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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Transfer of Dual Vocational Education Policy to Syria in the Year 2000 / An Empirical Case Study

Konyna, Khawla 05 December 2024 (has links)
Bisher waren alle Versuche, eine Berufsbildungspolitik nach deutschem Vorbild in der MENA-Region einzuführen, erfolglos. Diese Dissertation betreibt Fallstudienforschung als Strategie, um den Politiktransfer des dualen Systems nach Syrien im Jahr 2000 zu untersuchen. Auf der Grundlage mündlicher Erzählungen, die die Auswahl der zu relevanten Dokumente leiten, werden eine narrative Untersuchung und eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt, um die empirische Grundlage für weitere Konzeptualisierungen und Theoriebildung zu schaffen. Diese Analysen führen zu mehreren Ergebnissen. Das erste Hauptergebnis ist eine detaillierte Zeitleiste (Abfolge von Aktionen und Ereignissen), die auf der Grundlage der gesammelten Daten zusammengestellt wurde. Der politische Prozess in Syrien wird rückblickend konstruiert und die inländischen Reformen werden historisch in den globalen Kontext gestellt. Zweitens wird die „Action-Arena“ identifiziert, in dem die syrischen Entscheidungsträger gegen die vorgeschlagene Politik gestimmt haben. Basierend auf der empirischen Evidenz werden Verhaltensannahmen für die Teilnehmer in der Politik-Arena abgeleitet. Drittens werden mithilfe des Institutional Development and Analysis Framework die Struktur der Action-Arena analysiert und die kollektive Entscheidung der politischen Entscheidungsträger beschrieben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Nichtübernahme sehr wahrscheinlich ist, wenn die zuständigen Beamten als begrenzt rationale (d. h. eigen-interessierte) Entscheidungsträger modelliert werden. Dieses Forschungsprojekt bestätigt das Argument, dass jeder Politiktransfer in der Realität eine Herausforderung für einen ohnehin schon komplexen politischen Entscheidungsprozess darstellt. Während ein Politiktransfer oft als kürzerer Weg zur Formulierung einer effektiven Politik und sogar zu Innovationen propagiert wird, zeigt die empirische Evidenz im Fall Syriens, dass sie risikoreich ist und ein Politik-Lernprozess nicht unbedingt erfolgt. / In the early 1990s, several governments in the Middle East and North Africa introduced apprenticeships to their vocational education systems. Until today, all attempts to enact a new apprenticeship training policy similar to the role model in Germany have been unsuccessful. This dissertation uses case study research as a strategy to explore the dual system policy transfer to Syria in 2000. Using oral testimonies to guide the archive search, a narrative inquiry and documentary analysis are carried out to provide the empirical foundation for further conceptualization and theorizing. There are multiple outputs. The first significant output is a dense timeline (sequences of actions and events) assembled based on the collected data. The policy process in Syria is constructed retrospectively, and reforms are historically contextualized in global events. Second, the action arena where Syrian decision-makers voted against the proposed policy is identified. Founded on empirical evidence, the behavioral assumptions about the participants in the policy arena are specified. Third, using the institutional development and analysis framework, the structure of the action arena is analyzed, and the policymakers' collective decision is described. Results indicate that non-adoption is highly likely when the appointed state officials are modeled as boundedly rational (i.e., self-interested) decision-makers. This research project attests to the argument that, in reality, policy transfer poses challenges to an already complex policymaking process. While policy transfer is often publicized as a shorter path to formulate an effective policy and even innovate, empirical reality in the case of Syria shows it is risky, and policy learning needs to be assured.

Beyond the dichotomies of a coercion and voluntary recruitment  Afghan unaccompanied minors unveil their recruitment process in Iran

Rami, Ali January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond the dichotomies of a coercion and voluntary recruitment, Afghan unaccompanied minors unveil their recruitment process in Iran

Ali, Rami January 2018 (has links)
By shedding light on accounts from unaccompanied Afghan asylum-seeking minors in Sweden who were child soldiers in Syria, this thesis explores and examines their narratives and their involvement in the civil war in Syria. The research aims to create a deeper understanding of how these children themselves made sense of their participation in the war by answering the following questions: How were the children approached by the recruiters? What kind of reasons for joining the war are put forward by the recruiters and what strategies do the children encounter: a) economic; b) identity formation; c) social deprivation; d) feeling of vulnerability; e) militarization; f) mental development; g) ideology/ religious-sectarian; or all together? How do the children perceive these encounters and make sense of their recruitment to the Shiite Fatemiyoun Brigade? To which extent has the ideology of Shi’ism played an important role for them in joining the Syrian War? This is a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews which combines procedures from two approaches and techniques: an ethnographic approach and a narrative approach that explores the interviewees’ experiences in a period of time and also generates detailed insights. Despite the fact that none of the respondents testified for being recruited at gunpoint or having been ill-treated, the respondents emphasized that they were forced to join due to the bad circumstances they were living in. In addition, many similarities with other cases regarding child soldiering in several countries have been explored in this thesis, for instance factors related to the socio- economic context and the experiences that are related to the children’s development processes. Differences can be located in various details regarding ideologies and indoctrination since the respondents did not share the politico-religious purposes of the recruiters.

Arabic-speaking Immigrant Parents´ Views on Heritage Language Maintenance and identity Construction for Children in Sweden

Attaallah, Israa Maher January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates how Levantine Arabic-speaking immigrant parents´ language ideologies, i.e how they think and feel regarding heritage language maintenance, and language policies influence heritage language maintenance or loss for their children. This overarching topic is explored by examining the following questions; (1) What do parents think about maintenance of heritage language for their children? and which concerns do they have? (2)How do they talk about and describe their children´s readiness or resistance to learn/maintain their heritage language? (3) What do parents believe their role is in maintaining heritage language? (4) In which way, according to parents, does maintenance of heritage language influence children´s construction of identity and sense of belonging? In order to answer these questions, I conducted five semi-structured interviews with five Levantine Arabic-speaking immigrant parents, from Palestine and Syria, residing in Sweden and analysed recurring themes using Braun´s and Clarke´s (2006: 87- 93) thematic analysis method. The study findings show that parents attached great significance to preserving their children's heritage language due to its close relationship with their cultural, religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds as well as strengthening their success opportunities in future. Furthermore, parents stated that their children did not resist maintenance of heritage language. Instead, results show that children were actively involved in discussions about heritage language maintenance and language practices. Parents confirmed that Arabic language is their children's heritage language. In relation to influence of heritage language maintenance on constructing children´s identity and sense of belonging, parents´ views varied between emphasizing its role in strengthening children´s sense of belonging to their Arabic background, allowing them a flexible ability to belong to two different cultures or communities, and that maintenance of heritage language is not the major influencer on constructing children identity. Participants discussed the methods they use to enhance Arabic language among their children, challenges they encounter, and potential solutions.

Christus im Diskurs mit Muhammad - Das Ringen um religiöse Identität: Die Auseinandersetzung der syrischen Christen mit dem Islam anhand ausgewählter Texte des Johannes Damaskenos und des Theodor Abū Qurra

Süß, Ina January 2015 (has links)
Religion ist für viele Menschen ein wichtiger Bestandteil ihres Seins. Sie identifizieren und definieren sich über ihre Zugehörigkeit zu dieser. Jede konkurrierende Weltanschauung wird dabei meist als Bedrohung angesehen und mehr oder weniger stark in Wort, Schrift oder Tat bekämpft. Besonders die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam hat sich in den letzten Jahren drastisch verschärft und führt immer wieder zu heftigen verbalen oder gewalttätigen Angriffen. Das Ringen um Verständigung bzw. Abgrenzung und die damit verbundenen Konflikte und Diskussionen sind jedoch nicht neu, sondern ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Geschichte. Interessant aus heutiger Zeit ist deshalb die Erschließung der Anfangsdebatte am Entstehungsort des Islams. Auf welche Weise und mit welchen Mitteln setzten sich die unmittelbar von der arabischen Herrschaft betroffenen Christen mit der neuen Religion auseinander? Wie entwickelten sich die Argumentationsmuster in den Anfängen des Religionsdiskurses? Welche hauptsächlichen religiösen Unterschiede wurden wahrgenommen und thematisiert? Anhand einiger Texte des Johannes Damaskenos und des Theodor Abū Qurra soll diesen Fragen auf den Grund gegangen werden. / Religion is an important component of her being for many people. They identify and define themselves over her affiliation to this. Besides, every competing world view is mostly looked as a menace and is fought more or less strongly in word, writing or action. Particularly the discussion with Islam has drastically intensified during the last years and leads over and over again to fierce verbal or violent attacks. Nevertheless, the struggle around notification or demarcation and the conflicts linked with it and discussions are not new, but stretch like a red thread through the history. Therefore, interesting from today's time is the development of the beginning debate in the place of origin of Islam. In which manner and with which means did the Christians immediately affected by the Arabian rule argue with the new religion? How did the argumentation patterns develop in the beginnings of the religious discourse? Which principal religious differences were perceived and picked out as a central theme? With the help of some texts of Johannes Damaskenos and Theodor Abū Qurra should become to these questions on the reason gone.

Integrationspolitikens utmaningar på kommunal nivå : En studie om immigranter i Sjöbo och Åstorp

Holm, Klas January 2018 (has links)
Invandringen till Sverige har ökat de senaste åren och i samband med flyktingkrisen 2015 steg antalet nyanlända dramatiskt. Denna utveckling har orsakat debatt om immigranters rättigheter och krav för integration som staten bör ställa för att utveckla integrationen av immigranter i det svenska samhället. Studier av hur integration fungerar på kommunal nivå har endast gjorts i begränsad omfattning. I och med det faktum att det finns en stark politisk självständighet på kommunal nivå i Sverige, samt att det råder en polarisering mellan politiker är det intressant att studera skillnader i målsättningar och förutsättningar för integration mellan kommuner. Uppsatsen behandlar därför frågan om vilka förutsättningarna är för integration av immigranter. Detta görs genom att studera de två skånska kommunerna Åstorp och Sjöbo som har liknande storlek och geografiskt läge men olika politiska styren. Intervjuer görs med politiker från dessa kommuner och uppsatsen redogör för skillnaderna i integrationspolitiska målsättningar. En kvantitativ analys görs även med hjälp av en enkät som besvarats av immigranter i de två kommunerna. Analysen visar att kommuntillhörighet spelar en viss roll för hur immigranterna upplever mottagandet av deras kultur samt social integration med svenskar. Därutöver visar resultaten att immigranters ursprung, kön, tid i Sverige, uppfattning om religionens betydelse samt upplevda krav på anpassning, förknippas på olika sätt med tillfredställande av deras anspråk för integration, såsom hur de upplever kulturellt mottagande, autonomi, inkludering i olika avseenden samt religiösa rättigheter. En slutsats är att förutsättningarna för integration är starkt förknippade med dessa egenskaper, men att de är relaterade till immigranternas anspråk om rättigheter på olika sätt. Integrationspolitiska åtgärder bör lämpligen ta hänsyn till hur de olika egenskaperna hos immigranterna är relaterade till tillfredställandet av deras anspråk för att därigenom stärka integrationsprocessen.

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