公司兩兩之間平均預期資產報酬率的差距並未達統計上的顯著性。 / This dissertation contains three main parts. The first part studies the effects of government owned share on Chinese banks’ performance. After a series of financial reforms in the 1990s, joint stock commercial banks and city commercial banks started to boom and play an increasingly important role in China’s banking industry which had previously been monopolized by four state-owned commercial banks. These two new bank-types are considerably more diversified in that the primary shareholders include the central government, local governments, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, not just the central government. Using 49 Chinese banks’ financial data retrieved from Bankscope, this part examines the effect of different ownership structures, in general, and government-owned-shares, central vs. local, in particular, affect the profitability and risk of banks in China. It also compares the profitability of four types of banks, namely state-owned banks, policy banks, joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks. We conclude that, without equivocation, the higher the ratio of state-owned shares is, the worse is the profitability of the bank. And we also note the profitability of joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is much better than that of state-owned and policy banks.
In light of the ever-growing foreign competition facing Chinese banking industry, the second part expands the sample banks to World’s top 100 banks and studies the differences between Chinese banks and foreign banks from the respects of ownership structure, government governance and bank regulations. Our empirical results reveal that for both Chinese banks and top 100 banks, government owned share has a negative effect on banks’ profitability, while foreign owned share has an opposite effect. For both of them, the more the foreign institutions have access to the banking market and the more freedom the banking industry enjoys, the better the bank performs. For Chinese banks, lesser corruption helps strengthen foreign share’s positive effect on banks’ performance. Furthermore, higher transparency would increase the positive effect of government owned share and domestic owned share.
The third part studies the profitability of Taiwan’s listed companies with and without investment in China. Unlike past studies which deal with the decision of investment in overseas and China as exogenous, the decision is endogenous in this paper. That is, the decision making is based on the firm’s characteristic factors. We further assume that there are two hierarchy decisions made by firms when they decide in investing in overseas and China. The first decision is whether it should invest overseas. Once the first decision is made, the next one is whether a firm should invest in China. This two decision model, which allows us to extend Heckman’s two-step method, is referred to as an extended-Heckman method in this paper.
Our empirical results regarding the determinants of investing overseas and China are as follows. With respect to the investment in overseas, firm size and export ratio show positive influence on the decision of investment, while capital labor ratio shows negative effect. Next, with respect to the investment in China, determinants are similar except that firm size is no longer significant. Our results regarding the profit performance reveal that for ‘the firms with investment in China’ and ‘the firms without investing in China, only investing other countries’, long term liability ratio has a significantly negative impact on profitability, whereas total asset, R&D expenditure show a negative effect on profitability for ‘the firms without investing overseas, nor investing in China’. As for the performance comparison among firms of these three investment types, the differences are insignificant. This result implies that there are still considerable individual differences among the firms of the same investment type.
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民間參與國民教育興學法制之研究--以特許學校為中心朱敏賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之法學分析途徑,除藉由比較法之觀察外,並以我國憲法及行政法規範體系作為論述基礎,試圖開發我國國民教育法及特許學校法制之原理原則,以作為目前相關立法草案之參考,及期望有助於我國相關類型學校興辦之完善。 / A Charter School’s Research of Law Institutions in None-Governmental Participant in Education
School education is an organized social system for nations human resource cultivation, which has becomes the most fiercely criticism in present though. Besides, the ideal of transformation under the influences of latest New Liberalism, has been approached the debate of institutional reform in public school in consequences. So, our thesis applied some methodologies such as laws, economics, public administrations, pedagogies and some other knowledge domains, primary focusing on public and private sectors’ collaboration issues, enabling to create a win-win outcome as prospect, and discussing the latest cooperation model for non-governmental participant in education.
In fact, public school transformation model in theory and practice for educational reform is already advanced. However, American Charter School System, appraised as a successful transformational type of public school, is supported by new law institutions of Federal and many other states in recent years. Through its decretal deregulation may permit competent authority’s establishers who privately participate in public school establishment with “brain-gaining” experts, competitive concept, independence, selection, accountability and other mechanisms by using Charter.
Therefore, a new typical educational system conferred the environment school establishment in more plural and creative way is arised. Our thesis adduced from a successful establishment of American Charter School’s experience before acdemic fields and competent authorities of education implementing the law institutions. In addition, in order to consider the difference of educational environment or culture background, selecting the appropriate pedagogy for country is the first priority we expected.
Finally, as a reference for related legislation and expectation to support school establishment, we are not only using a comparison method for extensional observation, but also trying to develop a pattern for nations’ pedagogy and Charter School institution.
Charter School, Nations Education, non-government education, public school, New Liberalism, Cooperated Nations, Public Private Partnership, the third route, educational reform, transformation of organizing, deregulation, Privatization, parents’ educational right, parents’ right to choose, elasticity, plural principle, neutrality principle, relenting principle, municipal governance, administrative contract, performance doctrine
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政府採購法工程爭議處理制度之研究李玲瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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