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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Analysis of Consequences of Land Evaluation and Path Optimization

Murekatete, Rachel Mundeli January 2018 (has links)
Planners who are involved in locational decision making often use raster-based geographic information systems (GIS) to quantify the value of land in terms of suitability or cost for a certain use. From a computational point of view, this process can be seen as a transformation of one or more sets of values associated with a grid of cells into another set of such values through a function reflecting one or more criteria. While it is generally anticipated that different transformations lead to different ‘best’ locations, little has been known on how such differences arise (or do not arise). Examples of such spatial decision problems can be easily found in the literature and many of them concern the selection of a set of cells (to which the land use under consideration is allocated) from a raster surface of suitability or cost depending on context. To facilitate GIS’s algorithmic approach, it is often assumed that the quality of the set of cells can be evaluated as a whole by the sum of their cell values. The validity of this assumption must be questioned, however, if those values are measured on a scale that does not permit arithmetic operations. Ordinal scale of measurement in Stevens’s typology is one such example. A question naturally arises: is there a more mathematically sound and consistent approach to evaluating the quality of a path when the quality of each cell of the given grid is measured on an ordinal scale? The thesis attempts to answer the questions highlighted above in the context of path planning through a series of computational experiments using a number of random landscape grids with a variety of spatial and non-spatial structures. In the first set of experiments, we generated least-cost paths on a number of cost grids transformed from the landscape grids using a variety of transformation parameters and analyzed the locations and (weighted) lengths of those paths. Results show that the same pair of terminal cells may well be connected by different least-cost paths on different cost grids though derived from the same landscape grid and that the variation among those paths is affected by how given values are distributed in the landscape grid as well as by how derived values are distributed in the cost grids. Most significantly, the variation tends to be smaller when the landscape grid contains more distinct patches of cells potentially attracting or distracting cost-saving passage or when the cost grid contains a smaller number of low-cost cells. The second set of experiments aims to compare two optimization models, minisum and minimax (or maximin) path models, which aggregate the values of the cells associated with a path using the sum function and the maximum (or minimum) function, respectively. Results suggest that the minisum path model is effective if the path search can be translated into the conventional least-cost path problem, which aims to find a path with the minimum cost-weighted length between two terminuses on a ratio-scaled raster cost surface, but the minimax (or maximin) path model is mathematically sounder if the cost values are measured on an ordinal scale and practically useful if the problem is concerned not with the minimization of cost but with the maximization of some desirable condition such as suitability. / Planerare som arbetar bland annat med att fatta beslut som hänsyftar till vissa lokaler använder ofta rasterbaserade geografiska informationssystem (GIS) för att sätta ett värde på marken med avseende på lämplighet eller kostnad för en viss användning. Ur en beräkningssynpunkt kan denna process ses som en transformation av en eller flera uppsättningar värden associerade med ett rutnät av celler till en annan uppsättning sådana värden genom en funktion som återspeglar ett eller flera kriterier. Medan det generellt förväntas att olika omvandlingar leder till olika "bästa" platser, har lite varit känt om hur sådana skillnader uppstår (eller inte uppstår). Exempel på sådana rumsliga beslutsproblem kan lätt hittas i litteraturen och många av dem handlar om valet av en uppsättning celler (som markanvändningen övervägs tilldelas) från en rasteryta av lämplighet eller kostnad beroende på kontext. För att underlätta GISs algoritmiska tillvägagångssätt antas det ofta att kvaliteten på uppsättningen av celler kan utvärderas som helhet genom summan av deras cellvärden. Giltigheten av detta antagande måste emellertid ifrågasättas om dessa värden mäts på en skala som inte tillåter aritmetiska transformationer. Användning av ordinal skala enligt Stevens typologi är ett exempel av detta. En fråga uppstår naturligt: Finns det ett mer matematiskt sunt och konsekvent tillvägagångssätt för att utvärdera kvaliteten på en rutt när kvaliteten på varje cell i det givna rutnätet mäts med ordinalskala? Avhandlingen försöker svara på ovanstående frågor i samband med ruttplanering genom en serie beräkningsexperiment med hjälp av ett antal slumpmässigt genererade landskapsnät med en rad olika rumsliga och icke-rumsliga strukturer. I den första uppsättningen experiment genererade vi minsta-kostnad rutter på ett antal kostnadsnät som transformerats från landskapsnätverket med hjälp av en mängd olika transformationsparametrar, och analyserade lägen och de (viktade) längderna för dessa rutter. Resultaten visar att samma par ändpunkter mycket väl kan vara sammanbundna med olika minsta-kostnad banor på olika kostnadsraster härledda från samma landskapsraster, och att variationen mellan dessa banor påverkas av hur givna värden fördelas i landskapsrastret såväl som av hur härledda värden fördelas i kostnadsrastret. Mest signifikant är att variationen tenderar att vara mindre när landskapsrastret innehåller mer distinkta grupper av celler som potentiellt lockar eller distraherar kostnadsbesparande passage, eller när kostnadsrastret innehåller ett mindre antal låg-kostnad celler. Den andra uppsättningen experiment syftar till att jämföra två optimeringsmodeller, minisum och minimax (eller maximin) sökmodeller, vilka sammanställer värdena för cellerna som är associerade med en sökväg med summanfunktionen respektive maximum (eller minimum) funktionen. Resultaten tyder på att minisumbanemodellen är effektiv om sökningen av sökvägen kan översättas till det konventionella minsta kostnadsproblemet, vilket syftar till att hitta en väg med den minsta kostnadsvägda längden mellan två terminaler på en ratio-skalad rasterkostyta, men minimax (eller maximin) banmodellen är matematiskt sundare om kostnadsvärdena mäts i ordinär skala och praktiskt användbar om problemet inte bara avser minimering av kostnad men samtidigt maximering av någon önskvärd egenskap såsom lämplighet. / <p>QC 20181002</p>

A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour : The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776) / En Colombiansk Nunna och Kärleken till Gud och till Nästan : María de Jesús (ca 1690-1776) Andliga Väg

Cadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2016 (has links)
María de Jesús (1690s-1776) was a white-veiled Discalced Carmelite nun of the San José convent in Santa Fe de Bogotá, founded in 1606. She professed in the year 1714, and her spiritual journal was printed in a chronicle about the convent in the 1940s. The aim of this study is to examine the love of God and of neighbour, as expressed in the spiritual journal of María de Jesús. In this study I will proceed from the understanding of love as charity. In Christian thought God Himself is love, and its source. Charity, the third, and greatest, of the theological virtues, is a state of being in and responding to God’s love and favour. This way of loving consists in loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Included in loving our neighbour are acts related to his or her spiritual benefit and salvation. These are all present themes in María de Jesús’ text, but my aim is to examine how she incorporates these themes in her spiritual testimony by analyzing the imagery she uses, and the affective language in her spiritual journal. I will also seek to understand her way of writing by analyzing her text against the background of the tradition of women’s spiritual writings. Being a Discalced Carmelite, it will also be interesting to discover the Teresian presence in María de Jesus’ text, i.e. the influence of her predecessor and the reformer of the order, Teresa of Ávila (1515- 1582). I suggest that this can be noticed in certain rhetorical techniques. I also aim to examine if there are any similarities and differences in their expressions of love of God and of neighbour.

Samband mellan geologiska och bergmekaniska egenskaper i bergmaterial som bärlager till riksväg 51 : Riksväg 51 sträckan Svennevad - Kvarntorpskorset

Landeman, Philip January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was created to ensure the quality of the rock which would be crushed to base layer construction material, in a road cut at Swedish highway 51, and to find a possible link between the rock's abrasion resistance and its mineralogy. Rock samples were collected, and among other things, several ball mill tests were carried out. The design of the road project was carried out by Loxia Group AB with NCC Group as contractor.A total of 18 rock samples and 2 base layer samples were taken in the area and they were all tested in a ball mill. The results showed that of the 18 rock samples, 2 samples had a ball mill value of less than 16 on the scale, 10 samples had values from 16 to 20, in addition to this, 3 samples had values from 20 to 21 and 3 samples had values in excess of 21 on the Swedish ball mill scale.Of the 3 samples with a ball mill value higher than 21, all contained a larger amount of biotite. Biotite did not appear to the same extent among the samples that ended up further down the ball mill scale. This link was so clear that a conclusion was subsequently drawn from this. The samples taken on the prefabricated base layer both had a ball mill value between 16 and 20. Overall, both the base layer and the rock material passed the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements according to "TRVKB 10, Obundna lager". The rock type that was on the south part of the rock cut, adjacent to a deformation zone, had way too poor quality to undergo a ball mill test and therefore there are no values taken from that area.The conclusion of the work is that the rock material overall meets the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements for base layer construction materials according to "TRVKB 10 Obundna lager", that a clear link between the proportion of biotite in a rock material and its abrasion resistance exists, and that the broken rock in the south should not be used as construction materials since the rock has insufficient mechanic capacity.

Dynamic Speed Adaptation for Curves using Machine Learning / Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning för kurvor med maskininlärning

Narmack, Kirilll January 2018 (has links)
The vehicles of tomorrow will be more sophisticated, intelligent and safe than the vehicles of today. The future is leaning towards fully autonomous vehicles. This degree project provides a data driven solution for a speed adaptation system that can be used to compute a vehicle speed for curves, suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. A speed adaptation system for curves aims to compute a vehicle speed suitable for curves that can be used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or in Autonomous Driving (AD) applications. This degree project was carried out at Volvo Car Corporation. Literature in the field of speed adaptation systems and factors affecting the vehicle speed in curves was reviewed. Naturalistic driving data was both collected by driving and extracted from Volvo's data base and further processed. A novel speed adaptation system for curves was invented, implemented and evaluated. This speed adaptation system is able to compute a vehicle speed suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. Two different artificial neural networks and two mathematical models were used to compute the desired vehicle speed in curves. These methods were compared and evaluated. / Morgondagens fordon kommer att vara mer sofistikerade, intelligenta och säkra än dagens fordon. Framtiden lutar mot fullständigt autonoma fordon. Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller en datadriven lösning för ett hastighetsanpassningssystem som kan beräkna ett fordons hastighet i kurvor som är lämpligt för förarens körstil, vägens egenskaper och rådande väder. Ett hastighetsanpassningssystem för kurvor har som mål att beräkna en fordonshastighet för kurvor som kan användas i Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) eller Autonomous Driving (AD) applikationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på Volvo Car Corporation. Litteratur kring hastighetsanpassningssystem samt faktorer som påverkar ett fordons hastighet i kurvor studerades. Naturalistisk bilkörningsdata samlades genom att köra bil samt extraherades från Volvos databas och bearbetades. Ett nytt hastighetsanpassningssystem uppfanns, implementerades samt utvärderades. Hastighetsanpassningssystemet visade sig vara kapabelt till att beräkna en lämplig fordonshastighet för förarens körstil under rådande väderförhållanden och vägens egenskaper. Två olika artificiella neuronnätverk samt två matematiska modeller användes för att beräkna fordonets hastighet. Dessa metoder jämfördes och utvärderades.

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