Spelling suggestions: "subject:"portrayal"" "subject:"portrayed""
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Masculinity in Children's Film : The Academy Award Winners / Maskulinitet i Oscarsvinnande BarnfilmKauklija, Natalie January 2018 (has links)
This study analyzes the evolution of how the male gender is portrayed in five Academy Award winning animated films, starting in the year 2002 when the category was created. Because there have been seventeen award winning films in the animated film category, and there is a limitation regarding the scope for this paper, the winner from every fourth year have been analyzed; resulting in five films. These films are: Shrek (2001), Wallace and Gromit (2005), Up (2009), Frozen (2013) and Coco (2017). The films selected by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the Animated Feature film category tend to be both critically and financially successful, and watched by children, young adults, and adults worldwide. How male heroes are portrayed are generally believed to affect not only young boys who are forming their identities (especially ages 6-14), but also views on gender behavioral expectations in girls.
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Makt- och genusrelationer i års- och hållbarhetsrapporter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om avbildning och reproducering av könsroller utifrån bilderIvic, Maria, Österberg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur genus- och maktrelationer avbildas samt reproduceras genom bilder från The Big Fours års- och hållbarhetsrapporter. Tidigare forskning har klarlagt behovet att på ett adekvat sätt särskilja mellan kön och genus inom kritisk redovisningsforskning. Således grundas studien i en rad feministiska teorier och kritisk organisationsteori, såväl som tidigare forskning där genus står i fokus. Dessa teorier tillämpas vid en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och efterföljande slutledning. Detta för att identifiera dolda processer inom organisationerna som inverkar på hur hierarkier utformas inom dessa. Resultaten påvisar att det existerar ett könande inom organisationerna som är till mannens fördel. Dock är generaliserbarheten av studiens empiri begränsad utifrån resultatet av den logistiska regressionen. Symboler för ett starkt ledarskap förknippas med maskulinitet och mannen avbildas oftare som stående inom urvalet, vilket studien härleder till uttryck för rådande och önskade hierarkier. Därtill påvisar empirin att aktivitet till högre grad avbildas som ett manligt attribut vilket studien förklarar som ett uttryck för ett rådande informationsövertag. Det återfinns dock frekvenser som gör gällande att kvinnan ges utrymme att komma till tals och således att dennes perspektiv tas tillvara på. Detta då kvinnan till en högre grad avbildas som seriös i sällskap av män än ensam. Genusrelationer identifieras men processerna är genomgående subtila. Sociala koder och normativa påtryckningar kan dock påpekas. / The purpose of this study is to examine how gender and power dynamics are depicted and reproduced through images from The Big Four’s Swedish branches, in their annual and sustainability reports. Previous research clarifies the need for a separation between sex and gender within critical accounting research in order to expand the current empirical reach. Hence this study utilizes several feminist perspectives as well as critical organizational theory combined with previous research where gender has been at the center. The study’s content analysis and deduction, along with its conclusion, is built upon these theories to identify hidden processes that constitute real-life gender based hierarchies within said organizations. Furthermore the results of this study points to a continued gendering within these organizations that favour the male sex. However the generalizability of the empirical findings are limited due to the outcome of the logistic regression. Symbols of strong leadership are continuously associated with a sense of masculinity and the male is more often depicted as standing up, symbolizing being higher up in the organizational hierarchy. Empirical evidence is laid forth stating that a higher frequency of being active is tied to being male and furthermore a masculine attribute. Although, measured frequencies show that the woman is granted the opportunity of having her perspective listened to and through that her epistemic privilege utilized as she’s, to a relatively high degree, represented as serious when accompanied by men. Gender relations are identified as parts of subtle processes that are sometimes even to be labelled as ambiguous.
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Lineage Portraiture in Tibetan Buddhist Art / Sets of Statues of Lamdre Lineage Teachers of the Ngor Tradition in the Collection of Namgyal Monastery, Mustang (Nepal), Late Fifteenth to Sixteenth CenturyKlohe, Hans-Werner 09 December 2022 (has links)
Im Fokus dieser Studie stehen mehrere Gruppen von tragbaren Skulpturen unterschiedlicher Größe und aus unterschiedlichem Material gefertigt (Bronze bzw. Papiermaché), die eine bestimmte Überlieferungslinie von Lehrern der Lamdre-Tradition darstellen. Lamdre („Der Weg und das Resultat“) bildet das zentrale religiöse Lehrsystem der Sakya-Schule des tibetischen Buddhismus und ihrer wichtigsten Zweigschule, der Ngor-Schule. Diese wenig bekannten oder weitgehend unerforschten Skulpturen und Skulpturengruppen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Klosters Namgyal in Mustang (Nepal), dem ehemaligen Königreich von Lowo (Glo bo), an der Grenze zu Tibet gelegen. Sie stammen aus dem späten 15. bis frühen 16. Jahrhundert, einer höchst innovativen Phase buddhistischer Kunstproduktion in Tibet und dem Himalaya, in der sich regionale Stile entwickelten und neue künstlerische Gestaltungsformen erprobt wurden, einschließlich verschiedener Arten des Porträts. Hierzu zählen idealisierte, typisierte, und gelegentlich hoch-expressive, Darstellungen von Lehrern innerhalb einer Überlieferungslinie ebenso wie individualisierte, realistische Einzelporträts von bedeutenden buddhistischen Meistern, die offensichtlich nach dem lebenden Modell geschaffen wurden.
Basierend auf einer vergleichenden kunsthistorischen Analyse zeigt die Arbeit, dass der Repräsentation der Überlieferungslinie als Ganzes eine höhere Stellung beigemessen wurde als der Schaffung von Ähnlichkeit mit den einzelnen Figuren innerhalb einer Skulpturengruppe. Die Bildwerke reflektieren außerdem die religiösen, historischen und künstlerischen Verbindungen zwischen Mustang und angrenzenden Königreichen in West-Tibet, der Provinz Tsang und dem Kathmandu-Tal. Sie zeigen, dass die lokalen Klöster auf ein etabliertes Netzwerk von buddhistischen Klostergemeinschaften, machtvollen und wohlhabenden Stiftern und künstlerischen Traditionen aufbauen konnten, und dass sich die Region als ein Zentrum skulpturaler Produktion von höchster Qualität und Innovation etablierte. / This two-volume dissertation on lineage portraiture in Tibetan Buddhist art investigates in its core a body of portable sculpture preserved in a monastery in Mustang, Nepal. Most of these sculptures were originally part of sets documenting the person-to-person transmission of the most important teaching of the Ngor tradition, the Lamdre or “Path with the Result.” The Ngor tradition is a sub-tradition of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism to which this teaching traces back. Accordingly, most Sakyapa and Ngorpa monasteries may have had one or more Lamdre lineage sets in painting and/or sculpture.
The focus of the study is on the iconographic and overall visual conceptions of different sets representing the same teacher lineage produced for or within the same regional context (Mustang in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries). A comparative analysis of the different sets shows that depicting the lineage teachers as a collective entity was deemed more important than creating physical likenesses of the individual teachers. This is reflected in the variation of the depiction of individual teachers from one set to another in terms of facial features, hand gestures, and even the type of practice a teacher may be associated with.
The study also considers the emergence and evolution of teacher lineages within the Sakya school, introducing lineage representations on monumental backrest arches in repoussé work at the Sakya Lhakhang Chenmo in south-western Tibet. It also discusses teacher portraits produced outside the Lamdre lineage to reflect on questions of individuality, realism and likeness in Tibetan portraiture. A special focus is on portraits of two princely monks from the ruling house of Mustang, Lowo Khenchen and Lodrö Gyaltsen Pelzangpo. Overall, the lineage depictions and individual portraits are analyzed in relation to art history research on portraiture, Tibetan religious and political history, as well as their religious significance and ritual use.
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From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films / Från Snövit till Frost : En utvärdering av populära könsrepresentations-indikatorer tillämpade på Disneys prinsessfilmerNyh, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods. / <p>Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)</p>
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