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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inspiratörerna, innovatörerna, rebellen och kvinnorna : Framställningen av manligt och kvinnligt i författaporträtt i läromedlet Svenska impulser 2

Lind, Emma January 2021 (has links)
In this essay, I analyze and compare the representation of social actors in six different author presentations from the teaching aid Svenska Impulser 2, (2012). More specifically, I investigate similarities and differences in the representation of men and women and, thus, what meanings are ascribed to these gender categories. Consequently, these presentations belong to three different literary epochs or -isms: the enlightenment (Jean-Jaques Rousseau and Anna Maria Lenngren); romanticism (Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Shelley), and modernism (James Joyce and Virginia Woolf). The analysis is further grounded on Judith Butler’s theory on performative gender and systemic functional grammar as developed and defined by Michael Halliday. The method of analysis is critical discourse analysis (CDA) where I quantify and analyze different types of representational strategies and process and participant functions (transitivity). In addition, these two sections of quantifications are each followed by a qualitative analysis with a certain focus on different epiteths, attributes, general descriptions, and agency. My findings show that the presentations of women are more populated and, that they are portrayed as dependent on men, whereas men are portrayed as independent explorers, innovators, influencers, rebels or radical political debaters and thinkers. While some of these qualities are implied, however more or less muted, in the presentations of women, they are explicated or, by other means, more evident in the presentations of men. Moreover, my analysis shows that the women’s gender identity is marked and thus emphasized in their presentations to a significantly greater degree than the men’s gender identity is in their presentations.

Den långa vägen till en jämställd gymnasieskola : Genuspedagogers förståelse av gymnasieskolans jämställdhetsarbete / The long way to an equal upper secondary school : A study of gender pedagogues understanding of the equality work in the upper secondary schools

Wahlgren, Victoria C January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bilda kunskap om genuspedagogikens innehåll och arbetssätt med utgångspunkt tagen i genuspedagogernas erfarenhet. Målet är att kunna generera ny kunskap om hur jämställdhetsarbetet i gymnasieskolan ska kunna fungera och att elever i gymnasieskolan ska kunna bemötas på ett jämställt sätt, oberoende av kön. Bakgrunden till studien är det påtalade problemet att elever i ungdomsskolan inte bemöts likvärdigt. Studier visar ett deras kön påverkar hur lärare förhåller sig till dem och vilka betyg eleverna får. Studien undersöker hur genuspedagoger erfar att det genom ett genuspedagogiskt arbetssätt går att förändra de genusnormer och strukturer som lever i gymnasieskolan. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med sex genuspedagoger som är verksamma i gymnasieskolan. Intervjuerna tolkas genom hermeneutisk metod för att nå en förståelse av hur genuspedagogerna upplever och an-vänder genuspedagogiken i sitt arbete i gymnasieskolan. Metoden är inter-vjuer gjorda genom digital teknik: @ography, som innebär intervjuer genomförda via e-post. Resultatet visar att genuspedagoger erfar att det är möjligt att föra in genuspedagogiska arbetssätt i gymnasieskolan, men att det kommer att ta tid då motståndet mot arbetssättet från både lärare, skolledningar och kommuner är stort. Det mest effektiva sättet att förändra arbetssättet på gymnasieskolan är att lärare handleds i arbetslag för att ändra attityder, förhållningssätt och invanda normer. / The aim with the study is to form knowledge about the content of gender pedagogy with starting point in the experiences of gender pedagogues. The objective is to generate new knowledge about how the equality work in the upper secondary school can function and that students in the upper secondary school can to be treated in a more equal way, independently of sexes. The background to the study is the attention of the problem that students are not treated equally. Studies show that the students sexes influences how teachers relate to them and it also influences what grades the students receive. The study examines how gender pedagogues experience a gender pedagogical approach to change norms and structures in the upper secondary school. The empirical materials are interviews with six gender pedagogues who are active in the upper secondary school. The interviews are interpreted through a hermeneutical method in order to reach an understanding of how gender pedagogues' experiences and uses gender pedagogy in their work in the upper secondary school. The method is in-terviews done through digital technology: @ography, which are interviews via e-mail. The result shows that gender pedagogues experiences that it is possible to pursue a gender pedagogical approach in the upper secondary school, but that it will take time when the resistance against the approach from teachers, school managements and municipalities are immense. The most effective way to change the approach on the upper secondary school is if teachers are supervised in teams in order to change attitudes and subconscious standards.

Organet lever! : Kropp, ting och performativitet i Erik Beckmans roman Inlandsbanan (1967) / The liver is alive! : Body, thing and performativity in the novel Inlandsbanan (1967) by Erik Beckman

Nyström, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The works of Erik Beckman (1935-1995) are quite unique within the Swedish literary scene. His texts convert the experimental language of the concretists of the sixties into a new form of fabulation that undermines our understanding of what literature can be, ranging from novels and poetry to theatre pieces and radio theatre. His literary style has been discussed by critics, but the depths of it are yet to be fully explored. There is a lot to gain from combining contemporary theories of materiality and corporeality with his self-proclaimed materialistic poetics. The novel Inlandsbanan (1967) is a fragmentary account of an inland train going through Sweden, with characters coming and going in a frustrating tempo. The text is filled with word games, narrative constructs and a language that brings forth the material aspects of communication that push the boundaries of literary interpretation. This thesis examines Beckman’s novel through the lens of theoretical concepts of thingliness and corporeality developed by the likes of Judith Butler, Karen Barad, and Andrew Pickering in order to elaborate an analysis that goes beyond the surface of its experimental and materialistic use of literary language. Using bodily themes, I analyze specific passages in the novel in order to find a new understanding of its semantic functions. By doing this through the concept of performativity, not only can I identify a thematized corporeality, but beyond that a literary form and a language that problematizes the very notion of the written text as a body and highlights a material agency in literature. This method enables an interpretation of the novel that can illuminates important aspects at play that previously have not been explored.

”Man får göra vad man vill, men man måste tänka på vad man gör.” : En genusstudie om tjejer, femininitet och platstagande / ”You can do what you want, but you have to think about what you do.” : A gender study on girls, femininity and space for action

Soback, Antonia January 2016 (has links)
Studien har som ambition att studera hur tjejer skapar femininitet och således tar plats på en ungdomsgård belägen i en multietnisk stadsdel i Stockholm. Studiens metod består av deltagande observation av en grupp på åtta tjejer som besökte ungdomsgården dagligen. Resultatet indelas i tre teman, Systerskap, Ungdomsgården är hemma och Femininitetskapande som beskriver tjejernas relationer till varandra, andra ungdomar på- och utanför ungdomsgården samt bostadsområdet, men även förhållandet till svenskhet. Resultatet analyserades med teorier rörande genus, etnicitet, postkolonial feminism och praktikgemenskap. Det framkom att tjejerna formade en gemenskap som de upprätthöll med outtalade regler rörande femininitet, etnicitet och sexualitet. Studiens slutsatser är att ungdomsgården framställdes som en betydelsefull plats då den utgjorde en fristad för tjejerna, där de försökte undkomma de olika regler som omfattade dem och deras liv.

Ekonomiskt våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd kan ge stöd till kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för ekonomiskt våld.

Bodenäs, Lisa, Fridolf, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Economic abuse does not always appear in the context of domestic abuse,there are other forms of abuse that are more mentioned in politics and inmedia, for example physical and psychological abuse. Previous researchshows that economic violence is often linked to psychological and physicalviolence and that it is mainly women who are overrepresented in terms ofvulnerability to violence. The consequences of economic violence have provento be many and big, in some terms even life-long for the women who havebeen exposed to the violence.The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of socialworkers' experiences in working with women who have been exposed toeconomic violence by men they have a relationship with, as well as the socialand economic consequences the exposed women are left with. The theoriesused in the study are Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender, as well as Goffman'stheory of stigmatization and social exclusion.Eight interviews of social workers have been conducted to get a picture ofwhat consequences women who are exposed to economic violence have andwhat obstacles and opportunities the social workers see in their work withwomen exposed to violence. The results show that men's economic violenceagainst women has major consequences for women's lives. The results alsoshow that social workers see both obstacles and opportunities in their work tohelp women exposed to economic violence.

"Since when did you give me permission to do anything?" : En narratologisk analys av genuskonstruktion, genusroller och makt i Harry Potter-serien med fokus på karaktären Ginny Weasley / "Since when did you give me permission to do anything?" : A narratological analysis of gender construction, gender roles and power in the Harry Potter series focused on the character Ginny Weasley

Crona, Cajsa January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Existerar en premie på revisionsarvodet för kvinnliga påskrivande revisorer? : En kvantitativ studie om revisionsarvodet och kön, med särskilt fokus på Sverige. / Is there an audit premium for qualified female auditors? : A quantitative study on audit fees and gender, with a particular focus on Sweden.

Olsson, Alice, Larsen, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Prissättningen av revisionsarvodet är komplext och kan påverkas av faktorer såsom klientens storlek och risk eller vilken revisionsbyrå som har anlitats. Tidigare forskning har visat att könsskillnader bland revisorer kan påverka revisionsarvodets storlek, där kvinnliga revisorer kan associeras med högre arvoden på grund av bland annat deras egenskaper, personlighetsdrag alternativt externa krav på mångfald från klienternas sida. Det finns en föreställning om att Sverige är mer jämställt jämfört med andra länder i Europa. Trots detta tyder forskning på att andra länder, som inte har ett lika högt jämställdhetsindex, har kommit längre gällande jämställdhet inom revisionsbranschen. Frågan som kan ställas är: påverkar den kvinnliga påskrivande revisorn revisionsarvodets storlek i Sverige och finns det således en kvinnlig premie på revisionsarvodet? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förklara den kvinnliga påskrivande revisorns eventuella effekt på revisionsarvodet, i svenska börsnoterade bolag. Metod: Denna studie utgår från en deduktiv forskningsansats där tidigare forskning om revisionsarvodet samt befintlig teori om genus har legat till grund för studiens teoretiska referensram. Den teoretiska referensramen har sedan använts för att skapa en teoretisk modell, där förväntade samband om kvinnans direkta och indirekta samt bestämningsfaktorernas påverkan på revisionsarvodet presenteras. Denna teoretiska modell har sedan testats genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod med empiriska data från svenska börsnoterade bolag. Datainsamlingen kommer från databaser såsom Datastream, Holdings, Business Retriever men även årsredovisningar, med fokus på år 2022. Slutsats: Det kan konstateras att den ojämna fördelningen, mellan kvinnliga och manliga påskrivande börsbolagsrevisorer, fortsatt består i Sverige. Trots detta finner vi inga signifikanta samband för kvinnans direkta och indirekta påverkan på revisionsarvodet. Med andra ord kan det konstateras att det inte finns någon skillnad i revisionsarvode mellan kvinnor och män och således existerar det ingen kvinnlig revisionspremie i Sverige. Däremot finner denna studie flertalet betydelsefulla samband mellan bestämningsfaktorerna och revisionsarvodet. Detta bekräftar att tidigare forskning om dessa bestämningsfaktorer till viss del även gäller i den svenska kontexten. / Background and problem: The pricing of audit fees is complex and can be influenced by factors such as client size and risk, or the choice of audit firm. Previous research has indicated that gender differences among auditors can impact the size of audit fees, where female auditors are associated with higher fees due to their attributes, personality traits, or external demands for diversity from clients. There is a perception that Sweden is more gender-equal compared to other European countries. However, research suggests that other countries, with lower gender equality indices, have made more progress in gender equality within the audit industry. The question that arises is: does the qualified female auditor affect the size of audit fees in Sweden, and thus, is there a female premium on audit fees? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explain the potential effect of the qualified female auditor on the audit fee, in Swedish listed companies. Method: This study is based on a deductive research approach where previous research on audit fees and existing gender theory forms the theoretical framework of the study. The theoretical framework is then utilized to construct a theoretical model, presenting expected relations regarding the direct and indirect influence of women and determinant factors on audit fees. This theoretical model is subsequently tested using a quantitative research method with empirical data from Swedish listed companies. Data collection is sourced from databases such as Datastream, Holdings, Business Retriever, as well as annual reports, focusing on the year 2022. Conclusion: It can be noted that the uneven distribution, between female and male qualified auditors in listed companies, persists in Sweden. Despite this, we find no significant correlations for the direct and indirect influence of women on audit fees. In other words, it can be concluded that there is no difference in audit fees between women and men, and thus, there is no female audit premium in Sweden. However, this study finds several significant correlations between determinant factors and audit fees. This confirms that previous research on these determinant factors applies, to some extent, in the Swedish context.

"Framför mig stod den vackraste man jag någonsin sett.” : Kvinnliga drag, egenskaper och funktioner hos manliga karaktärer i fantasy-romaner för unga vuxna / ”Standing before me was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.” : Female traits, qualities and functions of male characters in fantasy-novels for young adults

Darstedt, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
The current paper is a study of the male characters Simon and Jace from Cassandra Clare's City of Bones (2010), and the characters Tamlin and Rhysand from Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015). The main aim is to examine whether the characters in these fantasy novels for young adults have traits and functions that previously have been used to describe and portray female characters. The study discovered among other things that vulnerability and sensitivity could be found in all the characters, especially when danger was upon them or their loved ones. Simon was also the only character that was not portrayed with skills in combat, which was mocked by the other male characters but not by the female protagonist. The two male characters in A Court of Thorns and Roses were also portraited as sexual objects in the novel, and Rhysand was exposed to sexual abuse by the novel’s antagonist, which can be seen as stereotypical female trait. The male character’s function in the novels was to have a folie function to each other, and be a love interest, a confidant, and a choir to the female protagonist. The male characters in the novels were also the ones who needed to be rescued by the female characters, and thereby found themselves in a female position.

Tystnaden: Makten, rösten och talet : En analys av tystnaden som kontrollinstrument i Vegetarianen och brun flicka drömmer / Silence: Power, voice and speech : An analysis of silence as an instrument for control in The Vegetarian and brown girl dreaming

Guldbacke Lund, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Silence, voice and power are the main themes in this essay. The purpose is to analyze how the silence is used as an instrument for control, and how it can be used strategically to take power, but also as a resistance against the power. The novel The Vegetarian by Han Kang and the autobiography novel on verse, brown girl dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson are the core of this essay. This essay focuses on how the characters break the silence, and how they use the silence strategically to find their voice in a society that systematically works to keep women, children and men silent.      The silence works in specific ways in all kinds of situations, to explore the complexity of the power dimensions a comparative analysis allows the themes to emerge and enlighten each other’s diversity. With help from Rebecca Solnit in Alla frågors moder, Audre Lorde in Your silence will not protect you and Michel Foucault’s Diskursens ordning, among other voices, the essay aims to search for how the silence can work as a strategy and what it means to speak. The essay shows how the oppressing silence is broken in brown girl dreaming, and how the voice becomes the power, but also how the silence was used in the African-American Civil Rights Movement as an act of resistance. The essays also analyze the female main character in The Vegetarian, who makes a journey from an oppressed woman where the patriarchal men violate her silence and forcing her to speak, to an existence where silence, life and growth thrives.     The silence has its own language and sometimes, it’s louder than words.

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