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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HBTQIA-inkludering i skolan / LGBTQIA inclusion in school

Ahlström, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Sexuality, sex, and gender represent three out of seven grounds of discriminations, and teachers carry the duty to actively counteract discrimination according to the Swedish National Agency for Education. Even though Sweden is in fifth place of gender equality and teachers are supposed to educate students to become accepting human beings, the Swedish Schools Inspectorate published that only one out of three Swedish teachers include LGBTQ questions in their teaching. This paper aims to summarise what research says about the effects of LGTBQ inclusion in the early years of Swedish primary school. After systematically searching for academic sources in three different databases, and then assessing them, the results were reoccurring. While the Swedish LGBTQ teaching is inadequate, British, and American research shows that the effects of a LGBTQ inclusive curriculum are motivated and committed students, that have greater understanding for social injustices, leading to less discrimination. The results are discussed based on what the relevance is for Swedish primary school, in accordance with the Swedish National Agency for Educations’ fundamental values and overall goals, and the core content of civics.

Diskursen om HBTQIA i skolan : Hur bildlärarstudenter pratar om sexualitet och könsidentitet i en bildanalytisk kontext. / The Discourse Regarding LGBTQ+ in school : How Future Art Teachers Talk about Sexuality and Gender Identity in the Context of Image Analysis.

Krans Genrup, Tintin, Djurfeldt, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyse how future art teachers talk about gender identity and sexuality in the context of an image analysis. In order to gather the empirical data used for this paper we sent out a questionnaire to student teachers with art as their primary subject. This questionnaire contained both closed and open-ended questions where they were instructed to analyse and describe four pictures of individuals that could be perceived as queer-coded, as well as answer questions regarding the core content of visual arts in the Swedish curricula for grade 7-9. The answers were then looked at through a queer theroetical lens using critical discourse analysis as our method. Based on the answers of the questionnaire we concluded that future art teachers use a politically correct and norm critical approach when speaking about gender identity and sexuality. We could however also see some confusion in the answers that possibly stems from a lack of knowledge and experience on the subject of gender identity and sexuality.

Att utmana strukturer och normer : En kritisk diskursanalys av normer kring kön och sexualitet i behandlingsarbetet för missbruk / Challenging norms and structures : A critical discourse analysis of norms regarding sex and sexuality in alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs

Lindhero, Petra January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur personal från behandlingshem för missbruk samtalar kring kön och sexualitet. Studien utgår från behandlingshem med inriktning på enbart kvinnor eller enbart män. I Sverige har homo-, bi- och transsexuella personer sämre psykisk hälsa än heterosexuella personer. Psykisk ohälsa ökar risken för missbruk och hbtq-personer har en ökad risk för missbruk jämfört med den generella befolkningen, varför det har varit av relevans att undersöka normer gällande kön och sexualitet på behandlingshem för missbruk. Det empiriska materialet, som har analyserats genom en kritisk diskursanalytisk ansats, har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal inom behandlingshem för missbruk. I resultatet framgår att diskurserna kring kön och sexualitet till stor del fortfarande är heteronormativa, bland annat genom att utgångspunkten är att brukarnas relationer är heterosexuella samt i diskurser kring att visa sin nakna kropp vid övervakade urinprov. Resultatet lyfter att det kan finnas en osäkerhet kring bemötande av transsexuella personer utifrån vilket pronomen som ska användas samt på vilket behandlingshem en transperson ska placeras. Slutsatsen pekar på att det kan finnas ett behov av kunskap om det heteronormativa privilegiet för att det ska bli möjligt med förändring av ojämlika maktstrukturer kring kön och sexualitet. / The aim of this study is to explore how professionals, from health and rehabilitation clinics for addiction, talk about sex and sexuality. The study includes health and rehabilitation clinics for only women or only men. In Sweden, mental illness is more prevalent among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual population than for the heterosexual population. Mental illness increases the risk for alcohol and drug addiction and people within the LGBT community have an increased risk of addiction than the rest of the population, thus it is of relevance to explore norms regarding gender and sexuality in rehabilitation clinics. The empirical material has been collected via ten semi-structured interviews with professionals of health and rehabilitation clinics for addiction. The result indicates that the discourses regarding sex and sexuality still in many ways are heteronormative and it shows among others by the assumptions that the relationships of the clients are heterosexual. It also shows when it is assumed that the clients are cis in the discourse regarding showing the naked body when leaving monitored urine samples. The result illustrates that there could be an insecurity among the professionals when it comes to use the correct pronoun when talking about transsexual people and in which health and rehabilitation clinic a transsexual person can be accepted for treatment. The conclusion indicates that knowledge about the heteronormative privilege could be necessary to enable change of unequal power structures regarding sex and sexuality.

A Cishet Man’s Poland : Compulsory Heterosexuality in Polish Legislation on Reproductive and Sexual Rights

Lodenius, Lina January 2022 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how compulsory heterosexuality is present in Polish legislation on women* and trans* people’s reproductive and sexual rights. The aim of this study is to increase an understanding of how compulsory heterosexuality’s presence in legislation regarding reproductive and sexual rights can consequently affect women* and trans* people in practice. By the means of qualitative content analysis and the operationalization of compulsory heterosexuality through the lens of queer feminism, this thesis analyzes three Polish legislations on reproductive and sexual rights, namely the Constitution of Poland, the Family Planning, Human Embryo Protection and Conditions of Permissibility of Abortion Act, and the Family and Guardianship Code. Adrienne Rich’s theory of compulsory heterosexuality suggests that heterosexuality is not natural, but a violent institution enforced in society through e.g. law. This thesis found that compulsory heterosexuality was present in all three legislations, and presented itself through: erasure of women* and trans* people, denial of their sexuality, idealization of heterosexuality, rape and violence, control of their bodies, robbing of their children, punishment for being LGBTQIA+, diminishing their aspirations, restricting their self-fulfillment to parenthood and marriage, keeping them from seeking reproductive care, erasure of their traditions, objectification, and dismissive language. Possible consequences identified were: invalidation and invisibilization of queer and trans* people, increased oppression, the social norm being a negative bias against LGBTQIA+ people, criminalization of LGBTQIA+ people, more deaths at the hands of the law, more parentless children, making women* and trans* people question their body or intuition, and an increase in illegal unsafe abortions or abortion tourism.

Critical Race Theory och Queer Legal Studies i en svensk kontext : Regeringsformen 2 kap. 12 § – Ras och Sexuell läggning / Critical Race Theory and Queer Legal Studies in a Swedish context

Gustafsson, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
This essay examines the theories of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Queer Legal Studies (QLS). CRT scholars argue that racism is not simply the product of individual prejudice but is also embedded in the legal system and other institutions. QLS scholars argue that LGBTQ+ people are subject to discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity, and that the law must be reformed to protect their rights. The first part provides a theoretical and historical background to the theories. The second part presents an empirical study of the theories' impact on Swedish law. The third part analyzes the Swedish constitutional provision on discrimination RF 2:12, with a focus on race and sexual orientation. The fourth part provides a practical analysis of Swedish court cases using the theories' methods. The fifth and final part discusses the theories' potential for the future of Swedish law. The Swedish development of anti-discrimination legislation can be understood through Hübinette and Lundström's periodization of Swedish race relations and proposes a future period of "White Understanding" and argues that the Swedish self-image is still influenced by the politics of the 20th century. The essay finds that the shame of the racist policies of the past has influenced the language of Swedish legislation. More importantly, the essay finds that the interests of the state have been prioritized over the interests of minorities. The empirical study found that the theories have had little impact on Swedish legal sources. However, the theories had a brief period of increased influence between 2004 and 2008. It also found that the theories have had some influence on the Swedish Supreme Court, as evidenced by the cases of Skattefjällsdomen and Girjasdomen.

Kunskapsproduktion kring fetischism : Att förhålla sig till sakorienterad sexualitet

Nilsson-Jatko, David January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt söker efter vägledande principer för en kunskapsproduktion kring fetischistisk sexualitet. Detta har utförts genom diskursanalytiska och genealogiska studier av hur fetischism konstrueras i olika sociokulturella sammanhang. Analysen indikerar att fetischistisk sexualitet existerar i en marginaliserad position i ett maktrelationellt landskap, där yttre grupper har olika incitament till att återge fetischism på bristfälliga, sexualiserande och andrafierande sätt. Detta medför olika problem vad gäller kunskapsproduktionen kring fetischistisk sexualitet och kan antas bidra till upprätthållandet av nuvarande sexualnormer. För att minimera dessa kunskapsproduktionsproblem föreslås åtta vägledande principer: En ansvarstagande kunskapsproduktion som utgår från subjektet; medvetenhet om stereotyper och om patologins kvardröjande ok; användande av icke-andrafierande terminologi; medvetenhet om könsorienteringsnormen; medvetenhet om politiserade begrepp; undvikande av låsning i subkulturell identitetspolitik; en förståelse för den abjektas möjligheter att tala; samt bruk av intrasektionell analys. Dessa principer kan förstås bidra till ett tillgängliggörande av forskningsfältet kring fetischism samt bidra till en allmän förståelse för sexualitet bortom kön. / This project aims to find guiding principles for a knowledge production around fetishism. This has been conducted through discourse analysis and genealogical studies of the construction of fetishism in central contexts. The analysis indicates that fetishism is marginalised in a weave of power relations, where external interests have incitaments to vilify, sexualise and otherise fetishistic sexuality. This is understood to potentially cause various problems when it comes to knowledge production around fetishism. In order to minimise these problems, eight guiding principles are suggested: A knowledge production based in the subject; awareness of lingering pathological notions and stereotypes; usage of non-othering terminology; awareness of the sex/gender orientation norm; awareness of politicised definitions; awareness of subcultural identity politics; an understanding of the abject's ability to speak; and usage of intra-sectional analysis.

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