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消費信用保護 / Consumer Credit Protection潘玥竹 Unknown Date (has links)
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聯盟的本質:解釋後冷戰時期的北約存續 / Essence of alliance: explaining the NATO's endurance in the Post-Cold War era陳麒安, Chen Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
聯盟的本質在於合作。但關鍵是國家為何合作、如何促進合作,以及如何決定合作對象或競爭對手。事實上,後冷戰時期的北約並未放棄對付共同威脅的核心目標,卻也逐漸發展出安全管理的功能,不但參與了維和行動,也建立起和俄羅斯與烏克蘭的對話機制,更凝聚了盟國的信念而形成具有集體身份的安全共同體。 / In the aftermath of WWII, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), mainly led by the U.S., was formed to deter U.S.S.R.’s aggression. This organization signified the bipolar system of international relations. When the Cold War came to an end, many scholars once predicted NATO would collapse. However, the alliance still endures for decades and enlarges eastward three times. The purpose of the dissertation is to reappraise the perspectives from three major schools of International Relation theory and provide some explanation of NATO’s endurance in the post-Cold War era.
In the camp of realists, the balance-of-power theory raised by Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth N. Waltz is inconsistent with the facts of NATO’s development. The bandwagon-for-profit theory proposed by Randall L. Schweller only gives partial explanation of international alliances and takes a contradictory position on the concept of bandwagon. The buck-passing theory maintained by John J. Mearsheimer tries to include both the options of balance and not-balance on the one hand, while depends heavily on other states’ willingness to take the responsibility of balance on the other hand. As far as we know, the latter seldom results in success. Although the balance-of-threat theory sustained by Stephen M. Walt still has some shortcomings, it can provide a better explanation of the case discussed in the dissertation. This author concludes that NATO faces multiple threats of the spread of WMD, the existence of Russia and transnational terrorism in the post-Cold War era. That’s why the allies continue to cooperate.
From the standing points of neo-liberalists, if states want to maintain cooperation under the anarchical international system, they will need international institutions based on reciprocity. When international institutions can be adjusted with the demand of their member states, they will obtain more supports. Because the primacy of the U.S. was reduced by the institutional rules and joint decision making process in NATO and accompanied with persuasive soft power, some Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) were drew to join the alliance. Moreover, there are few wars among democracies. For all these reasons, NATO still survives until now.
When NATO seeks to develop in-group favoritism in the post-Cold War era, it does not activate out-group discrimination. Constructivists state that if members of alliances can cultivate their collective identities and transform national security problems into collective ones, they can go beyond traditional military alliances and become security communities. Features of norms in NATO also strengthen their capabilities in shaping the alliance.
The essence of alliance is cooperation. Its key points for states lie in why they cooperate, how to facilitate their cooperation and how to choose their partners or opponents. As a matter of fact, in the aftermath of the Cold War, NATO doesn’t give up its core purpose of fighting against common threats, while it develops the function of security management gradually. Besides, NATO takes part in the peace-keeping operations and builds the mechanisms for communication with Russia and Ukraine. In the end, NATO solidates the belief from its member states and turns into a security community of collective identity.
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民事程序中違法取證可利用性之研究 / A Study on Admissibility of Evidence Obtained Illegally in Civil Procedure劉承翰, Liu, Chen Han Unknown Date (has links)
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俄羅斯遠東石油管線爭議案之研究-- 國內、決策層次分析吳子維, WU, TZU WEI Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃層次分析法之個案研究,分別從國際層次、國家層次、決策層次等面向切入,探討遠東石油管線案峰迴路轉之深層因素。就國際層次而言,遠東石油管爭議案是日本與中國爭奪石油管線的角力過程;就國家層次而言,遠東石油管爭議案是俄羅斯官方打壓金融寡頭的過程;就決策層次而言,遠東石油管爭議案是俄羅斯行政內,不同派系政爭的過程,以及克里姆林宮內經濟顧問派與安全顧問派爭奪國家發展方向的過程。 / This article is a case study of levels of analysis. It is a researching about Russian pipeline dispute in North East Asia from the view of nation state and decision-making levels. The case offers a step in direction to realize power struggle between 2 families in Russia After 2000. For the long-time, Russian politics has hassled for the national develop line: Security or Economy. Under the policy argument, different groups struggle to control the politic right to speak, and future direction of country. As a top leader of security system, President Putin(Putin Vladimir Vlaimirovich, Владимир Владимирович Путин)has no chose but incriminated into the ero-sum struggle. The result can affect Russian domestic affairs, foreign and security policy, even the development of national line after 2008 and the order of CIS and Eastern-North Asia. We hypothesize that: (1) Power struggle during Yeltsin Period: Power transition in Russia after 2000 is not the change of Russian president, but also the substitution among different interest groups. The war has started even before Putin came to power. And, it is still on going now. (2) State Duma: In state duma, in the election in the end of 2003, United Russia party draws much of its strength from administrative resources. Duma become legislative bureau of Putin. (3) In executive administration, Putin controls Kremlin after fall of Aleksandr S. Voloshin in 2003, and, controls administrative system after fall of Kasyanov in 2004. Finally, controls military system after fall of Anatoli kvashnin in 2004. And, the pipeline is the victim of political struggle.
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我國漲價歸公之正義概念研究─以華爾澤之正義理論為觀點 / A study on the conception of justice of the land value increment belonging to the public in Taiwan from the point of view of michael Walzer's theory of justice蕭佑嘉, Siao,You Jia Unknown Date (has links)
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美國母子公司合併子公司少數股東保護之研究—兼評台灣實務案例與相關規範設計之缺憾盧曉彥, Lu, Hsiao-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
短期而言,從經濟政策上係鼓勵合併,抑或從我國公司內部治理機制以及市場機制尚未健全發展至足以提供子公司相當之協商力量以與母公司抗衡的角度,我國似乎都無法在仿效美國於制式合併場合,建立偏向「財產法則」概念下之「近似常規交易協商模式」。因此,現階段或應思考從改善我國股份收買請求權設計開始著手。對此,ALI Principles與RMBCA有關股份收買請求權設計之立法例,我國應擇其優而加以援用。
長期而言,按照我國現階段的規範趨勢,似乎係在仿效美國法制,逐漸朝向市場導向之公司治理機制(market-oriented style of corporate governance),因此持續開拓我國資本市場的深度與廣度,以及建立適合於我國公司生態的公司內部治理機制,都將是繼續努力的目標。倘若未來我國市場之周邊機制與公司內部治理機制皆能發揮適當的治理功能,前述偏重於「補償法則」概念下規範模式之股份收買請求權設計,即有必要加以調整,以避免美國現階段在現金逐出合併場合所發生之「規範重疊」(regulation overlap)問題。
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臺灣、德國與美國企業退休給付法制之比較研究 / A Comparison of Legal Systems of Supplementary Pension Plans in Taiwan, Germany and the United States林炫秋 Unknown Date (has links)
老年所得保障的問題,是所有工業化國家所共有的社會問題。臺灣、德國與美國為了解決這個問題,基本上都是採用所謂的「三層保障的模式」。第一層保障為國家所建立的強制性社會保險制度,第二層保障為企業或雇主所設立的企業退休給付制度,第三層為個人的自我預護(包括儲蓄、保險、置產等)。本文主要是探討第二層的「企業退休給付制度」之法律問題。臺灣的「企業退休給付制度」(也稱之為「企業退休金制度」),是採強制性為主,自願性為輔的雙軌制度,自願性制度所佔比例無足輕重。在強制性制度中的實施型態是採「單數型態」,而且由「單一組織」承擔實施。美國的「企業退休給付制度」稱為「年金(退休金)計劃(pension plan)」,德國的「企業退休給付(betriebliche Altersversorgung)制度」也稱為「企業年金(Betriebsrenten)制度」。這兩個國家向來都是採用自願性制度,「實施型態」與「實施機構」也都是採「複數型態」。
本文主要是以臺灣的「勞基法退休規定」,德國的「改善企業退休給付法」與美國的「勞工退休所得保障法」等法律規定為基礎。針對同一問題,分別探討臺灣、德國與美國的法律制度。第一節首先探討企業退休給付制度之歷史發展,企業退休給付制度究竟如何形成?如何逐步擴展?法律如何回應?在立法之後又面臨何種問題?第二節首先討論退休給付制度的核心法律概念,以及其如何與雇主的其他給付相區別。接著進一步探究勞工請求雇主給付退休金之法律基礎為何?然後再探討企業退休給付之法律性質。第三節分析企業退休給付制度,以何種型態實施,如何運作,在組織上產生何種法律關係。第四節探討企業退休給付的財務準備。第五節以給付為中心,探討企業退休給付的一般法律保障,包括:請求退休金的法律要件為何?請求範圍如何決定?如何與社會保險給付整合?如何支付?在面對通貨膨脹壓力時又如何因應?第六節探討企業退休給付期待利益如何保障之問題,詳細探討德國與美國為何要保障退休給付期待利益?在何種情形下,退休給付期待利益不可喪失?勞工退休時,退休給付期待利益如何實現為退休給付,如何計算其數額?勞工離職時,可否一次結清將來的退休給付權利?勞工轉換工作時,退休金債權是否可隨同移轉?最後一節探討退休給付發生支付不能之情形時,有何解決辦法?第五章比較三國退休給付法律制度有何異同?有何優缺點?並檢討行政院勞工委員會所提的「勞工老年附加年金保險險制度」草案,與「勞工退休金條例草案」之優缺點,並探討我國勞工退休金制度法律改革是否存在其他不同的途徑。?最後一章總結前面各章之研究所得作成結論。 / Old-age income security is a sharing social problem of all industrialized countries. 「Three tiers (pillars) of economic security」 has been used for solving this problem in Taiwan, Germany and U.S.A. The first tier is obligatory social insurance system established by the countries; the second tier is the composition of “supplementary pension plans” created by companies or employers; the third tier is personal advance arrangements (include saving, purchase of insurance, investment, etc.).
This dissertation concentrates on the legal protection of supplementary pension plans. The supplementary pension plans in Taiwan is a double-track institution. While the voluntary part of it is rather insignificant, this institution is mainly in obligatory part. This obligatory supplementary pension plans is designed to be only one type - defined benefit plans, and there is only one designated funding agency - the Central Trust of China.
In U.S.A. the supplementary pension plans used to be called “private pension plans”; in Germany the supplementary pension plans used to be called “company pensions (Betriebsrenten)”. These two countries adopt voluntary institutions. The types and funding agencies of their supplementary pension plans are plural.
In order to protect the rights of pension, the relevant laws were enacted in Taiwan, Germany, and U.S.A. Regulations about employee retirement benefits were included in the “Labor Standards Law” enacted in 1984 in Taiwan. These regulations created minimum standards for the establishment, requirement of benefit, funding and funding agency, benefit formulas of retirement plans. However these regulations lacked protection of pension expectations and rights to pension against insolvency or bankruptcy of supporting employers. In Germany the relevant regulations about supplementary pension plans are to be found in the “Act on Company Pensions” in force since December 1974. This Act regulated very limitedly. It established minimum standards for company pensions, especially relating to protection of pension expectations, and pension benefit rights against insolvency of supporting employers. In the same year the “Employee Retirement Income Security Act” of 1974 (ERISA) was enacted in U.S.A.. This comprehensive employee benefit law not only stressed on protection of employee benefit rights (including protecting vesting right), but also created insurance for pension plan terminations.
This dissertation mainly compares the legal institutions relating to supplementary pension plans in Taiwan, Germany and U.S.A. on the basis of the above statute laws relating to the supplementary pension plans of these three countries.
Chapter 1 is the introduction of this research. Chapter 2、3 and 4 discuss the legal institutions relating to supplementary pension plans of these three countries. In each section of each chapter the same problems are discussed. Section 1 provides an overview of the historic background of supplementary pension plans and development of relevant laws, including how the supplementary pension plans have formed and expanded, how the law regulated, and problems that have been caused after enactment of the law relating to supplementary pension plans. Section 2 firstly discusses the core legal concept of supplementary pension in each country, and how it differentiates from other benefits of employers. Then this section probes into the legal bases of supplementary pension claims and the characteristics of supplementary pension. Section 3 analyzes different types of supplementary pension plans, how they operate, and legal relations that have been produced. Section 4 explores pension funding. Section 5 discusses the general legal protection of pension benefits, including participation, requirement of benefit, payment of benefit. The question of how supplementary pension integrates with social security benefit and counteracts the effect of inflation is also discussed. Section 6 discusses how the relating laws of supplementary pension plans protect pension expectations, why the laws of Germany and U.S.A. protect pension expectations, when the pension benefit rights are nonforfeitable, how the nonforfeitable benefit is accrued, under which condition a nonforfeitable benefit can cash out, and whether the nonforfeitable benefit is portable when the employee changes the job? The last section discusses the legal protection against insolvency of employers or termination of pension plans.
After comparing the supplementary pension plans and its legal protections of Taiwan, Germany, and U.S.A.,chapter 5 examines advantages and disadvantages of the two recent drafts of supplementary pension plans reforms proposed by CLA (Council of Labor Affairs)in Taiwan. One is “Draft of the Old-age Supplementary Insurance of Employees” , and the other is “Draft of Employee Pension Act “ . The possibilities of having other ways for reforming supplementary pension plans institution of this country is also discussed in this chapter. The last chapter puts research results of the preceding chapters into a conclusion.
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民辦都更之實施與救濟 / Urban renewal initiated by private sector-the implementation and remedies蔡璧如, Tsai, PiJu Unknown Date (has links)
惟重要的是,無論是民辦與公辦都更,應訂定具體之公益檢驗標準,並區分都更之必要性與急迫性,以分級制度適用寬嚴不同的程序,且應於各階段設計針對個別建物公益性與必要性之評估機制。尤其,強制拆除與強制徵收都必須節制為最後手段,僅宜運用在情況最為急迫嚴重之案例。如此,始能期待各方當事人與社會大眾同享都更之果實。 / On 28 March 2012, the Taipei City Government exercised its authority to evict the homeowners and tear down the buildings, which were legally and exclusively owned by the Wang family refusing to take part in the urban renewal project. Neither did the buildings pose any existing threat to public safety, nor did it show any urgent need for urban renewal. Thus, the so-called “Wen-Lin Yuan Incident” sparked a series of confrontation: The Wang family and its supporters vowed to defend homes with their lives; the 36 households taking part in the project hoped to speed up the construction, because their houses have long been demolished by developer; the buyers of the pre-sale houses said they were also the innocent victims; meanwhile the private developer and the city government insisted that their handling in this case has been adhering to the law-The Urban Renewal Act. The debates and questions ignited in this dispute have sustained and continued till now: Does the exercise of official authority well connect with the purpose of important public interest? Are the Urban Renewal Act and the related regulations designed and used to favor developers? Is there unreasonable substantive or procedural obstacles on legal remedies for residents?
On 26 April 2013, the Justices of the Constitutional Court issued J.Y. Interpretation No. 709, which declared some provisions of the Urban Renewal Act do not comply with the due process in administrative procedures required by the Constitution and the unconstitutional parts of the provisions should be reviewed and amended by the relevant authorities. It’s time to fully re-examine the current urban renewal laws. Based on the multiphase-administrative-procedural model, the Urban Renewal Act governs and facilitates the renewal projects initiated by both private and public sector. This thesis focuses solely on the issues of private-initiated renewal projects. Within each phase, by examining in detail the legal nature and remedies of government decisions or actions, analyzing how controversial statutes influencing the relationship between individuals and the government and the relationship between individuals, exploring if the substantive or procedural provisions are appropriate, and generalizing legal principles enunciated and embodied in judicial decisions, hope this thesis can make meaningful suggestions for the amendment of the law.
From an overall perspective, no matter what the method taken- “Rights Transformation” or “Joint Construction Agreement”, starting from the early phase of “business summary”, in which the law allows property owners to designate the renewal units by themselves, the legal system on the private-initiated urban renewal causes great risk of losing effective connection to an important public-interest purpose. Moreover, in the “business plan” and “rights- transformation plan” phases, the law lacks clear standards or criteria to check if the specific case meets the proportionality principle and whether the public interest is best served. As each phase involves different government decisions, the restrictions on the property right of dissenting owners grow bigger, yet the mechanism for their rights protection becomes weaker, eventually in the final “execution” phase, the dissenting owners could be completely deprived of their property right and freedom of residence. When it comes to the practical application, following this legal structure’s line of reasoning, the administrative agency tends to act in concert with implementer (mostly private developer), both parties interpret public interest as the sum of most private interests and aim at speeding up the whole process, so that the dissenting property owners’ rights are usually overlooked and the dissents are forced to shoulder a disproportionate share of the negative effects.
Actually, for the property owners refusing to join the project, the law fails to provide proper protection no matter substantively or procedurally. Especially in the “execution” phase, the implementers are entitled to request the government to demolish or expropriate the property. Thus, through the indirect transfer of public power to the implementer, the law impairs the supposed-to-be-fair balance between the rights of the property owners and the rights of the implementer. On the other hand, in administrative judicial proceedings, given that administrative courts often defer to the discretion of expert committee set up by administrative agency for the review of renewal projects, it is unsurprising that the courts tend to adopt administrative agency’s litigation interpretation. Thus, when property owners’ fundamental constitutional rights are infringed, the administrative action may not be under adequate scrutiny by courts.
This thesis proposes that: in the first phase when designating the renewal area, the administrative agency should ensure an open and transparent public participation, and after decision made, especially for those most affected in the renewal area, including property owners and residents, the legal remedy should be clearly specified in the law; before the “business plan” approved and announced by administrative agency, property owners should be allowed to withdraw their letter of consent unconditionally; in “rights- transformation plan” phase, the consent mechanism should be added into the process, property owners should be entitled to participate in selecting and entrusting real estate appraisers, the special “disagreement inspection procedure” should be well-clarified and defined in law; in the last “execution” phase, the use of forced demolition or expropriation as a legal instrument to take private property for private-initiated renewal projects, cannot be justified under the principle of proportionality and public interest. Thus, the related unconstitutional regulations need to be modified.
In short, the current urban renewal laws are designed under the framework of governing the relationships between government and individuals. As for the relationship between individuals, especially in the now dominating private-initiated mode, this original design is inherently flawed to balance the diverse and competing interests among different private parties. In essence, all urban renewal projects should conform to the overall urban plan adopted and formulated by the city government. Besides, the use of authority and power can be legitimate only when implementing public purpose and public benefits. Given that the government-initiated mode is more likely to be consistent with the comprehensive urban plan and be aligned with public interest, this thesis suggests that government take the responsibility to lead and initiate most urban renewal projects. As for the private-initiated mode, which mostly driven by short-term private profits, the current government intervention can neither ensure equitable distribution of benefit among stakeholders, nor can it provide a significant link to public interest, thus, better leave it to the traditional realm of private law, that is, if there is no necessity or urgency, reconstruction shall require the consent of all property owners.
If the public and private modes are to be maintained and co-exist in the urban renewal system, both laws should contain concrete guidelines and standards on factors that should be taken into account in determining if the designation of renewal areas or units is in pursuit of important public interest. Besides, a priority rating system should be established based on the degree of need and urgency to categorize the different procedural implementation, aiming to ensure a direct correlation between the degree of government intervention and the degree of need and urgency. Furthermore, an assessment tool of the necessity and proportionality is required to be built in each phase, thus to help administrative agency decide whether in the particular case, the public interest outweighs the interests adversely affected. In all cases, the use of eminent domain and forced demolition should be reserved as the last resort for the most serious conditions. Hopefully, by the aforementioned amendments, the promised fruits of urban renewal can be available not only to the parties involved but also to the general public.
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家事事件中訴訟及非訟法理之適用 / The Application of Civil Procedure and Non-Contentious Procedure in Taiwan Family Act.白承育 Unknown Date (has links)
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自國際規範FIDIC標準契約條款論我國工程保險—以保險責任期間為重心林幸頎, Lin, Hsing Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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