Spelling suggestions: "subject:"muslim""
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Korta byxor, slöjor och skägg : Muslimer, det svenska samhället och interaktionAziz, Amanj January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar frågan kring fördomar, muslimer och interaktion. Undersökningen sker genom en intervjuundersökning där respondenterna får svara på frågor som berör deras syn på muslimer utifrån deras interaktionsnivå. Tidigare forskning säger att den socialt konstruerade bilden av muslimer är negativ, och att den upprätthålls av samhället, däribland filmindustrin. Som ramverk för att undersöka detta används socialkonstruktivismen och kontaktteorin. Kontaktteorin, som introduceras av Gordon Allport, säger att interaktion mellan grupper minskar fördomar genom att grupperna interagerar som jämbördiga och med gemensamma mål. Dessa grupper beskrivs som ingroup och outgroup. Uppsatsen behandlar således om interaktionen hos respondenterna påverkar perceptionen de har av muslimer i Sverige. Slutsatsen är att interaktionen hos respondenterna påverkar uppfattningen de har av muslimer. De respondenter som hade regelbunden kontakt med muslimer, uppfattade inte gruppen i negativa termer.
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Kränkande eller Yttrandefrihet : Nio länders medierapportering av Nerikes Allehandas "Muhammedteckning"Tahir, Karwan January 2008 (has links)
About two years after publishing so called Muhammad cartoons in Denmark, the Swedish regional newspaper Nerikes Allehanda in Orebro published an editorial on self-censorship. A drawing of Prophet Muhammad as a Roundabout dog, drawn by Lars Vilks, was illustrating the article. Publishing of Muhammad drawing was followed by reactions both in Sweden and in some other countries especially in the muslim world. There are many differences and similarities between the publishing in Denmark and Sweden. There are differences and similarities between the two cases even regarding to the reactions in muslim countries. Mass media have certainly played an important role in mediating information about the publishing to people in muslim countries. Which information and how they were mediated are significant for shaping perceptions and thereby the reactions that followed the publishing of Muhammad drawing in Sweden. This essay is investigating how newspapers and online newspapers (web newspapers) in nine muslim countries reported about the publishing of Muhammad drawing. The subjects that newspapers were interesting of and the discourses domination reporting are in focus for this investigation. This essay will also investigate how newspapers and online newspapers in muslim countries covered two issues which were well covered by Swedish media, A threat against Lars Vilks from organization "Islamic State in Iraq" and a statement from the Iranian president Ahmadinejad regarding the Muhammad drawing in Nerikes Allehanda.
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Hederlig, respektabel och miserabel : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av svenska muslimers uppfattning och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat förtryck och våldIbrahim Hassan, Amal January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to capture the perception of Muslims in Sweden in regards to experiences of honor related oppression and violence. Additionally, particular focus is given to Muslims’ thoughts in Sweden on how they are portrayed in Swedish media reports of honor related oppression and violence. A qualitative study was conducted through six interviews with Muslim Swedes in order to express their views, thoughts and experiences of honor related oppression and violence, as well as their opinions on how the Swedish media depicts Muslims with respect to this subject. The empirical findings have been interpreted and analyzed in light of three theoretical frameworks in addition to previous research on honor related oppression and violence. The results of this study indicate that all informants believe that honor related violence and oppression amount to limitation and control over women’s lives. Majority of informants with experience of oppression linked to honor all claim that such oppression is due to culture and honor. Contrastingly, the participants strongly dismiss and denounce Islam as being the contributing factor to honor related oppression and violence. However, results suggest a dissimilitude amongst participants as one of the informants suggests that religion is manipulated to reinforce and justify power structures that allow oppression and violence, which stem from honor, to continue to exist. Moreover, the study reveals that the informants believe that the Swedish media has a tendency to present Muslims as perpetrators of crimes related to honor related violence and killings. The informants call for a distinct definition of honor related oppression and violence, which includes all forms of violence against women.
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Extremister försöker splittra det svenska samhället : en kritisk diskursanalys om svensk medias framställning av LVU-kampanjen / Extremists are trying to divide Swedish society : A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish media’s presentation of the LVU-campaignSvensson, Evelina, Ekenberg, Linn January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur medias rapportering av LVU-kampanjen ser ut. LVU-kampanjen syftar till den kampanj där den svenska socialtjänsten påstås kidnappa muslimska barn utan rättslig grund. Med studien vill vi synliggöra de diskurser och eventuella underliggande attityder som skapas när media rapporterar om LVU-kampanjen. Fokus för studien ligger på vilka kategorier av människor som ställs emot varandra, vilka personer som kommer till tals i artiklarna och hur det påverkar hur debatten beskrivs samt hur språket används för att beskriva socialtjänsten och deras arbete. Uppsatsen redogör för och diskuterar de mest framträdande diskurserna i debatten; våldsdiskursen, diskursen om hot mot den svenska säkerheten, diskursen om den hotfulla socialtjänsten samt diskursen om den obildade andre. Analysen visar att nyhetsmedia porträtterar en bild av att debatten ger uttryck för hot och våld mot yrkesverksamma, som utifrån ett större perspektiv kan påverka den svenska säkerheten. Den visar också att socialtjänsten målas upp som hotfull samt en bild av att rädslan och misstron gentemot socialtjänsten är baserad på okunskap. / The aim of this study is to analyze how the LVU-campaign is presented in news media. The LVU-campaign aims at the campaign in which the Swedish social service is alleged to kidnap muslim children without a legal basis. With the study, we want to pay attention to the discourses and possible underlying attitudes that are created in the media. The study focuses on the categorization of people, which people are spoken in the articles and how that affects how the debate is described, and lastly how the language is used to describe social services and their work. The essay describes and discusses the most salient discourses in the debate; the discourse of violence, the discourse about threats to Swedish security, the discourse about the threatening social service and the discourse about the uneducated others. The analysis shows that the news media portrays that the debate gives expression to threats and violence against professionals, which from a larger perspective can affect Swedish security. The analysis also shows that the news media portrays the social services as threatening and that the debate is developed because of lack of knowledge.
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Projekt: Slöjan : en undersökning av trender i den svenska sjaldebatten speglad mot sjaldebatten i Frankrike och StorbritannienLindvall, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The title of this essay is Project: The Veil – an investigation of the trends in the Swedish veil debate compared with the veil debate in France and Great Britain written by Cecilia Lindvall. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the argument has been conducted by the Swedish politicians from the time when the veil was first recognized in Swedish media up until today. The questions I wanted to answer was each countries definition of the three concepts secularization, freedom of religion and multiculturalism, how Islam as a faith with Muslims has developed in Sweden, France and Great Britain and each countries integration politics with the politicians attitude towards the veil. The method being used is a qualitative study with three kind of theories for analysis; two who derives from a feminist point of view where the first one advocates for the rights of each women, the second for the rights of religious groups and a third theory which discusses different models of integration logics. The study shows that Swedish politicians turned from a negative approach to the veil to advocate the rights of every woman‟s right to wear religious cloth. Sweden and Great Britain chooses similar direction in their national integration program – which protects group rights – while France promotes individual rights on a basis of assimilation politics.</p>
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Projekt: Slöjan : en undersökning av trender i den svenska sjaldebatten speglad mot sjaldebatten i Frankrike och StorbritannienLindvall, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
The title of this essay is Project: The Veil – an investigation of the trends in the Swedish veil debate compared with the veil debate in France and Great Britain written by Cecilia Lindvall. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the argument has been conducted by the Swedish politicians from the time when the veil was first recognized in Swedish media up until today. The questions I wanted to answer was each countries definition of the three concepts secularization, freedom of religion and multiculturalism, how Islam as a faith with Muslims has developed in Sweden, France and Great Britain and each countries integration politics with the politicians attitude towards the veil. The method being used is a qualitative study with three kind of theories for analysis; two who derives from a feminist point of view where the first one advocates for the rights of each women, the second for the rights of religious groups and a third theory which discusses different models of integration logics. The study shows that Swedish politicians turned from a negative approach to the veil to advocate the rights of every woman‟s right to wear religious cloth. Sweden and Great Britain chooses similar direction in their national integration program – which protects group rights – while France promotes individual rights on a basis of assimilation politics.
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Islam på sjukhuset : En intervjustudie med representanter från den muslimska andliga vården i Sverige. / Islam in the Hospital : An Interview Study with Muslim Spiritual Caregivers in SwedenVedel Düring, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Spiritual care in hospitals is a well-established practice in Sweden that is justified by religious freedom. Contemporary Sweden is a multicultural society with a culturally and religiously diverse population. Since 2006, a Muslim spiritual care organization has been established in co-operation with the Swedish state. This interview study with Muslim spiritual caregivers examines how Islam is being interpreted and how Muslim spiritual care in Swedish hospitals is apprehended by the informants. By approaching Islam as a discursive tradition and combining historical and ethnological methods, this study sheds light on what aspects of Islam are considered relevant in the hospital context and it examines why that is the case. The study shows that Muslim spiritual care is regarded to be a complement to other healthcare practices. To a large extent, the care is provided by supportive conversations, Islamic counseling, as well as help with religious practices and rituals. To manage a patient’s various wants and the denominational diversity, the Muslim representatives hold that they put the patient’s and the relatives’ needs and interpretations of Islam first. The study concludes that the representatives are spiritual care professionals that are loyal to the state and the secular institutions they serve. This involves staying true to ideals of cultural and religious pluralism and equality but also knowing that these principles are subordinated to the hospital’s rules. This constructs boundaries regarding how Islam is interpreted and has to be negotiated in the efforts of making Islam a natural part of the institution.
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"Det finns ett systemfel i Sverige" : En kvalitativ studie om hur koranbränningar påverkar unga muslimer i Skåne / "There is an error in the system in Sweden" : A Qualitative Research Study about how Quran Burnings Affect Young Muslims in ScaniaCzechowski, Szymon January 2023 (has links)
Quran burning is a new phenomenon in Sweden first executed by Rasmus Paludan, the leader of a far-right, anti-immigrant political party - Stram Kurs. These burnings are still a subject of debates and cause a lot of controversy due to the vandalism caused by the local muslim protesters and because many muslims and non-muslims believe that it should be categorized as incitement of hatred against muslims. The purpose of this study is to illuminate how young muslims in Skania, Sweden, perceive the Quran burnings that are protected by the Swedish Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression. The purpose of this study is also to get a picture of how the burnings affect them and to show how this demonstration of freedom of speech affects their freedom of religion. Five semi structured interviews were done to conduct this study. The chosen relevant theories that were used were stigma, islamophobia, the argument from truth and the argument from autonomy. The most important findings of this study are that the interviewed young Swedish muslims believe that there is an error in the Swedish system where laws against incitement of hatred are only applied in some cases, but not other. And that the interviewees feel angry about the police protecting a man who is trying to provoke them by mocking them and their religion. They also question whether they belong in Sweden and are convinced that the Quran burnings will only cause further division in the society of which muslims are a large part of. Another problem that they pointed out is that the media uses the pictures of the vandalizing protesters to spread a negative image of muslims and Islam. Another finding is that the interviewed young Swedish muslims feel that the Quran burnings are a new and legitimate way for islamophobes to attack and offend them. They also feel, however, that their freedom of religion remains unaffected. The last finding is that based on the argument from truth and the argument from autonomy, the Quran burnings do not justify limiting the freedom of expression. The conclusion is that these islamophobic attacks in the form of Quran burnings are a consequence of a tribal stigma that, according to the interviewed young Swedish muslims, muslims in Sweden have to live with. This stigma can even be found in how the interviewed muslims feel the government and the media are treating them. Even if the Quran burnings don’t justify limiting freedom of expression, the problem remains that the interviewees feel that freedom of expression is being used against them. / <p>Mångfaldsstudier</p>
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Integrationspolitikens utmaningar på kommunal nivå : En studie om immigranter i Sjöbo och ÅstorpHolm, Klas January 2018 (has links)
Invandringen till Sverige har ökat de senaste åren och i samband med flyktingkrisen 2015 steg antalet nyanlända dramatiskt. Denna utveckling har orsakat debatt om immigranters rättigheter och krav för integration som staten bör ställa för att utveckla integrationen av immigranter i det svenska samhället. Studier av hur integration fungerar på kommunal nivå har endast gjorts i begränsad omfattning. I och med det faktum att det finns en stark politisk självständighet på kommunal nivå i Sverige, samt att det råder en polarisering mellan politiker är det intressant att studera skillnader i målsättningar och förutsättningar för integration mellan kommuner. Uppsatsen behandlar därför frågan om vilka förutsättningarna är för integration av immigranter. Detta görs genom att studera de två skånska kommunerna Åstorp och Sjöbo som har liknande storlek och geografiskt läge men olika politiska styren. Intervjuer görs med politiker från dessa kommuner och uppsatsen redogör för skillnaderna i integrationspolitiska målsättningar. En kvantitativ analys görs även med hjälp av en enkät som besvarats av immigranter i de två kommunerna. Analysen visar att kommuntillhörighet spelar en viss roll för hur immigranterna upplever mottagandet av deras kultur samt social integration med svenskar. Därutöver visar resultaten att immigranters ursprung, kön, tid i Sverige, uppfattning om religionens betydelse samt upplevda krav på anpassning, förknippas på olika sätt med tillfredställande av deras anspråk för integration, såsom hur de upplever kulturellt mottagande, autonomi, inkludering i olika avseenden samt religiösa rättigheter. En slutsats är att förutsättningarna för integration är starkt förknippade med dessa egenskaper, men att de är relaterade till immigranternas anspråk om rättigheter på olika sätt. Integrationspolitiska åtgärder bör lämpligen ta hänsyn till hur de olika egenskaperna hos immigranterna är relaterade till tillfredställandet av deras anspråk för att därigenom stärka integrationsprocessen.
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