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[pt] Nesta tese enfrento problemáticas dos Direitos Humanos pela filosofia
política e crítica ao direito. Num primeiro momento, apresento crítica à tradição e
uma breve genealogia de como se dá o pensamento e a história desses direitos, tanto
da ordem dos discursos de fundamentação como da sua afirmação social. Em
seguida, trabalho a encruzilhada dos Direitos Humanos a partir da relação com a
soberania e a biopolítica, respectivamente, segundo Jacques Derrida e Michel
Foucault. Por um lado, é de se destacar o acentuado caráter histórico e político dos
Direitos Humanos, de outro, questionar seu potencial de transformação social. A
encruzilhada aparece e a problematização se dá, pois, se os Direitos Humanos são
esforço do histórico de mobilizações contrário a injustiças sociais e modelos
jurídicos conservadores, também, passam a fazer parte de nossa era de direitos
como fundamento e manifestação legítima do direito. Inclusive, por vezes, se
voltam contra seus próprios fins. Nesse contexto, os Direitos Humanos estão
atrelados ao ímpeto civilizatório ocidental, ao capitalismo global, à ordem
internacional e às violências de estado, ao mesmo tempo em que se manifestam
com as lutas políticas, as conquistas sociais e as defesas contra violações de direito.
A partir disso, problematizo os Direitos Humanos diante de seus fins e de sua força
como direito, também, lanço a problemática de como pensá-los diante dos caminhos
cruzados, da diferença das forças e da contínua abertura à mudança social presentes
em sua atualidade. Com essa delimitação, estudo o potencial dos ‘Direitos Humanos
na encruzilhada’, segundo a produção social e a definição da humanidade. Isso se
dá, pela intersecção da soberania e da biopolítica, conforme são ultrapassados
limites do direito e atingidos novos domínios da vida e da sociedade. O que implica
reformular questões em torno da normatividade, da força e da realização dos
Direitos Humanos. Por fim, destaco algumas tensões em meio às relações sociais e
às composições de poder dos Direitos Humanos no cenário político atual. / [en] This thesis consists of a study about problems concerned to Human Rights
from political philosophy and critique of law. At first, with a critique of the tradition
of Human Rights and a brief genealogy of how thought and history of Human
Rights took place, both in terms of foundational speeches and social statements.
After that, due to open fractures with the philosophy of Jacques Derrida and Michel
Foucault, the idea is to distinguish how Human Rights function when related to
sovereignty and biopolitics. It is important to highlight the historical and political
nature of law, and to question its potential of social transformation, once Human
Rights are at the crossroads: If Human Rights are an effort of the history of
mobilizations contrary to social injustices and conservative legal models, they also
become our era of rights as foundations and part of legitimate law. Even, at times,
they turn against their own ends. In this context, the concept of Human Rights is
linked to western civilization, global capitalism, international order and state
violence, at the same time that Human Rights are made with political struggles,
social conquests, institutional protection and defense against rights violation. In
this context, is important to investigate how to think about Human Rights once
considered the difference of forces of their formation and continuous openness to
changes. This work turns to the potential of Human Rights at the crossroads, which
is crucial to the crossroads itself, according to its social production and ability to
define the political and humanity. Which results from the intersection of sovereign
power and biopolitics, as the premises of law are displaced and the Human Rights
reaches new domains of life and society. This implies reformulating questions
about normativity, enforcement and achievement of Human Rights. At the end, it
is consequential to highlight tensions of these rights in the midst of social relations
and compositions of power in the current political scenario. / [fr] Dans cette présente thèse, les questions de Droits de l Homme sont
confrontées à la philosophie politique et à lacritique du Droit. Dans un premier
temps, il se fait une critique de la tradition et une brève généalogie de la manière
dont la pensée et l histoire de ces droits se déroulent, tant au niveau des discours de
raisonnement que de leur affirmation sociale. Ensuite, le travail se retrouve dans
une sorte de croisement des Droits de l Homme à partir du rapport à la souveraineté
et à la biopolitique, respectivement, selon Jacques Derrida et Michel Foucault.
D une part, il faut souligner l important caractère historique et politique des Droits
de l Homme, d autre part, s interroger sur leur potentiel de transformation sociale.
La croisée des chemins apparaît et la problématisation s opère, car si les Droits de
l Homme sont le résultat de l effort historique de mobilisations contre les injustices
sociales et les modèles juridiques conservateurs, mais, ils s inscrivent aussi dans
notre ère des droits comme fondement et manifestation légitime du droit.Parfois, ils
se retournent même contre leurs propres fins. Dans ce contexte, les Droits de
l Homme sont liés à la poussée civilisatrice occidentale, au capitalisme mondial, à
l ordre international et à la violence d État, mais aussi aux luttes politiques, aux
conquêtes sociales et à la défense face aux violations des droits. A partir de là, les
Droits de l Homme sont premièrement problématisés face à leurs fins et leur force
en tant que droit, et, ensuite, problématisés sur la façon de les penser face aux
chemins croisés, à la différence des forces et à l ouverture continue aux
changements sociaux présents de nos jours. Dans cette délimitation, il convient de
souligner le potentiel des Droits de l Homme à la croisée des chemins à partir de
leur production sociale et de leur capacité à définir l espace politique et celui de
l humanité. Cela arrive à travers l intersection de la souveraineté et de la
biopolitique, au fur et à mesure que les limites du droit sont dépassées et que de
nouveaux domaines de la vie et de la société sont atteints. Cela implique de
reformuler les questions autour de la normativité, de la force et de la réalisation des
Droits de l Homme. Enfin, les tensions de ces droits sont questionnées face aux
relations sociales et aux compositions du pouvoir dans le scénario politique actuel.
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"Psykosomatisk skrift. Psykosemantiskt sammanbrott." : En studie av litterära möjligheter och begränsningar i att skildra psykisk sjukdom utifrån begreppet gränserfarenhet / ”Psychosomatic writing. Psychosemantic breakdown.” : A study in literary possibilities and limitations in depicting mental illness in relation to the idea of the limit-experienceBjurbom, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersöker, kartlägger och synliggör hur erfarenheter av psykisk sjukdom gestaltas och kommuniceras litterärt i tre samtida, nordiska verk: En dåre fri (2010) av Beate Grimsrud, Nonsensprinsessans dagbok: en sjukskriving (2018) av Isabella Nilsson och Jag är gråvit (2018) av Bjørn Rasmussen. Syftet är att synliggöra och fördjupa förståelsen för hur erfarenheter som tycks ifrågasätta språkets gränser kan formuleras och gestaltas litterärt. Med hjälp och mot bakgrund av Michel Foucaults begrepp gränserfarenhet diskuteras relationen mellan språk, gränser och sjukdom. Begreppet, som Foucault definierade som en intensiv erfarenhet som för individen till den yttersta gränsen av både liv och språk, lyfter flera perspektiv som är relevanta för uppsatsen. Utöver användandet av gränserfarenheten i uppsatsen aktualiseras flera teorier som sträcker sig utanför det litteraturvetenskapliga fältet och är anknutna till medicin, språk och sjukvård. Studien har identifierat ett antal litterära tekniker som visat både sjukdomens konsekvenser och begränsningar – samtidigt som de också blivit en metod att skriva sig ur och bort ifrån dessa. Teknikerna har också visat sig omförhandla flera gränser och därmed upplöst motsättningar mellan exempelvis det friska och sjuka, allvar och komik, styrka och skörhet samt verklighet och fiktion. Studien har visat hur exempelvis användandet av motsatspar, kroppslig metaforik, färgkodssystem, ironi och komik, genrebrott och omskrivningar av existerande uttryck utgör litterära strategier för att framställa och omförhandla tillståndet av psykisk sjukdom. Användandet av den medicinska journalen i en skönlitterär kontext har konstaterats fungera som en litterär teknik för att framställa tystnad och förnekande något som flera teoretiker inom området betonar vara avgörande i framställningen av vansinne. Även skönlitterärt och fiktivt skrivande, oavsett självupplevt eller inte, har visat sig vara ett viktigt tillvägagångssätt för att närma sig en formulering av gränserfarenheten. Begreppet gränserfarenhet har fungerat som ett vitalt begrepp för att närma sig dessa texter. Samtidigt har flera av de litterära tekniker som identifierats tillfört insikt till gränserfarenheten som begrepp då det präglas av paradoxala och mångsidiga aspekter. I synnerhet har det bidragit med att uppmärksamma hur ett ”både-och” tillåts samexistera i såväl litterär gestaltning som i sjukdomserfarenhet vilket i sin tur nyanserat bilden av sjukdomen som formulerbar och formbar.
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Am eigenen Leib : Überlegungen zum Thema Gender, Disziplin und Körperlichkeit im Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. (2011) von Marlene Streeruwitz / Gender, discipline, and visceral feeling in the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene StreeruwitzTengberg, Piia Susanna January 2024 (has links)
This study concerns the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene Streeruwitz and analyzes the narrative as a story about gender as felt on and through the body. The theoretical framework employed in the analysis includes a look at the gender economy; this is done through a presentation of the different actors involved and their contribution to the dynamic. The gender economy itself is characterized as a phallogocentric forum where the possibilities of participation and effecting change are unequally distributed. The study goes on to argue that disciplinary power is how the actors in the novel are taught to engage with and submit to the rules of the gender economy, and different arenas or spaces of disciplinary power are described through text-based examples. It is further suggested that the power of engaging differently also lies within reach of the actors, and that this is accomplished through attuning to the affectively felt knowledge of the effects of the gender economy. Affective knowledge, the study argues, is gained through aesthetics, by which is meant an overcoming of sensory or affective numbness and a regaining of a sense of bodily reality. As a final note, the study briefly considers the role of art in such acts of re-sensitization. / Diese Studie behandelt den Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. von Marlene Streeruwitz und analysiert die Erzählung als eine Geschichte über Gender so wie es am und durch den Körper erlebt wird. In der Studie wird als Teil des theoretischen Rahmens die Gender-Ökonomie näher betrachtet; die Analyse erfolgt durch eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Akteur*innen und deren Beitrag zur Dynamik. Die Gender-Ökonomie an sich wird als eine phallogozentrische Bühne verstanden, auf welcher Möglichkeiten der Teilnahme und der Veränderung ungleich umgesetzt werden können. Die Studie wird auch zeigen, wie Disziplinarmacht den Akteur*innen die Regeln der Gender-Ökonomie beibringt und diese in verschiedenen Milieus durchsetzt. Es wird nahegelegt, dass die Akteur*innen auch andere Handlungsmöglichkeiten entdecken können, insoweit sie imstande sind, die affektiv erfahrenen Folgen der Gender-Ökonomie wahrzunehmen. In der Studie wird dafür argumentiert, dass ein derartiges Wissen über die körperliche Wirklichkeit auch entwickelt werden kann; anschließend wird die Rolle von Kunst kurz berücksichtigt.
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Of Opaque Bodies and Transparent Eyeballs / Democracy as Rhizomatic Panopticism in Paine's THE AGE OF REASON and Emerson's NATUREBoss, Aleksandra 08 May 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt eine Interpretation von Thomas Paines THE AGE OF REASON (1794) und Ralph Waldo Emersons NATURE (1836) als politiktheoretische Traktate vor, die normative Demokratiekonstrukte entwickeln. Diese Demokratiekonstrukte werden anhand ihrer Parameter vergleichend und historisierend gelesen. Die Annahme ist hierbei, dass sich die normativen Demokratieentwürfe beider Autoren mithilfe der Denkfigur des rhizomatischen Panoptizismus explizieren lassen. Die Dissertation leitet diese Denkfigur anhand von Texten des französischen Poststrukturalismus und auf Grundlage des soziologischen Ansatzes der Surveillance Studies her und erläutert seine Relevanz für das Verständnis und die Verhandlung von Demokratie in den Epochen der frühen Republik und des Antebellum in den USA. Ebenso findet eine Analyse der diskursiven Vermittlung dieser Denkfigur durch das religiöse Vokabular von Deismus, Unitarismus und Transzendentalismus in beiden Traktaten statt. Ein ausführliches close reading legt schließlich dar, wie einzelne Parameter eines rhizomatischen Panoptizismus in den Texten entwickelt, repräsentiert und diskutiert werden. / The present dissertation introduces an interpretation of Thomas Paine’s THE AGE OF REASON (1794) and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s NATURE (1836) as politico-theoretical tracts that develop normative constructions of democracy. At the core of the analysis lies a comparative and historicist reading of the parameters of these constructions. The thesis informing the analysis posits that both normative constructions of democracy can be made explicit with the aid of the concept of a rhizomatic panopticism. The dissertation develops this concept on the basis of French poststructuralist texts and with theoretical approaches from the sociological field of Surveillance Studies in mind, explaining its relevance for the understanding of democracy during the Early-Republic and Antebellum periods in the USA. Furthermore, the discursive mediation of the introduced concept through the religious vocabularies of Deism, Unitarianism, and Transcendentalism in both tracts receives attention. Finally, a close reading elucidates how the distinct parameters of a rhizomatic panopticism are developed, represented, and discussed in both texts.
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`Can't nothing heal without pain' : healing in Toni Morrison's BelovedDu Plooy, Belinda 31 January 2004 (has links)
Toni Morrison reinterprets and reconstitutes American history by placing the lives, stories and experiences of African Americans in a position of centrality, while relegating white American history and cultural traditions to the margins of her narratives. She rewrites American history from an alternative - African American woman's - perspective, and subverts the accepted racist and patriarchally inspired `truths' about life, love and women's experiences through her sympathetic depiction of murderous mother love and complex female relationships in Beloved. She writes about oppression, pain and suffering, and of the need for the acknowledgement and alleviation of the various forms of oppression that scar human existence. Morrison's engagement with healing in Beloved forms the central focus of this short dissertation. The novel is analysed in relation to Mary Douglas's `Two Bodies' theory, John Caputo's ideas on progressive Foucaultian hermeneutics and healing gestures, and Julia Martin's thoughts on alternative healing practices based on non-dualism and interconnectedness. Within this interdisciplinary context, Beloved is read as a `small start' to `creative engagement' with alternative healing practices (Martin, 1996:104). / English / M.A. (English)
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Vroue in die teologiese antropologie van die Afrikaanse Gereformeerde tradisiePlaatjies, Mary-Anne 30 September 2003 (has links)
Women in the Theological Anthropology of the Afrikaans Reformed Tradition
This dissertation examines women in the theological anthropology of the Afrikaans Reformed Churches. The study is set out as follows:
In Chapter 1, a survey of methodology is presented. The exposition of the question about the theological anthropology is done against a poststructural background. Both structuralism and poststructuralism largely put aside existentialism as an inadequate methodology.
Chapter 2 aims to give an overview of the contribution of Michel Foucault. The chapter begins with a discussion of structuralism. This brief overview is then followed by a classification and investigation of the basic aspects of Foucault's approach. The chapter highlights Foucault's rootedness in poststructuralism.
Chapter 3 attempts to explain silence of women in the theological anthropology of Dutch Reformed Church. The central aim of Chapter 3 is to demonstrate, against the development of the women ministries and the discourse about the ordination of women, that the Dutch Reformed Church theological anthropology is deeply influenced by the discursive practices developed during 1928-1932.
Chapter 4 gives an overview of the developments in the theological anthropology of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church, Dutch Reformed Church of Africa and the Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa that took place from 1924 until 2002. Different approaches to the women question developed in the course of time. At the heart of the discourse is the shift in the reading process. The developments in the feminist standpoint theory as such led to this displacement.
In Chapter 5 the deconstruction of the theological anthropology are being discussed. Preference is given in this chapter to the concept partnership or transformative relations.
In the concluding chapter [Chapter 6], a poststructural feminist discourse is presented. Selected guidelines that the church may wish to take into account in the deconstructing of the theological anthropology are suggested. In the future, the frame of reference to the women question would likely be poststructural. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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"Lighting his way home" : pastoral conversations with a missing child's motherBrink, Anna Margaretha 30 November 2003 (has links)
Missing children is one of the horrors that we are confronted with in today's society. The case study method, a feminist co-search methodology, is used to give a missing child's mother the opportunity to tell and re-tell the painful story. During this co-search process the following aspects of doing ethics and pastoral care and counselling with the mother are constantly negotiated. The term "missing child" is defined and the relevance between the distinction of "missing children" and "run-away children" is discussed. Furthermore, this study explores the many diverse practices of narrative pastoral care and counselling with parents of missing children within an economically disadvantaged community. The conceptualisations regarding loss, hope and meaning-making and how these are utilised in the life of a missing child's mother is discussed. / Practical Theology / M.Th.
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La figure de l’atome, paradigme de la vulgarisation scientifiqueCasanova, Hugo L. 11 1900 (has links)
Un cadre d’analyse des figures utilisées dans la vulgarisation de la connaissance scientifique est développé suivant la sémiotique de Charles S. Peirce et la méthode archéologique de Michel Foucault. Ce cadre est appliqué spécifiquement à l’analyse de figures de l’atome recensées systématiquement dans deux revues de science populaires. Des recommandations découlant de notre analyse sont faites. / An analytical framework for the study of images used in the popularization of scientific knowledge is developped from the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce and the archeological method of Michel Foucault. This framework is applied specifically to figures of the atom found in a systematic study of two popular science magazines. Recommendations emerging from our analysis are offered.
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HeteronormativitätKleiner, Bettina 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Begriff Heteronormativität wird die Naturalisierung und Privilegierung von Heterosexualität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit in Frage gestellt. Kritisiert werden nicht nur die auf Alltagswissen bezogene Annahme, es gäbe zwei gegensätzliche Geschlechter und diese seien sexuell aufeinander bezogen, sondern auch die mit Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität einhergehenden Privilegierungen und Marginalisierungen. Der Begriff tauchte erstmalig 1991 in Michael Warners Aufsatz "Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet" auf. Zentrale Bezugspunkte der Analysen von Heteronormativität stellen Foucaults Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang von Sexualität und Macht sowie Butlers Theorie der Subjektkonstitution im Rahmen der heterosexuellen Matrix oder der heterosexuellen Hegemonie dar.
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The Discourse of Home Recording : Accessibility, Exclusion and PowerTomaz de Carvalho, Alice 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse critique du discours de l’enregistrement sonore à domicile (home recording). Dans la foulée des propos mettant de l’avant l’ «accessibilité» et la «démocratisation» de l’enregistrement sonore, ce mémoire analyse les relations de savoir/pouvoir produites et légitimées par le discours, ce qu’elles permettent et contraignent, autorisent et excluent. Le corpus à l’étude est issu de la presse musicale ainsi que de forums de discussion en ligne relevant de sites spécialisés. Les méthodes utilisées sont inspirées de l’approche du discours développées par Michel Foucault et de ce que Johnson et. al. (2004) appellent l’interprétation critique. L’analyse met en évidence les deux principaux sujets du discours de l’enregistrement sonore à la maison : les professionnels de l’enregistrement et les «pros» de l’enregistrement à domicile, deux groupes constitués d’hommes financièrement aisés. Les règles qui régissent l’enregistrement à domicile semblent reprendre, en les adaptant, celles régissant les studios professionnels. Ce mémoire suggère que la «démocratisation» telle qu'énoncée dans ce discours articule l'«accessibilité contemporaine» à certains savoirs et certaines technologies à des exclusions singulières – comme des femmes et des personnes de moyens limités – qui rendent ce discours possible. Être dans le vrai, dans ce discours, c’est échanger, argumenter, discuter et prescrire des façons de faire et de dire qui font des studios professionnels l’espace des normes et des légitimités.
Mots clés: enregistrement, musique, maison, domicile, studio, démocratisation, technologie, l'analyse du discours, relations de pouvoir/savoir, Michel Foucault. / This thesis proposes a critical analysis of the discourse of home recording. It aims to question home recording's will to truth by investigating what makes its statements possible, or what is the system of rules that authorize certain things to be said within the discourse. Driven by enunciations regarding home recording's "accessibility" and "democratization", this thesis analyzes the power/knowledge relations that have been produced and legitimized within the discourse, as well as what they enable and constrain, allow and exclude. Music magazines and Internet discussion forums form the corpus of this thesis. The methods used in this research are inspired by Michel Foucault's theory and method of discourse and by the approach known as critical interpretation (Johnson et al., 2004). This thesis' analysis shows that the government in home recording seems to be exerted by two main subjects: recording professionals and home recording "pros", who are overall characterized as well-off men. Moreover, the rules of home recording seem to be a replication and an adaptation to the home environment of the organizing principles of professional studios. This thesis suggests that "democratization" as enunciated and produced within and by the discourse of home recording articulates the discursive notion of a "contemporary accessibility" in terms of technology and knowledge to the exclusions – such as that of women and people of limited means – that make this discourse possible. These exclusions are legitimized through what is considered the "truth" within the discourse, as well as the norms and regulations established within it, which in turn follow the logic of the professional studio.
Keywords: home, recording, studios, democratization, technology, discourse analysis, power/knowledge relations, Michel Foucault.
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