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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以資源為基礎探討我國精神障礙者會所經營管理之模式 / From the resources-based aspect to explore on the management model of clubhouse for mentally disabled persons

吳文正, Wu Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
會所為近年來我國新興之非營利組織,其基本性質應該屬於精神障礙障者病友自治團體,其發展係源自於美國活泉之家,目前我國全部僅有五所,但其中二所卻因故不得不嘎然結束原有之經營,殊為可惜。 本研究之方法,係採取質性研究方式,並對5所會所實際擔任經營管理之負責人作深度訪查。 本研究主要之目的,係在探討以下幾點: (一)探討如何延續已經創造之公益模式,能夠繼續永續經營。 (二)以資源管理模式,探討關鍵成功或失敗因素,供其他類似非營利組織做參考。 (三)保障並增進弱勢精神障礙者權益。 (四)為醫療體系運作創造一個參考架構之典範,作為修正現有精神醫療機構過度營利化、公司化之趨勢。 本研究在以資源為基礎來探討會所之經營管理模式後,獲得之主要結論,有以下幾點: (一)國內會所經費來源大多依靠政府補助支援,多半超過50%之比重,相對而言,自籌款比率偏低,亦即會所之資源來源,主要由政府提供。 (二)國內會所除與原先設置之非營利組織緊密相連結外,多數並未正式去連結其他組織以獲取外部資源。 (三)國內會所或許因為草創之初,經營規模尚未達到一定程度,因此,尚未使用經營管理所使用之績效與策略工具。 (四)國內會所逐漸往申請國際認證之經營管理方向前進,在引進更多外部資源,尤其是知識與技術資源,以強化其核心能耐。 本研究之結論,在經營管理上之意涵,主要有以下幾點: (一)降低過渡外部資源之依賴比重:會所於開辦與立案之初,應積極獲取政府所提供之資源,但為永續經營,必須逐漸減少依賴政府資源,降低政府補助佔總收入之比例。 (二)開發新資源:與企業合作,包括公益行銷、異業結盟等。 (三)減少成本,增加效率:訂定績效指標。 (四)ICCD認證:加入國際認證,其優點在於,可以建立政府補助之標準,也可以確保國際品質、建立品牌形象、獲得國際知識與技術等資源。 (五)設置委員會審查機制:會所內部應設置委員會,聘用引進外部獨立、公正之人士,以便審查內部業務,使內部財務等資訊透明,可增加外部資源連結,增加社會大眾給予資源挹注之願意與信心,可同時提升募款之比重、減少政府補助之比例、以及強化會所治理之機制。 / Clubhouse is an emerging non-profit organization in Taiwan in recent years. It is one kind of self-help group for mental handicaps and is originated from Fountain House in U.S.A. There have been 5 clubhouses set up with 2 of them resulting to an end because of certain causes. The outcome of this scenario is pitiful. The method of this thesis is qualitative and make in-depth interview with persons who materially manages in each clubhouse. The aims of this thesis are as follow: (1) Exploring how to sustain this clubhouse model which has built up in the way of charity. (2) Exploring the key success factors and the key failure factors in terms of resources, and proving these factors to other similar non-profit organizations for comparison. (3) Protecting and Promoting the rights and interests of mentally vulnerable population. (4) Providing a reference model for modern healthcare organizations which tend to be over-profiteering like companies. After exploring the model of management in terms of resources, the conclusions are made as follow: (1) Most of clubhouses in Taiwan are sponsored chiefly by government with more than 50%, in other words, relatively less from raising funds. (2) All clubhouses are closely interrelated with their affiliated organizations which set up them, however loosely and informally with other non-profit organizations. (3) All clubhouses in Taiwan have not yet used strategic tools such as BSC for management, probably due to still in early developmental stage with small scale. (4) All clubhouses in Taiwan have plans in the future to receive certification from ICCD in order to obtain resources, especially knowledge and skills, with promoting their own core competence. Addressing to implications of management, this thesis conclude several points as follow: (1) Decreasing the percent to be dependent to outside resources. (2) Developing new resources other than sponsorship from government. (3) Decreasing cost and increasing efficiency under establishment of performance indicators. (4) Getting qualified with a certification issued by ICCD. (5) Establishing an independent committee of review as an oversight mechanism.

uVoyage營運計畫提案:促進台灣地方特色發展之休閒旅遊服務平台 / A business plan proposal for uVoyage: A service platform to promote the development of regional tourism in Taiwan

卓品光, Jwo, Pin Guang Unknown Date (has links)
服務產業已在近代成為了世界各個國家的重要產業,台灣尤其,因此推動服務經濟一直是政府主要的推展政策之一。政大服務科學研究中心(SSRC)及資管所AeSL實驗室將服務科學的知識運用在實務上的服務創新,為本國較弱勢的觀光產業中小型商家提升競爭力,進而發展了一個以旅遊意象為引擎的全新網路服務平台,uVoyage。 此平台的目的為幫助弱勢的中小型觀光商家將自己的產品及服務自行行銷,推廣到全國大眾。本經營計畫的最高宗旨為提供一個互動性平台,讓觀光業中小型商家與旅客一起共創價值,達到永續經營。專案在初始挑選了宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區作為開發平台的實驗標的,並於去年就已經完成POC(Proof of Concept)。在持續開發平台的同時,本研究所著重的方向為研討uVoyage平台的實際經營模式,並將其營運計畫做完善的提案。此研究在進行的過程也定時與枕山村休閒農業區的商家辦說明會蒐集意見回饋,讓平台的功能更能夠符合商家的需求。 此論文延續平台的基礎,持續進行完整性的開發,同時將組織管理、財務、營運及獲利模式做完整個規劃。本研究最終目標為完成最後階段的POS(Proof of Service),並提出實際可行的經營計畫。促進台灣地方特色發展、幫助觀光中小企業為uVoyage的最高使命。

台灣表演藝術團體以非營利組織型態經營其發展進程之研究-以現代舞團雲門舞集為例 / The study on institutionalized process of performing arts foundation-A case study of cloud gate dance theatre of Taiwan

陳若蘭, Chen, Rebecca R. L. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以林懷民先生所創立之雲門舞集為例,探討台灣表演藝術團體以非營利組織型態經營發展之進程。研究問題有三: 一. 為什麼表演藝術團體要以非營利組織的型態來經營?他們真的很難盈利嗎? 二. 非營利組織型態經營的表演藝術團體,應該如何評估其工作績效? 三. 表演藝術團體以非營利組織型態經營時,如何邁向永續? 林懷民先生被柏林晨報譽為「亞洲最重要的編舞家」,他於1973年創立雲門舞集,是目前台灣擁有最多專業舞者的舞團。雲門舞者的訓練包括現代舞、芭蕾、京劇動作、太極導引、靜坐與內家拳,完整專業的訓練使雲門舞集行走國際,累積許多經典舞作。 雲門舞集在1988年成立雲門舞集文教基金會,1998年創立雲門舞蹈教室,1999年成立子團「雲門2」,深入台灣各地校園和社區。2008年,雲門八里排練場大火,這個空間曾是數齣經典舞作的孕育誕生之地,大火毀了歷年的音樂資料,早年使用的道具、服裝和多媒體幻燈片。 本研究在組織構形的相關文獻上主要參考李仁芳教授所著之《管理心靈》(1980),引申出雲門舞集在開創期、暫停期、成長期與成熟期等四期進程中所發生的組織構形。在組織成長的學理引用上,主要參考學者Larry E. Greiner 1998年在《Harvard Business Review》發表的〈Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow〉。 2009年4月,雲門舞集與台北縣(今新北市)政府舉行「徵求民間參與興建營運淡水文化藝術教育中心案」簽約儀式。「淡水文化藝術教育中心」是雲門依促參法規向台北縣政府提案申請興建的,佔地約1.5公頃,林懷民希望雲門從2013年開始有一個固定的家。本研究完成時,園區即將開工,人間事,塞翁馬?期盼未來更多學者持續觀察雲門的發展,因為台灣需要一個這樣的文化團體給人信心。 / This thesis takes Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan as the primal case study that with document analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interview as the research methods to have better understanding of performing arts foundation when they might face in the institutionalized process. The overall objective of this study is: 1. Why, as the most prestige, renowned Performing Arts Company in Taiwan, Cloud Gate has to running with the pattern of nonprofit organization? Is it really difficult for Performing Arts Company to make profits? 2. How to assess and evaluate their working performance if Performing Arts Company is in nonprofit organization pattern? 3. While Performing Arts Company managing with the nonprofit organization mode and mind set, how to maintain their sustainability? Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan was founded in 1973 as the first professional contemporary dance company in any Chinese speaking community. Directed by internationally renowned choreographer Lin Hwai-min, Cloud Gate transforms ancient aesthetics into thrilling modern celebrations of motion. The 25 dancers of the company receive trainings from the West and the East, including Chi Kung, meditation, internal martial arts, modern dance, ballet, and calligraphy as well. This research mainly consults 《The Managerial Mind》 (1980) written by Jen-Fang Lee Ph.D. and also thesis〈Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow〉 (1998) which was issued in 《Harvard Business Review》 written by Professor Larry E. Greiner. Evolve into Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, researcher define its history from creative stage, transition stage, growth stage to mature period organization phase taken place among the four processes. Without any similar comparison, Cloud Gate might be stands as a unique operational case; however, I hoped through the special operation analysis, It will sum up the general mode of contemporary dance company towards nonprofit foundation, which will benefit others for its practice managerial experience.

我國公益勸募條例之探討:以中華民國紅十字會總會「重大災難」勸募為例 / A study on charity solicitation act in Taiwan:the case of "heavy catastrophe" solicitation in The Red Cross Society of The Republic of China

鍾淑美, Chung, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
「公益勸募條例」自民國95年5月立法院三讀通過總統公布實施迄今六年,由於許多非營利組織對於條文解讀不同,因此實務上就產生「無所適從」、「有法無可管」的現象,社會各界對於修正勸募條例的聲音,亦時有所聞。100年日本311震災事件後,內政部召開「公益勸募條例部分條文修正草案」會議,主要針對「重大災害或國際救援」勸募修正條文內容,修正的條文草案版本實有許多值得研商探討的部分。本研究依據內政部「公益勸募條例」部份條文修正草案會議通過版本,以及自律聯盟理事會通過版本,將兩個草案版本對照比較,且依勸募活動之時序歸納區分為:「勸募申請及許可」、「勸募期間規範」、「募得款使用規範」、「資訊揭露」等四大面向作為本研究探討主軸,並藉由紅十字會總會「重大災難」勸募之經驗,確認部分條文內容修正之適切性與可行性。 本研究發現公益勸募條例募款主體規範不夠周延;偏重事前程序審查,缺乏事後監督機制;轉捐行為、退款機制未作規範;國內重大災害勸募「救災執行能力」未加以規範;有關資訊揭露之法令缺乏;捐贈機構不同,扣抵稅額不一等問題。「公益勸募條例」部分條文修正草案內容尚欠完備,仍有許多值得檢討及研商修正部分,政府修法應廣納民間團體之意見,確認條文內容更為妥適可行,以確保有效管理勸募行為,達到「妥善運用資源,保障捐款人的權益」之立法旨意。


楊玉如 Unknown Date (has links)


吳宗憲, wu,chuanghsien Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係的研究者,除了將歷史的糾結、族群的認同、經濟的利益以及不對稱力量等等的因素,作為分析兩岸關係的重要變項之外,兩岸互動當中的「代理人結構」,也是兩岸關係當中學者所重視的一個重要變項。 「代理人結構」的產生原因,主要是由於大陸與台灣雙方政府均強調避免官方接觸,而採用透過民間單位對談互動的模式,而這種互動的模式除了以「委託」、「複委託」結構呈現出來, 兩岸文教交流事務當中我政府與非營利組織間的所有互動關係,也類似這樣的模式。而在這種政府與非政府組織間的互動結構當中,非營利組織在與政府互動時的行為態樣,相關理論歸納出幾種不同的模式,有與政府充分配合的「合作模式」、有利用政府資源遂行自己目的的「吸納模式」、有認同政府目標而分工併行的「互補模式」,也有與政府相互對抗的「衝突模式」(Najam,2000)。至於其效果,不同的理論對其效果有著不同的詮釋,例如:有研究談判的學者,認為如果非營利組織配合政府的官僚控制模式,則這種兩階段談判的結構,可以為政府爭取到談判的空間(Raiffa, 1996:15-16);而主張社群主義的學者則認為這種結構可以透過互動,使非營利組織與政府產生合作的集體意識(Haeberle, 1987:180),進而與大陸方面相抗衡;但根據公共選擇理論的經濟人假設,理性的「代理人」透過「吸納」政府資源以達成自己目標的模式,是一種必然的現象,政府同理亦可提供資源來誘導非營利組織的行為(Dunleavy, P., and B. O'Leary,1987: 114-115);當然,也有學者不斷強調非營利組織與政府之間的衝突對立關係(Kramer et al., 1993:123),而在對立狀況下,若非營利組織採取「疏離」的模式,反而可以減少彼此之間的衝突。由此可見,對於政府與非營利組織之間的互動樣態及其優劣,不同的學者有不同的看法,呈現「人言言殊、莫衷一是」的情況。 自民國86年起,筆者任職於主管兩岸事務的行政院大陸委員會,89年亦曾在辦理兩岸文教交流活動的非營利組織工作,在工作的過程當中,發現相較於其他政策領域,兩岸文教交流互動當中的政府與非營利組織的互動關係並非只有某一種固定的行為模式,而是呈現出更多元的關係,而上述不同理論所描繪的互動模式,均能在兩岸文教交流領域過程當中獲得實證的案例來佐證,並且各種互動模式似乎是非營利組織根據時空的變化而有意做出來的選擇行為。 正因為這些多元的選擇行為模式,筆者一直深受下面問題所困擾:「從實然面的角度來說,非營利組織與政府在互動的時候,在什麼情況下會選擇什麼模式?其原因為何?」,此一問題,便是吾人之所以欲進行本研究之初步動機。進一步來說,若能了解非營利組織如何選擇不同模式以及其原因,政府才能據此思考應該採取的因應之道,兩岸文教交流事務才有辦法順利推動。 而為能了解兩岸文教交流當中,非營利組織與政府在互動時模式選擇的問題,必須解決兩方面的問題,首先,由於此一領域當中的行為模式相當多元,因此筆者必須建立一個能夠具有窮盡性及互斥性的分類模式才足夠「描述」現實的各種狀態。其次,每個實際政策領域中影響政府與非營利組織的變數並不盡相同,因此,本研究必須找出影響實際互動的變數以及其原因,才能夠將變數與選擇模式的行為將結合。為達前項目標,本研究將整理中外文獻以彙整出一個具有描述功能的分類模式,為達後項目標,本研究亦將以實際觀察作為方法,歸納出影響選擇行為的變項。 / Due to the fact that Chinese and Taiwanese governments both put emphasis on avoiding official contacts while entrusting private organizations with cross-strait dialogues and interactions, a so-called “proxy structure” has been established. Meanwhile, the interactions between Taiwan’s government and non-profit organizations in dealing with cross-strait cultural and educational affairs also resemble this structure. However, the results of the “proxy structure,” when interpreted based on different theories, are roughly categorized into four modes, including “cooperation,” “co-optation,” “complementarity” and “confrontation.” Now that there are multiple modes to choose from, I have been perplexed all along by the following question: “From a pragmatic viewpoint, when non-profit organizations interact with Taiwan’s government, which mode will be chosen under what circumstances and why?” The core concept of this research lies in this very question. To be more accurate, only when the question how non-profit organizations choose from different modes and why is answered, can Taiwan’s government think, act and react accordingly and cross-strait cultural and educational affairs be handled smoothly. In order to find the answer to this question, first of all, a categorizing model with both exhaustivity and mutual exclusivity and capable of “describing” all kinds of scenarios in the real world was established. Following that, observations were conducted to pinpoint the variables that affect real-life interactions and their causes. Thirdly, information was obtained through in-depth interviews to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the above-mentioned categorizing model. In-depth interviews has proven that the categorizing model established in the research has a predicting ability with a considerable degree of accuracy and can act as a reference for future researchers conducting quantitative studies.

宗教非營利組織的國際化發展—以地方召會在臺灣及東南亞開展為探討 / The International Development of Religious Non-profit Organizations–A Case Study of the Local Churches Propagating in Taiwan and Southeast Asia

范俊銘, Fan, Chun Ming Unknown Date (has links)
地方召會(在中國和臺灣地區的名稱沿革:小群→基督徒聚會處→聚會所→地方召會,本文簡稱「地方召會」),其創始人—倪柝聲、李常受等,今有無數基督徒受其思想的影響;根據《聖經》所建立的地方召會已散佈在全球六大洲,涵蓋著不同的國家、種族、語言和文化。 地方召會在中國初創時期,已建立移民擴展的規模,即往在地化和國際化的政策發展;後因政局改變,地方召會發展至香港、臺灣和東南亞地區,在臺灣發展的初期階段,帶進百倍的人數增長,迄今成為臺灣第二大基督徒團體,而臺灣的地方召會,接續先前在大陸區域開展的模型,作為全球發展的基地之一,擴展到全球各大洲,目前全球信眾約廿餘萬人,在全世界積極擴展信仰的版圖。 本文從核心信仰出發,以宗教非營利組織的觀點,逐一探討地方召會的信仰和宗教實踐,首先說明地方召會的信仰與在中國大陸時期的擴展;其次介紹宗教非營利組織和地方召會在臺灣時期的擴展;第三為論述地方召會的國際化拓展模式,並以東南亞各國為深度探討,在李氏離世後,地方召會在無指定的接班人狀況下,其擴展方針絲毫不受影響且發展更鉅,被公認為對基督教界具有影響力的團體。 / The local church (the revolution of this name in China and Taiwan: a small group→the assembly of Christian→the meeting hall→the local church, this paper refers to "the local church"), its founders—Watchman Nee and Witness Lee(this paper refers to "Nee" and “Lee”), there are countless Christians are affected by their thought; The local church established according to the Bible has spread across the six continents, covering the different nations, races, languages and cultures. The local church during the starting period in China, has established the scope of immigrant expansion, that was policy development of localization and globalization; due to the political changes, the local church developed to Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South East Asia. In the early stages of development in Taiwan, brought into a hundredfold increase in numbers so far has become the second largest Christian community in Taiwan. And the local church in Taiwan following the development model carried out in mainland China area previously, being one base of global development and expands to all continents. For the time being, there are about two hundred thousand believers on the earth and expands the territory of faith in the world actively. This paper begins from the core of faith, studying the faith and the practices of religion in the local church from the view of religious non-profitable organization. The first, describing the faith of the local church and the expansion during the age in t mainland China; Secondly introducing the religious non-profit organization and the expansion of the local church during the age in Taiwan; the third, discussing the international expansion mode of local church and taking the countries in Southeast of Asia to have deep discussion. Especially from 1997 so far, the local church in the absence of the designated successor after Lee's passing away, the expanding strategy develops more largely without compromising and being recognized as an influential community to the Christianity.

共用資源治理觀點下的美濃獅子頭水圳 / Governance Change of Shihtou Water Canal in Meinung:A Common-pool Resource Perspective

游鎮維, Yu, Chen Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討灌溉水資源系統中的「水圳」,在歷史的發展脈絡下如何成為農村不可或缺的依賴性治理制度。而都市化與工業發展興起後,水圳面臨了設施改造與治理困境,其制度本身所產生之變革以及新興治理機制對原有組織之影響。 本文透過美濃獅子頭水圳為個案研究,運用伊利諾‧歐斯壯(E.Ostrom)之「共用資源永續發展治理八大原則」為水圳資源有效治理之理論背景,檢視早期美濃獅子頭水圳的集體行動組織(地方水利會-農民),如何成功地在自主治理的機制中運作,並探討在現代化發展過程中宏觀的外在結構環境,包含農業轉型、停徵會費、派系競爭、水患問題等變化,對既有的共用資源制度產生的衝擊與弱化。以及民主化後由愛鄉協進會透過反水庫社會運動帶動社區總體營造對於水圳治理的創新模式。本文認為早期獅子頭水圳在資源邊界、集體選擇、對組織權最低限度認可與多中心治理等面向建立起維持永續發展之基礎。制度本身雖遭受外在環境變遷而呈現鬆散,但由於觀光休閒農業的推廣,吸引農村漂鳥回流,對灌溉水資源的參與治理渴望達到穩定的力量。並且,透過給予掌水工與水利小組的正式與非正式制度性誘因,可以有效調節灌溉用水並做為提供移轉調撥其他產業用水的基礎。最後,在地方性非營利組織「愛鄉協進會」進入水圳系統的治理後,挑戰由半官僚水利會所掌控的政治經濟功能掛帥水圳系統,更融入生態、文化、公民參與等不同的元素形成一共同治理新模式,除了延續後農業時代水圳的灌溉功能之外,也強化其制度韌性。藉由這些發現,本文進而提出實務與理論的研究建議,以做為後農業時代水資源灌溉系統的永續發展之借鏡。 / The subject of this essay is to explore the reason why an irrigation canal, in the process of historical development, became an indispensable governance institution in the villages. Also, in the advent of urbanization and industrialization, the irrigation canal faces a situation of the renovation of facility as well as the predicament of governance, in which the institution itself changes and newly governance system influences the original organizations. This study takes Shihtou Irrigation Canal in Meinung as the object. Using Elino Ostrom’s eight design principles of stable local common pool resource (CPR) management to review the successful self-governance mechanisms in operation performed by the early local collective action organization (mainly made by Taiwan Joint Irrigation Association and farmers). Also the paper explains the impacts of macro-environment, including the agricultural transformation, stop collecting fees, factional competition and flooding, on the existing system of CPR. And an innovational governance participated by a Meinung People's Association, a grass-roots organization from anti-reservoir activities to comprehensive community development in the era of post-democratization. Results of this study showed as follows: Firstly, early Shihtou irrigation canal maintain the basis for establishing sustainable development as result of clearly defined boundaries, collective-choice arrangement, minimal recognition of rights to organize, and nested enterprises. Besides, although it was weaken by the later change of external structure, the development of leisure agriculture attracted recurrent youth for agriculture, who was desired for reviving the power of appropriation in canal self-governance. Meanwhile, the institutional design of water-inspectors and water conservancy group arranged through formal and informal incentives can effectively regulate the right of water for irrigation and serve as providing the basis for the allocation of water for other industries. Finally, a local non-profit organization Meinung People's Association challenges the governance system originally controlled by a half-bureaucratic management of local Farm Irrigation Association. Compared with the mainly political and economic functions of water governance by the latter, the former emphasize the different elements of ecological, cultural, and civic participation. This formation of New model of shared governance in canal not only continue its irrigational function in post-agriculture, but also strengthen its institutional tenacity..With these findings, the paper puts forward practical and theoretical study suggests in order to learn as a sustainable development of water resources in the era of post-agricultural irrigation systems.

跨越田野與創作的界線----青年勞動九五聯盟的創意行動與媒體策略 / Between fieldwork and creation: the creative action and media strategy for Taiwan youthlabor union

陳曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣從解嚴以後到八0年代末期,社會運動極為興盛,大學生也在這種氛圍下開始校園民主運動,並聲援校園外風起雲湧的民間自力救濟運動。但是在九0年代以後,臺灣的社會運動逐漸沈寂,但是其中有許多都化為正式立案的非營利組織,以延續過往的運動能量;而過去年少輕狂的學運份子,有的後來進入體制,也有的後來走向基層、推動人民自主結社,由下而上地以各種社會力量繼續有組織地提出訴求。而這「理性化」的過程,也延續到其後發生的社會運動上。 但是在這個國家與企業都在使用廣告行銷與公關手段,導致公共領域再封建化的時代裡,非營利組織應如何在公共領域中奪取議題的詮釋權?本文從行動者的角度,以青年勞動九五聯盟的創意行動與媒體策略為例,在事件的參與和行動中再回頭進行反思與分析,並回應到原先的問題意識:有關作為「知識人」的傳播者,如何能更積極地為社運組織帶來力量和影響? 本研究發現,非營利組織若要在公共領域上搶奪議題的詮釋權,除了組織化的內部分工,並解決財務問題以外,還必須以人民的「生活世界」作為其論述的底蘊,來挑戰被國家與企業所把持的「系統世界」,進而促成改變。而非營利組織之所以能提出人民的「生活世界」,則是建立在組織者平日與他們的群眾同在的過程裡。而非營利組織以創意行動與媒體策略推展議題,並以「影像紀錄」作為其提出論據的管道之一,則是建立在各非營利組織的發展脈絡與生存策略上,形成一種內在鑲嵌的關係。 本研究發現,非營利組織若要在公共領域上搶奪議題的詮釋權,除了組織化的內部分工,並解決財務問題以外,還必須以人民的「生活世界」作為其論述的底蘊,來挑戰被國家與企業所把持的「系統世界」,進而促成改變。而非營利組織之所以能提出人民的「生活世界」,則是建立在組織者平日與他們的群眾同在的過程裡。而非營利組織以創意行動與媒體策略推展議題,並以「影像紀錄」作為其提出論據的管道之一,則是在各非營利組織的發展脈絡與生存策略上,而有不同的呈現方式,形成一種內在鑲嵌的關係。


楊永方 Unknown Date (has links)
大額捐款對非營利組織而言,是一個極為重要的財源,能使募款迅速達成目標。因此,了解大額捐款者的捐款行為,是一項非常重要的課題。 本研究從捐款者的觀點出發,研究大額捐款者之捐款行為。從4,787則純新聞報導中,以單次捐款金額在百萬元以上的大額捐款事件為研究對象,期能找出大額捐款者的特性與大額捐款行為的關聯性,提供非營利組織募款建議及策略參考。 本研究發現如下: 一、 個人的大額捐款,其資金來源以「自有資金」為主,主要用途為「教育」,且有五成會捐給「有業緣關係」的受贈組織,以「校友」比例最高。 二、 組織的大額捐款,主要捐給「有地緣關係」、「有業緣關係」的「政府組織」。 三、 企業的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣4,148.19萬元,高於非營利組織(NPO)的新台幣845.39萬元。 四、 來源為自有資金的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣2,549.89萬元,高於來源為募款轉贈者的新台幣984.39萬元。 五、 沒有地緣關係的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣3,352.90萬元,高於有地緣關係的新台幣1,389.40萬元。 六、 資源愈多的地區享受的捐款愈多,台灣社會資源分佈不均的情況顯而易見。 七、 大額捐款用途都十分明確,顯示大額捐款人對捐款用途的期待是影響捐款行為的重要關鍵因素。 本研究建議如下: 一、 建議非營利組織應採取「捐款人導向」的行銷策略,瞭解大額捐款人的心理需求與行為習慣,並提供目標明確的方案與內容,使捐款人了解捐款的用途、支用方式與辦理績效,以增加募款金額及再度捐款的機率。 二、 建議非營利組應以相同地區者為主要募款對象。尤其以區域性募款標的或內容撰寫計畫書或提供方案內容,應較容易募款成功。 三、 建議非營利組織可以向依法認罪換取緩刑的大額捐款,以及公益彩券得主的大額捐款提出募款方案,將有助於非營利組織定期大額捐款來源。 四、 建議大額捐款人及政府應正視捐款資源過度集中的問題,可透過聯合勸募方式平衡城鄉差距。

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