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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

醫療器材業自有品牌合作模式之研究-以個案公司為例 / Study of the Brand Cooperation Model in Medical Device Industry: A Case Study

李永川 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化價值鏈垂直分工的趨勢下,台灣企業大多扮演的是代工角色,但在低價競爭的模式下,代工產業必須考慮下一階段轉型策略思考,而品牌經營的轉型是目前許多代工廠商期待的策略方向。本研究以居家照護醫療器材領導廠商的立場,由品牌推廣的角度思考以策略聯盟合作進入新市場/新產品,並針對以下問題進行研究:  1. 在自有品牌經營型態的架構下,進入市場的策略計畫為何?  2. 為達到策略計畫的目標,如何選擇當地的合作對象與合作模式?  3. 如何評估合作模式之成效?   首先藉由外部產業分析、內部資源能力評估,確認這個新市場是否能夠符合企業成長的需求,規劃新產品進入新市場的產品定位及行銷策略。再以SWOT分析進行整合,找出環境之主要威脅且企業資源不足之處,以策略聯盟合作方式予以彌補。針對合作對象的選擇,主要考量本身對於夥伴的條件需求、對方與本身合作的動機、與此策略聯盟合作是否能夠符合雙方需求而定。並擬定策略聯盟合作的目標,以雙贏的4P行銷策略,相互提供知識基礎的資源,作為主要合作模式。最後以量化指標檢視是否達成原訂目標。   本研究藉由理論於實務上的應用,希望能發揮具策略性思考的價值,並且提出一具體可行的合作模式,協助廠商進入新市場並推廣與建立品牌。

多國籍企業在中國大陸投資行為之比較研究 / Comparative Analysis of Multinational Enterprise's Investment Behavior in Mainland China

郭淑瓊, Kuo, Shu-Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化發展與區域整合的大趨勢下,多國籍企業在世界上的地位是越來越重要,掌握兩岸加入WTO後的大陸外資政策變化、瞭解中國大陸市場開放趨勢、進行臺灣與美日多國籍企業進攻大陸市場策略聯盟評估、以及實證多國籍企業在大陸投資行為所衍生的機會與挑戰等,爰為本文之目的。   本研究從多國籍企業在中國大陸投資的歷史進程與發展、中國大陸吸引外商直接投資的政策演進、多國籍企業在中國大陸的投資行為分析與比較及其對中國大陸投資區位選擇之影響因素,通過這些分析得到一些啟示,對於影響未來多國籍企業與臺商中國大陸投資區位選擇之策略運用,及中國大陸在兩岸加入WTO後對利用外商直接投資的政策將有更大的借鑑與因應。   以中國大陸近年積極吸引外商直接投資,不斷改善投資環境,轉變政府職能,充分發揮廣大的勞動力資源與市場的比較優勢,並將利用外資與其國內經濟結構調整、國有企業改組和改造西部大開發結合起來,進一步積極吸引外資加大對中西部地區的投入。由於中西部地區幅員遼闊、人口眾多,中西部地區經濟發展水平直接影響和決定了中國大陸經濟發展。中西部地區不具備東部沿海地區優勢,要吸引外商直接投資,需要有一些優惠政策,並加快基礎設施建設,改善投資軟硬體環境,大力發展科技教育,廣泛宣傳中西部地區的資源優勢和勞動力低成本優勢,從而降低外商對中西部地區投資的成本以吸引外商直接投資。   臺灣優先,全球佈局,中國已成為世界最大製造中心,我政府應積極從區位優勢上,致力於促進研發以提昇產業競爭力,並鼓勵與歐、美、日策略聯盟,運用臺灣過去累積的優勢,即時掌握臺灣利基,創造永續發展策略與產業出路。   從區位優勢到全球運籌與佈局,臺灣未來走向應由傳統製造中心轉型,重新定位成為多國籍企業創新研發設計中心及企業營運總部基地。政府有關單位當前如能加速整合臺灣的優勢,臺商未來應該有很大的發展空間,因此臺商更應積極掌握與歐美日多國籍企業策略聯盟之契機,確保臺商在大陸投資發展之競爭優勢。   以本文研究顯示,絕大多數臺商到大陸投資之後仍保持與臺灣母公司或其他上下游廠商或企業有緊密之業務聯繫,兩岸產業分工之格局逐漸形成,兩岸產業結合程度也越來越深,顯示臺商投資的企業在大陸經營當地化的趨勢與歐美日等多國籍企業一樣越來越明顯。基於兩岸經濟地位比較利益,唯恐臺灣未來的優勢不再,臺商在大陸所構建的兩岸產業分工策略,實為臺商全球佈局非常重要的一環。臺商在與美日多國籍企業策略聯盟進攻大陸市場時,我國政府在大陸投資政策上亦應有全盤架構,以配合臺商在策略聯盟國際市場競爭之需要。 關鍵詞:中國大陸,多國籍企業,投資行為,兩岸產業分工,策略聯盟,對外直接投資,投資區位選擇,研究與發展 / Under the trend of globalization development, the position of Multi-National Enterprise’s is becoming more and more important. The purpose of this study is to conduct a Comparative Analysis of Multi-National Enterprise’s Behaviors of Investment in Mainland China. The main assumptions of this study is that the Multi-National Enterprises are pursuing the maximization of enterprise's profit. According to the influence factors of the locational choice of foreign direct investment, we explore multi-national enterprises’ behavior of investment, location distribution and future direction of development.   As regards to the result of this empirical research, the signs of the coefficients of the east, west and the central of the all regional characteristic independent variables are compatible to prior expectation. It shows that the research results of the east and west region have more significant statistical level than that of the central region. Also, both of the east and west region have better cluster effects than that of the central region.   Since Mainland China has become the largest manufacturing center of the world, the Taiwan government should take the comparative advantage of Taiwan’s geographical location and promote R&D, and global logistics for attracting the multi-national enterprises to establish their head quarters in Taiwan. From the research results of this study, it shows that Taiwanese enterprises in mainland China should put more emphasis on their strategies alliances with those multi-national enterprises and forces on the global thinking for cutting their competitive edges. Keywords: Multi-National Enterprise, MNE, Behaviors of Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, strategies alliances, Mainland China, R&D

共創新價值—以「政大一畝田」為例 / Thecase of NCCU's My-Farmland Project

王耀德, Wang, Yao Ter Owen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為個案研究,以政大EMBA永續農業促進小組所創「政大一畝田」品牌專案為例,以深度訪談為研究方法,主要探討社會公民社團,如何透過策略聯盟方式,與策略夥伴為利害關係人以及社會共創新價值,並輔以相關文獻的深度分析,對農民團體策略聯盟以推廣有機農業提供具體建議。 根據農糧署2010/05發佈台灣有機認證農地共有4217公頃,僅佔所有農地的0.4%,在政府目前積極的倡導下,消費者認同與消費者支持已大幅增加,台灣的農民團體多自行組織,自產自銷,或者透過地方產銷班等,共同銷售予通路商、中盤商,但現行的銷售管道之銷量不大,又易被中盤商壓價,因此造成台灣有機小農的銷售困境。 研究者發起「政大EMBA永續農業促進小組」,透過資源分析以及環境分析,以組織內部成員之人脈資源、資金、商管知識以及服務熱忱作為基礎,再加上政大之社群資源,與農民團體合作,選定宜蘭三星行健有機合作社作為策略夥伴,推行「政大一畝田」契作稻田認養專案,建立以國內相關企業為目標客群之企業認養的銷售管道。 此公益項目增進台灣有機稻農的生計,也為認養企業與家庭提供樂活體驗、二次公益等社會企業責任的價值,更透過媒體公關行銷,使策略夥伴以及有機議題得到大眾關注,以提昇國民對有機農產的認同與支持。 / Based on the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project by National ChengChi University EMBA Sustainable Agriculture Promoting Organization, this paper will discuss how Non-Profit Organizations create new value of sustainability with other stakeholders by strategic alliance and offer some advice to the agricultural organization in Taiwan to promote sustainable agriculture. This paper will also provide literature review on civil society, sustainable agriculture, social enterprise and strategic alliance. According to the Council of Agriculture, the organic farmland officially recorded is 4217 hectares which only accounts for 0.4 percent of the total farmland in Taiwan. Now through the active promotion of the government, both the consumer identification and their support have increased dramatically. The agricultural organizations in Taiwan are made up almost entirely of farmers only. They produce and sell their products on their own. Their main sales channels are to wholesalers, distributors and some end consumers in low volumes. With low bargaining power, organic farmers in Taiwan have a difficult sales condition. This researcher initiated the "National Chengchi University EMBA sustainable agriculture promotion teams" to promote the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project through resources and environmental analysis together with the networking, capital, business management knowledge and dedicated services of the members of the NCCU or ganization, plus the community resources of the National Chengchi University. It is the goal of this project to assist the agricultural organizations in Taiwan in prospering and expanding their business. We have selected Ilan Samsung organic cooperatives as a strategic partner to promote and execute the above project and create a sales pipeline for relevant domestic enterprises as target customers. This charity project will provide Taiwan organic farmers with better lives, and also offer country life experiences for the corporations and families who join the project. Additionally, this project will allow the corporations to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, with the promotion and attention through medias, this project will really increase the consumer identification and their support for the organic farmers in Taiwan.


張祐康, Chang, Patrick Yowkang Unknown Date (has links)
大多數關於企業併購的研究焦點著重於財務考量、人力資源管理或併購案之操作及流程管理,而本論文嘗試以整合性的方式,討論併購案之所有重要面向,包括許多被忽略的主題,例如:企業變革和重整、商業策略、工業關係、無形資產鑑價等。 / Most researches on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) focus on financial matters, human resource management, or the operation and process management of the deal. This thesis tries to bring together all the essential elements of each domain, including subjects that are often overlooked or treated superficially by others, under an integrated aspect. Factors including corporate change and reorganizing, business strategy, industrial relations, assumptions-driven planning, entrepreneurship, post-merger integration, business alliances, deal structuring and strategies, financial modeling and simulation, and valuing intangible assets such as intellectual properties are integrated into a feasible model from the perspective of due diligence. Practical examples and contemporary business cases and figures in the Western world are used for analyzing how mergers and acquisitions can be successful with win-win solutions through due diligence. Five real cases excerpted from three Taiwan high tech companies are examined in their M&A activities and are discussed as a series of interdependent movements in which each activity actually occurs. Suggestions and implementation are then proposed. While intended for reference of companies in pursuit of mergers and acquisitions, this thesis also aims to have broader application for market appeal in both executive development and training programs. For those who are hoping to become or who are actively pursuing careers as financial analysts, chief financial officers, corporate treasurers, operating managers, investment bankers, business brokers, portfolio mangers, investors, as well as corporate development and strategic planning managers, this thesis and referred literatures can work as handy and useful references. Bank loaners, venture capitalists, business appraisers, actuaries, government regulators and policy makers, and entrepreneurs will also be the beneficiaries of the study.

第四方物流中協同作業之研究-深化SOA方法論 / A Study of Collaboration in Fourth Party Logistics - Exploiting SOA Methodology

陳鐘源, Chen, Bell Unknown Date (has links)
全球性的產業面對國際化的競爭,企業為求生存發展,對於資源的需求必須尋求國內外最佳發展與佈局。隨著運輸系統及通信技術的進步,全球供應鏈的興盛已是必然的趨勢。這些跨國企業專注於自己的核心事業,對於非主軸業務皆採以外包方式委外執行。其中以國際物流運作因涵蓋業務範圍廣且複雜非一般產業所能承擔,採外包方式是一種正確的決策。 物流產業居於專業分工及委外需求日盛的市場中,因此物流產業的市場不斷的擴大,而且對物流需求的服務項目變得多樣且複雜,尤其是國際物流及全球供應鏈。但相對的物流業者間的競爭更形激烈,誰能提供更完整、更準確、更快速及更低廉的服務,誰就能主宰市場。 本研究首先就物流定義、國際物流、第三方物流及第四方物流等活動深入探討,以我國國際物流業者的體質來看,惟有物流業界的水平整合或垂直整合,加上資訊科技化,才能滿足趨勢需求,才能有競爭力。整合的組織方式及解決方案為何,由誰來整合最有機會與條件,本論文將以第四方物流為目標,分析國內物流業者可以採行的整合方式,在業務整合之同時探討資訊整合之可能性及整合方式。並且提出一個以SOA為核心之電子化企業協同合作架構,運用服務導向的開放式及模組化優點來架構第四方物流系統。 倉儲/物流中心及海空運承攬業者是有能力發展成第四方物流業者,因此這兩者在價值鏈中是很好的雁行領導者。透過此領導者本身之條件,再以策略聯盟的方式擴充至其他上下游物流業者,串聯成完整的價值鏈,可快速構成第四方物流組織。 第四方物流組織以策略聯盟的方式構成,目標是串聯成完整的價值鏈,但策略聯盟組織是鬆散的組織,要使價值鏈發揮效益須要藉助協同商務,尤其是資訊的協同作業。要發展協同商務,就需要有共通的標準與可用的技術。。SOA分析架構是一種新的觀念,目前沒有明確的方法可參考,經本研究驗證,使用Zachman framework的原則,使得在SOA\Web service實作較為簡單可行。 / Facing international competition, global enterprises are developing the international optimal resource allocation. Global supply chain is necessary due to the progress in transportation and communication technique. These enterprises focus in core business and outsource others. Global logistics is first priority in outsourcing, because its coverage is wide and it is very complex. The global logistics market grows bigger and bigger, because the global market are progressing towards specialization and outsourcing. The global logistics and supply chain need varied and integrated services. In the violent competitive environment, the one who can provide complete, precise, quick, and integrated service will dominate the market. This research will first discuss the definition and characteristics of global logistics, then discuss 3PL and 4PL activities and core competence. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan local logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry, followed by the discussion to build collaboration commerce system by SOA. Warehouse/logistics centers and freight forwarders are best candidates to develop 4PL. These two businesses are best leaders in logistics value chain. Base on these leaders’ capacity to extend to upstream and downstream partners by strategic alliances, they can build full logistics value chain easily and quickly. But the organization structure of strategic alliance is loose. If they want to run the 4PL organization efficiently, they must use collaboration commerce, especially, by information technique. The research confers to develop collaboration commerce using SOA. SOA is a new concept. Right now, there is no full methodology to refer. From the results of the research, we prove that using Zachman framework principle can make SOA or Web service implementation simple and feasible.

策略選擇對組織知識管理影響之研究 ─ 以半導體企業為例

黃則堯, Huang,Tse Yao Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技公司的技術來源主要有兩種途徑,一是自行或共同研發,另一種就是直接移轉量產技術。台灣高科技公司建構生產線的資金來源不外乎獨資或合資生產。因此,台灣動態記憶體產業與國際各大廠之間的技術互動,影響了臺灣動態記憶體產業發展。 本研究採用個案探討之方式,參考知識管理及智慧資本存量的構面,同時將組織由外部及內部輸入資源的機制一起考慮,以 (1)、智慧資本的存量,(2)、有助於累積智慧資本的知識管理相關之組織活動及組織系統 (知識管理四大構面),兩大類別來分析個案公司。 個案分析中的兩家台灣動態記憶體公司,分別採用不同營運策略模式,以兩種不同類型的技術引進方式,累積本身的核心能力;一家採用與結盟公司共同研發,另一家採用合資及移轉生產技術。 本研究經由訪談、實際案例等方法推演出個案,藉此比較不同營運策略的兩家公司,在知識管理構面和智慧資本存量的差異,並提出分析討論。 本研究發現,營運策略模式的選擇,對公司的知識管理構面和智慧資本存量會產生影響,主要發現這兩家公司有下述的異同,不同的營運策略模式的選擇,會使得兩家公司有下述的差異: (1)、關係資本存量不同,(2)、結構資本存量不同,(3)、獲取外界技術的途徑不同,(4)、取得知識的機制不同,(5)、輸入技術知識的外部來源不同,(6)、創造與整合量產技術的方式不同,(7)、內隱技術知識蓄積的手法不同,(8)、導入生產與整合新技術時機有差異,(9)、在知識創造的過程中,科層組織與專案組織兩者是不可或缺的,但運作方式及目的並不相同,(10)、有相似的知識市集形態,但內容有些差異;技術性的研討活動及組織人員輪調,有利於研發環境的培養。 除了上述較大的差異外,兩家公司在下述知識管理構面也有些相近的地方,但內容因策略選擇而有些差異: (1)、管理外顯知識蓄積的手法相近,(2)、解決問題之手法相似,(3)、運用系統化的管理方式,將分散各地的人力資本所擁有之資訊和智慧,轉化成組織性的知識。 本研究最後並提出一些實務上與後續研究上的建議。 / There are two major technology sources of Taiwan Hi-Tech companies, first, they develop technology by themselves or joint develop technology with technical cooperation partners; second, they transfer the production technology directly from technical cooperation partners. They set up their production line either by themselves or joint venture with other companies. So the technology alliance relationship between Taiwan DRAM companies and world wide major DRAM supplier will affect the long term development of Taiwan DRAM industry. This research takes the utilization of internal and external resources of the organization into consideration and focus on the knowledge management and the intellectual capital constructs of a company. I base on the following two categories to analyze the cases: (1) the stock of the intellectual capital, (2) the knowledge management related organizations and activities contributing to accumulate the intelligence capital (four major constructs of knowledge management). The research takes two Taiwan DRAM companies as an example; the two companies have different operation strategy and different technology implementation strategy to accumulate their core compentance. One company joint develops technology with technical cooperation partners; another company sets up the joint venture production line and transfers the production technology directly from technical cooperation partners. This research digs deeply into these two companies and wishes to find some useful clues to compare and explain the differences between these two differerent operational strategy companies about the constructs of the knowledge management and intellectual capital. This research finds the selection of the operation strategy will affect the constructs of the knowledge management and intellectual capital; the differences can be summarized as bellow: (1) the stock of relational capital is different, (2) the stock of structual capital is different, (3) the ways to get external technology are different, (4) the mechanisms of making knowledge are different, (5) the external sources of inputting technology knowledge are different, (6) the ways to create and integrate production technology are different, (7) the tactics that accumulate tacit technical knowledge are different, (8) the time to implement technology to mass production and integrate new technology is different, (9) while knowledge creation stage, the hierarchical organization and project team are both needed, but the operation method and purpose are not the same, (10) having the similar knowledge market, but the content is different; Technical workshop and job rotation are good for the research and development environment. Beside the above major differences, there are some similar knowledge management constructs, but the contents are different: (1) The tactics of managing explicit knowledge are similar, (2) the tactics of problem solving are similar, (3) to transfer the information and intelligence everywhere into the organization knowledge by using the systematic management tactics. Finally, this research proposes some suggestions for working level and future study reference.

生技產業IPO風險因子、策略聯盟與折價之關聯性研究 / The Association between the Risk Factor Disclosures in IPO Prospectus, Strategic Alliances and Underpricing of Biotech Firms

洪上琄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討生技產業公開說明書之風險因子揭露以及首次公開發行(IPO, initial public offering)前之策略聯盟關係對首次公開發行折價所產生之影響。本研究以美國生技產業首次公開發行公司為研究對象,樣本期間為1997年至2012年。 許多文獻指出當初級市場認購人間資訊不對稱程度越大時,IPO價值之事前不確定性(ex ante uncertainty)越高,因此以事前不確定性的概念來衡量資訊不對稱程度,並透過公開說明書中資訊之揭露作為事前不確定性的代理變數以探討其與IPO折價現象之關聯。本研究即利用公開說明書之風險因子揭露作為事前不確定性的代理變數,並預期揭露的數量多寡與內容描述將影響IPO折價。另外,由於文獻指出策略聯盟所傳達的正面訊號,可能有助於生技公司減少因產業特性所造成的不確定性,因此本研究預期生技公司於IPO前擁有策略聯盟關係將影響IPO折價。 本研究參考過去文獻,建立資訊揭露的四級指標加上風險因子所揭露的項目多寡,系統性地衡量生技公司公開說明書之風險因子,並以多元迴歸分析檢測假說。實證結果顯示:風險因子的內容描述越具量化或越具體,IPO折價越大,並且發現大公司之風險因子揭露數量與IPO折價具正向關係,而生技公司於IPO前擁有策略聯盟關係對IPO折價幅度具有顯著負向關係。研究結果顯示公開說明書之風險因子揭露及策略聯盟與事前不確定性所產生之IPO折價現象之關聯性。 / This study investigates whether disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus and the effect of strategic alliances before IPO date will influence underpricing of the biotech firms. Data is collected for biotech companies of U.S IPOs issued from 1997 to 2012 as the research sample. Much literature indicates that the greater is the information asymmetry between different investors, the higher is the ex ante uncertainty about an initial public offering’s value. Hence, the ex ante uncertainty is measured as the degree of asymmetric information. And there are a number of studies that use different measurement as a proxy for ex-ante uncertainty including disclosures in the prospectus to examine its relation to underpricing. This study uses risk factors in the prospectus as a proxy for ex-ante uncertainty and expects that the quantity of risk factors and the content or description of risk factors will influence underpricing. Furthermore, since previous studies consider that strategy alliances convey a positive signal to investors which would reduce the uncertainty from the industrial characteristics of the biotech industry and would mitigate investors’ concern, this study expects that a biotech IPO with strategic alliances before IPO date will affect underpricing. Referring to past literature, this study builds four-class index for disclosure score and uses the number of risk factors to systematically measure risk factors in the prospectus. The empirical results show that a biotech IPO with more quantitative information or some specific information of risk factors will experience higher underpricing. In addition, in larger firms the greater are risk factors disclosed no matter the quantity or the content and its description, the higher is underpricing. And there is a significantly negative relation between strategic alliances before IPO date and underpricing. In conclusion, disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus and the effect of strategic alliances are related to underpricing as expected.


張仕岦, Chang, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業發展所形成獨特的產業垂直分工與產業上、中、下游完整價值鏈的群聚效應,是締造今日台灣IC設計產業快速成長的主因,2004年創造年產值83億美元(新台幣2,608億元),在全球330億美元的產值中占有率近25%,世界排名第二。人才、資金、技術及市場是IC設計產業成功發展的基本要素,而「行銷通路管理(Sales-Channel M.」、「價值鏈管理(Supply-Chain M.」、「智慧資本管理(Intellectual-Property M.」、以及「顧客導向管理(Customer- Driving M.」之S2IC核心能力,則是台灣IC設計業者經營的關鍵成功因素(KSF)。 面對潛在競爭者如中國大陸、日本、韓國、及印度IC設計業者急起直追的競局中,尤其是中國大陸挾帶廣大半導體IC產品需求、電子資訊產品的內需市場、充沛的人力、低廉的成本結構、加上政府政策的優惠獎勵措施及國際大廠的投資設廠,大陸IC設計公司以接近消費市場與擁有營運成本的優勢,將成為台灣IC設計業者未來最大的潛在競爭者。 半導體產業逐漸進入微利時代,台灣IC設計業者將面臨製造成本優勢不再,產業群聚的邊際效益正逐漸遞減中,企業為避免陷入價格戰,必須跳脫昔日以成本優勢為唯一考量的經營模式,在既有核心能力與競爭優勢的基礎上,試圖朝向提升產品與服務價值的方向發展,利用「營運模式創新」與「產品功能創新」來達到企業經營效率的提昇與附加價值的創造,朝價值鏈兩端的創新經營延伸,才能因應產業在全球化過程中,新興競爭者崛起所帶來的競爭威脅,建立企業之持久競爭優勢。 對於未來IC設計產業的發展方向有一、整合軟體、硬體、及IP技術的系統單晶片SoC產品發展;二、營運型態朝向策略聯盟之垂直似整合的合作模式;三、大者恆大的集團化趨勢;四、大陸市場崛起的商機掌握。台灣IC設計業者要在產業的垂直似整合中,利用既有的競爭優勢,締造未來市場雙贏的榮景。從企業的發展機會來看,市場上沒有絕對的競爭,只有無法掌握的機會。

非營利組織策略合作之研究-以台灣農會為例 / A Study of Strategic Cooperatoin Among Non-profit Organizations: Farmers' Associations in Taiwan

張榮農, Chang, Jung-nung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以非營利組織策略合作為主題,以策略性思維,嘗試探索較能解釋非營利組織策略合作型式選擇決策之合作內涵特性,且以此發現為基礎,從較具解釋效果之合作內涵特性分析,進一步針對非營利組織策略合作之價值共創與關係管理機制,探索較具策略管理意涵之機制變數,以建構本研究所欲探討之非營利組織策略合作型式選擇模式,以及價值共創與關係管理機制之概念模式,並提出規範性之命題。   為此,本研究選擇了具有近百年歷史且經營模式獨特之台灣農會(會員導向之擬公法人商業-互益型非營利組織)作為研究對象,結合非營利組織與營利組織之相關理論及文獻,針對實務現象進行分析。由於所欲探討主題屬特定現象之初期探討,本文採質性多重個案研究設計,針對由三家(含)以上農會所參與組成之聯盟機構蒐集資料,並以聯盟機構或策略合作網絡之主導機構為主體之組織間合作關係為分析單位,進行資料蒐集及探索性研究。   首先,歸納文獻與實務現象觀察結果,本研究依非營利組織策略合作「是否共組獨立機構」及「是否採非營利性」兩項選擇決策,將聯盟機構歸納分類成四種策略合作型式:非營利性合營機構、營利性合資機構、非營利性聯盟及營利性聯盟,此項分類方式也作為本研究後續進行個案分析之基礎。   由於不同策略合作型式傾向採取不同之組織原理與思考邏輯,本研究認為非營利組織(農會)進行策略合作,若要持續共同創造所欲追求之價值並妥善管理組織間關係,應策略性地選擇較能發揮效能之合作型式,再據以設計其價值共創與關係管理機制。因此,本研究之個案分析分成兩個階段進行,第一階段個案研究主要嘗試從實務個案資料分析歸納較能解釋不同策略合作型式之合作內涵特性變數;第二階段個案研究主要聚焦探討「非營利性聯盟」及「非營利性合營機構」兩種非營利性質之合作型式,並以第一階段有關合作內涵特性變數之發現為基礎,進一步探索兩種合作型式之價值共創與關係管理機制變數。   本研究第一階段個案分析歸納發現,如果合作內涵涉及高度業務可切割性及高度關係專用資產投入必要性時,較宜採取共組獨立機構之合作型式;反之,如果合作內涵涉及低度業務可切割性或低度關係專用資產投入必要性時,較宜採取不共組獨立機構之合作型式。另外,如果合作內涵涉及高度投入共同性、低度投入可衡量性、高度產出共同性或低度產出可衡量性時,較宜採取非營利性之合作型式;然而,如果合作內涵涉及低度投入共同性、高度投入可衡量性、低度產出共同性或高度產出可衡量性時,較宜採取營利性之合作型式。   至於第二階段有關價值共創機制之個案分析發現,如果合作內涵涉及低度業務可切割性時,非營利性聯盟可以採取幾項價值共創機制:合作夥伴專業分工、合作夥伴選擇、任務小組負責人選派制度、合作夥伴創新能力、外部資源有效分配方式,以及外部專家專業諮詢;相對地,合作內涵涉及高度業務可切割性時,非營利性合營機構可以透過專業團隊經營、董(理)監事選聘制度、領導人甄選制度、創新經營模式、組織設計決策管理與控制分離政策,以及設立外部獨立董(理)監事等機制來營造彼此價值共創之氛圍。   如果合作內涵涉及低度關係專用資產投入必要性時,要有效利用合作夥伴既有資源及外部取得資源以共同營造合作網絡之綜效價值,非營利性聯盟可以採取幾項價值共創機制:任務小組負責人選派制度、資源有效利用方式、合作夥伴之資源與技術有效整合,以及合作夥伴網絡關係運用;相對地,合作內涵涉及高度關係專用資產投入必要性時,非營利性合營機構可以採取董(理)監事選聘制度、具體資源運用計畫、合營機構領導人組專業團隊之權力,以及有效專業服務平台等價值共創機制。   針對關係管理機制之探討,經個案分析發現,如果合作內涵涉及高度投入共同性時,兩種非營利性質之策略合作型式可以透過可接受之合作規範、建立共同標準、資訊對等溝通,以及能力不足補救措施來提升合作夥伴配合共同投入意願。合作內涵涉及低度投入可衡量性時,可以賦予投入較多之合作機構主導資源利用方向之決策權以維持其投入意願;涉及高度產出共同性時,可以透過共同品質控管、不符標準產出配套處理措施及外部誘因來提升合作夥伴配合共同產出要求之意願;至於涉及低度產出可衡量性時,可以透過目標達成度評核措施、外部專家專業認定及可接受之利益分配方式來協調合作夥伴關係。   過去文獻對非營利組織之合作關係,較少以策略性思維進行探討,本研究之發現可延伸應用並補強現有合作相關理論與文獻對非營利組織間合作有關實務現象之解釋,對未來有關非營利組織合作關係之研究,也提供另一個思考方向;加上組織間策略合作也是當前政府輔導農民團體因應台灣加入WTO後之政策加強重點,本研究配合組織思索轉型所需,實務上期能提供農會研擬組織間合作策略及政府推動農民團體輔導政策之參考。 / Strategic cooperation is taken as an alternative resort for solving problems facing non-profit organizations (NPO) which suffer a bottleneck in operations resulting from mounting resource scarcity and external threats. It is especially deemed so for farmers’ associations in Taiwan, which were closely associated with the development of agriculture on the island in the past century and have been seriously affected after Taiwan entered the World Trade Organizations(WTO)in 2002. Given this understanding, we conduct a two-phase study to observe the phenomena by studying farmers’ associations in Taiwan. Research 1 attempts to explore the cooperation characteristics which can most explain the decision on strategic cooperation types chosen by at least 3 farmers’ associations in each network. Research 2, based on the findings of Research 1, attempts to explore the value-co-creating and relation-maintaining mechanisms for such relations. As part of the methodology, we apply an exploratory multiple-case-study design and refer to NPO and PO (for-profit organization) literature for analytical induction. Prior to the case study, we first categorize the NPO strategic cooperation relations into four types: Non-profit joint operations, for-profit joint ventures, non-profit alliances and for-profit alliances. This categorization made in accordance with literature review and observed phenomena serves as a basis for our further research. In Research 1, we examine 5 theoretically sampled cases and find out 2 characteristics variables which can most explain the decision on whether to organize an independent institution, and 4 variables which can most explain the decision on whether to keep the cooperation for non-profit purpose or change it into for-profit relations. According to our findings, if cooperation involves high business separability and high necessity for relation-specific asset input, we suggest a choice for organizing another new independent institution (i.e. non-profit joint operations or for-profit joint ventures). If cooperation involves low business separability and low necessity for relation-specific asset input, we suggest a choice for not organizing an independent institution (i.e. non-profit alliances or for-profit alliances). In terms of the “non-profit or for-profit” decision, if cooperation involves high input commonality, low input measurability, high output commonality and low output measurability, we suggest a non-profit choice (i.e. non-profit joint operations or non-profit alliances). If cooperation involves low input commonality, high input measurability, low output commonality and high output measurability, we suggest a for-profit choice (i.e. for-profit joint ventures or for-profit alliances). For the second research, we focus our study on the two non-profit cooperation types and examine 8 theoretically sampled cases including 5 non-profit alliances and 3 non-profit joint operations. We explore the value-co-creating mechanisms by analyzing case data from the two characteristics variables which can most explain the “organizing an independent institution or not” decision in consideration that the two studied types take different cooperation forms and may apply different mechanisms for co-creating synergetic value in the network. Meanwhile, we explore the relation-maintaining mechanisms from the four characteristics variables which can most explain the “non-profit or for-profit” decision because the two studied types is of non-profit nature and involve high input commonality, low input measurability, high output commonality and low output measurability. It is of strategic significance to heighten partners’ will for continued cooperation in such non-profit relations. Our findings of the value co-creating mechanisms suggest 6 mechanism variables for the non-profit alliances and non-profit joint operations, respectively, depending on their levels of business separability. Analysis from the characteristics of necessity for relation-specific asset input, in similar manner, suggests 4 variables for the two studied types, respectively. In the exploration of relation-maintaining mechanisms, results suggest 4 mechanism variables for the non-profit types if cooperation involves high input commonality, 1 variable for relations involving low input measurability, 3 variables for relations involving high output commonality, and 3 variables for relations involving low output measurability. Although there may be many mechanisms which can help partners to co-create value and maintain relations in their cooperation, this research attempts to explore only the variables which can be of more strategic significance for the two focus types. Following our findings in Research 1 and 2, we provide normative propositions and build a decision-making model for the choice of strategic cooperation types and another integrative conceptual model of the value-co-creating and relation-maintaining mechanisms for non-profit alliances and joint operations. Farmers’ associations, which boast of a history of nearly 100 years in Taiwan, are unique in their business models as compared to other non-profit organizations. On top of that, NPO inter-organizational cooperation relations are seldom examined from strategic perspective. Theoretically speaking, findings of this dissertation can further extend and supplement the explanation and the application of present theories and literature to the phenomena in this regard. Implications and recommendations for managerial practices of inter-organizational cooperation among farmers’ associations are also discussed.

從國際趨勢看智財策略管理與企業經營整合-以企業內部智財策略與實施為例 / Enterprise Strategic IP Management:Integrating IP and Business Management within Organization

陳奕之, Alex Yi-Chih Chen Unknown Date (has links)
從轟動全球的鴻海與夏普併購案、安謀與英特爾兩個直接競爭者間的晶片架構授權、蘋果與三星纏身多年仍難分難解的設計專利訴訟,再再都顯示智慧財產的重要性,及妥適的規劃與運用企業智財策略管理,能為企業帶來 的競爭優勢與經營彈性,可惜的是相關文獻不僅相當少,既有策略管理文獻,對智慧財產層面之策略管理,又鮮有論述。為期許自己能夠對實務及學術領域皆盡棉薄之力,並推廣相關知識,本研究選擇企業智財策略管理為研究標的,以有無積極採取此面向策略管理之利弊分析為主軸,分別涉及之具體考量為核心,再輔以國際案例說明,以應證智財管理與企業經營整合之趨勢。   為完整探討企業智財策略管理,本研究前兩章先思考廣泛認知的策略管理面向,並套用至智慧財產層面,說明智財策略管理為何及其重要性,與企業應將其導入日常經營;於第三章與第四章,倚賴客觀嚴謹之文獻解讀與專家訪談,搭配靈活之商業邏輯分析,試圖拉近古今中外類似策略思維,說明此概念實非前所未聞,毋寧係吾人未善加利用之競爭策略,並由具體事項整理欠缺企業智財策略管理之危機與積極採取企業智財策略管理之國際趨勢,以充分說明欠缺注意之問題與徹底落實之好處,本研究更利用柯達和全錄,說明企業是如何從默默無聞到高度成功,後續又為何日漸衰敗,並以波音與安謀,描述其係如何日益壯大,與善用智財策略管理更上一層,應證前述分析,係實質可期之策略應用;於第五章嘗試歸納、分析與整合相關資料,經過多次思考、討論與修正,提出企業宜進行之內部組織調整及12步驟之企業智財策略管理,給予企業一套有具體步驟的策略指引,嘗試協助企業成就更上一層,維持高度競爭力,並永續經營;透過深入探討企業智財策略管理議題,亦希冀能夠達到拋磚引玉之效,激發更多討論,補充本研究之不足。 / From recent Foxconn-Sharp merger, licensing deal among ARM and Intel, and dogfight be-tween Apple and Samsung; the importance of intellectual property (IP) is self-evident. Enterprises could gain competiveness and flexibility if strategic IP management is carefully planned and applied. Generous IP activities remained, but only a handful of scholarships dedicated to the topic; more likely than not, these papers focused on traditional perspectives, rather than strategic IP management. This research intends to provide an account broadly discuss relevant issues, including, what strategic IP management is, how it should be treated by enterprises, and guidelines of integrating it to business management. Hope the thoughts provided could benefit current practices as well as academics. Chapter I & II described how the research is done, delved into traditional perspectives of strate-gic management, and construed strategic IP management to show the necessities of proper integra-tion for enterprises. Banked on resources and professional insights, Chapter III & IV carefully drew connections between strategic IP management and ancient Chinese wisdoms, and shown threats, benefits, and trends on why enterprise should incorporate strategic IP management into business. Further, it used famous corporations including Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Boeing Company, and ARM Holdings to show how successful businesses have failed due to careless on strategic IP management, in contrast to businesses indeed can benefited from proper integration of such instrument. Chapter V scrutinized materials, and integrated different opinions and perspectives, then provided adjustments to organizations within corporations and formulated a 12-steps strategic IP management intended to provide enterprises a guideline that would lead to further success. Lastly, Chapter VI provided a ret-rospect of the research, and wished to set an example and to stimulate more discussions.

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