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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biståndsorganisationers engagemang för barn runt om i världen / Assistance organizations` involvement for children around the world

Carlsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats var att undersöka organisationer och volontärer som arbetar eller frivilligt engagerar sig med att hjälpa barn runt om i världen på olika sätt. Jag vill veta vad det är som driver dem i sitt arbete och hur de själva hanterar de tankar och känslor som kan uppstå då de kommer i kontakt med barn som saknar många av de rättigheter som barn enligt svensk lag ska ha rätt till. De valda organisationerna är bara en liten del av det enorma engagemang som finns bland människor som strävar för att alla barn ska få rätt till en god barndom. / The purpose of this bachelor`s thesis was to investigate organizations and volunteers that work or volunteer to help children around the world in different ways. I want to know what it is that drives them in their work and how they handle the thoughts and feelings that may arise when they come into contact with children who lack the rights that children according to Swedish law should have. The chosen organizations are just a small part of the enormous commitment among people who strive for all children to have the right to a good childhood.

VAR FINNS BARNEN? : En osteoarkeologisk specialstudie över vikingatida brandgravar från Stora Ihre, Hellvi socken, Gotland.

Gillberg, Moa January 2023 (has links)
During the Viking Age, the burials on Gotland consisted of both cremations and inhumations. However, inhumation became increasingly common at the end of that period. Furthermore, several children have been identified around the island, but almost all of them are in inhumation graves. Only a few analyses of cremations from the Viking Age have been conducted. At the moment, there are only two burial grounds, dating to the Viking Age on Gotland, where the remains of cremated children have been noted. This study aims to try to locate children's graves, or possible children's graves, by studying cremations from the burial ground in Stora Ihre, Hellvi parish. Hopefully, this will contribute to future studies of cremations from Gotland in the early Iron Age and bring more knowledge on how children were treated. A total of 60 cremations have been analyzed, where only two graves contain the remains of non-adult individuals, but only one of these dates to the Viking age. At Stora Ihre, children of several ages have been buried in inhumation graves, like many other places in the rest of Gotland. In several cases, they have been buried together or secondarily next to an older individual, both in or around an inhumation or cremation grave, but in some cases, children have been given their own grave. This may indicate that a shift in burial traditions of children took place from the Vendel period to the Viking age, but it may also reflect social differences between the ages.

“Det ingick i livet” : Minnen om barndom och vardag i barnsomsorgen och omsorg om barn 1940–1950 / “It was part of life” : Childhood and everyday life in childcare and the care of children 1940–1950

Engfors, Margreth January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur äldre personer ser tillbaka på sin barndom och vardag i barnomsorgen 1940–1950. Genom muntlig historia som teori analyseras de minnen och berättelser som har samlats genom en enkät och textdiskussion från 16 personer via forum på internet. Resultatet visar att informanterna i sina svar separerade mellan formell och informell barnomsorg. Jag har valt att kalla det förstnämnda för barnomsorg och det sistnämnda för omsorg om barn. Detta bidrar med förståelse om de olika sfärer barn kunde röra sig emellan och de resurser som fanns att tillgå för familjer. Minnena beskrev även upplevelser kring vissa aktörer och det sinnliga som framträdde som viktiga i vardagen samt de förutsättningar och barnsyn som kan urskiljas i deras barndomar. De insamlade berättelserna ger en personlig prägel och lyfter fram vardagliga detaljer som ibland saknas i historieskrivningar kring den svenska barnomsorgen. / The purpose of the study has been to investigate how older people look back on their childhood and everyday life in childcare 1940–1950. Through oral history as the theory of choice, the memories and stories that have been collected through a survey and text discussion from 16 people via a forum on the internet has been analyzed. The results show that informants in their answers separated between formal and informal childcare. I have chosen to call the former childcare and the latter care of child. This contributes to an understanding of the different spheres children could move between and the resources available to families. The memories also described experiences about certain actors and the senses that appear to be important in everyday life, as well as the conditions and views of children that can be discerned in their childhoods. The collected stories give a personal touch and highlight everyday details that are sometimes missing in historical writings about Swedish childcare.

Ensamheternas århundrade? : En studie av hur människor skildrar sin ensamhet i samtal med Radiopsykologen / The century of loneliness? : A study of how people depict their loneliness in conversations with a radio psychologist

Frost, Linn January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att studera hur individer som upplever ensamhet på olika sätt sätter ord på ensamheten. Arbetet genomfördes genom att jag lyssnade på radioprogrammet ”Radiopsykologen” i P1 varifrån avsnitt som handlade om ensamhet valdes ut för analys. Arbetet bygger på totalt 31 stycken avsnitt från radioprogrammet, alla sända mellan 2020-07-27 och 2021-06-11. Insamlad data bearbetades med hjälp av tematisk analys och mynnade ut i följande tre huvudteman; Kontrasternas ensamhet, Övergivenhetens ensamhet och Avskärmningens ensamhet.  Tidigare forskning visar på svårigheter att exakt definiera begreppet ensamhet vilket delvis grundar sig i att ensamhet är en individuell och subjektiv upplevelse. I Kontrasternas ensamhet har denna subjektivitet försökt fångas in och ensamheten som återfinns i detta tema har grund i en slags upplevelse av kontrast som uppstått i deltagarnas liv. Ensamhet med grund i olika sorters upplevda kontraster i livet har varit svårt att påvisa i tidigare forskning. Däremot kan man till viss del knyta dessa kontraster till den ensamhet som uppstår till följd av en upplevelse av diskrepans mellan det individen önskar och det denne faktiskt har i sitt liv, vilket återfinns i tidigare forskning.  Övergivenhetens ensamhet fångar in det som i materialet visade sig vara en av de främsta anledningarna till varför individer upplever eller har upplevt ensamhet. Ofta förklaras denna ensamhet i termer av brister eller svårigheter individen upplevt under barndomen. Denna form av ensamhet går därför att knyta till tidigare forskning genom anknytnings- och evolutionsteori.  I Avskärmningens ensamhet finner vi deltagare som använder sig av avskärmning för att hantera olika livsförhållanden, vilket leder till en upplevelse av ensamhet. I tidigare forskning återfinns bland annat avskärmningsstrategin suppression of emotions, det vill säga användandet av en slags emotionell avskärmning vilket i sin tur kan riskera att leda till ensamhet.  För en kliniskt verksam psykolog är det viktigt att försöka finna orsaken till den upplevda ensamheten hos de patienter man möter. Det är dessutom av stor vikt att psykologen inser att det finns många olika typer av ensamhet. För att förstå en patients upplevda ensamhet kan psykologen behöva undersöka både patientens nuvarande livsförhållanden likväl som patientens uppväxtförhållanden för att finna svar. / The aim of this thesis was to study how individuals who experience loneliness depict loneliness in different ways. The work was carried out by listening to the radio program “Radiopsykologen” at the radio station P1 from which sections dealing with loneliness was selected for analysis. The work is based on 31 episodes from the radio program, all broadcasted between 2020-07-27 and 2021-06-11. The collected data was processed using thematic analysis and resulted in the following three main themes; The loneliness of contrasts, The loneliness of abandonment and The loneliness of social withdrawal.  Previous research has found it difficult to agree on an exact definition of loneliness, which is partly based on the fact that loneliness is an individual and subjective experience. In The loneliness of contrasts, I have attempted to capture this subjectivity and the loneliness you find in this theme is based on a kind of experience of contrast found in the participants’ lives. Loneliness based on different kinds of perceived contrasts in life is hard to find in previous research. On the other hand, to some extent these contrasts can be linked to the loneliness that arises as a result of an experience of discrepancy between what the individual wants and what he actually has in his life, which can be found in previous research.  The loneliness of abandonment tries to capture what was shown in the material to be one of the foremost reasons individuals experience or have experienced loneliness. This was often described in terms of either shortcomings or difficulties that the individual experienced during childhood. This form of loneliness can be linked to previous research through attachment- and evolutionary theory.  In The loneliness of social withdrawal, we find participants who use withdrawal to deal with different life situations, which leads to the experience of loneliness. In previous research, the withdrawal strategy suppression of emotions can be found, i.e. the use of a kind of emotional withdrawal, which in turn can lead to loneliness.  For the clinical psychologist, it is important to try find the reason to the patients perceived feelings of loneliness. Additionally, it is of great importance that the psychologist realizes there is many different types of loneliness. To understand the patients’ experience of loneliness, the psychologist may need to explore both the patients’ present life circumstances as well as their upbringing conditions to find answers.

Drömmen om en omvälvande skolgård : Barnperspektiv för en levande lekmiljö / Aspirations for a Transformative Schoolyard : A child centered perspective for a Vibrant Play Environment

Le Douaron, Eric, Luwongo-Scott, Josephine January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative study explores the perspective and practice of educators in after-school care through a child centered approach regarding the playground environment, rules, and resources aimed at promoting children's participation and well-being. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with educators in after-school care settings to investigate their perceptions and approaches. Educators strive to create an inclusive and meaningful playground environment by implementing clear and understandable rules. These rules aim not only to organize children's activities but also to break down gender norms and promote current societal issues. Educators are flexible and willing to adapt rules according to children's needs and interests to enhance their participation and autonomy. Regarding resources and play materials, educators aim to keep children active and engaged by providing a varied and stimulating environment. By allowing children to co-create their own play environment, their creativity and imagination are fostered. The study highlights the crucial role of educators in after-school care in creating an inclusive and meaningful playground environment for children. By implementing clear rules and providing appropriate resources, they aim to promote children's well-being and development effectively. By working with a child centered approach and being responsive to children's needs and interests, educators can create a positive and supportive environment where all children are given the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Barn till föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa : Barndom och uppväxtvillkor / Children of parents with a mental illness : Childhood conditions and challenges

Skerfving, Annemi January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to – from a child perspective and with children as informants – describe and analyze childhood conditions for children whose parents suffer from severe mental illness. The method used is qualitative – 28 children, 10 boys and 18 girls, 7–18 years old, were interviewed about their parents’ mental disorder; the family situation and their own personal life – in school and during free time. The analyses are based on Sociology of Childhood and Family Sociology. Previous studies have, to a great extent, focused on the risk the children run of developing mental health- and social problems and what helps them to grow up healthy. The increased risk of mental health- and social problems has been well confirmed, but also that preventive interventions can contribute to resilience in the children. Although some studies have explored children’s experiences of their parents’ mental illness and the challenges they meet, research from a childhood perspective, has so far been scarce. The results of this study reveal different degrees of emotional, physical and social exposure for the children. Their childhood conditions were related to gender, relations, communication, problem load and social situation of the family. If the parent with a mental illness was a woman, the situation for the child was often more exposed than if it was the father – most likely due to parental roles and expectations on men and women in the Swedish society at that time. Girls seemed more emotionally involved in the parents’ problems than boys, especially if the parent with a mental illness was a father. Most of the parents were divorced or had never lived together. Parental conflicts complicated the life of the children, who were expected to have maintained relationships to both parents. Lack of communication about the parent’s mental disorder in - and outside the family - was common. The children were often uninformed about the parent’s problems.  If hindered to pass information between and outside their two homes, they were left to handle difficult, sometimes dangerous, situations with the mentally ill parent, alone. The home was not always the safe place for rest and recovery, as homes are expected to be. The heavier the total problem load of the family, the more exposed was the child. Most exposed were children whose both parents had severe problems – mental illness or addiction. They were often placed in out of home care, for longer or shorter periods. The kind and degree of exposure the children experienced varied. Four kinds of childhood sceneries could be recognized: (1) the well organized childhood, where the parent’s mental health problem was mainly an emotional burden for the children; (2) the complicated childhood, where the parents conflicts and inability to protect the child made the child either too involved or too lonely in handling the problems that the parent’s mental illness caused them; (3) the problematic childhood where the parent’s mental illness was not the only problem in the family, but factors like the other parent’s drinking, siblings’ problems, social and economical difficulties added to the burden and (4) the exposed childhood where none of the parents was able to take care of the child. Knowledge and openness, about the parents’ problems, seemed to increase competence and decrease feelings of guilt and responsibility for the parent. All of the children stood forward, not as passive victims, but as competent agents in their own lives – although often more or less powerless because of their dependence of their parents and other adults around them. It was clear, though, that there is a need for professionals in adult psychiatry, social services, school and preschool, to pay attention to the children of parents with mental health problems and see to that they get the information and support they need. Keywords: Children, childhood conditions, children as agents, parental mental illness/mental disorders, mental health knowledge, exposed life situations, competence.

Skolbarnets fostran : Enhetsskolan, agan och politiken om barnet 1946-1962 / The Training of the Schoolchild : The comprehensive school, Corporal Punishment and the Politics of the Child

Qvarsebo, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
I centrum för avhandlingen står den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades när det svenska skolväsendet skulle stöpas om till en enhetsskola. Undersökningsperioden är 1946-1962. Det övergripande syftet har varit att analysera denna konflikts upprinnelse, utveckling och följder i relation till skolans fostransuppdrag och barndomens innebörder. Med utgångspunkt i detta syfte har dels har det formella skolpolitiska spelet kring enhetsskolan och skolans fostransuppdrag beskrivits, dels har ett antal centrala texter som producerades i denna process analyserats. Teoretiskt och metodiskt har undersökningen knutit an till ett diskursanalytiskt förhållningssätt där frågor om makt och styrning är centrala. I diskussionen om skolans fostransuppdrag framträdde olika diskurser som på vissa punkter stod i skarp opposition mot varandra. Vid en närmare granskning av denna konflikt har diskursernas olika möjlighetsvillkor undersökts, i betydelsen deras historiska och samhälleliga förutsättningar och deras inre logiker; och de centrala ord, begrepp och metaforer som har utgjort diskursernas centrala element har kunnat ringas in. De två maktteoretiska begreppen styrningsrationalitet och hegemoni har utgjort de primära analytiska redskapen. Med hjälp av styrningsrationalitetsbegreppet har de målsättningar, inställningar och problem som har varit knutna till hanteringen av barnen under perioden åskådliggjorts. De olika antaganden om barnet som den fostrande verksamheten har vilat på, kunskaperna och vetenskaperna som har legat till grund för den, teknikerna som har ansetts nödvändiga samt det subjekt som utgjort målet för olika fostrande åtgärder har analyserats och diskuterats. Med hjälp av hegemonibegreppet har kampen om skolbarnets fostran under perioden kunnat förstås och fostransdiskussionens konsekvenser för hur den nya skolans fostrande målsättningar formulerades och kom till uttryck i grundskolans formativa dokument. / This dissertation analyses the controversy on corporal punishment that arose in conjunction with the Swedish comprehensive school reform. The time period covered is 1946-1962. The overarching aim has been to explore and analyse the origins, development and consequences of this debate in relation to the school’s task of character formation and changed notions of childhood. The school politics in which the comprehensive school reform took shape has been examined and a number of central documents that were produced in this process have been analysed. Theoretically and methodologically a discourse-analytical approach has been used where issues of power and governance have been central. In the discussion on character formation in school different discourses were operating, which at certain points stood in sharp disagreement with each other. This became especially clear in the debate on corporal punishment. A closer analysis of these discourses has revealed their different conditions of possibilities, in the sense of their historical and societal circumstances and their internal logics, and the keywords, concepts and metaphors that constituted the central elements of these discourses have been highlighted and described. The two theoretical concepts governmentality and hegemony have been used as the primary analytical tools for the study. With the concept of governmentality the goals, attitudes and problems that have been tied to the training of the schoolchild during the period have been made visible. The different presuppositions about the child’s being and development on which the character-forming practices have been built, the knowledge and science that have been referred to, the techniques that have been viewed as necessary and the subject that has been the goal for various character-forming actions have been analysed and discussed. With the concept of hegemony the power struggle connected to the discussion of character formation during the period has been examined and the various guidelines for the school’s task of character formation that were formulated and expressed in the formative documents of the comprehensive school have been made visible.

It must be a bad child

Kuhs, Simone January 2020 (has links)
It must be a bad child I build rooms, installations, where I combine objects into scenes.  This scene is an attempt to portray feelings and mental states surrounding sexual abuse. I'm building a girls' room, but it's more of a psychological place than a real room. I want to let the girl take place and show a trauma that lives in the hidden, depending on the environment not seeing, in the public space.  It's about living with memories of a trauma in a traumatized body. I place two larger sculptures in the installation, a girl and a woman, who share the (mental) room. Selection of materials is an important part of my practice. In my installations there is almost always a feeling of discomfort, that things are not what they seem at first. I use the expectations that exist around different materials and what they symbolize and create uncertainty in the room by, for example, giving them new places and functions. I use film to get movement into the installation. The sculptures come to life through the film. The film contains no sound when I see the state I portray as silent.

Spår av barndom : En osteoarkeologisk studie om barndomens hälsa och ohälsa i Gamla Lödöse / Traces of childhood. : A osteoarcheological study of childhood health in Old Lödöse during the middle ages

Holm, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on health among children in the medieval town Old Lödöse (1100-1500 AD) in western Sweden. Through the study of health indicators (enamel hypoplasia, growth retardation and porotic hyperostosis) on adults (45 crania), children (31 complete individuals) and the commingled remains of children from severeal contexts. The results showed 66,7% (N= 30 of 45) of the adults and 67,7% (N= 21 of 31) of the children had presence of stress indicators. Although 61,5% (N=8 of 13) of the children and 37,5% (N=15 of 40) of the adults had presence of cribra orbitalia it manifested mildly on several of the individuals. Enamel hypoplasia was present on 53,8% (N= 7 of 13) of the children and 36,8% (N= 15 av 38) of the adults. The enamel disturbances occurred by the ages of two to five. Growth retardation was minimal and was within the standard deviation for each method. The population suffered from ill health due to varying degrees as a result of the urban environment, parasites and infections. Several of the individuals have experienced periods of stress during childhood. The population sample was compared to material from Skara (1100-1500 AD) and New Lödöse (1473-1624 AD). The comparison showed that there was similar health parameters in all three cities during the Middle Ages. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hälsa respektive ohälsa hos barn i medeltida Gamla Lödöse (1100-1500 e.Kr.) genom att studera frekvensen av stressmarkörer. Materialet bestod av 45 kranier från vuxna individer (både män och kvinnor), 31 individer under 20 år samt  209 enskilda element från omrörda kontexter (barn). MNI för barnen i studien blev totalt 56. De stressmarkörer som studerades var emaljhypoplasier, porotic hyperostosis (cribra orbitalia, cribra cranii, cribra humeralis och cribra femoralis) och tillväxtstörningar. Hos vuxna individer studerades endast cribra orbitalia, cribra cranii och emaljhypoplaiser. Resultatet visade att 66,7% (N= 30 av 45) av de vuxna individerna uppvisade spår av stressmarkörer medan 67,7% (N=21 av 31) av barnen (endast de kompletta individerna) uppvisade spår av stressmarkörer. Cribra orbitalia uppvisades hos 61,5% (N= 8 av 13) av barnen medan hos de vuxna individerna var frekvensen endast 37,5% (N= 15 av 40). Nästintill alla individer hade mild grad av cribra orbitalia, likaså för cribra cranii. Emaljhypoplasier fanns hos 53,8% (N= 7 av 13) av barnen medan hos de vuxna var frekvensen 36,8% (N= 14 av 38). Emaljhypoplasierna uppstod i åldern två till tre hos barnen och åldern tre till fem år för de vuxna individerna. Tillväxtstörningarna hos barnen var minimala och inom standardavvikelserna för respektive metod. Slutsatsen var att den undersökta population led av ohälsa i varierande grad från ung ålder och att flera har upplevt episoder av stress orsakade av bland annat miljömässiga faktorer som ökade risken för infektionssjukdomar och parasiter. I jämförelser med material från Skara (1100-1500 e.Kr.) och Nya Lödöse (1473-1624 e.Kr.) framkom det att frekvensen av stressmarkörer är högre, men att antalet undersökta individer är mindre i Gamla Lödöse. Förutom det tros städerna ha varit lika gällande hälsoparametrar hos barn.

Funktionsrätt för vem? : En studie om barns rättigheter i förarbeten och tillämpning av LSS

Carlfjord, Vendela January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (known as LSS) is said to hold strong rights regarding support intended to empower people with severe disabilities. This study investigates to which extent children are attributed rights in the preparatory work for the LSS and in the administrative court’s judgments. Using qualitative content analysis, this study finds that there is a strong disa-bility rights perspective in the preparatory work but a general ambiguity concerning whether the perspective covers children. The absence of a disability rights perspective in court records concerning children can be under-stood in light of this ambiguity. Other findings include a strong parent perspective and an absent or weak chil-dren's rights perspective in both the preparatory work and court judgments. Children are seldom given a voice or made visible as social actors with rights of their own. Instead, children are described as family members and the care responsibilities of parents – who, in turn, have a voice and are seen as in need of support. The thesis con-cludes that there is a need to clarify the rights of the child in the LSS and how these should be prioritized against parents' interests.

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