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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att förstå sitt lärande : En pilotstudie av högstadieelevers uppfattningar om metakognitiva frågor i ämnena bild och svenska / To understand One's Learning : A pilot study about senior-level students' apprehensions of metacognitive questions in the subjects Art and Swedish

Vossman Strömberg, Anneli January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med pilotstudien är att pröva hur rekommenderade metoder för att uppmuntra elevers metakognitiva tänkande kan användas. Metakognition handlar om ”att lära att lära” och är relaterat till begrepp såsom återkoppling, självreglering och formativ bedömning. Forskning visar att elever som får träning i metakognition ökar sina prestationer. Ett av skolans mål enligt läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011/2017 är att eleverna ska utveckla förmågan att bedöma sina resultat. Jag har undersökt hur elever i årskurs sju besvarar och uppfattar metakognitiva frågor i ämnena bild och svenska. Eleverna svarade på metakognitiva frågor vid tre olika tillfällen: vid planeringen, under genomförande samt vid utvärderingen av arbetsuppgiften. I samband med frågorna svarade de även på en enkät om hur de uppfattade de metakognitiva frågorna. Avsikten är att använda pilotstudiens resultat för att bereda mark för en större studie. I studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts. Resultatet visar att det är väsentligt att lärarna tar reda på elevernas olika förförståelse för de metakognitiva frågorna. Majoriteten av elever upplever de metakognitiva frågorna som oanvändbara, men av olika skäl. Om eleverna inte förstår frågorna tycker de att frågorna blir något utöver arbetsuppgiften. Om eleverna har en hög metakognitiv förförståelse kommer de att anse att frågorna är överflödiga. De flesta eleverna upplevde att de metakognitiva frågorna tog tid från den uppgift de skulle genomföra. Några elever uttryckte stort missnöje, stor frustration och irritation över frågorna. För att metakognitivt tänkande ska kunna tränas metodiskt med avsedd effekt, måste eleverna vara motiverade. En nyckelfaktor är att eleverna förstår vad träningen ska leda till. Detta behöver läraren arbeta med på olika sätt med olika grupper av elever. / This pilot study aims to test how recommended methods to promote students’ metacognitive thinking can be used. Metacognition is about “learning how to learn” and is related to conceptions like feedback, self-regulation and formative assessment. Research shows that students that get training in metacognition increase their performances. One of the goals according to the Swedish Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the recreation centre 2011/2017 is that students shall develop the ability to assess their results. I have examined how students in grade seven answer and apprehend metacognitive questions in the compulsory subjects Art and Swedish. The students answered metacognitive questions at three different times: when planning, when carrying through and when evaluating the task. In connection to answering the questions they also answered a questionnaire about their conception of the metacognitive questions. The intention is to use the result of the pilot study to prepare for a larger study. A qualitative research method has been used in this study. The result show that it’s substantial that the teachers find out about the students different preunderstanding of the metacognitive questions. The majority of the students find the metacognitive question useless, but for different reasons. If the students don’t understand the questions they think that the questions are something in addition to the task. If the students have a high metacognitive preunderstanding they will consider the questions as redundant. Most students thought that the metacognitive questions took time from the task they were supposed to do. Some students expressed great dissatisfaction, big frustration and irritation over the questions. To be able to train metacognitive thinking methodically with desired effect the students have to be motivated. A key factor is that the students understand what the training is supposed to leading. The teacher has to work in different ways with different groups of students with this.

Målbolagsstyrelsens skadeståndsansvar : En undersökning om en målbolagsstyrelses uttalande kring ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande kan medföra skadeståndsansvar / The liability for board of directors in target companies : An examination regarding if the board of directors can be held liable for its statements on a takeover-offer

Kalakovic, Adis January 2023 (has links)
The stock market has proven to offer satisfactory means of raising capital for public companies. One behaviour that rather frequently can be observed is that companies on the stock market are becoming the subject of so-called takeover-offers. Immediately upon the commencement of a takeover-process the board of directors of a target-company is responsible for certain obligations stipulated in the legal framework for the stock market. An obligation of quite substantial significance for the shareholders in the target-company is the board of directors’ duty to make a statement on the takeover-offer. Since the said statement is of such significance for the shareholders, the question arises whether the board of directors can be held liable for irresponsible statements with regards to an imminent takeover-offer. This thesis aims to answer this question whilst examining closely related questions such as which obligations the board of directors has when making a statement on a takeover-offer as well as what basis of liability is applicable to the board of directors. Due to the nature of the Swedish capital market regulation the thesis also aims to illustrate and problematize the relationship between legislation and what is commonly referred to as self-regulation. By the means of a legal dogmatic method the thesis concludes that the boards of directors in some cases are liable for their statements on a takeover-offer. The conditions for which a basis of liability is applicable differs depending upon which ground of liability is chosen to establish said liability, this circumstance turns out to be of critical importance in a procedural sense. Although the basis of liability differs from one another the thesis displays that legitimate reasons speak for basing a claim for damages on the rule regarding tortious liability that the Swedish Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) has developed. In addition to how the board of directors can be held liable the research has also demonstrated the importance of the statements the board of directors make on a takeover-offer. This provides support to the belief that the board of directors should be able to be held responsible for careless statements with regards to an impending takeover-offer. Furthermore, the research shows that a lack of distinct conjunction between self-regulation and legislation could generate an inconsistent construction of what the content of the current law is at any given time.

Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971

Funke, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood. The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes. The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.

En studie i elevmotivation genom självreglerande lärande som metod för inlärning i moderna språk / A study on Learner Motivation by means of Learner Autonomy as Studying Technique in Modern Language Learning

Gehrke, Karina Wiebke January 2022 (has links)
Onödiga språkvalsbyten i moderna språk kan anses vara resultat av motivationsbrist kopplat till intrycket att glädje i språkvalsstudier inte leder till gymnasiebehörighet.  Denna studie ämnar undersöka och fördjupa kunskap om   a) samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation, samt b) samband mellan glädje och motivation.   Hattie och Zierer (2019) konstaterar att mer självreglering leder till ökad elevmotivation. För att pröva om denna slutsats kan verifieras, genomfördes en empirisk studie med lärarintervjuer som besvarade följande fråga: Vad anser lärare är en bra återkoppling till eleverna? För att kunna nå en slutsats i frågan om samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation etablerades först en definition av begreppet självreglering. I detta syfte användes en teori som står för uppsatsens analytiska ramverk. Ramverket baseras på författare som arbetar i linje med Richard M. Ryans och Edward L. Decis Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Då slutsatsen att mer självreglerande lärande leder till ökad elevmotivation inte kunde verifieras i min empiriska studie, genomfördes en noggrann litteraturstudie. Utifrån denna kunde jag sedan göra en analys av mina frågeställningar med anslutande diskussion. Resultatet antyder att lärare bör fokusera på elevmotivationens kvalitet, med den prototypiska  intrinsiska motivationen som mål, för att kunna motverka motivationsbristen i skolan. I detta forskningsarbete kom jag dessutom fram till slutsatsen att en högre motivation i allra högsta grad kan leda till ett mer effektivt lärande i allmänhet.     Nyckelord: effektivt lärande, elevmotivation, intrinsisk motivation, motivationsbrist, Self-Determination Theory, självreglering, återkoppling

A Novel Approach to Youth Crime Prevention: Mindfulness Meditation Classes in South African Townships / A Novel Approach to Youth Crime Prevention : Mindfulness Meditation Classes in South African Townships

Kneip, Katharina January 2020 (has links)
Children growing up in poor areas with high crime rates are shown to easily get involved in violent actions and criminal gangs. In South Africa, despite considerable efforts to reduce youth delinquency, youth crime rates are still disturbingly high – specifically, in the townships of the Cape Flats. This paper points out an important aspect previously unaddressed by most youth crime prevention: the subconscious roots of youth crime. What if we could develop youth crime prevention programs that manage to impact the subconscious behavioral patterns of youth in high crime areas? This paper proposes a  promising and cost-effective approach that has great potential to affect multipe causes of crime: mindfulness meditation. Built upon newest findings in Neuroscience, this paper suggests that mindfulness meditation classes are associated with a reduction in aggressive behavior, a risk factor for youth crime, and an increase in self-efficacy, a protective factor. The impact of mindfulness classes at a high school in Khayelitsha, a poor and violent-stricken township of Cape Town, is analyzed. Self-reported aggression and self-efficacy are measured via a psychometric survey questionnaire created from two well-tested and validated scales. Regression analyses of 384 survey answers provided mixed results. Whilst novice meditators were not associated with higher self-efficacy and lower aggression, long-term meditators performed better in several dimensions of self-efficacy and aggression, yet no significant relationship was found. Further research specifically needs to investigate the moderating effect of age (a proxy for psychological development) on meditation. This study aims to bridge the gap between the outdated paradigms of youth crime prevention and ancient wisdom via ground-breaking new evidence from the field of Neuroscience. This study furthermore hopes to point policy makers toward developing new, integrative and sustainable approaches to youth crime prevention – approaches that give back agency to our youth. / <p>Anders Westholm har inget med betygssättningen att göra annat än i rent formellt hänseende (examinator). Det är han som rapporterar in och skriver under men i sak är det seminarieledaren som har beslutet i sin hand. Statsvetenskapliga institutet har som princip att skilja på handledning och examination vilket innebär att handledaren inte får vara seminarieledare. Seminarieledare och personen som satt betygget var i det här fallet Sven Oskarsson: Sven.Oskarsson@statsvet.uu.se</p>

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