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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En meningsfull skoldag med goda relationer : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med flickor med ADHD / A meaningful school day with good relationships : A qualitative interview study on teachers´experiences of working with girls with ADHD

Hedman, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om klass 1-7 lärares olika uppfattningar om hur man skapar gynnsamma lärsituationer för flickor med ADHD. Studien kommer att undersöka vad lärare har för erfarenheter av flickor med ADHD samt studera vilka uppfattningar lärare har om hur man skapar meningsfulla lärsituationer för flickor med ADHD.  I studien användes kvalitativa insamlingsmetoder i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intresset riktades mot informanternas erfarenheter, berättelser och uppfattningar. Intervjuderna genomfördes individuellt med sex stycken legitimerade klass 1-7 grundskollärare vid fem olika grundskolor. Studiens empiri analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv eftersom jag ville använda mig av en holistisk filosofi där människans syn på verkligheten är beroende av upplevelser. Texten bearbetades hermeneutiskt eftersom jag önskade ta människans bakgrund och tidigare erfarenheter i beaktande. I min studie intresserade jag mig för meningsfullhet när jag gjorde mina reflektioner av empirin. Studiens resultat visade att goda relationer har stor betydelse i interagerandet med flickor med ADHD. Respondenterna som deltog i intervjustudien hade alla erfarenheter av att flickor med ADHD kan ha svårt att styra sina känslor och internaliserar sina svårigheter. Känslor kan ta överhanden och man kan växla snabbt mellan olika sinnestillstånd. Studien visade att när läraren medverkar till goda relationer för flickor med ADHD så leder detta ofta till meningsfulla lärsituationer samtidigt som kunskapsmålen uppnås i skolan. Läraren behöver främst förstå flickan med ADHD och svårigheterna som kan höra ihop med funktionsnedsättningen för att kunna ge adekvat individuellt anpassat stöd. Respondenterna uppfattade att flickor med ADHD ofta överpresterar för att kompensera för sina svårigheter vilket kan leda till att kunskapsmålen uppnås men med ett högt pris i form av stress och i vissa fall psykisk ohälsa. Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan goda relationer, meningsfullhet och uppnådda kunskapsmål. / The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about class 1-7 teachers´different perceptions of how to create favorable learning situations for girls with ADHD. The study will examine teachers´experiences of girls with ADHD and study teachers´perceptions of how to create meaningful learning situations for girls with ADHD. The study used qualitative collection methods in the form of semi-structured interviews. The interest was directed towards the informants´experiences, stories and perceptions. The interviews were conducted individually with six licensed class 1-7 primary school teachers at five different primary schools. The empirical study was analyzed from a socio-cultural perspective because I wanted to use a holistic philosophy where the human view of reality depends on experiences. The text was hermeneutically processed because I wanted to take human background and previous experiences into account. In my study I became interested in meaningfulness when I did my reflections on empiricism.  The result of the study showed that good relationships are of great importance in interacting with girls with ADHD. All the respondents who participated in the interview study had experienced that girls with ADHD may have difficulty controlling their emotions and internalize their difficulties. Emotions can take over and there can be rapid changes between different states of mind. The study showed that when the teacher contributes to good relationships for girls with ADHD this often leads to meaningful learning situations while the knowledge goals are achieved in school. The teacher mainly needs to understand the girl with ADHD and the difficulties that may be associated with the disability in order to be able to provide adequate individually tailored support. The respondents perceived that girls with ADHD often overperform to compensate for their difficulties which can lead to the knowledge goals being achieved but with a high price in the form of stress and in some cases mental illness. The study shows that there is a connection between good relationships, meaningfulness and achieved knowledge goals.

Med distans till distansundervisning : En studie om gymnasieelevers upplevda motivation till studier i ämnet samhällskunskap vid distansundervisning

Gidvall, Simon January 2022 (has links)
This essay, conducted through semi-structured interviews with five upper secondary school students, aim to analyze and understand if and how their perceived motivation to social studies changed due to distance teaching during the covid-19 pandemic as well if and how their motivation has changed since returning to school post-pandemic. The theory of self-determination works as the cornerstone which is complemented by two relational theories in relational pedagogy as well as the zone of proximal development in addition to the concept of self-regulation. The result shows that the students’ perceived motivation was affected negatively by studying and attending lectures away from the ordinary school environment, caused by a loss of interest for the subject which in turn is a result of less varied teaching as well as a loss of peer-pressure which works as a motivational factor for many of the students. However, the study also shows that their perceived motivation increased once returned during their final year of school, which in turn is a result of an increased interest in the subject caused by relational aspects such as being able to engage verbally during lectures as well as to a larger degree being able to use the teacher as well as each other as a resource to enhance their learning. These are aspects which were hindered by distance learning, which also stresses the importance of relations for enhanced learning.

En arkeologi av det animistiska : Om den mesolitiska ornamentiken i Östersjöområdet / An Archaeology of Animacy : On the Mesolithic Ornamentation of the Baltic Sea

Solfeldt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the material known as the Mesolithic portable art. Earlier research have interpreted the material as representative art relating to ideology, mythology, prestige, ritual practices,and tribalism. Such interpretations are based on theoretical frameworks that build on hylomorphism and Cartesian metaphysics. By a change of theoretical framework, to a new animistic perspective based on a combination of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s rhizome theory, Tim Ingold’s meshwork and Giordano Bruno’s theory of bonds in general, followed by the use of ChantalConneller’s method rhizomatic chaîne opératoire, I conclude that the motifs on the tools and pendants are communications to the animated subjects that make up and inhabit the environment. Furthermore, I conclude that the binary positions of function and ritual cannot be applied when studying the formgenerating process of this material, as the tools and pendants along with their applied motifs are a result of what is in between these binary positions.

Att se eller övervaka : Fritidslärares tankar kring barngruppens storlek i fritidshem / To see or oversee : School age educare teachers’ thoughts on group size in school age educare

Kramár, Mim January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to illustrate the experiences of school age educare teachers when it comes to group sizes in Swedish school age educare. The quality of the Swedish school age educare has decreased and one of many factors seem to be essential to this development – big groups.  There are not many studies in this field, only a few related to preschool and compulsory school as in class sizes. That is why it is of interest to study this area. The research questions bring up the teachers’ possibilities and restraints in relation to the size of the groups of children in school age educare.  The empirical data consists of both a qualitative survey and qualitative interviews. The data has been processed by using hermeneutic perspectives and categorized and divided into themes. To analyze and discuss the results I’ve approached theories about the ecological systems theory by Bronfenbrenner and Dahllöf’s frame factor theory.  The conclusion is that in school age educare managing large groups, the staff experience difficulties to create relations to the children and because of the lack of space they need to structure the time, spaces, and activities. Hence, a bigger group and narrow spaces can have negative effects on the social relations and the spare time of the children which are two important aspects within Swedish school age educare. The teachers believe that a smaller group of children is preferable as well as appropriate locals and enough space to be able to fulfill the curriculum and to increase the quality.

Vad händer med dialogen? : En studie av dialogisk interaktion mellan pedagog och barn i förskolan

Fredriksson Sjöberg, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about dialogues in the setting of the preschool. The more in-depth purpose is to highlight what happens in dialogues between a teacher and a child when more children join the situation of interaction in which the dialogue is taking place. A further purpose is to attempt to understand what it is that influences change in the dialogue and what significance the actions of the teacher can have for this change. The study is based on several questions that concern interaction in preschools, who it is that initiates an increase in the number of participants in those situations that involve dialogue, and what happens with the dialogue when more children join and what causes the change in the dialogue. The study is based on video observations from a preschool; approximately 10 teachers and 50 children between the ages of one and six took part in the study. The situations that were observed and documented in video format were everyday activities (both indoor and outdoor) that were led at a nominal level by teachers. In total, 40 films were recorded. Film length was between one and 60 minutes. In 32 of the films, there was interaction between a teacher and several children, and 18 of these included dialogues between a teacher and several children. Dialogue is here given a specific significance and refers to the interaction that can be described in terms of presence, listening, reciprocity, and extending. This definition of dialogue derives from a combination of Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue and aspects of interaction that earlier research found to be significant for children’s learning. In two of the 18 films that showed dialogue, no other children became part of the situation of interaction; the remaining 16 films were transcribed; and both verbal and non-verbal events were made apparent in the transcriptions. Analyses of the recorded material and of the transcriptions were conducted using analytical terms borrowed from conversation analysis as well as the central term for this study dialogue.  The results demonstrate a complex practice and also demonstrate that dialogues in the sense given in this study take place between children and teachers. Situations of interaction also occur where dialogues take place in which a number of children join. It can be the child joining the situation of interaction who takes the initiative to an increased number of participants; however, it can also be the teacher or the child in the dialogue. The initial address can take place during a moment of transition in the interaction or at the same time as another participant is talking. The dialogue often changes when more children join the situation where the dialogue is taking place. The dialogue can end completely or be interrupted and resume. The results further demonstrate that the dialogue can continue without seemingly being affected by the fact that more children join. This happens when the child joining and the teacher in the dialogue interact in a non-verbal manner at the same time as the teacher is talking with the child in the dialogue. The dialogue can also be continued with more participants. Who takes the initiative, how the initial address occurs, and which content is given focus by the different participants are all factors that seem to affect what happens to the dialogue. How the teacher acts when more children join also appears to be significant in terms of what happens with the dialogue when more children join. In those situations where the teacher begins talking with a number of children about different subjects, the interaction ceases to be dialogic. When the teacher asks the joining child to wait, the dialogue is both interrupted and resumed, and on those occasions when the dialogue continues with more participants, the teacher listens to the joining child and the participants take turns speaking.

Perspektiv på digital relationskompetens : Analys av lärares strategier för att stödja utbildningsrelationer i digitala lärmiljöer / Perspectives on Digital Relational Pedagogy in Digital LearningEnvironments. : An analytical study of teachers' strategies to supportrelations in digital learning environments

Bonnevie, Helena January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftar till att öka kunskapen om lärares digitala relationskompetens samt bidra till utveckling av praktik och teori inom relationell pedagogik i digitala lärmiljöer. I studien analyserades kvalitativa enkätsvar från 123 lärare och lärarstudenter i Sverige och Finland  angående hur de uppfattade att de kunde stödja relationer mellan lärare och elev i distansundervisning. Resultaten analyserades först fram induktivt i en reflexiv tematisk process. Därefter användes de som underlag i ett andra abduktivt analyssteg tillsammans med metoden perspektivskifte. Syftet var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning två relationella teorier som utgår från fysisk lärmiljö kan tillämpas för att förstå relationell lärarpraktik i digitala lärmiljöer. De teoretiska koncept som analyserades var Aspelins (2018) respektive Juul och Jensens (2003) modeller för lärares relationskompetens. Resultaten tematiserades i kategorierna kommunikation, närvaro och bemötande och visade att lärarens  kommunikativa kompetens är primär för relationsbygge i digitala lärmiljöer. Kompetensen omfattar förmågor som att lyhört hantera synlighet och bemötande, bemästra det digitala språket samt  skapa en känsla av närvaro, gemenskap och trygghet. Kommunikativ kompetens påverkar även inkludering och integritet. Mer forskning behövs för att förstå synlig och osynlig närvaro i digitala lärmiljöer ur både lärarens och elevens perspektiv.  Det framgick av resultaten att distanslärare lånar relationella bemötandehandlingar från fysiska lärmiljöer. Digital relationskompetens framträder därför inte som ett eget kompetensområde. Mer kunskap behövs om affordanser för relationsskapande i digitala lärmiljöer. Även undersökningar som visar vad som verkligen begränsar digitala lärmiljöer behövs, för att undvika att praktiken fastnar i allmänna antaganden som hindrar nyskapande och tillvaratagande av digitala lärmiljöers möjligheter. Analysen visade att de två teoretiska modellerna fungerade som övergripande, och delvis normerande stöd, för att förstå distanslärares relationella praktik. En vidareutveckling av teoretiskt stöd anpassat för relationskompetens i digitala lärmiljöer samt en kartläggning av kognitiva och emotionella behov hos olika kategorier av distanselever, kan underlätta för framtida forskning och utveckling av relationell praktik i digitala lärmiljöer.  Studiens övergripande upptäckt var att lärarna beskriver vad, snarare än hur, de gör för att stödja relationer mellan lärare och elev i distansundervisning. Slutsatsen är att det saknas en yrkesvokabulär för att uttrycka de relationella färdigheter som lärare använder i digitala lärmiljöer. Därför rekommenderas att en begreppsapparat utvecklas som sätter ord på lärares digitala relationskompetens. / The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge about teachers' digital relational competence and contribute to the development of practice and theory within relational pedagogy in digital learning environments. In the study, qualitative survey responses from 123 teachers and student teachers in Sweden and Finland were analysed regarding how they perceived that they could support teacher-student relations in distance education. The results were first analysed inductively in a reflexive thematic process. The results were then used in a second abductive analysis together with the perspective shift method. The aim was to investigate to what extent two relational theories based on physical learning environments can be applied to understand relational teacher practice in digital learning environments. The theoretical concepts used in the analysis were Aspelin's (2018) and Juul and Jensen's (2003) models for teachers' relational competence. The results were thematised into three categories: communication, presence and response, and showed that the teacher's communicative competence is primary for relationship building in digital learning environments. The competence includes abilities such as sensitively managing visibility and reception, mastering the digital language and creating a sense of presence, belonging  and security. Communicative competence also affects inclusion and integrity. More research is needed to understand visible and invisible presence in digital learning environments from both the teacher's and the student's perspective. The results showed that distance teachers borrow relational behaviour acts from physical learning environments. Digital relational competence therefore does not appear as a competence area on its own. More knowledge is needed about affordances for relationship building in digital learning environments. Research showing what really limits digital learning environments is also needed, to avoid practice being hampered by assumptions that hinder innovation and opportunities in digital learning environments. The analysis showed that the two theoretical models worked as overall, and partially normative, support for understanding distance teachers' relational practice. A further development of theoretical support adapted to relational competence in digital learning environments, as well as a mapping of cognitive and emotional needs of different categories of distance learners, can facilitate future research and development of relational practice in digital learning environments. Finally, the study's overall finding was that the teachers describe what, rather than how, they act to support teacher-student relations in distance learning. The conclusion is that a professional vocabulary to express teachers’ digital relational know-how seems to be missing. Therefore, it is recommended that such a conceptual vocabulary is developed in order to put words into teachers' digital relational competence.

Ontologi efter dekonstruktionen av arké : En fråga om övergången och relationen mellan princip och anarki hos Reiner Schürmann och Giorgio Agamben / Ontology after the Deconstruction of Arché : A Question of Transition and Relation between Principle and Anarchy in the Work of Reiner Schürmann and Giorgio Agamben

Eriksson, Magnus January 2024 (has links)
This work considers what ontology might be after the deconstruction of arché in Reiner Schürmann's and Giorgio Agamben's thinking. It addresses the question by reading Schürmanns historical deduction of the categories of presencing in his book Heidegger On being Acting: From Principles to Anarchy. This deduction is at the heart of his thought in that it tries to manifest what it means to live the transition from arché to an-arché, from a life under principles and why's, to a life without why, and the principle of anarchy. This transitional thought rests on what he calls the hypothesis of closure of the metaphysical field. The deduction is therefore a question of a relation between the first beginnings end as an other beginning. He shows this by establishing categories that are both conceptual- and sensible form. This reaches its full articulation in what he calls the categories of transition; categories in which the distinction between category and intuition seems to collapse – that are its own gaze or eye, that sees both the past and the future at the same time. This is a question regarding relationality: the transition from a causal relationality to an anarchic relationality, from a substance ontology to relational ontology. What is the relational status of the transition itself and its categories? This question lead to the main one: is the transition between arché and an-arché a relation between the two? The overall purpose is to explore this question in order to open, in the end, a path between him and Agamben. The later has pointed out that the key problem to live truly anarchic is a critique of the ontological relation because language presuppositional structure manifests in it, which takes its “full” form in his work The Use of Bodies. Here, perhaps – which we only can point to – Schürmann's thought can meet Agamben's in the caesura between arché and an-arché. Can anarchy ever be in a position of principle? In the end we will have to point to the notion of oikonomia as an area of further research to understand the question of anarchy between Agamben and Schürmann.


Juarez Gonzalez, Naun Rodrigo January 2013 (has links)
This essay is more or less a very boring analog game in paper, which is trying to find the similitude between ART and CONSCIOUSNESS, as well as the boundaries of legality of taking over or stealing someone else's work. The dynamic of this game of mine starts by choosing a lecture of any research and change some keywords to create a new research. The format of this essay suggests an interaction and will need an interaction of the reader with the essay itself in order to add more concepts and could make it more personal and transform the main subject of this essay. It does not necessarily have to be an art topic, so it is very open to any personal interest. There are no rules of this game, you can change the subject, the actors, the author or try to change it back to the original lecture. Everything is possible; at the end the reader could acquire by signing this essay or theory. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "YSO":] YSO explore metaphysical information in order to expand the idea of Art and consciousness, which experience and perception are both essential as a part of the information processing. Condensing this information to be able to exchange it on different states the Meta, Virtual and physical state. The formal aesthetic display of YSO is an interpretation of the different inputs objects or data that will or could construct an assumption with deliberate inputs through the senses to be able to interpret the correlation between Art and Consciousness. Material: Freezer, pick-up car, silicon form, water, wood, plastic sheet, tv, ice machine, media player and paint. Teknik: Installation/video/variable. Längd på video: 01:54:00. / <p>The video, essay and installation is a unit and represent different states of consciousness and non-physical matter's reality (nonphysical-matter Reality) and all of these contribute to the information.</p><p>Examensarbetet består av en skriftlig del och en gestaltande del. Alternativ titel anger namnet förden gestaltande delen. </p><p>The master work includes a written essay and a forming part. The alternative title is the name of the forming part.</p>

"Ensamhetens vår" : En fenomenografisk analys över lärares uppfattningar om distansundervisning vid drama- och teaterpedagogutbildningar. under covid-19. / “The spring of loneliness”. : A phenomenographic study about drama/theatre-teachers perception of distance teaching during covid-19.

Gullbing, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
The background for this study is the immediate readjustment to distance work for drama- and theatrepedagocial-education due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020. Central for these educations is the focus on interplay, aesthetic processes, leadership and physical embodiment, which heavily relies on interaction together with the group in a common physical space. Because of this, the educations were introduced to several challenges when the classroom was replaced with a digital room.   In this study, I have researched teacher’s perceptions of challenges and opportunities’ in regards to distance education through a phenomenographic approach. The empirical data for this study have been gathered through 8 in-depths interviews with teachers at drama- and theaterpedagocial educations in Sweden.   The result shows that the teachers in this study perceive the conditions to operate full time drama- and theatrepedagocial-education on distance are limited. The reasons for this is that the teachers experience essential moments in the education, especially physical embodiment and leadership training, as limiting. However, the teacher describe that they have learned a lot from distance teaching and that they perceive opportunities with some elements of distant teaching.   Opportunities with distant education that the teachers present are the ability to include participants on a digital platform that for different reasons cannot participate in the classroom. The experience of distance work has created possibilities to invite guest lecturers from around the world through a link. Teachers also perceive possibilities to keep in contact with student groups that are spread out in different geographical locations during longer internship periods.   Difficulties with distance education are teacher perceptions of digital education being tiresome for both teachers and students, since energy and focus disappear in distance work. The teachers in this study describe great difficulties with communication in distance education, that group processes come to a halt and that unity deteriorates. The result shows that the teachers experience that participant’s situation becomes vulnerable and uncertain, and that teachers perceive a great loneliness within participants in the distant situation. The result also shows that learning becomes more traditional and the role as a teacher becomes more controlling and relationships between teacher and student becomes more distant. / Bakgrunden till den här studien är den omedelbara omställningen till distansarbete för drama- och teaterpedagogutbildningarna på grund av Covid -19 våren 2020. Centralt i dessa utbildningar är att fokus ligger på samspel, estetiska processer, ledarskap och fysisk gestaltning, vilka i stor del bygger på att undervisningen sker tillsammans med gruppen i samma rum. Därför ställdes utbildningarna inför en hel del utmaningar när klassrummet byttes ut mot ett digitalt rum.  I den här studien har jag med fenomenografisk ansats undersökt lärares uppfattningar om möjligheter och svårigheter med distansundervisning. Studiens empiriska underlag har hämtats från intervjuer med 8 lärare vid drama- och teaterpedagogutbildningar i Sverige. Studien resulterade i ett utfallsrum med 4 beskrivningskategorier: Drama på distans som:  luckor i fundamentet, trubbiga verktyg, separerade arbetsytor, och ny design. Resultatet visar att lärarna i denna studie uppfattar att förutsättningarna för att bedriva drama- och teaterpedagogutbildningar som heltidsstudier på distans som begränsande. Anledningen till detta är att grundläggande moment i utbildningarna, som gemensamt fysiskt gestaltande och ledarskapsträning, är svåra att genomföra. Däremot beskriver lärarna att de fått med sig en hel del ny kunskap och erfarenhet av distansarbetet och ser möjligheter med att använda sig av vissa moment i utbildningarna på distans.  Möjligheter med distansarbete som lärarna i studien pekar på är att det går att inkludera deltagare, som av olika anledningar inte kan närvara i klassrummet, genom att ha med dem på en digital platta. Erfarenheten av distansarbete har även skapat förutsättningar för att bjuda in gästföreläsare från hela världen via länk. Lärarna uppfattar dessutom att det finns möjligheter att hålla kontakt med studentgrupperna då dessa befinner sig utspridda på olika platser för längre praktikperioder.  Svårigheter med distansarbete enligt studien är att lärarna uppfattar det digitala arbetet som tröttande för såväl lärare som studenter. Kommunikationen försvåras, grupprocesser avstannar och sammanhållning deltagarna emellan försämras. Deltagarnas situation blir utsatt och osäker och att lärarna uppfattade en stor ensamhet hos deltagarna i den distanserade situationen. Resultatet visade även på att vid distansarbete blir lärandet mer traditionellt och förmedlande, lärarrollen mer styrande och relationen mellan lärare och student mer distanserad.

(   vill   )(   will  ) : tankar i närheten av två halvcirklar thoughts near a broken circle / (   vill   )(   will  ) : tankar i närheten av två halvcirklar thoughts near a broken circle

Boman, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Marken är något fundamentalt. Jag dras till att skapa hålrum och att gjuta av dem. Låta händerna leda. Det är något som attraherar mig med att inte riktigt kunna föreställa mig formen av hålrummet i tanken, att det är ett glapp i överföringen mellan händernas rörelser och tankens. Att värdera det definierade högre än det odefinierade, vill jag lägga i en parantes.  Vi använder språk som materia, vi bygger betydelser, rum som skapar sammanhang, stödkonstruktioner, konstruktion som är dikt, som är en rörelse som är jord som är ett arbete som är sten som är en förflyttning som är trä som är en handling som är metall som är nära intill, att skulptera en tanke. Det är idén om att kroppen har en korrekt form som gör kroppen korrupt. Den brutna cirkeln är på ett sätt en helhet av två korrupta kroppar. Kategorier och definitioner är något verkligt, oavsett hur de är skapade eller kommit till. Vi uppmärksammar genast om något är konstigt. Två enheter som vi uppfattar som separata, är separata. Om de inte varit separata skulle vi uppfattat de som ett och inte som två. Det här ser vi omedelbart. Om vi inte är i ett främmande sammanhang med främmande definitioner, men då kommer säkerligen någon ganska snart att uppmärksamma oss på hur saker hänger ihop. Människor är hjälpsamma på sådant sätt. / My work may be described as bordering between sculpture and installation, intuitive and conceptual, it could in a way be seen as a broken circle, as one, but i will work hard to make the two entities, the two seemingly half circle shaped entities, to be separate, to be two.  I will assert they are one work but also not, I will assert their indepencence, they are two. The bridge, the connection, will (or will not) happen in the thought, not by sight. There will be no side-by-side, object dialog in near space, rather association through memory and through distance. Like an object or some kind of occurence is planted early on in a movie and then reoccurs later on with the purpuse to further the understanding of course of events.  We tend to read two half circles near each other as a whole circle. Robert Morris made two half circles with only a thin lit gap underlining their distinct form, but at the same time dissolving them as a broken circle. It is the idea of of a correct body that makes a body corrupt. The broken circle is in a way the whole of two corrupt bodies.

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