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Det Sublima / The SublimeKarlsson, Klas Richard January 2011 (has links)
Projektet behandlar det sublima i relation till arkitektur; både som händelse, diskurs och institution. Genom ett event som dynamisk förskjuter arkitekturens parametrar och sätter dessa i kontinuerlig förändring i relation subjekt-tid och objekt-rum. Ett gränsöverskridande erfarande av arkitektur. / The project deals with the sublime in relation to architecture; both as event, discourse and institution. Through an event that dynamically shifts architectural parameters and position these in continuous change in relation to subject-time and object-space. A cross-border experience of architecture.
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Innovera mera : Med uppdragstaktik och tillit som vapen för utveckling och innovationBörjesson, Henrik, Karlström, David January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med vår uppsats är att utveckla en förståelse för vilka förutsättningar som råder för innovation och utveckling i Försvarsmakten samt vad som kan hindra respektive främja dessa och hur dessa förutsättningar förhåller sig till varandra.Vi har gjort detta genom en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat Försvarsmaktens utvecklingschefer. Efter en analys, med klassisk grundad teori som metod, av våra intervjuer växte en modell fram. Modellen heter Gränsöverskridande transformering. Den syftar just på det faktum att en transformering sker och är inledd. Att Försvarsmakten som ett resultat av den säkerhetspolitiska utvecklingen och med legitim bas i demokratiskt fattade beslut åter är i en transformering, ur ett minimalistiskt insatt insatsförsvar med professionella soldater och sjömän till att återigen utgöra ett folkligt förankrat värnpliktsbaserat försvar av den territoriella integriteten. Det sker likt det som skedde efter murens fall och som då skapade ett nytt befälssystem och pausade värnplikten. Lika nytt och omvälvande igen. Nationellt fokus och tillväxt i både volym och geografisk förekomst såväl som förmågor och personalkategorier. Detta är en transformering som i grunden påverkar alla delar av Försvarsmakten och alla dess processer, men också samhället i stort och de orter där verksamhet nu återigen blir vardag. Vi upptäcker genom modellen att utveckling som begrepp är centralt och att innovation inte används i någon större omfattning, men att utveckling ändå inte varit prioriterat under åren av minimalistiskt insatsförsvar. Det är därför gränsöverskridande att lämna en kultur och tidsepok och gå in i en annan. Att byta sätten vi leder och leds på i vardagen, att se utveckling och kreativitet som något som får förekomma och måste få kosta, både i tid och pengar. Det är ett gränsöverskridande och en transformering som dessutom ska ske i en kontext där samhället förändrats. Teknikutvecklingen leds av civila intressen och Försvarsmakten har att finna sin plats i den globala världen av leverantörer och innovationer inom snart alla områden. Det är gränsöverskridande i att Försvarsmakten återigen bryter ny mark, att Försvarsmakten måste samarbeta med omvärlden för att kunna fullfölja och få effekt av den nya inriktning som gäller i och med tagna beslut. Här får Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsfilosofi med uppdragstaktiken och den valda ledarskapsmodellen en avgörande roll för möjligheten att genomföra en lyckad gränsöverskridande transformering. Vi drar utifrån det en sammanfattande slutsats. Att med uppdragstaktik som filosofisk och metodologisk grund för ledning i kombination med det utvecklande ledarskapet i varje ledares medvetna utövande och med tillit mellan parter så främjas goda förutsättningar för ett innovativt och utvecklande klimat. Att det krävs att innovation blir en medveten och aktiv handling och process för att kunna dra nytta av klimatet. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding about which conditions for development and innovation that is current in The Swedish Armed Forces and what can hinder or encourage these, and also how these conditions relate to each other. We have done this through a qualitative study where we have interviewed Swedish Armed Forces managers of development. After analysing the content from these interviews with Classic Grounded Theory as a method a model was created. The models name is Cross-border transformation and the aim is at the fact that a transformation is started and is ongoing. As a result of the security policy and with a legitim base in democratic decisions the Swedish Armed Forces is yet again in a transformation. From a minimalistic inset defence with employed soldiers and sailors to a democratic conscript based national defence of our territorial integrity. This is happening in the same way as it did when the wall fell, a new officers system was developed and we paused the conscription, as new and revolving yet again. Now instead the focus is again to growth in both volume, geographically as well as in capabilities and categories of personnel. This is a transformation that effects all parts of the Swedish Armed Forces and all its processes, but also the society at large and the cities where new military establishments yet again are to become part of the normal day life. We see through our model that development rather than innovation as a concept is used, but has not bin prioritised in the Swedish Armed Forces during the years of a minimalistic inset defence. It is therefore cross-border to leave a culture and an era to cross into another. To change the way we lead and are led in normal day life, to see development and creativity as something that is allowed to exist and that can cost both in time and money. It is cross-border and a transformation in addition to happen in a context where the society has changed. The technology development is led by civilian interests and the Swedish Armed Forces has to find its place in the global world of suppliers and innovations in almost all areas. It is cross-border that we yet again are breaking new ground, that we have to cooperate with the world around us to be able to carry out and get effect of the decisions of a new direction for the Swedish Armed Forces that has been made. At this point the Swedish armed forces leadership philosophy, the mission tactics and the chosen leadership model plays a decisive role for the possibility of a successful cross-border transformation. Based on this we come to a summarising conclusion that with mission tactics as a philosophical and methodological foundation for leadership, combined with developing leadership in every leaders conscious practice and with mutual trust between concerned parties will good conditions for a more innovative and developing climate be encouraged. To be able to benefit from this climate it requires that innovation becomes a conscious and active action and process.
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Implementeringen av IFRS och dess påverkan på gränsöverskridande kapitalflöden : En kvantitativ undersökning av sambanden mellan redovisningsstandarder och nivåer av utländska investeringar, utländska lån, samt utländska portföljinvesteringarBlomqvist, Dag, Theodoridis, Shlemoun January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates how the mandatory adoption of the international reporting standards IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) for publicly listed companies affect countries’ levels of in- and outflow of cross-border capital. The continued harmonization of financial reporting standards on an international level is bringing up questions regarding supposed benefits of their implementation. These benefits cover areas such as increased accessibility of external financing, lower costs of capital, greater opportunities to receive a loan with longer terms, and the perceived improvements to the quality and transparency of annual reports. These factors, along with others, are driving forces as to why countries should experience changes in cross-border flows of capital when they officially adopt IFRS. It is this study’s goal to establish differences and relationships between different components of the international flow of capital and the aforementioned adoption. In this study the components are represented by the dependent variables; foreign direct investment inflow, foreign direct investment outflow, foreign portfolio investment, foreign loans as well as loans that are given to other countries. To analyse differences caused in these values by the adoption, paired t-tests are performed on data consisting of 2 360 observations from 59 countries during the period of 2001-2019. In addition, 42 countries from the continent of Asia are investigated during the period of 2013-2019 with several multiple regression analyses to determine relationships, in this case the data consisted of 4 410 observations. The paired t-tests exhibited statistically significant increases in all variables as of the adoption while the multiple regressions analyses resulted in only one out of five variables having a significant relationship with the event, that variable being foreign direct investment outflow. The results put to question previous studies successful attempts to show significant positive relationships between adoption and countries’ levels of foreign direct investment inflow, foreign portfolio investment, foreign loans and loans given to other countries. The result also has implications for further research in regard to choice of controlling variables as well as method of data collection. / Denna studie undersöker hur den obligatoriska implementeringen av de internationella redovisningsstandarderna IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) för börsnoterade företag påverkar länders in- och utgående flöden av gränsöverskridande kapital. Den fortsatta harmoniseringen av redovisningsstandarder på internationell nivå tar upp frågor gällande implementeringens påstådda fördelar. Fördelar som implementering av IFRS leder till täcker områden såsom ökad tillgänglighet av extern finansiering, lägre kapitalkostnader, större möjligheter att ta ut lån med längre löptider, och att årsredovisningar upplevs få bättre kvalitet och bli mer transparenta. Ovanstående faktorer m.fl. utgör grunden till varför länder borde uppleva förändringar i gränsöverskridande kapitalflöden i och med implementering av redovisningsstandarderna. Det är denna studies mål att etablera skillnader och samband mellan olika beståndsdelar av det internationella kapitalflödet och denna implementering. De beståndsdelarna representeras i denna studie av de fem olika beroende variablerna; ingående utländsk investering, utgående utländsk investering, utländsk portföljinvestering, utländska lån samt lån som delas ut till andra länder. För att undersöka ifall skillnader uppstår i dessa värden i och med implementering utförs parade t-test på ett dataunderlag av 2 360 antal observationer tagna från 59 länder under perioden 2001–2019. Dessutom undersöks 42 länder i kontinenten Asien under perioden 2013–2019 med multipla regressionsanalyser för att påvisa samband, datan i detta fall uppgick till 4 410 stycken observationer. T-testen visade på statistiskt signifikanta ökningar i alla variabler i och med implementeringen av IFRS medan de multipla regressionsanalyserna resulterade i att endast en av de fem olika variablerna, nämligen utgående utländsk investering, hade ett signifikant positivt samband med händelsen. Resultaten problematiserar tidigare studier som föreslår att det existerar signifikanta positiva samband mellan implementering och länders nivåer av ingående utländsk investering, utländsk portföljinvestering, utländska lån och lån som delas ut till andra länder. Undersökningen har även implikationer för framtida undersökningars val av kontrollvariabler och datainsamlingsmetod.
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Locating the Unlocated : An Examination of Choice of Law and Consumer Protection in Cryptocurrency TradingFernandez Gomero, Laura January 2023 (has links)
Disputes involving emerging technology, often leave a grey area on applicable law, as it is unlocated in the physical world. The problem with crypto-assets is partly driven by their underlying technology, allowing for the assets to be distributed in an international, digital sphere, and making it hard to pinpoint their territorial location and solve legal issues. This thesis, therefore, aims to clarify the questions of qualification and connecting factors for the choice of law when dealing with disputes concerning crypto-assets under a cross-border contractual agreement. It particularly seeks to examine consumer protection and the predictability of the choice of law in cryptocurrency trading. The thesis concludes that, for some specifically listed contracts, the applicable law is determined through hard and fast rules, but for other more complex contracts, the applicable law is determined by primarily examining the habitual residence of the operator of the characteristic performance, and secondarily, the closest connection. As to consumer contracts, a special rule appoints the law of the country where the consumer has his habitual residence, but only when several requirements are met. The rules pose problems with predictability and finding a territorial connection when the location of the assets or parties cannot be located. It is particularly a problem in decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Regarding the qualification, the thesis concludes that the current rules and statements do not provide a definite answer to the characterization of crypto-assets and require technically complex interpretations. Crypto-assets are mainly categorized based on their purpose, and the parties’ expectations. Therefore, fictional objectification of cryptocurrencies as movable property is possible when accepted as such by the parties. Moreover, cryptocurrency trading does not fall within traditional financial regulations but can be categorized as a service where the coins constitute a means of payment. Although the views are divided, causing uncertainty in the market, the obligations of traders are expected to be clarified through upcoming regulations.
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Here Lies the Defendant : The Claimant-friendly Narrative in the Court’s Case-law on Special Jurisdiction under the Brussels RegimeSkog Sand, Simon January 2024 (has links)
The EU jurisdictional scheme, known as the “Brussels Regime”, confers competence to national courts to adjudicate over international matters. The main rule in Article 4(1) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation sets out that the defendant should generally be sued in the courts of the Member State where he is domiciled. For certain subject matters, the scheme allows the action to be brought elsewhere. The raison d’être is to provide an adequate counterbalance to the one-sided rule of Article 4(1). Articles 7(1) and (2) enable the claimant to launch the suit, “in matters relating to a contract”, at the court of the Member State where the contractual obligation was to be fulfilled, and, in “matters relating to tort”, in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred. Whether to invoke Article 7 is entirely the claimant’s choice, but the final decision on its interpretation is vested in the Court. Thereby, the manner in which the Court views the provisions will effectively decide the extent of the claimant’s choice to invoke so-called special jurisdiction. It also means that greater emphasis on special jurisdiction will reduce the importance of the main rule in Article 4. Conversely, if the Court were to interpret Article 7 narrowly, its intended effect within the system would be denied. In both cases, the balance between Articles 4 and 7 has been upset. In the former case, the claimant is favoured because of the increased possibilities to choose the forum for the dispute, while in the latter case, the defendant is favoured because he retains the advantage of litigating in his home turf. The starting point for this essay is this very idea of a purported balance between litigants’ interests in EU cross-border litigation. The thesis analyses whether the Court’s case-law on general vis-à-vis special jurisdiction has transitioned from being generally defendant-friendly to claimant-friendly. It is argued that already from the first judgments rendered on the original Brussels Convention in 1976, increasingly more disputes have been launched at special fora, which has amounted to a claimant-friendly scheme. It is also argued that this development has been at the expense of the defendant. Greater choice for the claimant means in turn that the defendant’s ability to foresee before what courts he may be sued has been largely impaired. The thesis highlights how this imbalance is the result of inherent challenges in the Brussels Regime, particularly in relation to how the relevant connecting factors are designated. It is proposed that the unwanted effects of the Court’s practice as well as the shortcomings of the scheme itself are to be considered in the Commission’s evaluationof the Brussels Ibis Regulation, which is presently in the works.
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Internprissättning och tullvärde : Det är bättre att förekomma än att förekommas / Transfer Pricing and Customs Value : Prevention is Better than CureSöderberg, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Globaliseringen bidrar till en ökad världshandel och medför även ett växande antal gränsöverskridande koncerninterna transaktioner inom multinationella företag. Prissättningen av transaktioner vilka vidtas mellan närstående företag måste ske i enlighet med armlängdsprincipen som om transaktionerna vidtagits mellan två oberoende företag. Skattemyndigheterna kan justera internpriserna i slutet av beskattningsåret i de fall de anser att internprissättningen avviker från armlängdsprincipen och marknadsmässiga villkor. Utöver inkomstbeskattning åläggs företagen att betala tullavgifter i samband med transaktioner vidtagna med närstående företag etablerade utanför EU. I likhet med skattemyndigheterna granskar tullmyndigheterna företagens importpriser i syfte att säkerställa att parternas närståenderelation inte påverkat prissättningen. Båda myndigheterna arbetar således för samma mål, att upprätthålla prissättningens förenlighet med marknadsmässiga villkor. Skatte- och tullmyndigheterna tillämpar dock olika prissättningsmetoder i syfte att uppnå målet. Inkomstskatten baseras på företagens totala inkomster, relaterade till transaktionerna och tullavgiften beräknas baserat på varje specifik transaktion och vara. Det faktum att myndigheterna inkluderar olika tillgångar i de respektive beskattningsunderlagen kan medföra att de bedömer värdet av samma transaktion olika. Varierande bedömningar av samma pris kan vidare medföra krav på olika prisjusteringar i syfte att uppnå marknadsmässig prissättning. Prisjusteringar kan leda till onödiga skattetillägg och liknande straffavgifter. Det föreligger svårigheter för multinationella företag att bestämma transaktionspriser som uppfyller båda myndigheternas i syfte att undvika straffavgifter. Problematiken är ännu relativt ouppmärksammad av företag i världen. I amerikansk praxis framkommer att möjligheterna är små för företag att förlita sig på dokumentation upprättad för internprissättning, i syfte att styrka tullavgifter och tullvärde. Det är således betydelsefullt att företag upprättar dokumentationer för både internprissättning och tullvärde för att undvika straffavgifter. Dokumentationen utgör huvudsakligt bevis och ligger till grund för bedömningen av huruvida företagen uppfyllt bevisbördan avseende prisernas förenlighet med marknadsmässiga villkor. Företagen bör etablera en öppen kommunikation med de respektive myndigheterna i syfte att minimera risker för missförstånd eventuella framtida prisjusteringar. Det är bättre att förekomma än att förekommas. / The ‘arm’s length principle’ is fundamental to transfer pricing and cross-border intercompany transactions. The principle states that the prices charged for transactions of goods between related parties must be the same as if the parties were unrelated. Simply, the price needs to equal market values. If the Tax Authority finds the pricing to be inconsistent with the arm’s length principle, the price may be adjusted. In relation to cross-border intercompany transactions outside of the EU, companies have to pay customs duty and regard customs values. The Customs Authorities work to ensure that the price has not been influenced by the intercompany relationship. Thus, the Tax and Customs Authorities share the same goal, which is to ensure that the transaction price is consistent with market values. However, the methods of pursuing the goal differ. The Tax Authorities determine the amount of income tax based on the company’s total revenues deriving from cross-border intragroup transactions. The Customs Authorities on the contrary determine the amount of taxable income based on the value of every specific imported product. The authorities usually consider different values and assets when determining the amount of taxable income. Therefore the same transaction price may be evaluated differently by the Tax and Customs authorities. Price adjustments may be made if the transaction price is considered to differ in relation to market values. Thus, the companies may be obligated to pay tax surcharges or similar monetary penalties. The authorities’ different assessments of the same transaction price may result in difficulties for multinational enterprises in their efforts of meeting both requirements. The problem is regarded in varying degrees in different countries. In American precedent the court has determined the opportunities to be low for companies to depend on transfer pricing documentation when supporting customs value. It is important for companies to keep detailed documentation of both transfer pricing and customs valuation. The documentation serve as vital evidence when proving the compatibility of transaction prices with market values. Companies should also establish good communications with the authorities in order to prepare them for potential future price adjustments. Prevention is better than cure.
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De grundläggande rättsprinciperna vid direktupphandling : HFD 2018 ref. 60 och EU-rätten / The General Principles of Swedish Direct Awards : HFD 2018 ref. 60 and EU LawLignell, Elias January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the general principles in European Union (EU) public procurement law, as they apply to Swedish direct awards of low value, outside the scope of the EU procurement directives. A combination of Swedish and EU legal methodology is used to investigate two overarching themes. Firstly, the two different legal bases of the general principles, in the light of the Court of Justice of the EU’s definition of cross-border interest, as well as the Swedish implementation. Secondly, the central substantive consequences imposed by the principles on direct awards. The only national precedent on the subject, HFD 2018 ref. 60 of the Supreme Administrative Court, is both utilised and criticised against the backdrop of EU law to paint a picture of the principles’ inner workings in a direct award context. Pertaining to the first theme, an analysis of the applicability of EU primary law on direct awards is undertaken in order to distinguish the legal bases of the principles. If a contract is of certain cross-border interest, the general principles flow directly from EU law. In the absence of such an interest, the principles are exclusively based in Swedish law, which nationally extends the EU principles to all procurement (gold-plating). Overall, contracts valued below a quarter of the applicable EU directive threshold usually lack certain cross-border interest, unless there are concrete indications of the opposite. As a result, most direct awards fall outside the scope of EU law. An awareness of the legal bases of the principles is relevant to avoid breaches of EU primary law. It is argued that the Swedish gold-plated implementation of the general principles causes unnecessary uncertainty, and that separate national principles should be introduced outside the scope of EU primary law. As for the second theme, a thorough analysis concludes that the principles do not prohibit direct awards given without any exposure to competition, as long as the contracts are of low enough value. Direct awards can therefore be conducted through direct contact with a single supplier, in accordance with the legislative aims of the procedure. This may not be the case for social and other specific services of relatively high value. Nonetheless, the principles still affect direct awards, for instance in prohibiting flagrant cases of differential treatment without objective justification, based in arbitrary or corrupt decision-making. Unfortunately, these requirements are able to be circumvented due to the wide discretion given to procuring entities. On the other hand, if a direct award procedure is voluntarily advertised, the principles have greater practical significance. Still, the requirements in such cases are more lenient than in ordinary procurement procedures.
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