Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bäst"" "subject:"läst""
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Häst och människa : En social zooarkeologisk undersökning av hästoffer och agens / Horse and human : A social zooarchaeological investigation of horse sacrifice and agencyAndersson Söderberg, John January 2020 (has links)
Horses have played a large part in many cultures across the world, the Scandinavian Viking Age included. They are frequently found in graves and sacrificial sites, meant to denote, or represent the status and social caste of the humans they served. More and more studies and research projects are now taking place where the horses are allowed to take center stage, but these rarely touch on the subject of the horse’s agency. Were the abilities of the horses themselves what determined whether they be brutally sacrificed, or whether they keep serving the living? This is an area of study which hopes to introduce new perspectives into a complicated, lengthy debate over horses in sacrificial contexts, and shift focus away from the anthropocentric perspective that has dominated the subject. This study will discuss the archaeological and osteological finds in Scandinavia through a social zooarchaeological perspective, in an effort to offer a different perspective and to give agency to one animal that helped to shape our world.
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Häst, en hälsofrämjande resurs : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur deltagarna i ”Hälsa med hästkraft” upplever sin hälsa / Horse, a health promotion resourcevon Saurau, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien bygger på en önskan om att hela befolkningen ska ha en god hälsa. Även de grupper i samhället som har någon form av funktionsnedsättning. För att främja en god hälsa har djur länge visats sig ha en god påverkan på människans hälsa, framförallt hästen. I ett folkhälsovetenskapligt intresse att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande är det med ett stort intresse att undersöka hur hästen påverkar människans hälsa. I föreliggande studie har syftet varit att studera hur deltagarna med någon form av funktionsnedsättning i den dagliga verksamheten ”hälsa med hästkraft” upplever hur hästen påverkar deras hälsa. Metoden som använts för att undersöka följande syfte har varit kvalitativ metod, och genomförts med sex stycken deltagare i två fokusgruppsintervjuer. I resultatet framkom det hur hästen främjat och bidragit till individernas hälsoupplevelser, både psykiskt och fysiskt samt dess sociala och personliga utveckling. Resultatets slutsats presenterar att hästen kan användas och benämnas som en hälsofrämjande resurs, och att ytterligare användning av hästen och forskning inom området kan göra att fler kan leva ett hälsosamt liv. / The background of the study is based on the desire of a healthy population. Even those groups in society who have some form of disability. To promote good health, animals have for a long time been proven to have a good impact on human health, especially horses. In a public health interest to preventing and promoting health, is it of great interest to investigate how the horse effect human health. The purpose of this essay has been to study how participants with forms of disability in the daily activity "Health with Horsepower" experience how horses contribute to their health. Used method in the investigated purpose has been a qualitative method and implemented with six participants in two focus group interviews. The result emerged how the horse promoted and contributed to the health experiences of the human, both psychologically and physically, as well as in social and personal development. The result concludes that the horse can be used and called a health promotion resource, and further use of horses and research in the area can allow more people the opportunity to live a healthy life.
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Jagets bevingade hovslag : En biografisk och analytisk undersökning av hästfigurer iRenata Wredes fantasifulla och antropomorfa bildvärld / When Hoofs and Wings reflect the Self : A biographical and analytical examination of horses in the imaginative andanthropomorphic imagery of Renata WredePayne, Helena January 2019 (has links)
This Bachelor’s Thesis introduces a previously unexplored visual artist to the field of Art history: Renata Wrede. Born in 1923 and active until her death in 1998, Renata Wrede produced a varied and colorful corpusof paintings, lithographies, drawings, sculptures, textile designs and pottery, most–but not all -of which is in the possession of her family. Herrigorous artistic training, deep engagement with her other passion –horses –and personal struggles for independence combined to create a varied style with anthropomorphizing images of -among many motifs-horses. Four of these images, taken from different periods of her life as an artist -are analyzed in this thesis paper. The focus on the analysis of the four works is the role of the horses in the picture: What do they do? How do they contribute to the composition? Why are they there? With the help of Renata Wrede’s autobiographical three books, Mitt romerska lejon (My Roman Lion), Juvelskrinet (The Jewelry Box) and Ior och hästarna (Ior and the Horses), the pictures are analyzed from the information provided by the writer and artist herself. The appendix includes a collection of Renata Wrede’s works (incomplete, but extensive) put together by the author of this thesis.
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Hästar vid Falu Gruva : 1540-1815Grein, Judit January 2017 (has links)
Falu Gruvas hästar har historiskt sett varit av stor betydelse för det dagliga arbetet vid gruvan. De användes ovan jord för transport av bland annat ved och malm, men även för att driva de många hästvindar som från och med 1540-talet användes för uppfordring samt för att pumpa upp grundvatten ur gruvan. Mellan 1697 och 1815 arbetade även hästar under jord med att driva hästvindar samt frakta malm. Dessa hästar hissades till en början ned i gruvan genom schakten dagligen, men fick sedan bo nere i gruvan där de kom att tillbringa merparten av sina liv. Uppsatsen ger en bred bild av flertalet aspekter av hästarnas liv, med fokus på tiden 1540 till 1815 då hästarna var som viktigast för att hålla igång gruvdriften. Trots hästarnas framstående roll i gruvans historia har de aldrig haft någon framträdande roll i historieskrivningen. Denna uppsats syftar till att skildra Falu Gruvas historia med hästen i fokus. / Falu mine horses have historically been of great importance for the daily work at the mine. They were used above ground for the transportation of for example wood and ore, but also to power the many horse capstans that were used for hoisting and for pumping groundwater out of the mine. Between 1697 and 1815 horses began to work underground as well, with running horse capstans and with transportation. At first, these horses were lowered to the bottom of the mine every day, but later they came to live below ground. This study gives a broad picture of several aspects of the horse's life, focusing on the period from 1540 to 1815, when the horses were very important to the mine. Despite the horses' prominent role in the mine's history, they have never fully been portrayed in historiography. This study aims to do that.
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Naturvård i den urbana miljön : En studie kring naturvård med häst i en tid av urban förtätning / Nature conservation in the urban environment : A study of nature conservation with horses in a time of urban densificationFrickner, Elvira January 2018 (has links)
När man inom stadsplanering strävar efter att förtäta städer och urbana miljöer blir balansen mellan stad och natur allt viktigare, särskilt som befolkningen växer och behovet av täta städer lika så. Också medvetenheten om funktionerna i dessa grönområden blir betydelsefulla när naturen och dess tjänster ska planeras in som resurser i samhället på en begränsad yta. För att bevara de många värden och ekosystemtjänster som naturen tillhandahåller åt samhället behöver dessa områden skötas på ett lämpligt sätt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka naturvård med hjälp av häst i urbana miljöer och de värden det skapar. Vidare utreds hur naturvård kan skapa förutsättningar för olika ekosystemtjänster och gröna värden. Som metod användes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie bestående av intervjuer och en dokumentstudie med granskning av plandokument. Slutsatsen som drogs från studien är att naturen skapar många värden – ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska – för samhället och att dessa behöver tas omhand för att samtliga värden ska kunna åtnjutas även framöver. Naturvård med häst är ett på många sätt effektivt sätt att sköta natur och grönområden och därigenom bevara och utveckla de värden och tjänster för vidare nyttjande. Naturvård med häst bidrar även i sig med sociala och pedagogiska värden då djuren är uppskattade av människor och det stimulerar lärande och ny kunskap. Naturvård med häst kan bli mer kostsamt än andra metoder beroende på beställd åtgärd när entreprenör anlitas men vinsterna i de olika värdena anses kunna väga upp den kostnaden. Det finns många värden att hämta från att integrera häst i naturvården helt eller delvis. / In urban planning, there is currently a challenge with keeping the balance between the urban city and the surrounding nature, especially as the population grows and with it the need of cities with high densities. The increasing awareness of the functions that the urban greenspaces provide is important as ecosystem services are planned as resources for the city on a very limited area. To be able to conserve and develop the values and ecosystem services provided by nature it needs to be taken care of in a suitable way. The aim of this study is to investigate urban nature conservation methods with the use horses and what values these methods provide. Also, the conditions for ecosystem services and green values created by nature conservation are investigated. The methods used are a literature study as well as a case study consisting of interviews and a document study. The conclusion made from the study is that nature provides many values, both ecologic, social and economic, and these values are in need of proper nature conservation to be able to persist and develop in the future. Nature conservation with horses is an effective way to manage nature and maintain and develop values and services in the future. It also provides social and pedagogical values as the horses are appreciated by people and they stimulate learning and taking in new knowledge, especially about nature and ecosystem services. Nature conservation with horses seems more expensive than other methods, depending on the service executed by hired contractor. The gains in the many conserved values are however considered higher than the costs. There are many values that can be acquired by integrating the use of horses in nature conservation, either as a whole or partial.
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Förtvivlade läsningar : Litteratur som motstånd och läsning som etikHjort, Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
This study has two aims and addresses two areas of investigation. The first aim is to examine, in four novels and their textual worlds, what role is played by collective self-images and essentialist identities in maintaining power structures in regard to gender, class, norms for mental functions, and ethnicity. Whether, and if so, how, the novel’s deconstruction of language and images can function as resistance to hegemonic oppression? What does the encounter between the privileged collective and the marginalized look like in the novel, and what happens in this encounter? The project’s second aim is to probe what criticism of, and what strategies for resistance to, various power structures reading can provide. To what extent is it possible to speak of responsibility for, and in, the reading of fictional works? What role is played by the (un)expected and the conditionality in the poetical novel’s ethical demands on the reader? What might reading as an ethical practice mean and entail? The dual aim situates this dissertation in an interdisciplinary field between ethics, literary studies and aesthetics. In this study despair is the fundament on which the ethical reader stands to approach literature. Rather than discovering meanings, finding examples, or experiencing empathy, it is being engaged in the conditions determined by suffering and injustice that constitutes ethical reading. The novels Drömfakulteten (The Dream Faculty) by Sara Stridsberg, Hevonen häst (Hevonen Horse) by Annika Korpi, Montecore by Jonas Hassen Khemiri, and Personliga pronomen (Personal Pronouns) by Daniel Sjölin comprise the material for the study. They are analysed in terms of deconstructive hermeneutics. Theories brought to bear are primarily Gayatri Spivak’s post-colonial and Emmanuel Levinas’ phenomenological thinking about ethics, together with ideas from, among others, Derek Attridge, Judith Butler, and Sara Ahmed. The readings of the novels are done via four points of entry: identity, the body, the human, and the post-political, as part of the project’s work process, with each reading leading to new questions and critical interventions. The analysis points to a responsibility in relation to identity, a practice where oneself is shifted and transformed. This responsibility also encompasses accountability for the normative orders that need to be changed. Literary projects per se cannot achieve this, but they can be read as a stab at resistance, material for the reader to elaborate upon. This responsibility is an ethical practice that is not completed, that has uncertainty inscribed in its very essence, and that is reinvigorated with each new reading.
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Djuren på Gotland : En studie om djurbensmaterialet från två hällkistor på Gotland / The animals on Gotland : A study about animal bones from two cists on GotlandLindby, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar djurbensmaterial från två senneolitiska/tidigbronsålders hällkistor på Gotland (RAÄ Kräklingbo 12:1 & Burs 9:1). Syfte med uppsatsen var att bidra med kunskap kring djurbensmaterialet som påträffats i hällkistor genom tre frågeställningar. Fysiskt djurbensmaterial har genomgått en osteologisk analys och sedan jämförts med två andra hällkistor från samma period samt översiktligt med andra stenålderslokaler på Gotland. Resultatet visade en ökning av får/get samt nötkreatur samt en minskning av svin och säl gentemot tidigare perioder. Häst, hund, mindre däggdjur, fågel och fisk förekom också i materialet. Resultatet visade även indikationer på att skinn/päls/ull varit viktigt för människan. / This study deals with animal bone material from two Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age stone cist on Gotland (RAÄ Kräklingbo 12:1 & Burs 9:1). The purpose of the study was to contribute knowledge about the animal bone material found in cists through three questions. Physical animal bone material has undergone an osteological analysis and then been compared with two other stone coffins from the same period as well as an overview with other Stone Age sites on Gotland. The result showed an increase in sheep/goat and cattle and a decrease in pigs and seals compared to previous periods. Horse, dog, smaller mammals, bird and fish also appeared in the material. The results also showed indications that skin/fur/wool had been important to humans.
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Kant och papegojan : Om exemplen i Kritik av omdömeskraftenEnström, Anna January 2011 (has links)
This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant’s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic. The general ambition is to answer the question; what is the parrot doing in the third Critique and what makes it a better example of a free beauty than a jackdaw? Taking as point of departure Jacques Derrida’s notion of parergonality, the example is primarily understood as formative for the thesis, not only as illustrative. By analysing Kant’s use of the wild, exotic and colourful objects as examples the essay intends to show how imagination and understanding operates in the beautiful. The parrot thus corresponds with the role of imagination in its relation to understanding in aesthetic judgement. The examples manifest the strength of the imagination and how it dominates understanding through its wildness. The aim is to present a way to approach the restful contemplation that Kant ascribes to the mind in the experience of the beautiful as bearer of a movement with considerable importance. Rodolphe Gasché’s emphasis on the wild examples as a precognitive minimum for understanding and Hannah Arendt’s view on imagination as an ability of intuition without the presence of the object, have also been essential for my argument.
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Dr. Eleine MadJacobsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Dr. Eleine Mad är Madeleine Jacobsssons talesperson för dom vetenskapliga och paranormala upptäckter som uppstår i hennes världar. Hon beskriver innehåll, teknik och estetik utifrån ett kategoriseringssytem där konsten delas upp som olika typer av komponenter och därefter avkodas dessa allteftersom. För att förstå intuitionens inblandning i arbetsprocessen omförvandlas den till tre separata roller av en Sökare, Samlare och Myntare. Med rollerna försöker jag beskriva på vilka sätt som intuitionen är till gagn eller av förödelse för det konstnärliga arbetet. Sagan om M handlar om en grodlik karaktär, Delop, som lämnar sin hemplanet för att uppsöka andra världar. I sitt sökande hittar Delop ett folkslag vars syn och levnadssätt skiljer sig från hennes erfarenheter av “verkligheten” såsom hon lärt sig att överleva i den. / Dr. Eleine Mad is Madeleine Jacobsson's spokesperson for the scientific and paranormal discoveries that arise in her worlds. She describes content, tecniques and aesthetics based on a categorization system where art is divided into different types of components and then decoded as they go. To understand the intuition's involvement in the work process, it is transformed into three separate roles by a Seeker, Collector and a Myntare(In swedish language the one who is a "myntare" -is verbally declaring a concept or term). With these roles I try to describe in what ways intuition is beneficial or devastating to the artistic work. The story of M is about a frog-like character, Delop, who leaves the home planet to seek out other worlds. In her search, Delop finds a world whose views and lifestyles differ from her experiences of "reality" as she learned to survive in it. / <p>Recorded sound and image material of the presentation is available for private use.</p>
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