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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Hallå, hör ni mig nu?" : En studie om förutsättningar för demokratiskt deltagande under digitala årsmöten inom ideella föreningar / "Hello, can you hear me now?" : A study about conditions regarding democratic participation during digital annual meetings within non-profit organizations

Åhlström, Simon, Vikström Olsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur demokratisk organisering i det svenska civilsamhället har påverkats av den hastiga digitaliseringen i samband med covid-19. Studien är av induktiv karaktär och syftar till att studera förutsättningarna för demokratiskt deltagande under digitala årsmöten i ideella föreningar. Den empiri som ligger till grund för undersökningen är kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvantitativ enkätstudie. Urvalsgrupperna är personer som har suttit som mötesordförande under både digitala och fysiska årsmöten samt förtroendevalda och anställda som har arrangerat eller deltagit vid årsmöten under covid-19. Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan demokratiska förutsättningar under digitala årsmöten och den digitala kompetensen inom organisationen. Vidare att förberedelser och organisationskultur är viktigare för de demokratiska förutsättningarna än om årsmötet arrangeras via fysiska eller digitala kanaler. Resultatet visar att lärdomar från digitaliseringen av årsmöten under covid-19 kan leda till ökade förutsättningar för deltagande och jämlikt inflytande. Empirin pekar på en framtida utveckling där majoriteten av organisationerna i studien kommer återgå till fysiska årsmöten eller hybridmöten. Hybridmöten, där vissa medlemmar deltar fysiskt och andra digitalt, rekommenderas inte då de kan skapa problem gällande jämlikt deltagande och inflytande under årsmötet. / This study examines how democratic organization of operations within Swedish non-profit organizations (NPO) has been affected because of rapid digitalization following covid-19. The study is inductive in nature and aims to study the prerequisites regarding democratic participation during annual meetings. The empirical data that creates the foundation for this research is based on qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey. The selection group studied comprises persons that have acted as chairman during both digital and physical annual meetings, as well as board members and employees within NPO's that have arranged or participated in annual meetings during covid-19. The study shows that there is a correlation between democratic prerequisites during digital annual meetings and the digital competence within the organization. Furthermore, preparations are shown to be more important regarding the democratic prerequisites than whether the annual meeting is conducted via physical or digital platforms. The results indicate that knowledge gained from the digitization of annual meetings during covid-19 could lead to better possibilities regarding participation and equal influence. Empirical data points out a possible future development where the organizations participating in the study will revert to using physical and hybrid meetings when conducting annual meetings. Hybrid meetings, where some participate physically and others digitally, are not to be recommended due to problems regarding equal participation and influence during the annual meeting.

Kvalitetssäkring i agila team : Hur balanseras kundnytta mot ökad risk för instabil mjukvara? / Quality Assurance in Agile Teams : How is customer value balanced against increased risk of unstable software?

Holmgren, Nils-Ivar, Bergström, Nils January 2022 (has links)
Agile software development aims to minimize risk by using a short and iterative process, a test-centric development approach by continuous integration, and test automation. Scrum aims to maximize collaboration and collective responsibility for quality by using a team approach. Regardless of this, the risk of project failure due to budget and time overruns is still a severe problem in software development projects. Despite the power that testing offers to mitigate these risks, testing remains a challenge to implement in agile teams regarding a test first or a test early context. This qualitative case study of two agile teams with differing approaches to agile methodology aims to provide some clarity on what driving forces contribute to an agile teams’ possibilities or what impediments contribute to an agile teams’ challenges pertaining to “why do we test software”.

Gender Equality across Global Organizations: Towards a Framework for Increasing Gender Equality / Jämställdhet i Globala Organisationer: Mot ett Ramverk för att Öka Jämställdheten

NORBERG, MARIA January 2018 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Global Organizations work with Gender Equality, what type of challenges they experience and how they can be addressed. Secondarily, it addresses how Global Organizations can create an international Gender Equality strategy and how Gender Equality work differs among four countries. Earlier research has focused on gender equality as a stand-alone topic, and few models exist to incorporate such work in global organizations that efficiently manages to address the complexity of gender equality across varying cultures and business units. By surveying current research in gender equality, change management, and cultural management, this thesis proposes a framework for change that more adequately manages the inherently subjective nature of gender, together with the cross-cultural complexities of global organizations. The results, analysis, and discussion are based on a literature review enumerating the components of the synthesized framework and on interviews with two Swedish multinational companies, one construction company, and a mining company. Countries of interest are Czech Republic, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. Analyzed through this framework, the results indicate an increasing gap between different business units across the organizations, despite an overall increase of Gender Equality in total. The framework suggests that informal systems need to be addressed more explicitly and that centralized initiatives need to better account for geopolitical contexts to stay relevant when educating, informing and dictating change initiatives. The nature of the problem suggests it be managed by a shaping type of strategy with an emphasis on international networks dedicated to the issue. The similarities between Gender equality-specific models, selected change-models and cultural descriptive models indicate that there is possible to amalgamate insights from different academic fields more coherently. Utilizing the definition of gender and confirming the subjective nature of Gender Equalityissues leads to strategy models and cultural descriptions that - independent of Gender Equality work - confirm and strengthens the key takeaways from each model. The research shows that there are overlapping interests and areas of interest between academia and the industry, which is something that can be further developed. / Huvudsyftet med denna masteruppsats är att analysera hur globala organisationer arbetar med jämställdhet, vilken typ av utmaningar de upplever och hur de kan hanteras. Den behandlar även hur globala organisationer kan skapa en internationell jämställdhetsstrategi och hur jämställdhetsarbetet skiljer sig mellan fyra länder. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på jämställdhet som ett fristående ämne och det finns få modeller som adresserar jämställdhetsarbete i globala organisationer och som effektivt hanterar jämställdhetens komplexitet över olika kulturer och affärsenheter. Genom att kartlägga aktuell forskning inom jämställdhet, förändringsledning och kulturhantering, föreslår denna uppsats ett ramverk för förändring som hanterar könens inherent subjektiva karaktär tillsammans med de globala organisationernas tvärkulturella komplexitet. Resultaten, analysen och diskussionen baseras på en litteraturöversikt som sammanfattar komponenterna i ramverket och intervjuer med två svenska multinationella företag, ett byggföretag och ett gruvbolag. De länder som analyseras är: Tjeckien, Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Genom en analys utifrån ramverket indikerar resultaten ett ökande gap mellan olika affärsenheter i hela organisationen, trots en total ökning av jämställdheten inom organisationerna. Ramverket tyder på att informella system måste adresseras tydligare och att centraliserade initiativ behöver anpassas bättre utifrån geopolitiska sammanhang för att kunna förändringen ska vara relevant för de olika enheterna. Problemets karaktär tyder på att det hanteras av en formgivande typ av strategi med tonvikt på internationella nätverk som är avsedda för frågan. Likheterna mellan jämställdhetsspecifika modeller, utvalda förändringsmodeller och kulturella beskrivande modeller visar att det är möjligt att sammanfoga insikter från olika akademiska områden till att bli mer sammanhängande. Att utnyttja definitionen av kön och bekräfta den subjektiva karaktären av jämställdhet leder till strategimodeller och kulturella beskrivningar som - oberoende av jämställdhetsarbete - bekräftar och stärker de viktigaste delarna från varje modell. Forskningen visar att det finns överlappande intressen och intresseområden mellan akademin och industrin, vilket är något som kan vidareutvecklas.

Adoption of a Trackability Tool among Humanitarian Practitioners in Local Units : A Field Study on a Food Assistance Program in Colombia / Införande av Spårbarhetssystem bland Humanitära Praktiker i Lokala Enheter : En Fältstudie av ett Livsmedelsbiståndsprogram i Colombia

Knoops, Lorinde January 2019 (has links)
Worldwide, the need for effective humanitarian aid is growing, and continuous aid such as commodity distribution plays a major role in ensuring sustained wellbeing. In literature, information and communication technology (ICT) has been recognized and suggested to enhance the performance and achieve higher social impact of humanitarian supply chains. Nevertheless, so far there has been little research on implementation practices and difficulties that can arise in the specific context. In pursuit of seizing the full benefits of ICT in humanitarian setting, there is an interest to further study ICT adoption among humanitarian practitioners, above all those in the most decentralized parts of the chain, which are more likely to be overlooked. This thesis aims to investigate what challenges arise when implementing an ICT trackability solution in local units of humanitarian supply chains. In this context, the concept of trackability was introduced to refer to monitoring of the downstream flow of a commodity until its intended beneficiary. Based on a thorough literature review at the intersection of Humanitarian Logistics, Supply Chain Visibility and ICT Adoption research, a substantiated theoretical context was built. Further, a case study on Colombian childcare centers, which serve as local service units of a national Food Aid Program aimed at early childhood, allowed for deep-going insights on the work of educators and the dynamics of such local humanitarian entities. Analysis of the empirical findings demonstrated the presence of numerous, both facilitating and inhibiting, ICT adoption antecedents. Five main challenges were identified: high workload, lack of technological skills, staff’s impact-oriented motivation in contrast to the tool’s broader efficiency goal, trackabilitiy’s monitoring nature as a threat to staff’s aspired autonomy, and deficient infrastructure. The study shows that these challenges can be interpreted as misalignments between the nature of attributes intrinsic to the humanitarian organization and that of the technological tool itself which is often shaped by commercial principles. The identified frictions could either be associated to a difference in operational reality or to diverging strategic goals, which mirror the overall discrepancies between commercial and humanitarian supply chains described in literature. The conclusion was drawn that the elucidated divide or incompatibility asks for bridging efforts in order to overcome implementation difficulties and seize the promising advantages of ICT in humanitarian setting. According to the findings, this should be done by enabling local practitioners rather than monitoring these. / Globalt ökar behovet av effektivt humanitärt bistånd, och kontinuerligt stöd såsom råvarudistribution spelar en viktig roll för att säkerställa ett fortsatt välbefinnande. I litteraturen har informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) erkänts och föreslagits förbättra prestationen och höja den sociala påverkan hos humanitära försörjningskedjor. Å andra sidan, finns det hittills ringa forskning på praktisk implementering och utmaningar som kan uppstå i det givna sammanhanget. I strävan att ta vara på samtliga fördelar som IKT kan ha i humanitärt sammanhang finns det intresse att ytterligare studera införande och användning av IKT bland humanitära praktiker, främst i de mest decentraliserade delarna av kedjan, då dessa är mer sannolika att förbises. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka utmaningar som uppstår vid implementering av en IKT lösning för spårbarhet i lokala enheter av humanitära försörjningskedjor. Baserat på en grundlig litteraturöversikt vid skärningspunkten för forskning kring humanitär logistik, försörjningskedjor och IKTs införande och användning skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk. Vidare har en fallstudie av colombianska daghem, som utgör de lokala serviceenheter av ett nationellt program för livsmedelsbistånd riktad till tidig barndom, bidragit till djupgående insikter i praktikernas arbete och dynamiken i sådana lokala humanitära enheter. Analysen av det empiriska materialet påvisade många, både underlättande och inhiberande, faktorer för IKT införande och användning. Fem huvudsakliga utmaningar identifierades: hög arbetsbelastning, brist på tekniska färdigheter, personalens motivation baserad i direkt social påverkan i kontrast till IKT lösningens bredare effektivitetsmål, kopplingen mellan spårbarhet och övervakning som ett hot för autonomi, samt bristande infrastruktur. Studien visar att dessa kan tolkas som motsättningar mellan attribut hos den humanitära organisationen och attribut för det tekniska verktyget som oftast är format utifrån kommersiella principer. De identifierade friktionerna kan antingen vara kopplade till en skillnad i operativ verklighet eller i divergerande strategiska mål, vilket speglar de övergripande skillnaderna mellan kommersiella och humanitära försörjningskedjor som beskrivs i litteraturen. Slutsatsen drogs att den uppenbara klyftan eller oförenligheten manar till överbryggande ansträngningar för att övervinna de implementeringssvårigheter som uppstår och för att ta vara på IKT’s lovade fördelar i humanitär miljö. Enligt resultaten bör detta göras med fokus på att stödja lokala utövare istället för att övervaka dessa.

The Digital Subcontractor : Leveraging Digital Technology by Strategic Adoption / Den digitala maskinentreprenören : Strategiskt införande av digitala verktyg för en stärkt position i värdekedjan

Kling, Alexander, Virta, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Many industries are today facing the possibilities and challenges arising with an increasingly digitalised world. One such is the scantily studied industry of earth-moving contractors that today stands in front of an increasing amount of digital technologies, which may have the possibility to assist firms in their earthwork operations. However, there are indications that many firms tend to experience difficulties to beneficially adopt or see the potential of utilising these digital technologies. Hence, many firms tend to undertake an adoption approach that is associated with high client dependency and a less beneficial unsustainable subordinated position within the industry’s value chain. The purpose of this study has thus been to explore how the technological, organisational and external elements affect earth-moving contractors’ opportunity to adopt and utilise digital technologies in their operations. Moreover, the study has aimed to contribute with the understanding and knowledge of how the adoption of digital technology can be used to strengthen Swedish contractors’ position in the earth-moving industry’s value chain and in the end, aid the country’s sociotechnical development. The findings of the study are based on an explorative multiple case study approach and extensive review of literature. The results suggest that the extent to which adoption and utilisation of digital technologies differs among different earth-moving firms. Three of the five studied companies are considered as digital forerunners which have been able to leverage digital technologies to increase efficiency in their operations. In the case of two of these firms, the adoption of digital technology has enabled them to transform their whole businesses and partake in an increased and more beneficial role within the value chain. Further, the analysis of the findings indicates that the difference in adoption is affected by several factors related to a continuous interaction between (1) the internal aspects of the organisations, (2) the external context of the firms and (3) if the technical features of the digital technologies are perceived as compatible and beneficial for, the current business process and strategy. The thesis contributes to academia with explorative findings within a scarcely studied industry in general and, regarding digital technology adoption in particular. Additionally, the study provides examples of the previously unrecognised industry-dynamic phenomena of value chain integration by earth-moving contractors. These findings could have implications for the whole construction sector in Sweden. Lastly, the study exemplifies opportunities and barriers crucial for the adoption and implementation of digital technologies within smaller project-based organisations. / Många branscher och industrier idag står inför utmaningarna och möjligheterna som uppstår i en allt mer digitaliserad värld. Ett tydligt exempel är maskinentreprenadsbranschen som idag ställs inför valet att införa nya och alltmer avancerade digitala verktyg som har möjlighet att främja deras operativa verksamheter. Dock finns indikationer att många företag har svårigheter att tillämpa och anamma dessa verktyg på ett gynnsamt sätt och är beroende av deras kunders agerande för aktivering av dessa. Studiens syfte har således varit att undersöka hur relationen mellan teknologiska, organisatoriska och externa faktorer påverkar maskinentreprenörernas möjligheter att aktivera och nyttja digitala teknologier i deras operativa verksamheter. Vidare har studien varit ämnad åt att bidra till en ökad förståelse och kunskap för hur digitala teknologier kan användas för att stärka maskinentreprenörernas position i värdekedjan för att slutändan främja Sveriges sociotekniska samhällsutveckling. Rapportens resultat bygger på en explorativ flerfallsstudie samt en gedigen litteratursökning. Resultaten visar på skillnader i hur digitala tekniker har tillämpats och används bland olika maskinentreprenörer. Tre av studiens fem fallföretag är digitalt framstående och har strategiskt tillämpat digital teknik som gett upphov till kraftig effektivitetsökning. Två av dessa företag har dessutom lyckats med en gynnsam ompositionering i värdekedjan som dessa befinner sig i, som ett resultat av anammandet av ny digital teknik. Vidare påvisar studiens analys av resultaten att möjligheten för aktivering av digitala teknologiska innovationer påverkas av ett kontinuerligt förändrande samspel mellan (1) maskinentreprenörernas organisatoriska egenskaper, (2) externa omständigheter samt (3) huruvida den digitala teknologins tekniska attribut uppfattas som kompatibla och fördelaktiga med nuvarande affärsverksamhet och strategi. Rapporten bidrar akademiskt med värdefull och explorativ empiri till en industri med en bristande mängd av forskning generellt, och i synnerhet gällande utnyttjandet samt tillämpandet av nya digitala teknologier. Dessutom bidrar studien med exempel och insikter om ett industridynamiskt fenomen, som tidigare ej uppmärksammats, i form av maskinentreprenörers förmåga att förflytta sig i värdekedjan. Dessa strukturella förändringar kan få konsekvenser för den svenska byggindustrin. Slutligen exemplifierar studien avgörande möjligheter och barriärer för införandet av digitala teknologier i mindre projektbaserade organisationer.

Valuta och internationellt bistånd : Svenska biståndsorganisationers hantering av valutaköp och valutarisk / International Aid and Currency : Currency management and foreign exchange risk management of Swedish non-governmental organizations.

Backlund, Eric, Sörensson, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Biståndsorganisationer (NGOs) är verksamma i hela världen och exponeras följaktligen mot valutarisk. Organisationerna hanterar biståndsmedel i så väl vanliga som ovanliga valutor när de på olika sätt finansierar lokala samarbetspartners. Andelen forskning om hur biståndsorganisationer hanterar valutaköp och valutarisk är begränsad och denna studie avser att studera området ytterligare. Syfte: Studien ämnar att utifrån riskhanteringsteori samt best practice analysera problematiken kring exponeringen mot valutarisk för svenska NGOs samt dess biståndsmottagare. Syftet är även att på detta sätt kunna diskutera generella strategier för svenska NGOs valutahandel och valutariskhantering. Genomförande: Den kvalitativa ansatsen utgörs av informationsinhämtning i form av nio intervjuer som utformats efter teori samt tidigare studier. Genom fem intervjuer med svenska NGOs ges en bild av hur organisationernas processer och behov ser ut relaterat till valutariskhantering. Information om hur valutarisk- och valutahantering bedrivs i praktiken samt hur experter inom området ser på NGOs nuvarande hantering baseras på fyra intervjuer med aktörer inom valutarisk- och valutahantering. Studiens empiri från genomförda intervjuer analyseras med stöd i studiens teoretiska referensram samt tidigare studier. Slutsats: Studien visar att problematiken kring valutahandel och valutariskhantering är mer komplex än den verkar vid en första anblick samt att syftet med valutariskhantering skiljer sig mellan vinstdrivande företag och ideella organisationer. Det framgår även att NGOs i nuläget överför merparten av exponeringen mot valutarisk till motpart genom avtal och att NGOs med stor andel bunden finansiering inte har möjlighet att utförligt undersöka eller implementera valutariskhantering. Slutligen har ett antal strategier utvecklats för att mer kostnadseffektivt köpa valuta. / Background: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are active in most parts of the world and are consequently exposed to foreign exchange risk. The organizations manage aid funds in both common and uncommon types of currency when they in different ways finance local cooperation partners. The amount of previous research how aid organizations handle the management of currency trade and foreign exchange risk is limited and this study aims to examine the area further. Aim: The study aims to analyse the complex of problems regarding exposure to foreign exchange risk for both Swedish NGOs and their cooperation partners, to do so on the basis of foreign exchange risk theory and best practice. The aim is in such a way to discuss general strategies for currency trade and foreign exchange risk management for Swedish NGOs. Completion: The qualitative approach consists of nine interviews that have been designed in accordance with theory and previous research. A picture of the organizational processes and needs of Swedish NGOs regarding foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management was given by five interviews with NGOs. Information concerning how foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management is utilized in practice and how experts in the field perceive current management of NGOs was gathered from four interviews with actors within foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management. The empirical data is analysed on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Conclusion: The study shows that the complex of problems regarding foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management are not as straightforward as at first glance. It also indicates that foreign exchange risk management differs between for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations. It appears that NGOs currently transfer all foreign exchange risk exposure to its counterpart through contracts. The investigation and implementation of foreign exchange risk management is not possible for NGOs with a large ratio of restricted funds. Finally a number of strategies have been developed for a more cost-effective currency trade.

Verksamhetsstyrning i utbildningssektorn : Ett möjliggörande och tvingande perspektiv / Performance Management in education sector : An enabeling and coercive perspective

Combler, Johan, Kuylenstierna, Wilhelm, Alkour, Khaled January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning inom verksamhetsstyrning har fokuserat mestadels på finansiell drivna företag med hierarkisk styrning. Där den grundläggande tanken till verksamhetsstyrningen kommer från David Otleys ramverk från 1999 men har senare utvecklas. Med bland annat mer tydlighet i kommunikation och styrning mellan ledning och anställda. Det teoretiska ramverket som har används är Borys &amp; Adlers ramverk från 1996 om möjliggörande och tvingande kontroll och som innehåller fyra attribut: reparation, intern transparens, global transparens och flexibilitet.  Den datan som samlades in är insamlad med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare som jobbar på grundskolor eller gymnasieskolor i syfte att ge inblick i hur de upplever verksamhetsstyrning. Lärarna kände att de fick lösa mång problem som uppstår självständigt och endast ifall det var något större och som inte lärarna enskilt kunde lösa så kopplades andra resurser och chefer in som stöd. Lärarna var autonoma i deras egna arbete och tyckte att kompetensutveckling bidrog till kunskaper som gynnade dem i deras yrkesutövning och därmed den interna transparensen. Lärarna hade även en organisationskännedom i form av samspel med kollegor med till exempel planering av ämnesöverskridande uppgifter. Det fanns även en möjliggörande flexibilitet i lärarnas arbete. / Earlier research within Management Control systems had focused on mostly the financially controlled companies with typical hierarchical guidance. There the main research thought about this type of management control or performance control system is coming from David Otley´s framework from 1999 but the framework has been further developed by him and other researchers. With, among other things, more clarity in communication and control between management and employees. The theoretical framework that has been used under this thesis research is Borys &amp; Adlers framework from 1996 about enable and coercive control which includes four different attributes which are: repair, internal transparency, global transparency, and flexibility. The data was collected in semi-structured interviews with teachers that work at primary or secondary schools with the purpose of achieving insight into how they feel about the performance management control. The teachers felt that they needed to solve many of the problems that appeared by themself  and only if the problem was too big or complex for them alone did they take help of other resources or the school management at the schools for support. The teachers were autonomous in their work and thought that competence development contributed to the knowledge that benefited them in their professional practice and therefore contributed to internal transparency. The teachers also had organizational knowledge in terms of interaction with their colleagues with, for example, the planning of cross-disciplinary courses. There was also enabling flexibility in the teachers' work. / <p>Arbetet skickades in till examinator 13/1-2022.</p><p></p>

From Chaos to Cohesion, Identifying Inter-team Dependencies in Large-scale Agile Organisations : A case study of Volvo Cars / Från kaos till samarbete, Identifiering av beroenden mellan team i storskaliga agila organisationer : En fallstudie av Volvo Cars

Källström, Anton, Westerberg, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Product development is more complex than ever. Industries all over the world face intensified competition, forcing firms to improve their innovation performance. This involves integrating software development to a greater extent. As an effort to cope with such progression, agile project management methodologies have been adopted. These include methodologies that are tailored to fit large organisations, made to enhance communication and speed up decision-making. Moreover, such methodologies allocate time for joint planning sessions (such as Program Increment Planning) to foster coordination between teams. The need for extensive coordinating capabilities increases with firm size and product complexity, meaning that large, multinational manufacturers with integrated software- and hardware development face the greatest challenges. With difficult coordination challenges comes a demand for prominent organisational coordination capabilities. This includes capabilities to identify dependencies between agile teams in time, to avoid delays, budget overruns, and quality issues. Hence, firms must adopt sufficient project management procedures, as well as shape organisational artefacts, processes, and culture to maximise their organisational coordination capabilities. In this project, these artefacts, processes, and the organisational culture were defined as factors. Furthermore, the project aimed at (1) – identifying factors that positively contribute to organisations’ capabilities to find inter-team dependencies, and (2) – investigating how to favour those identified factors. The research was conducted at Volvo Car Corporation, a Swedish car manufacturer that undergoes a transition towards being a large-scale agile organisation. Theories concerning coordination, communication, and knowledge management were jointly deployed to construct a state-of-the-art theoretical framework. Thereafter, the conceptual model was the guiding lens for collecting and analysing empirical evidence. Consequently, this project was able to assess 26 factors for identifying inter-team dependencies. Furthermore, several of these factors are proven to be interconnected as they fuel each other and exist in symbiosis. Thus, this project advocates that large-scale agile organisations must understand these factors and their connection to each other — that is when incorporating coordination mechanisms to better identify inter-team dependencies.

The Use of Management Control in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations : A descriptive case study on the use of management control in three Ethereum blockchain based DAOs / Användning av styrning inom DAOs

Öberg, Ludvig, Almquist, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, are spoken highly of in cryptocurrency spaces as a new way of organizing capital and labor. The basic concept is an organization with a shared vision or goal, where the participants and/or outside stakeholders own tokens that grant governing rights over resources through smart contracts. The smart contract usage allows the organization to govern resources without relying on any trusted third parties such as governments, banks, companies or other entities, at least in theory. It also allows the governing of resources without a legal entity. As the name suggests, DAOs have a large focus on decentralization, which raises the issue of how it moves in the right direction. Management control offers suggestions for how traditional organizations move in the right, or intended, direction, and this report tries to apply theory from that field to the DAO organization type. The purpose of this report is to investigate, describe and analyze how management control systems are used within DAOs. The report is an interpretive multiple case study, which gathers data from interviews, observations and a literature study. The data is analyzed by primarily using Malmi and Brown (2008), Olve and Nilsson (2018) and Simons (1994) to filter and identify management control systems. This report investigates three DAOs, DXdao, Index Coop and ENS DAO, that attempts to answer the question of how they use management control. DXdao develops products for the blockchain ecosystem, Index Coop creates index fund-like products that bundle together blockchain based assets and ENS DAO owns and furthers a product that lets users claim names on the Ethereum blockchain to be used as URLs, usernames or for other causes. The report identifies that many management control systems, such as budget, planing and values, are used in similar ways as in traditional companies. While some other systems such as rewards and compensation, and governance structure seem to have unique aspects to them though the use of tokens for compensation, and a governance process through blockchain based voting. Furthermore, the report identifies the different definition of Decentralization between the management control field and the blockchain industry. Where the blockchain industry focus on the distribution of decision-making and control, whereas in Management Controlthe focus is on the division of responsibility to managers. The report concludes that one can view decentralization as a position on a scale, between complete individual decision making to a completely collective decision-making, where most DAOs lay in between these two extremes.

Relationen mellan WHO:s globala aidsprogram och icke­statliga organisationer : Kan bristen på samarbete förklaras utifrån new interdependence approach eller medlemsstaternas agerande? / Relations Between WHO Global Programme on AIDS and NGOs : Can the lack of cooperation be explained by new interdependence approach or the actions of member states?

Tengdelius, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand why the World health organization’s Global programme on aids (WHO GPA) does not appear to be able to collaborate with non-governmental actors (NGO), even though booth WHO GPA and NGO`s appears to value and seek cooperation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO: s can be explained using new interdependence approach or if the actions of WHO´s member states v. The selected case in this thesis is WHO GPA which existed from 1987 to 1995 and represents the first anti-aids program supported by UN and its member states. WHO GPA is therefore active in a policy area where a lot of interactions with NGO: s could be expected. To analyse the apparent lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and relevant NGO: s, this article will apply the theories new interdependence approach and neorealism. To explain the research questions, how does the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s appear within the global effort against the aids pandemic, what role did member states have in limiting or enable formal cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s and finally how the theory new interdependence approach can explain the interactions between the WHO GPA and NGO: s. To answer the research questions this thesis will apply a qualitative text analysis on material from WHO GPA, for example annual reviews, as well as previous research articles and books that concerns the WHO GPA. The analysis concludes that the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s, can be explained with the fact that informal cooperation does appear but not formal cooperation. This appears to be because while booth WHO GPA and NGO: s seeks support and cooperation, the interactions between them is still affected by mistrust. The member state’s role in limiting or enabling cooperation can be answered two levels, globally where powerful states have strong informal powers to control WHO GPA. When NGO: s are granted formal representation, the selection of NGO: s is not representative of the larger NGO community and not in response to cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s. Recipient states does also appear to hinder cooperation between NGO:s, WHO GPA and national aids programmes, because of rivalry between the state and NGO over limited aid. Finally, new interdependence approach appears to explain to lack of formal cooperation, because of a lack of distinct resources. However, it cannot explain the cases where NGO: s achieved official representation as the result of cross-national layering.

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