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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Familjen Addams genom tider och medier : Kultur och mediespecificitet / The Addams Family- Through Time and Media : Medium Specificity and Culture

Rickard, Wellbring January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen har som utgångspunkt att familjenormer har förändrats under 1900-talet och att detta borde visa sig i framställningen även av en familj som inte är tidstypisk: Familjen Addams. Genom att undersöka hur adaptioner av familjen påverkas genom förändringar i medier, tidsperiod, samtida kultur och normer vill jag besvara om samtida familjenormer har varit en stor faktor i hur framställningen förändrats. För att genomföra detta använder jag Linda Hutcheons perspektiv på mediespecificitet  och ”modes of engagement” för att studera hur medieskiften påverkar adaptionen. Representationsstudier används för att studera hur historisk kontext och samtida kultur påverkar framställningen av familjen. Materialet är Charles Addams skämtteckningar, ABCs tv-serie och Barry Sonnenfelds film. Resultatet verkar vara att samtida normer har haft en mycket större effekt på framställningen av den ursprungliga tv-serien än filmen, och att de båda har formats till en stor del av mediespecifika drag, men att vissa normer som har varit långlivade ändå haft en markant effekt även på filmen, främst det Sharon Hays kallar den permissiva eran.

Portals drömvärld : en transmedial studie av det psykologiska rummet

Jonsson, Zakarias January 2015 (has links)
The field of video game studies has through later years shown a growing interest in game's spatialfeatures, along with their narrative implications. By introducing earlier findings of spatialmanifestations of dreams and psychological content in narrative works, with regards to their medialrepresentation into this discussion, I hope to conjoin video game research (better known asludology) with a line of psychoanalytic inquiry, which hitherto seems to have been left unexploredwithin media research.    While establishing a viewpoint through the interdisciplinary field of media research andpsychoanalysis, my intention is to broach a discussion on the possibilities of expanding itsviewpoints and theoretical frameworks unto the video game medium. In the present thesis I will forthis purpose center the discussion on the dreamlike Portal games, developed by Valve Corporation,which manages to enact a psychologically interesting narrative content largely through its spatialfeatures, as well as their game mechanics.    The psychoanalytic approach I intend to adopt for this study will, apart from taking mediaspecifications into account, also necessarily, following Gilles Deleuzes and Félix Guattaris focus onthe historical-political situation in their critique of earlier psychoanalytic inquiry, be directedtowards a societal context while addressing the individual works. I will thus, while analyzingspatial-psychological implications of works in different media, be regarding contemporary topics ofcultural phenomena and theories on human psychology as important factors for the forms ofexpression and thematic content, which contemporary cultural artifacts may take.    The term transmediality, which below will be discussed in appliance to psychoanalytic inquiry,refers in this thesis to the definition outlined by the literary scholar Irina Rajewsky, who situates itsemergence in an ongoing development in the field of the interconnected narratology and intermedialstudy, in which I hope to engage and contribute.

De inte alltför främmande : Författarideal, relationer och litterära system i fem svenska filmer / "Literature, Lies and the pursuit of Love" : "Writers, publishing and artistic ideals in five Swedish relationship films"

Setterwall Klingert, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen ingår i det forskningsfält som undersöker hur konstnärer skildras i fiktion. Specifikt handlar den om författarroller på film, ett område som beforskats i såväl Tyskland som den anglosaxiska världen (kända exempel är Kirsten Netzows Schriftstellerfilme(2005) samt antologin The Writer on Film (2013)) men knappt alls i Sverige. Den kretsar därför kring svensk film, samtidigt som den anknyter till det internationella fältet. Undersökningen baseras på kunskap om genrer i svensk film samt litteratursociologiska perspektiv. I det senare skiljer den sig från det mesta inom området, inte minst i ambitionen att undersöka sociala och professionella sammanhang kring författarroller på film. Efter inledande breda kapitel om historia och ideal kring författarroller följer undersökningens djupanalyser, vilka fokuserar på filmer inom det spann som kallas relationsfilm. Detta begrepp spänner över en stor del av svensk filmhistoria som kännetecknas av fokus på romantik, familje- och vänskapsrelationer och dessas spänningar, problem och utveckling.        Som fallstudier har valts fem relationsfilmer från olika perioder i svensk filmhistoria: Thomas Graals bästa film (1917),En Kärleksnatt vid Öresund (1931),Vi tre debutera (1953),Känd från TV(2001) samt Kärlek Deluxe (2014).Samtliga dessa filmer har författare i bärande roller och skildrar samtidigt i någon mening händelser inom litteratursamhället, inte minst förlagsbranschen.         Materialet undersöks utifrån fem perspektiv, baserade i kunskap från befintlig forskning: Omgivningar; Genrer, modus och troper; Drivkraft och processer; Relationer samtIdeal och sensmoral.  I undersökningen diskuteras relationsfilmens konventioner såväl i relation till myter och traditioner kring författares kärleksliv som i anslutning till professionella relationer. Bland annat diskuteras tendensen att skildra litteratursamhället som en tudelad värld byggd på – till exempel - konkurrens mellan olika genrer, ”högt och lågt”, eller dolt och offentligt.      En av flera centrala slutsatser är att författarfilmer generellt möjliggör en extra dimension av berättande inom berättelsen, ofta i form av en bok som produceras under handlingens gång, och som förstärker och speglar filmhandlingen. I just relationsfilmer blir detta ett ytterligare lager av den identifikation med författarpositionen som åskådaren bjuds in till. Författarna i dessa filmer är, sammantaget, vardagliga gestalter med allmänmänskliga problem och egenskaper, men ges samtidigt – genom myter om yrket, berättandekonventioner kring kreativitet och skildringar av branschrelationer - fler dimensioner som gör dem till attraktiva protagonister i breda filmgenrer. Uppsatsens titel syftar på just denna balans mellan spänning och vardaglighet, som Anders Marklund kallat ”inte alltför främmande”.      Efter analyskapitlen och diskussionen följer också en skiss till en historik - utan minsta anspråk på fullständighet - över författare i svensk film. / This thesis connects to the research field studying how artists are portrayed in fiction. Specifically, it deals with representations of writers and authorship in film, an area explored both in Germany and in the English speaking world (notable examples are Kirsten NetzowsSchriftstellerfilmefrom 2005 and the anthology The Writer on Filmfrom 2013) but hardly at all in Sweden. This thesis evolves around Swedish film, while also connecting to the international field.     The study is based in knowledge of genres in Swedish film in general as well as in literature sociology. In terms of the latter it differs from many contributions to the area, especially in the ambition to look at the social and professional contexts around the figure of the writer in film.      The initial broad chapters on writer history and myths are followed by five film studies, focusing on one film each within the genre known as ”relationship film” (relationsfilm): films focused on the tensions, problems and developments of romantic relationships as well as those of family and friendship. (The concept itself encompasses a large part of Swedish film history).       The five chosen case studies are relationship films from different eras of Swedish film history: Thomas Graals bästa film (1917),En Kärleksnatt vid Öresund (1931),Vi tre debutera (1953),Känd från TV(2001) and Kärlek Deluxe (2014).The films all feature writers as main or central characters while also depicting events within the world of literature, particularly the publishing industry. The analysis departs in five perspectives, based in existing research on the area: Environments (Omgivningar); Genres, modes and tropes(Genrer, modus och troper); Incentives and processes (Drivkraft och processer); Relations (Relationer) and Ideals and message (Ideal och sensmoral).       The analysis discusses the conventions of relationship films in connection to myths surrounding the love lives of writers as well as to professional relationships in the book trade. One example is the tendency to depict the world of literature as a divided, dual world built on competition between things like different genres, ”highbrow and lowbrow” material or public versus hidden aspects of the creative process.      One conclusion is that writer films in general enables an additional dimension of storytelling within the frame narrative, often in the shape of a book produced during the course of the film, which mirrors and strengthens the message and moral of the story. In relationship films in particular, this can serve to create an extra layer to the identification with the writer position into which the spectator is invited. Writers in these movies are, in general, everyday figures with common, relatable problems and characteristics, but at the same time – through myths about the profession and narrative conventions surrounding creativity - given additional dimensions which make them attractive as protagonists in popular film genres.The title of the thesis, which can roughly be translated as ”No total strangers”, is a paraphrase of the concept ”Inte alltför främmande” (”Not too strange”) by the Swedish movie and literature scholar Anders Marklund. It refers to a central feature of relationship films: the balance between making the central characters relatable and common, and at the same time interesting enough to provide some escapism. In this thesis, it refers to this balance in relation to fictional writers (and others in the book trade) in particular.      In addition to the chapters of analysis and the discussion, I have also included a first draft – without any claims of completeness - for a history of writers in Swedish film.

From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films / Från Snövit till Frost : En utvärdering av populära könsrepresentations-indikatorer tillämpade på Disneys prinsessfilmer

Nyh, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods. / <p>Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)</p>

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