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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem sätter spelreglerna för brukarinflytande? : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om enhetschefers syn på brukarinflytande inom socialpsykiatrin. / Who sets the rules of user influence? : A qualitative discourse analysis of unit managers' views on user influence in social psychiatry

Johansson, Hanna, Urbancic, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Mental helathcare in Sweden is organized both by the healthcare sector and the municipal sector. Historically, there has been great ideological adaption which has given the municipalities a greater responsibility in mental healthcare. This change was concieved by political reforms and legislation with the aim of conducting more client-focused interventions to promote the users´ indenpendence and influence in their own life and care. This study focuses on how the unit managers of municipal mental healthcare organizations generate possibilities to involve user influence in their organizations. Through eight semi-structured interviews with unit managers, we find that the individual manager, legislation and the lack of political orientations and policies affect the outcome of user influence in the social work of mental health care. Through the result the authors could identify a few distinct key notions which contributed to the mapping of the discourse. Furthermore, the use of these key notions by the unit managers gives them the power to reproduce and construct the discourse which constitutes the practice of user influence in mental healthcare.

"Kvinnor ska få välja var de vill föda sina barn" : - En intervjustudie om kvinnors motiv och erfarenheter av att föda i det egna hemmet / “Women should be able to choose where they want to give birth” : - An interview study about women's motives and experiences of giving birth in their own homes

Enström, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet planerade hemförlossningar i Sverige ligger idag på runt 100 per år. Kvinnor som har genomgått en hemförlossning upplever starka känslor av autonomi och tillit till sina kroppar och sin förmåga att föda barn. Fler önskar själva välja födelseplats samt vara delaktiga i sin vård och planering därav och i de beslut som tas under en förlossning. Motiv: Jag önskar med detta examensarbete undersöka varför kvinnor väljer att föda hemma och hur den förlossningen har upplevts i jämförelse med tidigare förlossningar på sjukhus. Vilka tidigare erfarenheter har bidragit till att kvinnor väljer att föda hemma? Hur kommer det sig att kvinnor väljer att betala för sin hemförlossning? Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka kvinnors motiv till och erfarenheter av att föda i hemmet. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex kvinnor runtom i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom tre huvudkategorier och tio subkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var: Att välja hemförlossning på grund av negativa upplevelser i samband med sjukhusförlossning, att föda på egna villkor och att uppleva kontinuerligt stöd och närvaro av barnmorskor. Konklusion: Motiv som självbestämmande, en tryggare förlossning med barnmorskor som ger personcentrerad vård fick kvinnorna att välja hemförlossning fortsättningsvis. Förlossningsvården bör eftersträva en mer inkluderande och säker vård, där även valfri förlossningsmiljö kan erbjudas. Det kan medföra att fler kvinnor känner sig trygga var de än föder, samt ha valmöjligheten att föda hemma med professionellt stöd oavsett var de är bosatta och oberoende av socioekonomiska faktorer. En god förlossningsupplevelse med färre medicinska insatser, minskade obstetriska skador och en trygg miljö kan motverka negativa känslor kopplat till förlossning, skapa välbefinnande och stärka empowerment. / Background: The number of planned home births in Sweden today is around 100 per year. Studies show that women who have had a home birth, experience strong feelings of autonomy and confidence in their bodies and ability to give birth. More people want to choose their own place of birth and be involved in their care, planning and the decisions that are made during a birth. Motive: With this thesis, I want to investigate why women choose to give birth at home and how that birth has been experienced in comparison with previous births in hospitals. What previous experiences have contributed to women choosing to give birth at home? How come women choose to pay for their home birth? Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate women's motives for and experiences of giving birth at home.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six women. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Result: Three main categories and ten subcategories emerged. The main categories are: To choose home birth due to negative experiences in connection with hospital birth, to give birth on one's own terms and to experience continuous support and presence of midwifes. Conclusion: Motives such as self-determination, a safer childbirth with midwives that provide person-centered care made women choose homebirth in the future. Maternity care should strive for more inclusive and safe care, where an optional delivery environment can also be offered. This can mean that more women feel secure wherever they give birth and have the choice to give birth at home with professional support regardless of where they live and regardless of socio-economic factors. A good delivery experience with fewer medical interventions, reduced obstetric injuries and a safe environment can counteract negative emotions linked to childbirth, create well-being, strengthen empowerment.

Självbestämmanderätt och alkohol : “Man är i sin fulla rätt att supa ihjäl sig” / Right of self-determination and alcohol : “One is fully within their rights to drink themselves to death”

Karlsson, Emma, Dahlberg, Miranda January 2024 (has links)
Research shows an increase in alcohol consumption among older generations, leading to a rise in alcohol-related issues within this age group. In spite of this, there is a lack of knowledge and national guidelines regarding alcohol abuse among the elderly, resulting in complex work for social welfare officers and home care personnel who must balance the statutory self-determination rights of care recipients with a reasonable standard of living. Through 10 conducted interviews, this study aims to find out how social welfare officers and home care personnel work with alcohol abuse among elderly individuals. The data collected has been analyzed through thematic analysis, aiming to find answers on how professionals describe the work with alcohol abuse among the elderly, as well as how they balance self-determination with a reasonable standard of living. The study's result shows the complexity of working with alcohol abuse among the elderly, the lack of guidelines and policies, as well as the challenges it poses for professionals in their daily work.

Milletsystemet : Minoritetsskydd och grupprättigheter i ett historiskt perspektiv

Alouch, Nora January 2016 (has links)
Minority protection mechanisms in international law aim to guarantee certain individual rights to persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, such as freedom of culture, religion and language. These rights can be considered to be of collective interest for minority group identity and therefore often require the possibility of collective enjoyment. In addition to general human rights and principles of non-discrimination, minority protection can alternately be ensured through minority specific rights. However, minority specific rights would not operate effectively without evolving a concept of collective (or group) rights in international law. Hence, while this kind of approach can provide legal methods for balancing the interests of individuals, groups and the state, it creates the possibility of conflicts with the international framework of individual rights. The ottoman millet system sets a historical example of minority protection instruments based on a collective concept of human rights. Furthermore, the ottoman history offers an illustration of what could go terribly wrong with a collective rights model. By analyzing the millet system and the ottoman legal reforms in the nineteenth century I will discuss reoccurring issues with collective rights. I will argue that incorporating collective rights within a structure founded on individual rights is a problematic way of protecting individuals belonging to minorities and other vulnerably ethnic groups. Looking through the historical development of universal human rights some important aspects of its main principles will be brought up in this paper.

Different Voices - Different Stories : Communication, identity and meaning among people with acquired brain damage / Olika Röster - Olika Berättelser : Kommunikation, identitet och mening bland människor med förvärvad hjärnskada

Antelius, Eleonor January 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of the dissertation is to understand meaning-making practices used by people suffering from acquired brain damage with severe physical and communicative disabilities, in order to create and sustain their identity and personhood in relation to other people. The study emanates from the idea that identity and personhood, also in relation to disability, are created/sustained in ongoing interaction between people in everyday situations, and that the ability to narrate is central to such a creation of identity. Therefore, it is of particular interest to try to understand what communicative and storytelling abilities/possibilities people with severe acquired brain damage have in presenting their identity. The study is ethnographic and based upon a year-long field study of participant observations at a day centre for people with acquired brain damage. Gathered data consist of written field notes, informal interviews conducted with both participants and personnel and approximately 70 hours of video data. The study shows how an identity as ‘severely disabled’ is created in the co-created storytelling between participants and personnel and that this identity seems to mean that one is dependent upon others to get along in everyday life at least if one listens only to spoken stories. Yet the study also shows that there exist different opinions about what this identity as ‘severely disabled’ could mean that there is a wish among the participants to be able to present a desirable identity as “normal”, and that such an identity comes to mean to be independent and self-determined. Normality, however, must be understood in relation to surrounding society (and the grand cultural narratives that surround us). Thus the study shows that normality in relation to severe disabilities is almost impossible to achieve because normality in relation to illness/disease/body contains the hope of a cure or an improvement. The participants in this study, however, have all been labelled as incurable – there is no hope of such a cure or improvement. That, on the other hand, does not mean that the participants do not try to tell such stories anyway in their quest to achieve this desirable identity. However, in order to hear this story we need to listen to stories that usually remain untold. A palpable hierarchy between different modes of language use was identified, where verbal/spoken language is supreme, resulting in the disabled participants not being perceived as competent interactors/communicators due to their difficulties in using verbal communication. Hence their ways of creating/telling stories, through embodiment and enactment, are not recognised as valid ways to create/tell stories; this is discussed in relation to both practical implications for health care settings as well as for further narrative research. / Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att förstå meningsskapande praktiker som personer som drabbats av förvärvad hjärnskada med grava såväl fysiska som kommunikativa funktionshinder använder för att skapa och upprätthålla sin identitet och sitt personskap i relation till andra människor. Studien utgår ifrån att identitet och personskap, också i relation till funktionshinder, är något som skapas och upprätthålls i det pågående samspelet mellan människor i vardagliga situationer och att förmågan att berätta är central för detta identitetsskapande. Därför är det av särskilt intresse att försöka förstå vilka möjligheter personer med grava förvärvade hjärnskador har när det gäller att kommunicera och använda berättandet som ett sätt att presentera sin identitet. Studien är etnografisk och baseras på ett årslångt fältarbete bestående av deltagande observationer på ett dagcenter för människor med förvärvade hjärnskador. Insamlade data består av fältanteckningar, informella intervjuer med både deltagare och personal och ca 70 timmar videomaterial. Studien visar hur en identitet som ’gravt funktionshindrad’ skapas i det gemensamma berättandet mellan deltagare och personal och att denna identitet verkar innebära att man är beroende av andra för att klara sitt vardagliga liv, åtminstone om man enbart lyssnar till talade berättelser. Likväl visar studien även att det kan råda delade meningar om vad denna identitet som ’gravt funktionshindrad’ kan innebära och att det bland deltagarna finns en strävan att kunna presentera en önskvärd identitet som ”normal” och att en sådan identitet innebär att vara oberoende och självbestämmande. Normalitet måste dock förstås i relation till omgivande samhälle (och de stora, kulturella berättelser som omger oss) och studien visar att normalitet i samband med grava funktionshinder är i det närmaste omöjligt att uppnå då normalitet i relation till sjukdom/kropp innefattar ett hopp om att bli frisk, eller åtminstone bättre. Deltagarna i denna studie har emellertid diagnostiserats som obotliga – det finns inget hopp om förbättring. Detta innebär inte desto mindre att deltagarna ändå försöker berätta sådana berättelser i strävan efter att uppnå en önskvärd identitet. Dock; för att höra denna berättelse krävs ett lyssnande på berättelser som vanligtvis förblir oberättade. En tydlig hierarki mellan olika former av språkanvändning identifieras, där det talade ordet och den talade berättelsen ses som överlägsen. Detta får till konsekvens att de funktionshindrade inte ses som kompetenta aktörer/kommunikatörer pga. av sina svårigheter att kommunicera verbalt och att deras sätt att skapa berättelser, genom förkroppsligande framställningar, inte erkänns som legitima sätt att berätta. Detta diskuteras både i relation till olika praktiska implikationer för vårdinstitutioner och för vidare narrativ forskning.

Framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken : Elevers, specialpedagog och speciallärares upplevelser av framgångsrikt stöd för elever på högstadiet som befinner sig i läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Succesfactors in teaching practice : Pupils, specialeducator and special needs teacher´s experiences of succesfull support for high school students in reading and writing difficulties

Åkerberg, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att bidra med förståelse gällande vad elever på högstadiet med verifierade läs- och skrivsvårigheter, samt specialpedagoger och speciallärare, vilka är verksamma i samma årskurser, upplever vara framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken. Undersökningen utgår från en fenomenologisk teori och metod, vilket innebär att det är elevers, specialpedagogs och speciallärares upplevelser av fenomenet framgångsfaktorer som fokuseras. Fem elever, en specialpedagog och en speciallärare har intervjuats och resultatet har analyserats utifrån en fenomenologisk bearbetnings- och analysmetod. Undersökningens resultat påvisar några teman som de fem eleverna och specialpedagog och speciallärare anser vara betydelsefulla för att nå framgång. Dessa utgörs av betydelsefulla personer i och utanför skolan, motivation och självbestämmande, samt strategier och verktyg. Undervisningens betydelse belyses främst av specialpedagog och speciallärare. Betydelsefulla kunskapsbidrag är elevernas markering att de extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd som är framgångsrikt är ytterst individuellt och att detta måste utvecklas i dialog med den enskilda eleven. / Thepurpose of this survey is to provide understanding of what students in grade7-9 with verified reading and writing difficulties, also known as dyslexia, aswell as special educators and special needs teachers who work in the same gradeexperience success factors in teaching practice. The study is based on aphenomenological theory and method, which means that it is the pupils, specialeducators and special needs teachers experiences of the phenomenon of successfactors that are focused. Five students, a special educator and a special needsteacher have been interviewed and the results have been analyzed on the basisof a phenomenological method. The results of the study show some themes thatthe five students, the special educator and special needs teacher consider tobe important in order to achieve success. These consist of significant people inside and outside school, motivation and self-determination, as well as strategies and tools. The importance of teaching is primarily highlighted byspecial educator and specialist teacher. Significant knowledge contribution is the students' markthat the additional adjustments and special support that are successful areextremely individual and that this must be developed in dialogue with the individual student.

"Varför är vi här egentligen och för vems skull är vi här?” : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer inom LSS-området arbetar med brukarinflytande / "Why are we here anyway and for whose sake are we here?" : A qualitative study of how unit managers in the LSS area work with user influence

Gustavsson, Gabriella, Berg, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This is a qualitative study based on interviews with unit managers working by the entitlement law LSS, Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments. The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how unit managers in the LSS area perceive, work with and have experience of user influence in their organizations. The implementation of previous research makes an easier understanding of what the professional role means for both the organization and the user of welfare services. The main result of the study shows that the unit managers have a significant role for the user influence and that user influence needs further development in their organizations. Unit managers work to equalize social differences and compensate for the user's care needs. User influence is therefore needed for users to be able to become as independent as possible.  The unit manager works according to organizational conditions and creates strategies while using their professional discretion. Which promotes participation and self-determination for the user and their way of life. The result fills a knowledge gap regarding the unit manager's professional role and work for and with user influence in practice within the law of LSS. The study's theoretical approach is based on the theories of human-treating organizations, social citizenship and a model that explains society views different levels of disability and the user's personal autonomy.

Barns förutsättningar för fysisk aktivitet / Childrens conditions for physical activity

FREDRIKSSON, FREDRIK, Moa, Schörling January 2023 (has links)
Vi kommer presentera en kategoriserad och tematiserad översikt av faktorer som främjar/hindrar barns fysiska aktivitet utanför skolans ramar. Avsikten är att försöka göra en inventering av möjliga påverkansfaktorer för vår uppdragsgivare Innovation Skåne och förhoppningsvis skulle detta arbete kunna vara vägledande för dem. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka barns förutsättningar för fysisk aktivitet utanför skolans ramar. Metoden bestod av en litteraturstudie och barnintervjuer som genomgick tematisk analys. Sedan genomfördes en triangulering mellan de båda empiriska insamlingsmetoderna. Metoderna ställdes mot varandra för att se om barnens perspektiv från barnintervjuerna skiljde åt sig jämfört med forskning från litteraturen och de vuxnas perspektiv på barnens behov. Resultatet är att barnen har väldigt olika uppfattningar om vad fysisk aktivitet är, barnens perspektiv på fysisk aktivitet skiljer sig från forskningens breda definitioner i den utsträckning att sport, idrott och prestation är i fokus. Den tematiska analysens huvudområde och resultat berörde viktiga påverkansområden som möjliggörandet av självvalda aktiviteter och autonomi. Trygghet vid transporter med cykel, föräldranärvaro, gruppgemenskap eller självvald enskildhet i sin egen “bubbla” för att nämna några exempel. Slutsatsen är att det skiljer sig i barnrättsperspektivet gällande utemiljöer och möjligheterna som barnen har för att kunna ha någonstans att vara på efter skoltid eftersom skolorna inte är tillåtna att vistas på förens skoldagarna är slut när man går på högstadiet. Slutligen och också viktigast. Barn styr inte över sin fysiskt aktiva fritid. Det gör de vuxna. / We will be presenting a categorized and thematically analyzed overview of factors that facilitate/inhibit children's physical activity outside the context of compulsory school. The intent is to attempt to make an inventory of possible influencing factors for our client Innovation Skåne and it's our hope that this work could act as a guide in their work. The purpose of this work is to examine children's conditions for physical activity outside of school. The method consisted of a literature study and child interviews which underwent a thematic analysis. After which a triangulation was carried out between the two empirical collection methods. The methods were compared to each other to see if the children's perspective from the child interviews differ compared to the research from the literature and the adults' perspective on the children's needs. The result is that the children have very different perceptions of what physical activity is, the children's perspective on physical activity differs from the research's broad definitions to the extent that sports and performance are in focus. The main area and results of the thematic analysis touched on important impact areas such as the enabling of self-selected activities and autonomy. Safety when transporting by bicycle, parental presence, group community or self-selected privacy in your own "bubble" to name a few examples. The conclusion is that there is a difference in the children's rights perspective regarding outdoor environments and the opportunities that the children have to be able to have somewhere to be after school because the schools are not allowed to stay in until the school days are over when you go to upper secondary school. Last and most importantly. Children do not control their physically active free time. The adults do.

Tystnaden: Makten, rösten och talet : En analys av tystnaden som kontrollinstrument i Vegetarianen och brun flicka drömmer / Silence: Power, voice and speech : An analysis of silence as an instrument for control in The Vegetarian and brown girl dreaming

Guldbacke Lund, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Silence, voice and power are the main themes in this essay. The purpose is to analyze how the silence is used as an instrument for control, and how it can be used strategically to take power, but also as a resistance against the power. The novel The Vegetarian by Han Kang and the autobiography novel on verse, brown girl dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson are the core of this essay. This essay focuses on how the characters break the silence, and how they use the silence strategically to find their voice in a society that systematically works to keep women, children and men silent.      The silence works in specific ways in all kinds of situations, to explore the complexity of the power dimensions a comparative analysis allows the themes to emerge and enlighten each other’s diversity. With help from Rebecca Solnit in Alla frågors moder, Audre Lorde in Your silence will not protect you and Michel Foucault’s Diskursens ordning, among other voices, the essay aims to search for how the silence can work as a strategy and what it means to speak. The essay shows how the oppressing silence is broken in brown girl dreaming, and how the voice becomes the power, but also how the silence was used in the African-American Civil Rights Movement as an act of resistance. The essays also analyze the female main character in The Vegetarian, who makes a journey from an oppressed woman where the patriarchal men violate her silence and forcing her to speak, to an existence where silence, life and growth thrives.     The silence has its own language and sometimes, it’s louder than words.

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