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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pour une esthétique du crime : les « Newgate Novels », essai de définition d’un genre populaire / The Aesthetics of Crime : the ‘Newgate Novels’, or the Definition of a Popular Genre

Malfray, Hubert 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude propose de s’intéresser à un genre littéraire mineur, le Newgate, regroupant des romans parus entre 1830 et 1847. L’objectif est de définir les modalités d’écriture qui sous-tendent les œuvres rassemblées sous cette étiquette non pas par consensus d’auteurs, mais par les critiques. À la croisée entre biographies et romance, les romans livrent des portraits de voleurs, meurtriers ou bandits de grand chemin. Dans la lignée du Newgate Calendar, ils connurent un vif succès auprès d’un public essentiellement populaire, mêlant faits divers, légendes du crime et fantasme d’une écriture poétique. L’objet de notre étude consiste à évaluer comment s’opère, au cœur des romans, la rencontre entre crime et esthétique, deux notions qui trouvent dans le Newgate une pierre d’achoppement. Entre dissidence, sensationnalisme et obscénité, les romans fascinent autant qu’ils rebutent. Œuvres du scandale, ils conduisent dans un premier temps à s’interroger sur les conventions de leur temps qu’ils remettent en cause, depuis les conventions sociales et morales jusqu’au code pénal, en passant par les codes esthétiques. Tiraillés entre allégeance au passé et nécessité d’affirmer leur différence, les romans sont l’œuvre du désir, concept autour duquel se nouent crime et esthétique : à l’image des œuvres, les héros en quête d’origine sont en perpétuelle négociation avec l’avant. Enfin, ces romans populaires oscillent entre mélodrame et empreinte carnavalesque pour s’attirer les faveurs d’un public de masse convié à l’expérience d’une pratique de la lecture proche de l’enfièvrement et de la dévoration. / This study focuses on a minor literary genre, the Newgate Novel, published between 1830 and 1847. Its aim is to define the scriptural modalities that lie at the core of these works of art which do not constitute a school of writing, but were grouped together by the critics of the time. Between biography and romance, the novels depict thieves, murderers or highwaymen. Following the Newgate Calendar, they were extremely popular at the time of their publication, a success which can be linked to the way they mingle crime news, legendary criminal figures and a poetical stance. The purpose of this study consists in assessing how crime and aesthetics meet in these novels to form the core of the literary project. The novels are caught in-between dissidence, sensationalism and obscenity: they fascinate as much as they repulse their audience. These scandalous pieces of writing keep negotiating with the conventions of their time – should they be social or moral conventions, the criminal code or the aesthetic standards. Thus, they can be situated in a paradoxical place, oscillating between their allegiance to the past and their necessity to affirm their difference, their novelty: they are the objects of desire, a key-concept around which gravitate the notions of crime and aesthetics. The heroes of the stories are also objects of desire, constantly longing for their origins. The novels were a success because they managed to affirm their popular identity: hesitating between the melodramatic and the carnivalesque, they aimed at attracting the new mass-reading public who were invited to indulge in a feverish, devouring reading experience.

"Musikens magi" En kvalitativ studie av musikens betydelse i mötet mellan pedagoger, musiker och dansare

Valdes Martinez, Yemilova, Linse, Hillevi January 2018 (has links)
Den svenska förskolan styrs av en läroplan (SKOLFS 1998:16) som anger riktlinjer och mål för verksamheten. Enligt läroplanen ska förskolan sträva efter att varje barn ”utvecklar sin skapande förmåga och sin förmåga att förmedla upplevelser, tankar och erfarenheter i många uttrycksformer som lek, bild, rörelse, sång och musik, dans och drama” (SKOLFS 1998:16, s.10). Läroplanen beskriver också att barn ska erbjudas en miljö där de tillsammans med andra barn och pedagoger ska kunna delta i estetiska aktiviteter. Detta arbete fokuserar på de estetiska uttrycksformerna musik och dans. Syftet med den här studien är att ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv undersöka och analysera vad som händer i musikmötet mellan musiker, dansare och pedagoger, samt dess inverkan på fortsatt musikarbete på förskolan. Vi undersöker också vad i mötet med musiker och dansare som fascinerar pedagoger till fortsatt musikarbete i förskolans verksamhet. Detta studeras i en miljö där sådan fascination uppstår. Via intervjuer med pedagoger, musiker, dansare och handledare närmar sig den här studien upplevelser och fascination inom ramen för Malmö stads projekt ”Musiken stärker”.

Violence, émotion, fascination : Les relations du son et de l’image dans les pratiques plastiques récentes / Violence, emotion, fascination : The relationships between the sound and the image in the recent art works

Armand, Christiane 31 March 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, il est question d'interroger la relation entre le son et l'image dans les pratiques plastiques actuelles à partir de travaux majoritairement vidéographiques et de tenter de déterminer comment cette articulation est un vecteur de violence, d'émotion, de fascination mais également comment elle s'inscrit dans le contexte de l'émergence de la pensée, du déplacement du sens et de la réception de l'oeuvre par le spectateur. Ces rapports entre le visuel et le sonore sont dégagés au fil des vidéos rencontrées et une analyse à caractère plus spécifiquement monographique est menée à partir des oeuvres d'Ange Leccia produites de 1982 à 2013 et celles de Douglas Gordon réalisées de 1990 à 2008. Une partie de cette étude est également consacrée à faire émerger la problématique du travail vidéographique de l'auteur de cette thèse en lien avec la thématique abordée. En dernier lieu, une analyse comparée met en regard les pratiques d'Ange Leccia, de Douglas Gordon, celles d'artistes contemporains ainsi que celles de l'auteur de ce texte en privilégiant les liaisons du sonore et du visuel dans les travaux plastiques réalisés à partir du réemploi d'images d'archives, de films cinématographiques et l'utilisation de chansons populaires. / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relation between sound and image in the actual artistic works and especially from video art and to try to determine how this linkage provides violence, emotion, fascination but also how it comes within the scope of the contest of the thinking emergence, the meaning shifting, the work reception by the public. These links between visual and sound parts are brought out from videos coming across the discussion thread and a more specifically monographic analysis is drawn from the Ange Leccia's artistic work producted from 1982 to 2013 and Douglas Gordon's one realized from 1990 to 2008. One part of this study is also devoted to the videographic work problematics of the author of this thesis with respect to the theme involved. Lastly, a comparative analysis puts in a position to question the artistic practice of Ange Leccia and Douglas Gordon, of contemporary artists and the work of the author of this text favouring the relation between sound and image which relies on artistic work based on the sampling of archives, of movies and the use of popular songs.

A relação de fascínio de um grupo de adolescentes pelo Orkut: um retrato da modernidade líquida. / The fascination of a group of teenagers by Orkut - portrait of modernity.

Medeiros, Rosangela de Araujo 16 May 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de abordar uma questão específica da subjetividade na época hipermoderna: a relação de fascínio de um grupo de adolescentes com o site de relacionamentos online Orkut, tendo como pano de fundo a contemporaneidade e os valores da cultura narcísica e da cultura do espetáculo que a sustentam. Para tanto, discorre sobre três aspectos que se inter-relacionam: o contexto da hipermodernidade líquida e digital; as peculiaridades do Orkut e as características psíquicas dos adolescentes. A conjunção desses fatores explica o fascínio, de ordem subjetiva, como uma construção social. Essa análise tem um viés psicossocial, respaldado em autores tais como Zygmunt Bauman, Gilles Lipovetsky, Christopher Lasch e Guy Debord, que interseccionam idéias do campo da Sociologia com conceitos da Psicanálise. Esse quadro teórico desenhou-se a partir de um estudo realizado em duas etapas: a primeira de cunho quantitativo, envolveu 473 adolescentes e pré-adolescentes de uma escola da periferia de São Paulo, com vistas a identificar os usos do computador e da Internet. Nessa amostra, constatou-se que 72 % dos participantes não tinham computador em suas residências, entretanto esta carência não representou impedimento no acesso ao uso, porque 87% utilizavam a máquina em diferentes espaços. Contudo, a escola foi a menos citada e o Orkut um dos usos recorrentes. Para investigar, então, o uso desse site, realizou-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com um grupo de 10 adolescentes participantes da primeira etapa. A análise das entrevistas permitiu caracterizar o Orkut como um palco no qual podem ser pseudo-realizados os ideais da sociedade narcísica. Por isso é fascinante, captura o desejo do sujeito. É um espaço virtual em que o adolescente pode \'sair\' momentaneamente de um estado de insatisfação, conflito e ruptura, para um lugar onde pode estar, ter e (a)parecer. Dessa forma, a idealização costura a relação de fascínio pelo Orkut, atrelada às possibilidades de socialização. Verificou-se que os adolescentes buscam responder aos apelos dessa hipermodernidade, mas não deixam de ter prazer em suas atividades corriqueiras do mundo jovem. Culto à aparência, ao hedonismo, à glamourização da auto-imagem, reconhecimento social, fama, popularidade, amizade, vício são temas discutidos neste trabalho e coexistem no Orkut com o interesse de comunicação, reafirmando que, mesmo incentivado o hiper-individualismo e a criação de narcisos digitais, somos seres sociais. / This research aims to address a specific issue of subjectivity in the hipermodern era: the fascination of a group of teenagers with the site of online relationships Orkut, the background of the present and the values of culture and the culture of narcissist spectacle that gives the support. To this end, we talk about three things that are inter-related: the context of hipermodernidade net and digital; the peculiarities of Orkut and the psychological characteristics of adolescents. The combination of these factors explains the fascination of subjective order as a social construction. This analysis has a psychosocial bias, based in authors such as Zygmunt Bauman, Gilles Lipovetsky, Chistopher Lasch and Guy Debord, who explore ideas in the field of sociology with concepts of psychoanalysis. This theoretical framework is developed from a study conducted in two stages: the first is quantitative, involving 473 adolescents and preadolescents of the poor suburb of an school in Sao Paulo, with the objective of identifying the uses of the computer and the Internet. In this sample, it was found that 72% of participants had no computer in their homes, however this lack of access was not impediment to the use, because 87% use the machine in different spaces. However, the school was the least commented and the Orkut one of the most applicant uses. In order to investigate, then, the use of this site, took place semi-structured interviews with a group of 10 teenagers participants of the first stage. The analysis of the interviews allowed to characterize Orkut as a local in which can be pseudo-realized the ideals of a narcissist society. So it is fascinating, capturing the desire of the subject. It is a virtual space where adolescents can \'exit\' momentarily from a state of dissatisfaction, conflict and disruption, to a place where you can be, show yourself. Thus, the idealization build the fascination for the relationship of Orkut provides,linked to the possibilities of socialization. It was found that teenagers try to respond to the calls of hipermodernity , but they still have pleasure in their usual activities in the world. Worship the appearance, the hedonism, glamourization of self-image, social recognition, fame, popularity, friendship, addictions , are topics discussed in this paper and in the Orkut coexist with the interest of communication, reaffirming that even encouraged the hyper-individualism and creation narcisos of digital era, we are social beings.

A relação de fascínio de um grupo de adolescentes pelo Orkut: um retrato da modernidade líquida. / The fascination of a group of teenagers by Orkut - portrait of modernity.

Rosangela de Araujo Medeiros 16 May 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de abordar uma questão específica da subjetividade na época hipermoderna: a relação de fascínio de um grupo de adolescentes com o site de relacionamentos online Orkut, tendo como pano de fundo a contemporaneidade e os valores da cultura narcísica e da cultura do espetáculo que a sustentam. Para tanto, discorre sobre três aspectos que se inter-relacionam: o contexto da hipermodernidade líquida e digital; as peculiaridades do Orkut e as características psíquicas dos adolescentes. A conjunção desses fatores explica o fascínio, de ordem subjetiva, como uma construção social. Essa análise tem um viés psicossocial, respaldado em autores tais como Zygmunt Bauman, Gilles Lipovetsky, Christopher Lasch e Guy Debord, que interseccionam idéias do campo da Sociologia com conceitos da Psicanálise. Esse quadro teórico desenhou-se a partir de um estudo realizado em duas etapas: a primeira de cunho quantitativo, envolveu 473 adolescentes e pré-adolescentes de uma escola da periferia de São Paulo, com vistas a identificar os usos do computador e da Internet. Nessa amostra, constatou-se que 72 % dos participantes não tinham computador em suas residências, entretanto esta carência não representou impedimento no acesso ao uso, porque 87% utilizavam a máquina em diferentes espaços. Contudo, a escola foi a menos citada e o Orkut um dos usos recorrentes. Para investigar, então, o uso desse site, realizou-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com um grupo de 10 adolescentes participantes da primeira etapa. A análise das entrevistas permitiu caracterizar o Orkut como um palco no qual podem ser pseudo-realizados os ideais da sociedade narcísica. Por isso é fascinante, captura o desejo do sujeito. É um espaço virtual em que o adolescente pode \'sair\' momentaneamente de um estado de insatisfação, conflito e ruptura, para um lugar onde pode estar, ter e (a)parecer. Dessa forma, a idealização costura a relação de fascínio pelo Orkut, atrelada às possibilidades de socialização. Verificou-se que os adolescentes buscam responder aos apelos dessa hipermodernidade, mas não deixam de ter prazer em suas atividades corriqueiras do mundo jovem. Culto à aparência, ao hedonismo, à glamourização da auto-imagem, reconhecimento social, fama, popularidade, amizade, vício são temas discutidos neste trabalho e coexistem no Orkut com o interesse de comunicação, reafirmando que, mesmo incentivado o hiper-individualismo e a criação de narcisos digitais, somos seres sociais. / This research aims to address a specific issue of subjectivity in the hipermodern era: the fascination of a group of teenagers with the site of online relationships Orkut, the background of the present and the values of culture and the culture of narcissist spectacle that gives the support. To this end, we talk about three things that are inter-related: the context of hipermodernidade net and digital; the peculiarities of Orkut and the psychological characteristics of adolescents. The combination of these factors explains the fascination of subjective order as a social construction. This analysis has a psychosocial bias, based in authors such as Zygmunt Bauman, Gilles Lipovetsky, Chistopher Lasch and Guy Debord, who explore ideas in the field of sociology with concepts of psychoanalysis. This theoretical framework is developed from a study conducted in two stages: the first is quantitative, involving 473 adolescents and preadolescents of the poor suburb of an school in Sao Paulo, with the objective of identifying the uses of the computer and the Internet. In this sample, it was found that 72% of participants had no computer in their homes, however this lack of access was not impediment to the use, because 87% use the machine in different spaces. However, the school was the least commented and the Orkut one of the most applicant uses. In order to investigate, then, the use of this site, took place semi-structured interviews with a group of 10 teenagers participants of the first stage. The analysis of the interviews allowed to characterize Orkut as a local in which can be pseudo-realized the ideals of a narcissist society. So it is fascinating, capturing the desire of the subject. It is a virtual space where adolescents can \'exit\' momentarily from a state of dissatisfaction, conflict and disruption, to a place where you can be, show yourself. Thus, the idealization build the fascination for the relationship of Orkut provides,linked to the possibilities of socialization. It was found that teenagers try to respond to the calls of hipermodernity , but they still have pleasure in their usual activities in the world. Worship the appearance, the hedonism, glamourization of self-image, social recognition, fame, popularity, friendship, addictions , are topics discussed in this paper and in the Orkut coexist with the interest of communication, reaffirming that even encouraged the hyper-individualism and creation narcisos of digital era, we are social beings.

Kauza "Hitler je gentleman" v českých médiích : Peroutka, Zeman a Ovčáček (případová studie) / Case "Hitler is gentleman" in Czech media: Peroutka, Zeman and Ovčáček (Case study)

Adamec, Tatiana January 2016 (has links)
The case of supposed (alleged) Ferdinand Peroutka's article Hitler is gentleman which caused on 27th January 2015 at the conference Let My People Live! in Prague president Milos Zeman filled up the Czech news media. The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how these case was displayed in the media and how have the media approached to this case. This work is trying to assess the extent of media content in these media, the presence and importance of the communication and is also focused on the deeper meaning of the investigated material. The goal was to bring a sight and aspects of the possible inclination of the media, as an institution, to either side of the dispute. Traditional media like television, radio and press, were the main research sample. In addition to Czech Television it was extended for a second public service medium Czech Radio. As an additional source of traditional media the newspaper Lidove noviny and the magazines Respekt and Reflex were chosen. The main actor of the case is the president of the state and his spokesman who tried to find a allegedly non-existent article. This work will therefore focus on the parsing and the analysis of aspects related to their appearance and action. Ferdinand Peroutka was accused of fascination with Nazism, media did "support" this affair...

De la représentation au mythe : l'ambiguïté féminine dans le roman libertin du XVIIIe siècle

Guillemet, Morgane 20 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le roman libertin fait l'objet, depuis quelques années, d'un regain d'intérêt de la part de la critique universitaire. Pourtant, l'envisager sous l'angle de la femme et du féminin dans un corpus large, qui recouvre la période courant de la Régence aux premières années du XIXe siècle, permet de jeter un regard nouveau tout à la fois sur ce genre et sur le féminin. Il s'agit de faire se rejoindre ces deux pôles de compréhension de l'imaginaire et de la pensée des Lumières jusqu'ici trop peu mis en évidence dans leur interaction réciproque pourtant très riche. Le roman libertin apporte en effet sa propre réponse, fondée largement sur le corps et sur le désir, à une question qui obséda le siècle qui l'a vu naître et avec lequel il a évolué, celle de la femme. Les imageries, mythes et fantasmes qui gravitent autour du féminin et de la féminité sont ainsi à l'origine de l'ambiguïté féminine fondamentale qui se dégage de la lecture de ces textes puisqu'ils s'affirment tout à la fois dans leurs intentions libératrices et dans leurs tentations normalisatrices. Toujours hésitant entre libération et assujettissement, cette ambiguïté, comme le montre une analyse approfondie de la maîtrise et de ses enjeux qui sont au cœur des rapports entre les sexes et donc de l'opposition féminin/masculin, se lit alors comme une dynamique propre à la mise en scène fantasmatique de la femme et du féminin.

O fascinio e a espetacularização como pedagogias corporais no world of warcraft

Santos, Julio Cesar Gomes 30 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Julio Santos (julioparsifal@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-02T23:14:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese final.pdf: 8472411 bytes, checksum: 72cab36c2b81939419657a642cd00d98 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-09-08T17:33:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese final.pdf: 8472411 bytes, checksum: 72cab36c2b81939419657a642cd00d98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T17:33:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese final.pdf: 8472411 bytes, checksum: 72cab36c2b81939419657a642cd00d98 (MD5) / “O Fascínio e a Espetacularização como Pedagogias Corporais no World Of Warcraft.”, 247p. Tese (Doutorado), Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador-Bahia, 2016. O corpo sempre exerceu fascínio e os homens fizeram dele um dispositivo simbólico e cultural. Com o surgimento das tecnologias digitais se cria uma ampliação do seu processo de fascínio e espetacularização tendo nas relações sociais dos jogos online de MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role -Playing Game) um campo promissor para essa observação por se tratar de um espaço de ‘mundos persistentes’ em que se localizam relações sociais complexas. Nas redes o corpo está também para os aprendizados sociais. O argumento central da tese é que os processos de fascínio e espetacularização de si encontradas nas representações corporais do jogo online World of Warcraft, podem ser vistos como construtores de pedagogias corporais. O objetivo foi analisar nas criações corporais e nas relações dos personagens de jogadores do World of Warcraft processos de fascínio e espetacularização do corpo como parte das construções de pedagogias corporais. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa de cunho descritivo e analítico, com dados construídos por meio de uma pesquisa participante e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com roteiro. A pesquisa permitiu concluir, dentre outros aspectos, que os processos de fascínio e espetacularização de si, por meio de uma festiva exibição dos corpos dos personagens no jogo, embalados pela cultura da visibilidade, são estratégias para dão aos sujeitos acessos a diferentes experiências corporais mutantes. Esses corpos fascinantes e espetacularizados no jogo e em rede não se limitam apenas à aquisição de capital social, mas, também, são legítimos dispositivos pedagógicos e produtores de conhecimentos. / ABSTRACT The body has always held fascination and men made him a symbolic and cultural device. With the emergence of digital technologies to create an extension of its allure process and spectacle with the social relations of online games MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Game -playing) a promising field for this observation because it is an area of 'worlds persistent 'where they are located complex social relations. In the networks the body is also to social learning. The central argument of the thesis is that the fascination processes and spectacle of themselves found in bodily representations of the online game World of Warcraft, can be seen as pedagogies body builders. The aim was to analyze the physical creations and relationships of the characters players of World of Warcraft fascination processes and spectacle of the body as part of the body pedagogies buildings. The methodology was qualitative descriptive and analytical, with data built through a participatory research and semi-structured interviews with script. The study concluded, among other things, that the fascination processes and spectacle of himself, through a festive display of the bodies of the characters in the game, packed the culture of visibility, are strategies to give individuals access to different bodily experiences mutants. These fascinating and espetacularizados in the game and network bodies are not limited to the acquisition of capital, but also are legitimate pedagogical devices and producers of knowledge. Keywords: World of Warcraft, Online Games and Education, Body Representations, Fascination and Spectacularization, pedagogies Body.

The effect of target fascination on control and situation awareness in a multiple remote tower center : A human factors study

Sjölin, Victor January 2015 (has links)
The Multiple Remote Tower Center concept (mRTC) is a cutting edge project which allows one air traffic control officer (ATCO) to be in charge of multiple remotely situated airports simultaneously. When implemented, it will revolutionise how air traffic is managed at smaller airports and allow for increased efficiency and decreased operational costs. Consequently, at the time of writing a lot of effort is going into evaluating this new way of air traffic management from a safety perspective. Air traffic management has been defined as an issue maintaining situational awareness and exercising control. This thesis aims to investigate how the phenomenon target fascination affects the ATCOs ability to exercise control over its controlled airspace and maintain its situation awareness. It does so by creating a baseline scenario of work in a mRTC, and then comparing the ATCOs performance in the baseline scenario with its performance in the same corresponding scenario, but with elements of target fascination introduced. The differences in the scenarios are analysed using the Contextual Control Model, the Extended Control Model and a holistic framework for studying situation awareness. The analysis shows that target fascination does affect the ATCOs ability to maintain control, but not radically so, and only for a short period of time. The target fascination forces the ATCO to rely on information in the immediate environment to a higher degree than during regular work, as opposed to making decisions based on a holistic understanding of the situation and high level goals. However, once the understanding of the situation have been re-established, the level of control quickly returns to normal levels. Situation awareness is thus a key concept in maintaining control. The situation awareness analysis show that target fascination affects situation awareness by causing the ATCOs understanding of the situation to become outdated without the ATCOs knowledge. Because of this, there may be developments in the situation that the ATCO is not aware of, which hinders it from acting as it normally would. In some cases an intervention from an external actor or element may be necessary to break the fascination and re-establish the ATCOs understanding for the situation. As soon as the fascination is broken, the ATCO quickly takes steps to re-establish its situation awareness and return to normal operations.

Dr. Eleine Mad

Jacobsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Dr. Eleine Mad är Madeleine Jacobsssons talesperson för dom vetenskapliga och paranormala upptäckter som uppstår i hennes världar. Hon beskriver innehåll, teknik och estetik utifrån ett kategoriseringssytem där konsten delas upp som olika typer av komponenter och därefter avkodas dessa allteftersom. För att förstå intuitionens inblandning i arbetsprocessen omförvandlas den till tre separata roller av en Sökare, Samlare och Myntare. Med rollerna försöker jag beskriva på vilka sätt som intuitionen är till gagn eller av förödelse för det konstnärliga arbetet. Sagan om M handlar om en grodlik karaktär, Delop, som lämnar sin hemplanet för att uppsöka andra världar. I sitt sökande hittar Delop ett folkslag vars syn och levnadssätt skiljer sig från hennes erfarenheter av “verkligheten” såsom hon lärt sig att överleva i den. / Dr. Eleine Mad is Madeleine Jacobsson's spokesperson for the scientific and paranormal discoveries that arise in her worlds. She describes content, tecniques and aesthetics based on a categorization system where art is divided into different types of components and then decoded as they go. To understand the intuition's involvement in the work process, it is transformed into three separate roles by a Seeker, Collector and a Myntare(In swedish language the one who is a "myntare" -is verbally declaring a concept or term). With these roles I try to describe in what ways intuition is beneficial or devastating to the artistic work. The story of M is about a frog-like character, Delop, who leaves the home planet to seek out other worlds. In her search, Delop finds a world whose views and lifestyles differ from her experiences of "reality" as she learned to survive in it. / <p>Recorded sound and image material of the presentation is available for private use.</p>

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