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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anställningsbara humanister : En kvalitativ studie om studenternas syn på anställningsbarhet

Kornilova Phersson, Alice January 2012 (has links)
Employable humanists. A qualitative study on humanist students' views on employability. The crisis of the humanities is a controversial debate in the media and within academic settings. Because of lack of request for humanists in the labor market, the question of humanistic skills and employability is becoming increasingly important. The concept of employability importance not only echoes within the economic discussions, but also on everyday agenda in the academic world and takes a large part in the communication between the university and the students. It is therefore important to get answers to the question whether there is conformity in the interpretation of this concept between the university and the students. The aim of this desk study is to examine how the concept of employability has its significance in the academic communication and how the responsibility for employability is portrayed. This is done by studying how the concept of employability is formed and how the responsibilities outlined in texts from Career Center at the University of Umeå, and by comparing study results with the students' perceptions of the concept of employability and responsibility. The study has a qualitative disposition and consists of two main methods: qualitative interviews with focus groups to explore students' views, and critical linguistic analysis of texts with a focus on metaphor analysis and syntax analysis which are also supplemented by the multimodal text analysis. Results of this study indicate that the concept of employability takes a central part of the university’s communication. There are many common starting points in the interpretation of the concept and the responsibility between the university and students. Both the Career Center at Umeå University and students believe that actual knowledge, skills, experience as well as network forms the meaning of the concept of employability, and has a big importance in the student’s position on the job market. However, because the students look at the use of the concept of employability in the texts as acceptance to the social ideological perception of the individual as objects, there is some criticism of the use of the term employability in the university’s communications.

"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistik

Höjer, Joakim, Svensson, Ivar January 2013 (has links)
The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people’s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for. The material being used consists of a total of 241 articles taken from the first domestic news article in each third paper 2012. Furthermore the study contains a supplementary qualitative part consisting of two interviews with female journalists working on the examined newspapers. The analysis of these interviews takes on a Bourdieuan approach, which focuses on the journalistic field, it’s doxa and the symbolic values within the field. The questions at issue in this study are whether it exists a male interpretive precedence within the Swedish domestic news, what type of norms within the journalistic culture that potentially can affect the representation regarding journalists and main sources and lastly we intend to assess the impact of the gender system on the media and subsequently the medias reproductive affect on the gender system as a whole. The core, quantitative, study indicates a substantial difference regarding gender related representation within the examined material concerning journalists, pictures and main sources. The results reveal a significant female underrepresentation both amongst journalists (36,5 percent) and main sources (34,9 percent). Our quantitative study as well as our interviews prove a pattern where an elite orientated praxis, when it comes to choosing sources, is dominant. Since the elite sources are predominantly male this has a negative impact on the female representation amongst the sources. The underrepresentation of women, both as sources and journalists, combined with theories such as agenda-setting and framing indicates the presence of a male interpretive precedence. The gender related structures of society are reflected in the media, and as a consequence of this occurrence the structures themselves are also reproduced, and consolidated, through medias impact on popular values and opinions.

Verbanvändning vid skriftlig produktion hos avancerade inlärare av svenska som andraspråk / Verb usage in the written free production of advanced learners of Swedish as a second language

Tranefeldt, Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen undersöker verbanvändningen i skriftlig produktion hos en grupp avancerade svenska som andraspråkselever. Studien granskar såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa aspekter i elevernas verbordförråd. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga L2-elevernas verbvokabulär med avseende på frekvens, variation, fördelning över semantiska fält samt semantisk och konstruktionsmässig korrekthet. L2-gruppens resultat kontrasteras mot en kontrollgrupp bestående av L1-elever. Undersökningsmaterialet består av 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som andraspråk samt 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som förstaspråk. Samtliga verb har extraherats, räknats och, i de fall det varit tillämpbart, satts in i ett av de 13 semantiska fält som undersökts i uppsatsen. De olika typer av inkorrekt verbanvändning som påträffats i materialet har kategoriserats utifrån feltyp. De typer av fel som varit av intresse i denna studie är konstruktionsfel i prefixverb, reflexivverb, partikelverb samt fel i verb + substantiv- kollokationer. Förutom konstruktionsfel undersöker uppsatsen även primärt semantiska fel, dvs. fel som i första hand har att göra med verbets semantiska betydelse. Undersökningsresultatet visar att verbfrekvensen hos L2-talarna är lägre i jämförelse med L1-gruppen. Orsaken därtill är att L1-uppsatserna i snitt är längre än L2-uppsatserna och därmed innehåller många fler verb. Det verkar inte föreligga någon anmärkningsvärd skillnad i verbvariationen om man ser till verben i sin helhet. Vissa semantiska fält är dock mer utbyggda och mer varierade i L1-gruppen.         Verbfrekvenstabellerna visar att andelen partikelverb är hälften så stor i L2-gruppen jämfört med L1-gruppen. Listan över de 20 vanligaste verben visar att andraspråkseleverna, vid en jämförelse med L1-eleverna, underanvänder verben få och ska och överanvänder säga, vilja och finnas. Eftersom inga fler indikationer på överanvändning av kärnverb ges i materialet måste just detta interimspråkdrag ses som en mycket begränsad företeelse hos de avancerade L2-eleverna.         De allra vanligaste feltyperna hos såväl L1- som L2-talare är av primärt semantisk karaktär. Bland dessa fel är, i L2-gruppen, fel kopplade till det semantiska fältets betydelsesidoordning vanligast. Det innebär att studien pekar mot att det som ställer till mest problem för andraspråkseleverna, när det gäller verblexikonet, är sådant som har att göra med semantisk precisering och nyansering, dvs. att välja rätt synonym. / Abstract This essay deals with lexical competence in written language production among advanced learners of Swedish as a second language. The study focuses on the use of verbs with regard to both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The aim of this essay is to examine the L2-learners verb vocabulary, paying attention to frequency, variation, distribution in semantic fields as well as semantic and constructional correctness. The results of the investigations are compared to the results of a control group consisting of L1-speakers.         The material in the present investigation consists of 40 argumentative essays written by 20 adult students with Swedish as their second language and 20 adult students with Swedish as their first language. All students were enrolled in an adult education program, attending the courses Swedish as a second language B and Swedish B at senior high school level.         All verbs have been extracted, counted and, where applicable, inserted into the 13 semantic fields which are examined in this study. Errors in connection with the use of verb have been categorized according to two major error types, i.e. constructional errors (errors connected to prefixed verbs, reflexive verbs, particle verbs, and errors in verb + noun combinations) and primarily semantic errors.         The investigation demonstrates that the verb frequency is lower in the L2-group compared to the L1-group. The higher verb frequency in the L1-group is probably due to the, on average, longer essays in that particular group.            The verb frequency tables show that use of particle verbs is twice as high in the L1-essays compared to the L2-essays. The tables of the 20 most common verbs demonstrate that L2-students, compared to the L1-students, tend to underuse certain verbs and overuse others. Three verbs that are particularly overused by the L2-students, are säga, vilja and finnas, while the verbs få and ska underused to a great extent by the same group. The tree overused verbs are nuclear verbs in their specific semantic fields (VERBAL COMMUNICATION, WISH and EXISTENCE). Apart from the overuse of these nuclear verbs the investigation material does not give further indications of overuse of nuclear verbs. This shows that overuse of nuclear verbs as an interlanguage feature is not particularly prominent in the advanced L2-learners.              There does not seem to be any notable difference in verb variation when looking at the verbs in their entirety. However, certain semantic fields are more extended and more varied in the L1-group.         In the essays written by the L1-students there are very few occurrences of constructional errors. The most frequent error type, in both student groups, is of a semantic nature. The L2-material shows that the most common semantic error is related to the horizontal structure (and not the vertical structure) of the semantic fields. This means that L2-students find it hard to differ between synonyms in the same semantic field at the same hierarchical level. The current study thus indicates that, as far as the verb vocabulary goes, the L2-students main difficulty is semantic specification, i.e. choosing the right synonym. Among the combinatory errors, the errors connected to verb + noun combinations have the highest frequency.

Postmodern retorik? : Om postmodernitetens roll i det svenska retorikämnets utveckling 1980–2020 / A Postmodern Rhetoric? : Considering the Role of Postmodern Theory in Swedish Rhetoric 1980–2020

Färlin, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Having been introduced in Sweden in the 1980’s, one would perhaps have thought postmodern philosophy to be a thing of the past. As it turns out, the debate on postmodernism is still very much alive. But the term ‘postmodernism’ in 2021 is complex and sometimes misunderstood. In public discourse, the term has moved beyond its status as a continental philosophy or as a denomination for certain historical conditions of the late twentieth century. Today, it appears, people use ‘postmodernism’ as an invective for relativism, post-truth and ‘empty words’. Two books, published in 2020, even warn the Swedish people for a postmodern invasion of both the academics and Swedish government. The humanities, apparently, are especially corrupted by postmodern thinking. Is this true? As a rhetorician, I ask myself to what extent postmodern theory has had an influence on Swedish rhetoric in the 40 years since the discipline was re-established within higher education.  This essay examines course syllabuses, teaching material, Swedish articles in the periodical Rhetorica Scandinavica, doctoral theses, and the complete works published by Sweden’s eight professors of rhetoric. Early on, I found that there was very little information available about the development of  Swedish rhetoric –even less about a postmodern rhetoric in a Swedish context. Thus, this essay is to be looked at as both a history of Swedish postmodern rhetoric – the first of its kind – and as an examination of the occurrence of postmodern theory within Swedish rhetoric. I find that postmodernism has not, as opposed to the critics’ claims, played a key role in the development of Swedish rhetoric. Its presence has, however, significantly increased within the field of rhetoric since 2010, and I discuss why that might be. Further, I discuss what can be said to define the Swedish postmodern rhetoric, and what the future might hold for this specific branch of rhetorical studies and research.

Ett sexuellt sökfält : En kvalitativ studie om socialt och sexuellt kontaktskapande på Grindr. / A sexual searching field : A qualitative study of social and sexual contacts on Grindr.

Pedersen, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to understand how social and sexual relations are initiated, negotiated and constructed among homo- and bisexual men within a specific sexual field; the geo-social application Grindr. It’s based on qualitative and semi-structured interviews with six self-identified homosexual men in Sweden from various age groups and with various social backgrounds who are using, or has used, Grindr in order to initiate and establish contacts with other homo- and bisexual men. Of certain interest are their experiences of using the application and being a part of its social and sexual setting.   In order to analyse the interviews, a combination of sexual script theory and sexual field theory has been used, together with Norbert Elias theories on the relationship between the established and the outsiders. The results indicate that Grindr is a refuge and safe space for homo- and bisexual men and queer persons from the social and sexual norms that prevails in a heteronormative society. As such, Grindr could be understood as a social and sexual field of its own, in which interpersonal scripts and negotiations are crucial for establishing contacts of various kinds. There is also a remarkable sexual stratification based on various sexual capitals that the users of Grindr use to position themselves in relation to each other in order to be regarded as desirable. One consequence of these “structures of desire” is that some personal and bodily qualities often are regarded in a less favourable way, sometimes with stigmatization and marginalization of groups of people as dire consequences of these structures of sexuality. There’s also a remarkable distinction, resistance and ambivalence against the heteronormative society and its cultural scenarios, but at the same time it was a necessary part in the collective self-image of being an outsider group.

Modellering och simulering av Multiantennsystem avsett för litet fartyg

Annerstål, Viktor, Ottosson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Within the military there is great need for reliable communication between vehicles. During the planning and construction of a military RIB, Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat, it is important to design an efficient antenna system that does not deteriorate out of disorder. It must also be ensured that the antennas transmitted power does not stay in the RIB boat. We have been given assignment to model and simulate a proposed antenna system and assess which tool is best suitable for the task. To analyze the antenna system we will look at the radiated electrical field together with the reflectionand EMC properties. The tool that we choose to use is a software called EMPro produced by Keysight Technologies. In this program we will create 3Dstructures for each individual object, the boat, the three antennas and the seawater. It’s also important to include each objects properties concerning material, so that they correctly reflect the reality. We are covering a broad spectrum with our antennas reaching from 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz and 100512MHz. The resulting simulation verifies that electromagnetic field would be powerful enough and that the antennas would not affect each other with the proposed placement. We could also confirm that our antennas reflected an inordinate amount of power but with cause that our models were not an exact replica of the antenna. The software EMPro is a suitable tool for this kind of projects concerning modeling and simulating antenna systems.Within the military there is great need for reliable communication between vehicles. During the planning and construction of a military RIB, Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat, it is important to design an efficient antenna system that does not deteriorate out of disorder. It must also be ensured that the antennas transmitted power does not stay in the RIB boat. We have been given assignment to model and simulate a proposed antenna system and assess which tool is best suitable for the task. To analyze the antenna system we will look at the radiated electrical field together with the reflectionand EMC properties. The tool that we choose to use is a software called EMPro produced by Keysight Technologies. In this program we will create 3Dstructures for each individual object, the boat, the three antennas and the seawater. It’s also important to include each objects properties concerning material, so that they correctly reflect the reality. We are covering a broad spectrum with our antennas reaching from 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz and 100512MHz. The resulting simulation verifies that electromagnetic field would be powerful enough and that the antennas would not affect each other with the proposed placement. We could also confirm that our antennas reflected an inordinate amount of power but with cause that our models were not an exact replica of the antenna. The software EMPro is a suitable tool for this kind of projects concerning modeling and simulating antenna systems. / Inom militären finns stort behov av pålitlig kommunikation mellan fordon. Vid konstruktion av ett småfartyg i militärtoch bevakningssyfte är det viktigt att designa ett välfungerande antennsystem som inte försämras utav störningar, det ska även ses till att antennernas utsända effekt inte fastnar i småfartyget. Vi har fått en ritning av hur antennplaceringen är planerad, denna rapport går ut på att verifiera dess funktionalitet samt hitta en mjukvara som kan användas för att verifiera olika antennsystem. För att bedöma antennsystemet kommer denna rapport att undersöka att dess elektriska fält samt reflektionsoch EMC egenskaper, en uppgift som kan lösas med programvaran EMPro (Keysight). I programvaran skapas en 3Dstruktur som innehåller småfartyget, dess 3 stycken antenner samt omfattande havsvatten. Här tas hänsyn till objektens materialegenskaper, antennernas jordning samt de frekvenser antennerna arbetar på, 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz samt 100-512MHz. Simulering av systemet gav positiva resultat kring antennsystemets elektromagnetiskafält, antennerna kommer inte heller att störa varandra. Antennerna som vi har modellerat reflekterar orimligt mycket effekt, detta bortser vi från då vi inte haft tillgång till exakt avbildning av antennerna. EMPro är ett verktyg som är lämpligt att använda i detta samt liknande projekt. Dock krävs det att en kraftig dator finns tillgänglig då simuleringar av stora antennsystem baseras på stora uträkningar, som generellt tar lång tid.

Real-time detection of stator resistance unbalances in three phase drives / Realtids detektering av obalanser i statorsmotstånd i trefasiga enheter

Singh, Bhanu Pratap January 2020 (has links)
An estimated 30% of the faults in Induction Machine (IM) are related to its stator. These faults are mostly in the form of an Inter-Turn Short Circuit (ITSC) fault i.e., when two winding inside the stator of IM are shorted due to insulation failure. However, ITSC fault can be avoided by detecting them in advance and then scheduling the maintenance of the IM. This thesis studies two methods for detecting this incipient ITSC fault in a three-phase IM and then estimating the stator resistance unbalance due to the ITSC fault. The first method is based on the asymmetry caused in the IM by the ITSC fault. As a result of this asymmetry, the negative sequence components of the stator voltages and the stator currents are generated inside the IM. A healthy IM also have these negative sequence components due to the manufacturing process and the supply voltage unbalances. The characteristics and the compensation methods of these negative sequence components in a healthy IM are discussed. The results show that after compensating the negative sequence components in a healthy machine, they can be used for detecting an ITSC fault and then to calculate the fault quantities as well as the stator resistance unbalances. The second method for detecting an ITSC fault is based on analysing the stator resistance unbalances. A three-phase drive is used to inject DC voltage in the stationary reference frame. The DC current generated by this DC voltage is measured and then by applying Ohm’s law stator phase resistances are calculated. In a healthy IM, the phase resistances are balanced. However, in case of ITSC fault in any of the phases, the phase resistance of that phase deviates from those of the other two phases which can be utilized for detecting ITSC fault. / Uppskattningsvis 30% av alla fel i induktionsmaskiner (IM) är kopplad till dess stator. Dessa fel är i huvudsak Inter-Turn Short Circuit (ITSC)-fel, dvs. två lindningar inom IM:ens stator blir kortsluta pga. ett isoleringsfel. Emellertid kan man undvika ITSC-fel genom att detektera dem i förhand och planera underhåll. Det här examensarbetet undersöker två metoder för att detektera ett förestående ITSC-fel i en tre-fas IM. Den första metoden är baserad på asymmetrin i IM:er pga. ITSC-felet. Resultatet av den här asymmetrin är att en negativ sekvens genereras i IM:ens statorspänning och statorström. En oskadad IM kan också visa dessa negativa sekvenser pga. tillverksprocessen och statorspänningsobalanser. Egenskaperna och kompensationsmetoderna för dessa negativa sekvenser i en oskadad IM kommer att diskuteras. Resultaten visar att efter kompenseringen av de negativa sekvenserna i en oskadad IM, kan de användas för att detektera ITSC-fel och efteråt för att beräkna felstorheter och även statormotståndobalanser. Den andra metoden för att detektera ITSC-fel är baserad på en undersökning av statormotståndobalanser. Ett tre-fas-drivsystem används för att injektera likspänning i den stationära referensramen. Likströmmen som följer av denna likspänning mäts och statorfasmotstånden beräkna efteråt med Ohms lag. I en oskadad IM är fasmotstånden balanserade. Däremot, när ett ITSC-fel uppstår i en fas, avviker fasmotståndet i den felaktiga fasen från de andra två fasernas, vilket kan användas för att detektera ITSC-fel.

Constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations of an alkaline-gated ion channel / Konstant-pH simuleringar av en jonkanal aktiverad av en alkalisk miljö

Ygland, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Ligand-gated ion channels play an important role in electrochemical signal transduction across diverse organisms, yet their structural and functional intricacies are not fully understood. Particularly lacking is the knowledge of their response to variations in pH, an aspect necessary for understanding their physiological relevance and potential therapeutic targeting in neurological diseases. In this thesis project, I have investigated the mechanistic response of sTeLIC, a recently reported prokaryotic member of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel family, to different environmental conditions. Using molecular dynamics simulations, a total of 16 different environmental conditions have been explored including variations in pH (neutral and alkaline), the presence and absence of calcium, and the inclusion of an electric field acting as an external driving force on charged atoms. The results reveal a comprehensive pH-sensing and gating mechanism involving key residues, notably E106 (on the β6 strand) and E160 (on loop F), and their local microenvironments. Additionally, an inhibitory mechanism for calcium is proposed, with E160 playing an important role. The simulations including an electric field has provided support for a non-conventional ion pathway through the pore. Collectively, these results offer insights into a mechanistic framework that may extend to other physiologically relevant systems, providing a foundation for further investigations and potential future therapeutic intervention. / pLGICs har en viktig roll i det elektrokemiska signalsystemet i många organismer, men detaljerna i deras struktur och framför allt funktion är fortfarande inte helt klargjorda. Särskilt är detaljerna kring deras reaktion på ändringar i pH-värde relativt okända, vilket är en viktig del i att förstå kanalernas fysiologiska roll och för att potentiellt hitta läkemedel mot neurologiska sjukdomar där dessa är inblandade. I det här arbetet har jag undersökt hur sTeLIC, som är ett nyligen publicerat bakteriellt protein i familjen pLGICs, reagerar på olika ändringar i miljön. Jag har använt molekyldynamiksimuleringar för att unders öka 16 olika miljöer med två olika pH-värden (neutralt och alkaliskt), med eller utan kalcium samt med eller utan en extern drivkraft över membranet i form av ett elektrisk fält. Arbetet har resulterat i en föreslagen mekanism förhur sTeLIC känner av pH och hur öppningen av kanalen går till. Denna mekanism involverar aminosyrorna E106, som finns på β6-strängen, och E160, som finns på F-loopen, samt deras omgivning. Dessutom har en modulatorisk mekanism föreslagits för en kalciuminhiberande effekt på sTeLIC som också involverar E160. Simuleringarna med en drivkraft över membranet har gett stöd för en ny väg för joner genom kanalen. Tillsammans ger dessa resultat insikt i en mekanism som eventuellt kan appliceras p ̊a andra system. Detta har lagt grunden för fortsatt undersökning som potentiellt kan leda till framtida läkemedelsutveckling inom området.

Dynamic Speed Adaptation for Curves using Machine Learning / Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning för kurvor med maskininlärning

Narmack, Kirilll January 2018 (has links)
The vehicles of tomorrow will be more sophisticated, intelligent and safe than the vehicles of today. The future is leaning towards fully autonomous vehicles. This degree project provides a data driven solution for a speed adaptation system that can be used to compute a vehicle speed for curves, suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. A speed adaptation system for curves aims to compute a vehicle speed suitable for curves that can be used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or in Autonomous Driving (AD) applications. This degree project was carried out at Volvo Car Corporation. Literature in the field of speed adaptation systems and factors affecting the vehicle speed in curves was reviewed. Naturalistic driving data was both collected by driving and extracted from Volvo's data base and further processed. A novel speed adaptation system for curves was invented, implemented and evaluated. This speed adaptation system is able to compute a vehicle speed suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. Two different artificial neural networks and two mathematical models were used to compute the desired vehicle speed in curves. These methods were compared and evaluated. / Morgondagens fordon kommer att vara mer sofistikerade, intelligenta och säkra än dagens fordon. Framtiden lutar mot fullständigt autonoma fordon. Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller en datadriven lösning för ett hastighetsanpassningssystem som kan beräkna ett fordons hastighet i kurvor som är lämpligt för förarens körstil, vägens egenskaper och rådande väder. Ett hastighetsanpassningssystem för kurvor har som mål att beräkna en fordonshastighet för kurvor som kan användas i Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) eller Autonomous Driving (AD) applikationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på Volvo Car Corporation. Litteratur kring hastighetsanpassningssystem samt faktorer som påverkar ett fordons hastighet i kurvor studerades. Naturalistisk bilkörningsdata samlades genom att köra bil samt extraherades från Volvos databas och bearbetades. Ett nytt hastighetsanpassningssystem uppfanns, implementerades samt utvärderades. Hastighetsanpassningssystemet visade sig vara kapabelt till att beräkna en lämplig fordonshastighet för förarens körstil under rådande väderförhållanden och vägens egenskaper. Två olika artificiella neuronnätverk samt två matematiska modeller användes för att beräkna fordonets hastighet. Dessa metoder jämfördes och utvärderades.

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