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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Men Naturen bryr sig inte" : En ekokritisk analys av tre bilderböcker samt en diskurs om miljömedveten litteratur för barn / "But Nature doesn't care" : An ecocritical study of three picture books and a discussion about environmental literature for children

Sørensen, Emilie January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I study how humans and nature are portrayed in three Swedish picture books: Sprätten satt på toaletten(1970) by Annika Elmqvist, En blommas liv (2008) by Stefan Casta and Sara Lundberg and Naturen (2020) by Emma Adbåge. This is done based on the concept of ecomimesis from Timothy Morton's Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (2007) and other ecocritical terms such as: anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism and nature. In order to analyse the picture books I also use relevant ideas from Maria Nikolajeva’s Bilderbokens pusselbitar (2000). In addition to this, I discuss environmental literature for children and examine the didactic and aesthetic properties of the works.  Finally, I conclude that the books portay humans and nature differently but that they all have the message that we should cherish nature. Sprätten satt på toaletten has an anthropocentric worldview with humans shown as both the problem and the solution to the environmental crisis. En blommas liv gives a clear example of ecomimesis and anthropomorphism with its romantic illustrations of a conscious flower. Naturen ridicule antopocentrism and makes an attempt to redefine the concept of nature. All the works have both aesthetic and didactic qualities. They contain thought-provoking illustrations and stories but they also have clear messages. In other words, they are created based on the idea that literature can change the world. I question the phenomenon that adults, which cause the environmental crisis, speak for other peripheral groups. That we think we know what nature is and needs and hand over the responsibilities to the children. / I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur människa och natur gestaltas i tre svenska bilderböcker: Sprätten satt på toaletten (1970) av Annika Elmqvist, En blommas liv (2008) av Stefan Casta och Sara Lundberg samt Naturen (2020) av Emma Adbåge. Detta görs utifrån begreppet ekomimesis från Timothy Mortons Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (2007) samt andra ekokritiska termer såsom: antropocentrism, antropomorfism och natur. Till grund för bilderboksanalysen ligger relevanta begrepp från Maria Nikolajevas Bilderbokens pusselbitar (2000). Utöver detta för jag även en diskurs kring miljömedveten litteratur för barn och undersöker de nämnda verkens didaktiska och estetiska egenskaper.   Slutligen kommer jag fram till att verken gestaltar människa och natur på olika sätt men att de alla har budskapet att vi ska värna om naturen. Sprätten satt på toaletten visar en antropocentrisk världsbild med människan som både problemet och lösningen till miljökrisen. En blommas liv ger ett tydligt exempel på ekomimesis och antropomorfism med sina romantiska bilder av en tänkande blomma. Naturen förlöjligar antopocentrismen och gör ett försök till att omdefiniera naturbegreppet. Samtliga verk har både estetiska och didaktiska egenskaper. De innehåller tankeväckande illustrationer och berättelser men har också tydliga budskap. Med andra ord är de skapta utifrån idéen om att litteratur kan förändra världen. Jag ifrågasätter företeelsen att vuxna, som orsakar miljökrisen, för andra perifera gruppers talan. Att vi tror oss veta vad naturen är och behöver och lägger över ansvaret på barnen.

Som om dagen tar slut : En ekokritisk läsning av subjektspositionen i fyra samtida bilderböcker

Manfredson Holmberg, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
This assignment aims to explore and analyze the picture books I skogen by Eva Lindström, Furan by Lisen Adbåge, Om dagen tar slut by Lisa Hyder and Naturen by Emma AdBåge, through an ecocritical study of subjekt formations. The studying of children's literatre, in relatoin to both the anthropocene and environmenantal discourse, gives an insight into the way man and nature are narrated and how subject positions are challenged. When analyzing such subjects this essay uses The Nature in Culture Matrix, created by the research group Nature in Children's Literature and Culture. The main concepts presented throughout this text include anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, celebrated nature and problematasing nature. This thesis examines how modern picture books protest against the former independent, free and courageous child that was encouraged to put themselves before others. Such a chliche is evident when characters defy a common pattern of action and how anthropomorphizations of nature can highlight the ecocritical way of thinking. It is further evident that pictre books, through intrigue, problematize the human subject and draw parallels to everything that is living. To conclude, the results show that the child as a subject either is challenged or replaced by nature.

Barn och etik : möten och möjlighetsvillkor i två förskoleklassers vardag / Children and Ethics : Ethical Encounters and Conditions in the Everyday Life of Two Preschool Classes

Halvars-Franzén, Bodil January 2010 (has links)
The aim is to examine how children create and embody ethics by analyzing their encounters and how possibilities are conditioned by the framework surrounding them. The focus has been on the following problem areas: Conditions that enable children’s ethical encounters with regard to frameworks, rules and order Conditions that enable children’s ethical encounters related to the teachers’ approach Children’s encounters in play from an ethical perspective Children’s encounters with nature from an ethical perspective The theoretical standpoint is ”the ethics of an encounter” from Emmanuel Levinas’ idea of ethics of alterity. In ethics which precedes being itself, the ethical becoming and its relational aspects appear in the encounter with the Other. The tools of analysis are mainly drawn from previous pedagogical/didactical research in ethics which highlights the ethical conditions, such as listening, encounters with diversity and differences, and preschool/school as an ethical space. The study is based on one year of ethnographical field studies relying on participant observations, video observations, focus groups, stimulated recalls and guided tours. The empirical findings show that rules and frameworks which regulate the everyday life of the preschool classes are repeatedly negotiated. The negotiations about “what’s what?”, where both the children and the teachers are involved, take place on a verbal and a bodily level. In the pedagogues’ approach, the listening is a central and complex condition for the ethical space in the preschool classes. In the children’s encounters in play and in their encounters with nature the relational aspect becomes clear. The ethical boundaries and the fixing of those boundaries are discussed in connection with the idea of the ethics of an encounter and the vision of preschool/school as a potential ethical space.

Skolgårdens plats i den föränderliga staden / The place of the school ground in the transformative city

Hansson, Sanna, Lundeberg, Sonja January 2021 (has links)
I stadens förändringsprocess, ständigt präglad av nya ideal, ska många intressen förenas och beaktas vid utformningen av skolgårdar. Med utgångspunkt i naturens betydelse för barns hälsa och utveckling undersöker denna studie två skolgårdar i Malmö utifrån tre perspektiv: skolgårdarnas utformning, högstadieelevers användning av och preferenser på skolgården samt planerarens prioriteringar och tillvägagångssätt vid utformningen av skolgårdsmiljöer. Syftet är, genom förståelse för hur dessa tre perspektiv kan förenas, öka kunskapen kring hur skolgårdarna kan planeras mer socialt och ekologiskt hållbart i den föränderliga staden. Detta undersöks med en mixad metod genom platsobservationer, enkätundersökningar och intervjuer. Empirin påvisar en relativt passiv inställning till skolgården bland eleverna, oberoende av skolgårdens storlek och mängd grönska samt att de överlag prioriterar social interaktion och mobilanvändande på rasterna. Tolkningen av det empiriska materialet utifrån teorin tyder på att det är grönskans kvalitet som påverkar elevernas intresse för att ta del av miljön. Genom intervjuerna framkom det att utformningen av ett grönt ramverk som erbjuder olika rumsligheter kan bidra till en mer jämlik, inkluderande och hållbar skolgårdsmiljö. Den ideala skolgårdsmiljön, som kan anses vara en där naturen företräds, speglar dock inte nödvändigtvis elevernas uppfattning av den ideala skolgården. Elevernas preferenser kan däremot få ta plats inom det hållbara ramverket, genom aktiv gestaltning. / Within the city's transformative process, constantly tinged by new ideals, different interests must be united and considered in the planning and design of school grounds. Based on the importance of nature for children's health and development, this study examines two school grounds in Malmö from three perspectives: the school grounds design and shape, the use and preferences of the students on the school grounds, and the planner´s priorities and proceedings in planning school ground environments. The purpose is, through an understanding of how these three perspectives can unite, to increase knowledge on how school grounds can be planned more socially and ecologically sustainable in the transformative city. This is investigated with a mixed method through site observations, surveys and interviews. The empirical evidence shows a relatively passive relation to the school ground among the students, regardless of the school grounds size and amount of greenery, and generally they prioritize social interaction and mobile phone use during breaks. The interpretation of the empirical material, based on the theory, indicates that it is the quality of the greenery that affects the student’s interest in using the environment. Through the interviews, it emerged that the design of a green framework that offers different spatialities can contribute to a more equal, inclusive and sustainable school ground. The ideal environment of the school ground, which can be considered one that is characterized by natural environments, does not necessarily reflect the student's ideal of it. The students' preferences can however be accommodated within the sustainable framework through continuous design.

Hyperrealitet, perceptionsfenomenologi och relationsinramning : Prövandet av en teoretisk förklaringsmodell med utgångspunkt från en kritisk undersökning av forskning om naturens läkande egenskaper.

Järpeskog, Timo M. January 2018 (has links)
Denna masteruppsats diskuterar naturens läkande effekt på människan genom att analysera nuvarande forskningsläge i både svenskt och internationellt perspektiv. Analysen förstås genom en teoretisk modell som baserar sig på ekologisk perceptionsfenomenologi, hyperrealitet och relationsinramning. Uppsatsens slutsats är att naturens läkande effekt kan förklaras med en perceptiv relation mellan människan och den mer-än-mänskliga världen, men också, att mer forskning behövs. / This master thesis discusses the healing properties of nature on the human being through an analysis of current Swedish and international research. The analysis is made by using a theoretical model based on ecological perception phenomenology, hyperreality and relational frame theory. The conclusion of the thesis is that the healing properties of nature may be explained by the perceptive relation between the human being and the more-than-human world, but also that more research is needed.

From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films / Från Snövit till Frost : En utvärdering av populära könsrepresentations-indikatorer tillämpade på Disneys prinsessfilmer

Nyh, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods. / <p>Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)</p>

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