Spelling suggestions: "subject:"avvärderingar."" "subject:"devärderingar.""
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Regional industrialisering och auktoritära-liberala värderingar : En undersökning av sambandet mellan industrialiseringsgrad, ojämlikhet och den konservativa backlashen / Regional industrialization and authoritarian-liberal values : An examination of the relationship between levels of industrialization, inequality and the conservative backlashAnton, Sandin January 2024 (has links)
According to Ronald Ingleharts research deindustrialized and affluent societies are expected to have increasingly open, progressive, and tolerant citizens. However, during the last decade political developments have been reversed. More than 25% of Europeans now adays vote for a right-wing populist party. In addition, the globalization has created winning and losing regions, with one of its biggest impacts being deindustrialization of the West. Big cities have flourished while disfavored suburbs, smaller industrial towns and rural communities have been marginalized. Consequently, the support for right-wing populist movements is often highest in such negatively affected areas. Inglehart have previously explained this through the idea of a “conservative backlash” caused by a combination of increasing inequality and culturally revolting age-cohorts. His arguments are mainly based on cross-national or intranational data while other research pointing at the necessity to analyze the association between regional deindustrialization and the rise of the far right. This thesis filles that gap by conducting a multi- level analysis, in which Ingleharts theory is tested by studying associations between values and changing levels of industrialization in 327 European regions. The result confirms earlier research regarding the association between industrialization and authoritarian-libertarian values, but puts in to question Ingleharts explanation of inequality as the reason for the contemporary conservative backlashes. The result shows no support for a relationship between inequality and authoritarian-liberal values.
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Den politiserade synen på myndighetssverige : En kvantitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar förtroendet för statliga myndigheterLundell, William January 2024 (has links)
This study examines trust in Swedish government agencies based on individuals’ left-right political ideology. Two theories, the Cultural backlash theory and the Economic insecurity thesis, traditionally used to explain the rise of right-wing populist parties, are applied to identify factors influencing trust. The Cultural backlash theory focuses on conflicts between social-liberal and social-conservative values, while the Economic insecurity thesis emphasises the impact of globalisation on economic winners and losers. The results reveal a trust gap between left- and right-wing voters, but other factors seem to play a more significant role in explaining trust levels. Factors associated with the economic insecurity thesis marginally surpass factors associated with political ideology in explanatory power, while those linked to the cultural backlash theory explain more of the variation. The study suggests that, despite the influence that political ideology has on trust in government agencies, the trust gap might be better characterised as a social-liberal/conservative gap. Overall, it highlights the nuanced interplay between cultural and economic factors in shaping trust dynamics within the Swedish context.
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General Attitudes and Mode Choice : A mode choice study in Stockholm using Schwartz value-items grouped by personal characteristics / Generella attityder och färdmedel : En färdmedelvalsstudie i Stockholm med Schwartz värdeobjekt grupperade efter personliga egenskaperAndersson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Value-items from the Schwartz scale of Values have been added to travel data to investigate if the value-items can be used to model mode choice. Two kinds of mode choice models, both discrete choice models, multinomial models (MNL) and the Machine Learning Models Random Forests (RF) were constructed, using Travel Diary data (RVU) and additional data from European Social Survey (ESS). The additional data was connected to the base data by grouping the individuals using three key variables: gender, age, and household income. Models were then created with and without any data from the value-items to screen for variables that had an impact on the model. The RF model predicted the correct modes for all but the smaller groups, car passengers and biking. While the MNL model had less success accurately assessing which mode someone had chosen. The MNL with additional grouped value-items improved, while the models created using Random Forest had no difference in accuracy based on the addition. Even though there were some significant value-items in the MNL-models, the expected consequences from them small, as the base model specification might be insufficient in incorporating more relevant variables. Based on the Random Forest having no use from the value-items along with them being of similar importance no value-items stood out for further testing. The main findings were thus that no value-items of particular interest could be found with the RF model while the results for the MNL-model were inconclusive. Suggested improvements for further similar studies would be to perform grouping using data for a longer time frame and or to use a value-model as input for the mode choice modelling. It is deemed appropriate to study what values people associate with specific modes directly, and to investigate if other models such as car ownership models or models of choices between different versions of the same mode could be more suitable for additional value-data. / Värdeobjekt från Schwartz värderingsskala har kombinerats med resedata för att undersöka om värdeobjekten kan användas vid modellering av färdmedelsval. Två typer av färdmedelsmodeller, multinomiala modeller (MNL) och Random Forests konstruerades. Den data som användes var Resvanedata (RVU), med kompletterande värderingsdata från European Social Survey (ESS). ESS-datan kopplades till basdatan genom att gruppera individerna med hjälp av tre nyckelvariabler: kön, ålder och hushållsinkomst. Sedan skapades modeller med och utan den kompletterande datan för att se om modellerna påverkades. RF-modellens resultat överensstämde väl med de faktiska valen förutom för de mindre grupperna: bilpassagerare och cyklister. MNL-modellen hade mindre framgång med att bedöma vilket färdmedel en individ hade valt. MNL-modellen med ytterligare grupperade värdeobjekt förbättrades i jämförelse med grundmodellen, medan modellerna skapade med Random Forest inte skilde sig märkbart från varandra. Även om värdeobjekten i MNL-modellerna var signifikanta är de förväntade konsekvenserna av dem små, eftersom specifikationen för basmodellen tros saknar andra mer relevanta variabler. RF-modellen gynnades inte av värdeobjekten och inga värdeobjekt var betydande för modellen. De huvudsakliga fynden var att inga värdeobjekt av särskilt intresse kunde hittas med RF-modellen medan resultaten för MNL-modellen var ofullständiga. Föreslagna förbättringar för ytterligare liknande studier skulle vara att utföra gruppering med hjälp av data för ett längre tidsspann eller att introducera en värdemodell som indata för modelleringen av färdmedelsval. Det bedöms lämpligt att studera vilka värderingar människor förknippar med specifika färdmedel direkt samt att undersöka om andra modeller såsom av bilägande eller i val mellan olika versioner av samma färdmedel skulle var mer passande för att modelleras med hjälp av data med värderingar.
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Vad vill vi göra? Stoppa klimatförändringarna! Vem ska göra det? Någon annan! : En intervjustudie om miljöintresserades attityder till och deltagande i klimataktivism. / What do we want? Stop climate change! Who shall do it? Somebody else! : An interview study on environmentalists attitudes towards and participation in climate activism.Thies-Lagergren, Alice, Herzog, Lea January 2022 (has links)
Med en växande oro för klimatförändringar har aktivister världen över protesterat mot makthavarnas bristande hänsyn till klimatproblemen. Klimatrörelsen har inte lyckats påverka det internationella, nationella och lokala miljö- och klimatarbetet i den omfattning som rörelsen ser som önskvärd. I denna studie undersöks miljöintresserade unga vuxnas attityder till och deltagande i klimataktivism. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta universitetsstudenter inom miljövetenskap och internationella relationer som alla har uttryckt ett starkt intresse för klimat- och miljöfrågor. Analysen har fokuserat på informanternas värderingar, upplevelser av olika känslor samt upplevelse av social identitet för att förstå vad som ligger till grund för attityden samt deltagandet i klimataktivism. Tre huvudteman identifierades utifrån intervjusvaren: “En önskan om att göra världen bättre”, “klimataktivism borde ej behövas” och “den ouppnåeliga aktivisten”. Resultatet visar att det finns en stor önskan om att göra världen bättre och att aktivism som metod sågs mycket positivt på. Däremot uttrycktes liten vilja till att själv delta och vara klimataktivist på grund av (1) bristande tilltro till effektiviteten i klimataktivismen, (2) att aktivism sågs som en relativt extrem aktivitet och (3) att utövarna upplevdes svåra att identifiera sig med. Sammanfattningsvis har studien medfört en ökad förståelse för miljörörelsen ur en synvinkel som sträcker sig från akademin in i dagens aktivistiska ickevåldsrörelse. Bland studiens deltagare fanns en idealistisk vilja att rädda världen, frustration kring ansvar och interna motsättningar kring attityd och identitet en dualistisk uppfattning om aktivism och en tveksamhet i att delta. / Growing concern about climate change causes activists worldwide to protest against the governing authorities' lack of regard for the Earth's climate. The climate movement has not succeeded in influencing international, national and local environmental work to the extent that the movement sees as desirable. In this study, we investigate environmentally interested young adults' attitudes towards and participation in climate activism. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight university students in environmental science and international relations, who all have expressed a strong interest in climate and environmental issues. The analysis has focused on the informants' values, experiences of different emotions and experience of social identity in order to understand the basis for the attitudes and participation in climate activism. Three main themes were identified based on the interview answers: "A desire to make the world better", "climate activism should not be needed" and "the unattainable activist". The result shows a great desire to make the world better and that activism as a method was viewed very positively. On the other hand, the interviewees expressed little desire to participate and be climate activists themselves due to (1) a lack of faith in the effectiveness of activism, (2) that activism was seen as a relatively extreme activity and (3) that its practitioners were difficult to identify with. In summary, the study has led to an increased understanding of the environmental movement from a point of view that extends from the academy into today's activist nonviolent movement. Among the participants in the study, an idealistic desire to save the world, frustration about responsibility and internal contradictions about attitude and identity created a dualistic perception of activism and a hesitancy to participate.
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Mångfaldig mångfald, visst? – i en skolkontext : En kritisk diskursanalys avseende mångfald i nationella läroplansdokument / Diverse diversity, right? – in a School Context : A Critical Discourse Analysis Regarding Diversity in National Curriculum DocumentsTiberg, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats studerar mångfaldsdiskursen i nationella läroplansdokument (Lgr22) och i relation till skollagstiftning. Detta genom kritisk diskursanalys (CDA), med grund i Norman Faircloughs diskursförståelse samt Jacques Derridas dekonstruktion genom Giovanna Borradoris modell. Även inslag av kritisk lingvistik förekommer när ordsamförekomster studeras. Det teoretiska ramverket omfattar diskursteori samt eurocentrism och kritisk syn på mångfald, vilket betonar arbetets IMER-positionering. Resultatet kodas utifrån identifierande begrepp och presenteras i teman: mångfald, kultur och "vårt samhälles gemensamma värderingar". Analysen påvisar att mångfaldsdiskursen i Lgr22 beskriver en ”kulturell mångfald” samt framkommer kopplingar till eurocentrism genom läroplansskrivelser som betonar ”det västerländska” nästan synonymt med ”det svenska”. Därefter skildras identifierade samband av kultur, diskurs och eurocentrism i en egen modell. I relation till skollagstiftning framkommer både lik- samt olikheter i innehåll, vilket även analyseras vidare. / This bachelor's thesis studies the diversity discourse in Swedish national curriculum documents (Lgr22) and in relation to school legislation. This through critical discourse analysis (CDA), based on Norman Fairclough's understanding of discourse and Jacques Derrida's deconstruction through Giovanna Borradori's model. Elements of critical linguistics are also present when word collocations are studied. The theoretical framework includes discourse theory as well as Eurocentrism and critical view of diversity, which emphasizes the IMER positioning of the work. The results are coded based on identifying terms and presented in themes: diversity, culture and "the common values of our society". The analysis shows that the diversity discourse in Lgr22 describe a "cultural diversity" and connections to Eurocentrism emerge through curriculum writings that emphasize "the West" almost synonymously with "the Swedish". Further on, identified conjunctions of culture, discourse and Eurocentrism are portrayed in an own model. In relation to school legislation, there are both similarities and differences in content, which are analyzed further.
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Gymnasieelevers syn på livsåskådning som en resurs : En tematisk analysLind Fernlund, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker jag gymnasielevers syn på livsåskådning och hur de använder den som en resurs, i formandet av värderingar och livets utmaningar. Genom en tematisk analys av intervjuer med elever har olika teman vuxit fram. Resultatet visar att elevers syn på livsåskådning handlar om deras egna värderingar, mening, val, mål i livet, personlig utveckling och relationer. Elever beskriver livsåskådningen som en stabil grund som skapar trygghet. Livsåskådningen kan även förändras utifrån olika händelser och bidra till personlig utveckling. Livsåskådningen fungerar även som en anpassningsbar resurs som kan vägleda dem genom livets utmaningar och förändringar. Genom att analysera dessa aspekter av elevers syn på livsåskådning belyser denna studie vikten av att förstå hur olika livsåskådningar kan fungera som resurs för personlig utveckling och hantering av olika händelser i livet.
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"Det är lite främmande"- Interkulturell pedagogik på monokulturella förskolor : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares beskrivningar av interkulturell pedagogik på monokulturella förskolor / “It’s a bit unfamiliar”- Intercultural pedagogy in monocultural preschools : A qualitative study of preschool teachers descriptions of interculturalpedagogy in monocultural preschoolsWikström, Karin, Hagberg, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva förskollärares förståelse av interkulturell pedagogik på monokulturella förskolor. Detta utifrån barns rätt till att utveckla förståelse för styrkorna som finns i det mångkulturella samhället som Sverige idag är. Det är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskollärare. Vi har använt fenomenografisk ansats som utgångspunkt för att synliggöra förskollärares beskrivningar, tolkningar och uppfattningar, av arbete med interkulturell pedagogik på monokulturella förskolor. Fenomenografin låg även som grund i analysarbetet där de centrala begreppen utfallsrum, variation, uppfatta och andra ordningens kategori användes som stöd. Resultatet presenteras genom utfallsrummen; förståelse av interkulturell pedagogik och beskrivningar av arbete med interkulturell pedagogik. I resultatet synliggörs en kunskapslucka, där en osäkerhet kring fenomenet interkulturell pedagogik dominerar. Däremot visar det på att förskollärare har en nyfikenhet och vilja att utveckla mer kunskap och förståelse kring fenomenet. Det synliggörs genom en efterfrågan av tydliga riktlinjer, metoder och material samt kollegialt samarbete. Slutsatsen av studien är att en kulturell medvetenhet, nyfikenhet och vilja finns. Dock utgår flertalet från att det behövs en mångkulturell utgångspunkt i barngruppen, för att möjliggöra interkulturell pedagogik på monokulturella förskolor. / The purpose of the study is to describe preschool teachers' understanding ofintercultural pedagogy in monocultural preschools. This is based on children'sright to develop an understanding of the strengths that exist in the multiculturalsociety that Sweden is today. This is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with eight preschool teachers. We have used aphenomenographic approach as a starting point to highlight preschool teachers'descriptions, interpretations and perceptions of working with interculturalpedagogy in monocultural preschools. The phenomenography also formed thebasis of the analysis work, where the central concepts of outcome space,variation, perceive and second-order category were used as support.The results are presented through the outcome spaces; understanding ofintercultural pedagogy and descriptions of work with intercultural pedagogy.The results reveal a knowledge gap, where uncertainty about the phenomenonof intercultural pedagogy dominates. On the other hand, it shows that preschoolteachers are curious and want to develop more knowledge and understandingof the phenomenon. This is made visible through a demand for clearguidelines, methods and materials as well as collegial cooperation. Theconclusion of the study is that there is cultural awareness, curiosity andwillingness. However, most of them assume that there is a need for amulticultural starting point in the group of children, to enable interculturalpedagogy in monocultural preschools.
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Att legitimera skärvorna av en union : En studie av den politiska kulturen under 1400-talet i NordenThörnlund Persson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the norms and values of political culture during the 15th century. The political culture gives the struggle for power in the Kalmar Union in the 15th century its characteristics. The aim of this study is to identify the political culture and how it contributed to the political polarisation and disagreement within the Kalmar Union during the reign of King Karl Knutsson (Bonde) 1448-1470 and Regent Sten Sture 1470-1503. The theoretic approach is based partly on Eva Österberg’s definition of political culture, but mainly the theory is based on Harald Gustafsson’s thoughts and identified eight arguments for legitimising power used in political correspondence during the 16th century. These arguments are examples of how someone could express themselves to legitimise their power. The method used in this study identifies what non-vocal structures and values that are expressed in the official material of legal documents including treaties and open letters to or from the common people. Firstly, the context of the document is identified and information like who wrote it, when and why, secondly the study analyses how the operators’ addresses and use titles to one another. Thirdly the study identifies words and phrases that express positive values for legitimation. The values that has been found have been analysed in comparison to the law in order to identify if the values could be found in the laws as well. To conclude the study found that there are differences in how the operators expresses themselves and the emotional connection to the situation, although non-vocal structures like norms enforce the operators to apply a certain amount of respect. The political culture and the diplomatic mission creates the standards used in addressing their opponent. Therefore the choices of words are important and the study identifies five larger values that comes to light, they are law and justice, unity, assurances, commitments and duties and good characteristics. All of these can be identified during the entire research period and supported by the values expressed in the law.
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Nudging : Ett verktyg för ett ökat hållbart sparande? / Nudging : A tool for increased sustainable investments?Gesovski, Daniel, Gunhamn, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns ett starkt intresse kring klimat- och hållbarhetsrelaterade frågor idag vilket speglar sig i allmän opinion och i politiska debatter. Den rationella investeraren antas placera sina pengar med hänsyn tagen till beslutskriterier som risk och avkastning. Men frågan är om etiska och hållbara ställningstaganden kommer till uttryck i människors val av placeringar? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att testa ifall individer tenderar att välja socialt hållbara investeringar i större utsträckning då de reflekterar över sina attityder och värderingar kring etik och hållbarhet i samband med ett placeringsval. Teori: Studien grundar sig i en deduktiv ansats, där vi utifrån rådande teorier inom ekonomi och beteendevetenskap skapat ett antagande om människan. Antagandet är att människan investerar utifrån beslutskriterierna risk och avkastning, men att denne även har etiska värderingar och attityder som tenderar att falla bort vid placeringsvalet p.g.a. bristande rationalitet och kognitiv bias. Det uppstår därmed en dissonans mellan människans beteende och dess attityder och värderingar. Denna dissonansen ska reduceras genom en system 2 nudge som låter investeraren reflektera över sina värderingar och attityder rörande hållbarhet och etik innan placeringsvalet. Detta för att se om det kan leda till en högre andel placeringar i socialt hållbara investeringar. Empirisk metod: Den empiriska metoden bestod av ett enkätexperiment där två grupper av respondenter fick göra ett hypotetiskt placeringsval, men där experimentgruppens enkät innehöll en system 2 nudge innan valet. Resultat: Vår nudge fick ingen signifikant påverkan på respondenternas placeringsval. Detta kan delvis förklaras av ett felaktig antagande om människan som redan placerade mer hållbart än förväntat samt bristande effektivitet av vår system 2 nudge i kontexten av denna studie. / Background: Climate- and sustainable related questions are strong topics in today’s society and are highly debated by decision-makers. The rational investor is supposed make investments based on risk and return. But the question is if the concerns about sustainability and ethics really influence the decision of the investor? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test if individuals tend to invest more in SRI (Socially responsible investments) if they have a moment of reflection regarding ethics and sustainability before an investment decision. Theory: We apply a deductive approach, by creating an assumption of how humans function according to economics and behavioral science. Due to theory, humans can be seen as rational investors who solely make investment decision based on risk and return. But they can also have strong attitudes and values regarding social responsibility, which because of bounded rationality and cognitive bias tend not to be included as criteria in investment decisions. This creates a dissonance between the person's values and attitudes and their investment decisions. To make people invest more in consonance with their values and attitudes we construct a system 2 nudge that let them reflect about their view of ethics and sustainability before an investment decision. This can lead to increased investments in SRI. Empirical method: The empirical method consisted of a survey experiment in which the participants were asked to make a hypothetical investment decision. The treatment survey contained a system 2 nudge before the investment decision, while the control survey remained neutral. Results: The nudge, or the reflection of attitudes and values by the investor, had no significant effect on their investment decision. This can partly be explained by a wrong assumption of the rational investor who already invested according to their values and attitudes, and by a lack of effectiveness of our system 2 nudge in the context of this study.
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Heteronormens påverkan : En kvalitativ studie om socionomstudenters normer och värderingar gentemot homosexualitet och våld i homosexuella parrelationer / The impact of heteronormativity : A qualitative study about social work students’ norms and values towards homosexuality and intimate partner violence in homosexual relationshipsSjöström, Maria, Thelin, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine Swedish social work students’ norms and values towards homosexuality and intimate partner violence in homosexual relationships, in order to establish an increased understanding for whether social work students contribute to or challenge the heteronormative beliefs that can occur in social work. Previous studies have shown that professional social workers tend to perceive individuals who are homosexual and exposed to intimate partner violence as less serious than individuals who are in a heterosexual relationship, and therefore individuals who are homosexual are more likely to receive a lesser support and treatment. Furthermore, studies show that heteronormativity is prevalent within social work education. In addition, studies show that social work education further needs to implement different sexualities and intimate partner violence, regardless the individual’s sexual orientation in the syllabus.The chosen method for this study was focus group interviews with a vignette about intimate partner violence, which was executed with social work students from two different universities in Sweden. The empirical material has been analyzed using previous studies and theoretical perspectives such as queer theory, heteronormativity and gender. The empirical material shows that social work students in Sweden do not show any heteronormative beliefs, however they tend to show and maintain biases about gender. Furthermore, the empirical material indicate that social work students have a general knowledge about intimate partner violence, however they disclose that they do not possess knowledge about the differences in intimate partner violence regarding homosexual relationships. Lastly the empirical material shows that social work students depicts that heteronormativity is prevalent within social work education, furthermore social work students claims the necessity of that the syllabus further implement a content regarding intimate partner violence and how the faculty refer to individuals who do not identify themselves as heterosexuals.
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