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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing Theory on Ethnic Violence in the Balkans : En teoriprövande fallstudie av Stuart J. Kaufmans ”symbolic politics” mot kriget i Kosovo och Nordmakedoniens fredliga självständighetsförklaring

Dolama, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Symbolic politics theory created by Stuart J. Kaufman attempts to give an explanation on what makes people engage in ethnic wars and genocide by combining some rationalist thoughts with social-psychological ideas. This study analyzes the symbolic politics theory by qualitive methods using the war in Kosovo and the peaceful declaration of independence in North Macedonia as cases selected thru strategic selection.  The result of this study shows that symbolic politics theory can help to understand what causes people to follow their chauvinist leaders into ethnic violence by referring to historical nationalistic myths with the use of symbols to create fear and hostility. The theory therefore helps to understand the sequence of events that eventually resulted in the war over Kosovo 1998-1999 thru this study. The result of this study also shows that symbolic politics theory can help to understand why the declaration of independence in North Macedonia did not result in violence or war, even though the premisses in the country where much the same to other war tourn countries in the Balkans at the time. Results show that elites in North Macedonia chose a different path to achieve independence unlike their neighbouring countries in the Balkans. By identifying the destructive ways of using symbols referring to historical myths to create fear and hostility towards another ethnic group, North Macedonia instead displayed an including path and an effort to meet the different needs of different ethnic groups within their own borders.

Chick flicks? That's so fetch! : En undersökning av skönhetsrepresentation i chick flicks / Chick flicks? That's so fetch! : An Analysis of Beauty Representation in Chick Flicks

Ipsilango, Nora, Eklind, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka hur chick ick representerar skönhet och fulhet. Vi har undersökt och identierat semiotiska tecken och myter i lmerna, samt hur målgruppen upplever att deras självbild inverkas av representationen.  Våra valda metoder för examensarbetet består av semiotiska textanalyser på lmerna The Devil Wears Prada, The Princess Diaries, Clueless, She’s All That och Mean Girls. Vi har även utfört tre intervjuer i fokusgrupper.  Genom vår undersökning och analys kom vi fram till att det nns etablerade tecken som representerar antingen skönhet eller fulhet, och att myter existerar för att understryka ramverk som medföljer ett vackert eller fult utseende. Med hjälp av fokusgrupperna fann vi att även om målgruppen inte upplever att deras självbild direkt inverkas av dessa myter och tecken existerar de som en underliggande tanke när målgruppen reekterar över sitt eget utseende. / This thesis aims to discover how chick icks represent beauty and ugliness. We have examined and identied semiotics signs and mythologies in the movies, and whether the target audience believes their self images have been impacted by the representation.  Our chosen methods for the thesis consists of semiotic analyses of the lms The Devil Wears Prada, The Princess Diaries, Clueless, She’s All That and Mean Girls. Furthermore we have carried out three interviews in focus groups.  Through our discoveries and analysis we concluded that there are established signs representing either beauty or ugliness, and that mythologies exist in order to underline guidelines that follow a beautiful or ugly appearance. With the help of focus groups we found that although the target audience does not believe their self image is directly impacted by these mythologies and signs they often nd themselves keeping them as a constant underlying thought when reecting on their own appearance.

Vad är en flykting, kris & katastrof? : En jämförande diskursanalys av SVT:s och avpixlats rapportering om flyktingar / What is a refugee, crisis & disaster? : A comparative discourse analyses of SVT:s and Avpixlats reporting about refugees.

Andersson, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Title: What is a refugee, crisis & disaster? A comparative discourse analyses of SVT:s and Avpixlats reporting about refugees. The war in Syria, refugees and ISIS have been on the news agenda for a while. The perspective have been shifting throw different happenings about refugees, crisis, disaster and terrorism on one side. On the other side is what kind of newsagent that is reporting and there standing in society. Public service like SVT have there place on how to inform the public about different events around the world and then you have smaller news-agents thats growing in readers like Avpixlat who call themselves alternative journalism. They have less rules and regulations to follow in there news reporting and can therefor frame and angle information in a more free way. The purpose in this study is to compare how the image of refugees are created by reports from SVT and Avpixlat and how it relates to xenophobia of different kinds. The method that is used is discourse analysis and more precise Chantal Laclau och Ernesto Mouffes discourse theory. The specifik theories for the framework are ”orientalism", ”whiteness”, ”islamofobia”, ”myths”, earlier studies whit the theory of ”communitarian figures” and statistik misrepresentation of muslims as terrorists in news channels. Two different discourses where found in the material, ”refugee-crises” and refugee-crieses whiteout situation marks. The first one origins från Avpixlat and build on that there are no crises alongside the war in Syria, ISIS and refugees that flee from these factors. Refugees are fake, they are immigrants that come whit economic and potential terrorist purpose to other parts around the globe, with Europe in mind and especially Sweden. Refugees where seen as ”the other” in negativ terms, high rates if islamofobia were found, Sweden represent ”the good moral” and Syria represent the ”worst moral” in terms on symbolic witness. Europe and mostly Sweden portrays as the victim rather than refugees, SVT portrays the other way around and a drowned boy symbols refugee disasters around Mediterranean.

"I've been guilty of provocation but it's also just common sense marketing" : En studie av framställningen av genus och sexualitet inom reklamkampanjer i form av modefotografi

Tedengren Brenner, Tova, Pastrana, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the portrayal of gender and sexuality within fashion photography through a representational study of men and women in select Gucci fashion campaigns, Fall/Winter 1996 and Spring/Summer 2003. In doing so we also find specifics as to how artistic expression can manifest itself in the form of sexist advertising, this being through the sexualisation of fashion photography. The study commences with an introduction, explanation of its purpose, and a descriptive background of the Gucci fashion house and it’s then creative director Tom Ford, the material used and the public criticism it has received as sexist portrayal of women. The frame of the study takes form  through the theoretical approaches of gender theory and postfeminism focusing on the structural order of gender, gender roles and the use of feminine pleasure within advertising. Moreover we base our study on the concept of previous research on male pleasure alongside its female counterpart as well as the male concept of power. The analysis is performed through the methodical approach of Roland Barthes semiotic analysis including the use of denotation, connotation and myth as well as a multimodal analysis with a chosen set of semiotic resources; these are primarily focused on terms such as gaze, actions, positioning and camera angles. The material in question is divided into three pictures from each fashion house, totaling a set of six pictures each analyzed individually and ultimately discussed as a whole. Our findings result in a significantly more diverse interpretation than the single result expressed by public, governmental and editorial outcry; implying that the campaigns analysed can, through the use of semiotic and multimodal analysis carry significantly different meaning depending on what pictures are being analyzed as well how it is analyzed and interpreted. As such our results imply significantly less sexist and more conceptually diverse campaigns than what they, and Gucci under Tom Ford, have been known for. Moreover we found that the portrayal of fashion photography can be used as a tool for masking sexual violations through the pretext of artistic expression.

Goda journalister, eviga hjältar : En diskursanalys om nyhetsjournalistikens gestaltning av Kim Wall och Nils Horners eftermäle / Good journalists, eternal heroes : A discourse analysis of news journalisms portrayal of Kim Wall and Nils Horners posthumous reputation

Samuelsson, Julia, Pliscovaz, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how news journalism represented the two swedish journalists Kim Wall and Nils Horner, when describing their posthumous reputation after they were murdered during assignments. The research questions examined were: How does the journalism, in describing their posthumous reputations, portray the story of Kim Wall, and Nils Horner? What differences and similarities can be found in how they are portrayed as journalists, and as victims? We used Faircloughs critical discourse analysis (CDA) to find reoccurring discourses in the description of Horner and Wall. By examining the characteristics they were assigned and what conclusions the audience were offered to draw about their journalistic competence and about them as victims of murder, we found many similarities between Horner and Wall. They are both described as exceptionally competent. They are also portrayed as born with a “calling” towards the journalistic profession, and in both cases, they are ascribed with next to supernatural characteristics. As victims of murder we found them to be portrayed as idealistic, with some variations in relation to the description of the content of their character, and where the murder took place. Our study shows that the discourses we found contribute to the creation of heroic myths in the news journalisms description of them. They are elevated, and our conclusion is that by elevating their murdered colleagues as heroes, the news journalists are also elevating themselves and, in turn, the journalistic profession.

Korpar - de goda, de onda och tricksterfigurerna : Larsson och Korsells Pax-serie och Olczaks Jack-serie i dialog med myter och folktro om korpar / Ravens - the good ones, the bad ones and the tricksters : The Pax series by Larsson and Korsell and the Jack series by Olczak in dialouge with myth and folk beleifs about ravens

Jonsson, Nina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka intertextuella samband gällande de ambivalenta föreställningar om korpen, som förknippad med, exempelvis döden och vishet, som återfinns i folklore och korpar i Nidstången, Draugen (Larsson & Korsell 2014; 2018) och Spådomen om Jack (Olczak 2018). Undersökningen utgår från folktro och myter om korpar från fornnordisk och keltisk mytologi samt från den nordamerikanska urbefolkningen. Analysen använder sig av komparativ metod och tar avstamp i det folkloreska. Begreppet avser den känsla av folklore som finns i många populärkulturella produkter och används som ett teoretiskt ramverk. Syftet är att undersöka de fuzzy allusions, diffusa allusioner, som ger läsaren en känsla av äkta folklore. Det handlar om författarnas kreativa användande av folkloristiska inslag från olika traditioner. De folkloreska uttrycken delas in i tre olika kategorier: integrering, porträttering och parodi. Den sistnämnda kan också betecknas som en metakommentar.  Studien visar att korpbröderna Alrik och Viggo i Nidstången och Draugen går i dialog med korpar från keltisk, fornnordisk och nordamerikansk mytologi, Alrik som mäktig magiker, likt Oden, och Viggo som tricksterfigur. De tretton korparna i Spådomen om Jack samtalar med föreställningar om korpen som ond och olyckbådande, som finns i folktro och fornnordisk och keltisk myt. Författarna till böckerna har skapat kreativa blandningar av myter och folktro runt korpen, vilket gör att de hamnar i den folkloreska kategorin integrering, med vissa inslag av parodi. Slutsatsen är att den ambivalens som förekommer i myter och folktro angående korpen också syns i de analyserade böckerna.

Fences are like Ghosts are like Monuments : ephemeral social agreements under the neoliberal rule

Jansson, Herkules January 2024 (has links)
This essay delves into the intricate dynamics of Berzelii Park, focusing on the interaction between the mesh fence constructed in 2016 and the Raoul Wallenberg monuments. It examines the fence as a nationalist monument, revealing its transformative impact on the communal space and highlighting its role in shaping memories, identity, and ideological conflicts within the urban landscape. Through qualitative text analysis and theoretical frameworks on monumentality, phenomenology, and bordering, the study navigates layers of exclusion, memory, and identity formation within the park. The collision between nationalist symbolism and the narratives of memory becomes a focal point for nuanced discussions about memory and identity formation. The conclusions of the research questions reveal how the fence transcends its functional simplicity and becomes a symbol of nationalist ideology and exclusionary practices. It interprets the mesh fence in Berzelii Park as a nationalist monument by examining its impact on the park's communal space and the narratives it depicts. Furthermore, the study explores the significance of the fence in relation to the Raoul Wallenberg monuments, complicating the dynamics between these elements in the park's location. The essay provides insight into the complexity of urban spaces and the continual redefinitions of collective identities and memories. / Denna uppsats fördjupar sig i den besvärande dynamiken i Berzelii Park, med fokus på samverkan mellan nätstängslet som restes 2016 och Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten. Den studerar stängslet som ett nationalistiskt monument, avslöjar dess transformativa inverkan på det gemensamma rummet och belyser dess roll i att forma minnen, identitet och ideologiska stridigheter i stadslandskapet. Genom kvalitativ textanalys och teoretiska fackverk rörande monumentalitet, fenomenologi, och gränsdragning navigerar studien i lager av utanförskap, minne och identitetsbildning inom parkens gränser. Kollitionen mellan nationalistisk symbolism och minnets narrativ blir en samlingspunkt för nyanserade diskussioner om minnes- och identitetsskapande. Forskningsfrågornas slutsatser avslöjar hur stängslet överskrider sin funktionella enkelhet och blir en symbol för nationalistisk ideologi och exkluderande metoder. Den tolkar nätstängslet i Berzelii Park som ett nationalistiskt monument genom att undersöka dess inverkan på parkens gemensamma utrymme och de berättelser som stängslet skildrar. Vidare utforskar studien stängslets betydelse i förhållande till Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten, vilket komplicerar dynamiken mellan dessa element på platsen i parken. Uppsatsen ger inblick i stadsrummets komplexitet och ständiga omdefinieringar av kollektiva identiteter och minnen.

Det moderna handledsskyddet för snowboardåkare : en revidering av materialval, funktion och målgruppsanpassning

Hellström, Kasimir January 2010 (has links)
Projektet behandlar utvecklingen av ett handledsskydd anpassat för snowboardåkare. Den primäramålsättningen är att med hjälp av optimerad design för komfort och användarvänlighet kunnaerbjuda ett högkvalitativt och funktionellt skydd. Det senare uppnås med hjälp av material som medhänsyn till skadebilden hos utövarna här anses vara den bästa lösningen. Val av material gjordes efteren ingående litteraturstudie över handledsskyddets funktion och mekanismerna bakomhandledsskador. Studien, i kombination med en rad andra metoder för informationsinhämtning, lågäven till grund för designprocessen och den slutgiltiga produkten.Lösningar på befintliga problem hos existerande handledsskydd har applicerats på slutprodukten.Användarvänlighet och passform har tillgodosetts genom att frångå det traditionella systemet medkardborrelås, till produktanpassning av ett etablerat snörsystem. En ökad bekvämlighet tillgodosesgenom hela skyddets form, men även med utvalda material, då dessa tillåter luftgenomströmninggenom skyddet.Inom ramen för projektet besvaras också frågeställningar rörande varför så få utövare använderhandledsskydd, och vad som kan göras för att locka till användning. Handledsskydd är idagimpopulära hos utövarna, trots att frakturer på handled är den vanligaste skadan förknippad medsnowboard. Genom utveckling av bättre skydd kan skadestatistiken kraftigt förbättras. / The project aims to develop customized wrist guards for snowboarders. By using optimized design for comfort and ease of use, the primary aim is to offer the customer a functional and high-quality protection. This is achieved by using materials that, considering the injury status of the practitioners, herein are considered to best meet the demands of such a protection. The choice of materials was made after a comprehensive literature-based study on wrist guard function and mechanisms responsible for wrist injuries. This study, along with other collected data, has formed the basis for the design process and the final product. Solutions to current problems with existing wrist guards have been applied to the final product. Requirements on ease of use and accuracy of fit have been met by abandoning the traditional closure-system of Velcro, in favor for an established lacing system that has been adapted to the current product. The entire shape of the wrist guard, combined with the selected materials breathable qualities, offers the user an increased comfort. The complementary aim of the project is to understand why so few practitioners wear wrist guards, and bring forth solutions that attracts to the usage of such. Wrist guards are currently unpopular amongst snowboarders, despite wrist fracture being the most common injury associated with the sport. Through the development of better wrist guards the injury statistics can be greatly improved.

En svensk tiger…jamar? : Den svenska självbilden under Natoprocessen 2022–2023 som exempel på demokratisk propaganda / A Swedish tiger...meows? : The Swedish self-image during the NATO-process 2022–2023 as an example of democratic propaganda

Sarsour, Amer January 2023 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the rhetorical transformations of the Swedish self-image during the NATO process, particularly through the lens of democratic propaganda as described by the French philosopher and sociologist Jacques Ellul. It explores how this image is constructed and communicated in Swedish media, with a specific focus on the public service broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT). The research methodology employed in this thesis is a thematic-oriented close reading approach. The analysis concentrates on passages that primarily discuss the image of Sweden, examining them within the framework of Jacques Ellul's theory of democratic propaganda. The study explores the characteristics of democratic propaganda, its mechanisms, and manifestations. Of particular interest are aspects related to how democratic propaganda can help the state reinforce collective myths about the ideals of democracy as reflected in the analyzed material. Rather than using a specific rhetorical analysis method such as topic analysis or cluster analysis, the study is guided by the questions motivated by the theory itself.

Sorgens Separatism

Klein, Xenia January 2017 (has links)
Jag söker det vackra i det som gör så jävla ont. tvetydigt vackert Jag kallar det för en sorgens separatism. Att bli utestängd från alla andra på grund av sin sorg, för att sedan börja stänga in alla de som av sorgen inte stängts ut. Zarah var en av många som grät en tår och den föll genom staden bort till mitt öga. De som gråter över sorgen, sorgen som är. De gråter i mina ögon. Men när jag väl kommer gråtandes, kommer du då tillåta mig att gråta i ditt? Min konst kanske kan få vara mellanrummet mellan våra tårar, som de kvävda andetagen mitt där i. Det är en sorgens separatisms och jag är osäker på om varken vi sorgsna eller vi sorgliga förstår mer om vad det innebär än om hur det faktiskt känns.

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