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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barns medierade värld : syskonsamspel, lek och konsumtion / Children's mediated world : Sibling interaction, play and consumption

Ågren, Ylva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on sibling interaction and children’s everyday media practices in their homes. Ten sibling pairs, aged four to nine years, have been followed in their homes during a six-month period with media ethnographic methods. The data mainly consist of video recorded sibling interactions. The thesis draws on sociocultural theories, cultural sociological perspectives and insights from social interaction research. The analyses are grounded in the social interaction and meaning making acts that take place in media activities in the home settings. However they also extend to a broader societal context, in order to show how social structure and social action are constantly interwoven in children’s lives. The thesis documents how the media represent an important part of the child's everyday culture. Media create key reference frames and common platforms for the children’s games and play activities. The siblings use media and various artifacts to negotiate, challenge or assume desirable positions. Media artefacts can also be used as a way to present oneself. The younger siblings progressively work their way into the older siblings’ media landscapes, and the elder siblings become guides or role models in handling video games, music, and YouTube activities. In addition to purely practical skills when it comes to handling the technical equipment, the older siblings also mediate local taste hierarchies, norms, and values. The thesis also describes how children are social actors who interpret and reinterpret the constant ongoing movements in the media landscape. Moreover, the thesis highlights how consumption is closely linked to media practices. Mobiles, games consoles and membership on virtual gaming sites become highly valued phenomena and status markers in children’s media worlds. / Detta arbete undersöker hur syskon samspelar och skapar mening och social ordning inom ramen för olika mediepraktiker. Med hjälp av medieetnografiska metoder har 14 barn i åldrarna fyra till nio år (tio olika syskonkonstellationer) följts i hemmiljö under en halvårsperiod. Materialet består främst av videoinspelad interaktion. Avhandlingen bygger på sociokulturella och kultursociologiska perspektiv, där individen ses som en aktiv, meningsskapande och samspelande aktör som påverkar och påverkas av sin sociala och kulturella kontext. Analysen är i huvudsak relaterad till de handlingar som äger rum i lokalt situerade aktiviteter och undersöker vad syskonen gör med medier i olika verksamheter, men visar även hur samhällelig kontext och barns aktörskap är parallella aspekter i barns liv. Avhandlingen synliggör hur medier utgör en stor och viktig del av barns vardagskultur. Medier är självklara referensramar och skapar gemensamma plattformar för barnens samtal och lekar. Syskonen använder medier och olika artefakter för att förhandla, utmana eller fördela positioner. Småsyskonen tar sig successivt in i de äldre syskonens medielandskap, medan de äldre ofta blir ledstjärnor eller ger sig själva tolkningsföreträde. Vidare visas hur kunskapsförmedling är ett väsentligt inslag mellan syskon. Utöver rent praktiska färdigheter i hur de tekniska apparaterna ska hanteras, förhandlas även smak, normer, värderingar och tillgång till symboliskt kapital. Spel, musik, TV, YouTube och medieartefakter används som resurser för självpresentation.  Analyserna pekar på barnens aktörskap; barnen tolkar, omtolkar, utmanar och förhandlar innebörder och föreställningar om vad som är kultur för barn. Avhandlingen belyser även hur konsumtion intimt hänger samman med mediepraktiker. Mobiler, spelkonsoler och medlemskap på virtuella spelsidor blir åtråvärda artefakter och statusmarkörer i barnens medievärldar.

Organiseringsprocesser i ett popband : bakom kulisser och mellan människor / Processes of organizing in a pop band

Malm, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Det finns ett gap mellan tanke och handling i mindre organisationer. Omedvetenhet om den egna verksamheten har lett till att både lyckad och misslyckad organisering getts missvisande förklaringar. Studiens syfte är därför att utveckla kunskap om och förståelse för organiseringsprocesser i mindre organisationer och specifikt i popband. Forskningsdesignen är en longitudinell fallstudie av ett popband. Metodologin har inspirerats av etnografi och har en abduktiv ansats. Den huvudsakliga datainsamlingstekniken har varit observation av chattande, men direkta observationer, intervjuer och reflektionsmöte har också genomförts. Resultaten visar hur popbandet organiseras i projekt och på vikten av komplexitet och den gemensamma mening som det kan skapa. Stöd har tagits i Czarniawskas organiseringsteori och Weicks teori om meningsskapande. Slutsatsen dras att ihållande och sammanhängande organiseringsprocesser är förbundna med kollektiva meningsprocesser. Strävan efter gemensam mening är en strävan efter att förverkliga organisationen som ett kollektiv. Implikationerna för välfungerande verksamhet i mindre organisationer föreslås vara att sträva efter komplexitet genom att involvera alla deltagares mest meningsfulla projekt i varandra, att schemalägga träffar och att sätta multipla deadlines, samt att undvika enväldigt ledarskap, att undvika konkurrerande kompiskollektiv, att undvika delegering och tilldelning av ansvarsområden och att undvika strävan efter en gemensam syn på verksamheten. / There is a gap between thought and action in smaller organizations. Unawareness of its own activities has led to misleading explanations for both successful and unsuccessful organizing. This study therefore aims to develop knowledge and understanding of processes of organizing in smaller organizations and specifically in pop bands. The research design is a longitudinal case study of a pop band. The methodology was inspired by ethnography and has an abductive approach. The main source for data collection has been observation of chatting, however direct observations, interviews and a meeting of stimulated recall has also been conducted. The results show how the pop band is organized in projects and the importance of complexity and the collective sense that it can make. Analysis is based on Czarniawska's theory of organizing and Weick's theory of sensemaking. It is concluded that sustained and coherent processes of organizing are associated with processes of collective sensemaking. An endeavor for collective sense is an endeavor to realize the organization as a collective. The implications for well-functioning activities in smaller organizations proposed to be to endeavor for complexity by involving the most sensible projects according to all participants into one another, and to schedule meetings and to have multiple deadlines, and avoid authoritarian leadership, avoid competing buddy collective, avoid delegation and allocation of areas of responsibility and avoid the pursuit of a common view.


Arveståhl, Beatrice, Lehtinen, Susan January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: In Sweden, a municipal plan monopoly is used to regulate what, how and where you can or cannot build. How the plans, in the shape of comprehensive and detailed development plans, are formed is in turn regulated by the Planning and Building Act (PBL). Throughout history, Swedish building regulations have gone through many more or less extensive changes with the overall goal to improve our built environment and simplify or streamline the planning and building processes. From this comes the term small deviation, which in PBL is used to allow building permits that deviate from the detailed development plan, provided that the deviation is small. There is, however, no explanation in the law as to what this might mean in practice, and so there are large differences in terms of interpretation and application. The goal of this study is to analyse how the term small deviation according to PBL, chapter 9 § 31b is interpreted and applicated in building permit trials. Method: The methods used in this study are interviews (with building permit officers) and document analysis (of building permit decisions from quarter two, 2016, and court cases from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal). Findings: How deviations are interpreted does indeed vastly differ, and while the municipalities do work in a similar manner to determine whether a deviation could be considered small, there are significant differences. Only in the matter of built area on a property, the three studied municipalities all have different practices in what size of violation may be considered small, and the building permit officers in one of these municipalities still deviate from this. In eight out of 13 court cases, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal judged differently from the previous authorities. Only in one did all authorities agree. Implications: The findings implicate the following: There are remarkable differences in how small deviation is assessed. De biggest differences are between the local building permit officers and the Land and Environment Court of Appeal. The factors that affect the assessment on a municipal level the most are experience, precedent cases and discussion with colleagues. Limitations: A wider study containing more information from several municipalities and an analysis of the material accessible to the municipalities for guidance to assess deviations would provide a clearer answer as to what affects the interpretation. Keywords: PBL, Planning and Building Act, building permits, law interpretation, interpretation, deviation, small deviation, deviation from detailed development plan, sensemaking, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal / Syfte: I Sverige används ett kommunalt planmonopol som regleras av Plan- och bygglagen (PBL) 2010:900. Planerna i form av översikts- och detaljplaner reglerar vad, hur och var man får eller inte får bygga. Genom åren har PBL många gånger genomgått mer eller mindre omfattande förändringar med det övergripande syftet att förbättra svensk byggd miljö och förenkla eller effektivisera plan- och byggprocessen, därför har begreppet liten avvikelse tillkommit i PBL. I författningen framgår att det trots avvikelser från planbestämmelser är möjligt att bevilja bygglov, förutsatt att avvikelsen är liten. Det saknas dock förklaringar i PBL kring vad detta kan innebära, och stora skillnader i bedömningen kring vad som kan anses vara en liten avvikelse finns. Målet med arbetet är att analysera hur begreppet liten avvikelse enligt PBL, kap 9 § 31b tolkas och appliceras vid bygglovshandläggning. Metod: De metoder som använts i undersökningen är intervjuer (med bygglovshandläggare) och dokumentanalys (av bygglovsbeslut kvartal två, 2016, och rättsfall i Mark- och miljööverdomstolen från 2016). Resultat: Resultatet visar att det finns stora skillnader i hur liten avvikelse tolkas och appliceras, både mellan olika instanser och på kommunal nivå. Medan kommunerna använder dylika metoder för att avgöra om en avvikelse kan anses vara liten, finns det även avsevärda skillnader i bedömningen. Bara när det gäller byggrätt har kommunerna i undersökningen riktvärden det är stor skillnad på. I åtta av 13 fall bedömde Mark- och miljööverdomstolen olika från samtliga tidigare instanser, och bara i ett fall var samtliga överens om graden av avvikelse. Konsekvenser: De slutsatser som kan dras från resultatet är att: Det finns anmärkningsvärda skillnader i hur liten avvikelse bedöms. De största skillnaderna är mellan den lokala nämnden och Mark- och miljööverdomstolen. Det som främst påverkar bedömningen på kommunal nivå är erfarenhet, prejudicerande rättsfall och diskussion med kollegor. Begränsningar: En bredare undersökning med fler kommuner och bygglovsbeslut från en längre tidsperiod i kombination med en analys av det material som finns för att hjälpa bygglovshandläggare bedöma avvikelser hade kunnat ge ett tydligare svar på vad som påverkar tolkningen. Det hade också gett ett tydligare svar på hur skillnaderna huvudsakligen ser ut, vilket i sin tur gjort det möjligt att ta fram förslag till lösningar. Nyckelord: PBL, Plan- och bygglagen, bygglov, lagtolkning, tolkning, avvikelse, liten avvikelse, avvikelse från detaljplan, meningsskapande, MÖD, Mark- och miljööverdomstolen

"There is no business on a dead planet" : En fallstudie av interna kommunikationsprocesser om hållbara arbetssätt i IT-konsultbranschen.

Pettersson, Anna, Larsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Sustainability has become increasingly important in global debates and in world politics, where the UN has formulated 17 sustainability goals. This has led to increased pressure on companies to focus more on sustainability. However, sustainability is a broad and difficult concept, where there is a lack of understanding of sustainable working methods. The purpose of the thesis is thus to study how companies transforms strategic approaches into something concrete and how it is communicated to organizations. Through a case study of a sustainability-leading IT consulting company, the research questions; "How does management translate sustainable strategies into concrete initiatives for communicating sustainable approaches?" and "What can be understood about the challenges of communicating sustainable ways of working through the organisations internal communicative processes?", is being answered. Based on the theoretical framework of the thesis, on Sensemaking and Double Loop Learning, the communication process has been mapped within the company, through semi-structured interviews supplemented with qualitative document analysis. The results show three main challenges: (1) to concrete sustainability and sustainable working methods; (2) to communicate and establish a unified understanding of sustainability and sustainable working practices throughout the organization; (3) to establish systems thinking for sustainable working methods.

It’s a Match: Predicting Potential Buyers of Commercial Real Estate Using Machine Learning

Hellsing, Edvin, Klingberg, Joel January 2021 (has links)
This thesis has explored the development and potential effects of an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) to predict potential buyers for commercial real estate property. The overarching need for an IDSS of this type has been identified exists due to information overload, which the IDSS aims to reduce. By shortening the time needed to process data, time can be allocated to make sense of the environment with colleagues. The system architecture explored consisted of clustering commercial real estate buyers into groups based on their characteristics, and training a prediction model on historical transaction data from the Swedish market from the cadastral and land registration authority. The prediction model was trained to predict which out of the cluster groups most likely will buy a given property. For the clustering, three different clustering algorithms were used and evaluated, one density based, one centroid based and one hierarchical based. The best performing clustering model was the centroid based (K-means). For the predictions, three supervised Machine learning algorithms were used and evaluated. The different algorithms used were Naive Bayes, Random Forests and Support Vector Machines. The model based on Random Forests performed the best, with an accuracy of 99.9%. / Denna uppsats har undersökt utvecklingen av och potentiella effekter med ett intelligent beslutsstödssystem (IDSS) för att prediktera potentiella köpare av kommersiella fastigheter. Det övergripande behovet av ett sådant system har identifierats existerar på grund av informtaionsöverflöd, vilket systemet avser att reducera. Genom att förkorta bearbetningstiden av data kan tid allokeras till att skapa förståelse av omvärlden med kollegor. Systemarkitekturen som undersöktes bestod av att gruppera köpare av kommersiella fastigheter i kluster baserat på deras köparegenskaper, och sedan träna en prediktionsmodell på historiska transkationsdata från den svenska fastighetsmarknaden från Lantmäteriet. Prediktionsmodellen tränades på att prediktera vilken av grupperna som mest sannolikt kommer köpa en given fastighet. Tre olika klusteralgoritmer användes och utvärderades för grupperingen, en densitetsbaserad, en centroidbaserad och en hierarkiskt baserad. Den som presterade bäst var var den centroidbaserade (K-means). Tre övervakade maskininlärningsalgoritmer användes och utvärderades för prediktionerna. Dessa var Naive Bayes, Random Forests och Support Vector Machines. Modellen baserad p ̊a Random Forests presterade bäst, med en noggrannhet om 99,9%.

The Goal of Literacy Teaching - to Complete School or to Make a Change? A Critical Analysis of Literacy Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms in South Africa

Krstic, Nicole, Nilsson, Nikki January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative minor field study is conducted in a multilingual public secondary school in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The aim is to analyse the literacy teaching from a critical literacy point of view and to gain new perspectives on how to work with literacy in multilingual classrooms in Sweden. The material was collected over approximately three weeks and consists of participant observations and two semi-structured group interviews with nine learners in total. The theoretical approach derives from a socio-cultural orientation and focuses on how unequal power relations are represented in language. Our results indicate a focus on individual learning of cognitive skills, for example, answering pre-written questions to a text in the work with reading comprehension. Furthermore, reading is considered important to be able to influence one’s own life and to connect with the surrounding society, as is good knowledge of English, which in turn is developed by reading. English is the language the learners are most used to use in school related activities and the language they feel confident to read in. In addition, the results show social, critical and transformative aspects of literacy. The teachers want to make use of the learners’ experiences in the teaching. Moreover, this goal is occasionally connected to a desire to empower the learners with agency to act for change. However, this desire is limited by the curriculum since it is forcing the teachers to teach at a certain pace. These results are then analysed by the use of Hilary Janks’ interdependent model for critical literacy by considering the consequences of focusing on any of its four parts – power, access, diversity and design – without any one of the others. We conclude that it is a challenge to design teaching that does not separate, but include cognitive, social, critical and transforming aspects of literacy in Sweden as well. Janks’ model can be used to design a teaching that includes these aspects to a greater extent and thereby create a more inclusive multilingual learning environment. Finally, we suggest that theories about critical literacy should be added to both teacher education and to the steering documents.

Lost in Space : Sökandet efter mening hos människan i Titan A.E.

Fogelholm, Jens January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the depiction of meaningfulness and meaning-making, as seen in human characters in the 2000 animated science fiction film Titan A.E. (directed by Don Bluth). The analysis aims to show how Titan A.E. portrays a collective humanity in their search for a meaningful existence, given the outer space setting of its story. Evil is also brought up, in the context of how it creates meaning within the main narrative of the story. The emotions expressed by the story's characters are treated as if they were real. Meaningfulness and meaning-making get exemplified in both dialogue and visual components seen in the film. In addition to this, some reflection is made on the promotional trailers of Titan A.E. and how their displayed contents differ from the finished product. In parallel to the main analysis, there is a wider discussion made about the relationship between films and their real-world process of production, especially regarding whether theological reflection and the film industry can intersect or not.

Trolla med normer snarare än "rätt och fel". En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar av och kunskaper kring att arbeta med genus och drama i förskolan. / Troll with norms, rather than "right and wrong"

Michailidou, Efthymia, Herraiz Caldenius, Natalia January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka pedagogers uppfattningar av och kunskaper kring att arbeta med genus och drama samt att belysa vilka eventuella utmaningar de möter i arbetet. Studien präglas av kvalitativ metod och utgår ur ett socialkonstruktionistisk perspektiv. Vår ambition var att samla in pedagogernas erfarenheter och uppfattningar i relation till hur normkritisk pedagogik och genusfrågor synliggörs i barns dramalek därför har vi använt intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet visade att samtliga intervjuade pedagoger uppfattar och använder drama som en pedagogisk kontext för att undersöka jämställdhet tillsammans med barn på ett lekfullt sätt. Detta, i sin tur, belyser dramas kraft som ett normbrytande pedagogiskt verktyg. Resultatet visade även hur pedagogernas förhållningssätt i relation till normer och stereotyper påverkar och utformar sättet barn upplever normer och stereotyper samt hur dramapedagogik bidrar till barns normkritiskt tänkande. Till sist, tydliggjordes hur viktigt pedagogernas medvetandegörande och närvaro är för att styra lärandet utifrån barns behov, medan olika utmaningar som uppstår bör lösas genom en god kollegial och föräldrasamverkan. / The purpose of the study was to investigate educators' perceptions of and knowledge about working with gender and drama and to shed light on the possible challenges they face in their work. The study is characterized by a qualitative method and is based on a social constructionist perspective. Our ambition was to collect the educators' experiences and perceptions in relation to how norm-critical pedagogy and gender issues are made visible in children's drama play, which is why we have used interviews as a data collection method. The results showed that all interviewed educators perceive and use drama as a pedagogical context to investigate gender equality with children in a playful way. This, in turn, highlights the power of drama as a norm-breaking pedagogical tool. The results also showed how the educators' attitudes in relation to norms and stereotypes affect and shape the way children experience norms and stereotypes and how drama pedagogy contributes to children's norm-critical thinking. Finally, it was clarified how important the educators' awareness and presence is to guide learning based on children's needs, while various challenges that arise should be solved through good collegial and parent collaboration.

Post-human Hospitality? Opportunities and risks with AI : An exploratative case study of AI in the hospitality industry of Värmland / Posthumanistiskt värdskap? Möjligheter och risker med AI : En explorativ fallstudie av AI inom besöksnäringen i Värmland

Wannemo, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
The thesis is an explorative case study focusing on the hospitality in the region of Värmland in Sweden as conceived by stakeholders in the hospitality industry. The purpose of this thesis is to expand the knowledge of how AI impacts the meaning of hospitality, by mapping how stakeholders within the different parts of the touristic system perceives and uses AI development of experiences and services that combine physical and digital spaces. Previous research in connection with AI and the hospitality industry laid the foundation for the result and analysis in the thesis. Selected theory dealt with tourism, hospitality, digitalisation, technological fixes and hybrid spaces. A hospitality perspective was selected to highlight the essence of human-to-human interaction, while also including how AI can influence interaction and services in physical and digital spaces, going beyond the focus on economical promises usually taken in tourism studies of AI. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with stakeholders of the hospitality industry in Värmland. The interview guides were based on the previous research and theoretical framework, which aided the process of gathering relevant empirical data from respondents of the different stakeholder groups, thus, contributing adequate answers to the research questions. With these means it was possible to see and map the different perspectives on what effects AI has on hospitality. The conclusion shows that the hospitality industry in Värmland is gradually exploring AI, with only a few stakeholders actively involved in projects with AI. There is a significant interest due to AI's potential to improve efficiency and create new offerings, but limited financial and human resources especially for the many small businesses in the region, along with a lacking mature state of AI hinder widespread adoptions. Stakeholders believe that AI will align with tourist needs, impacting power dynamics between tourists and destinations. AI is expected to paradoxically affect hospitality by potentially increasing or decreasing human interactions, with tourists increasingly becoming producers of their own experiences. Tourists generally have a neutral stance on AI in hospitality, preferring its use in information gathering and travel planning rather than as the experience itself. Human interaction remains highly valued, suggesting AI will rather enhance than replace it, leading to a setting of post-human hospitality. Looking ahead, stakeholders approach AI cautiously, acknowledging the need to address data privacy, regulation, and power dynamics. They see opportunities in AI but remain wary of ethical and societal implications.

Arns makt : Representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål i berättelserna om tempelriddaren Arn / The Power of Arn : Representations of Power, Positive Capital and Aims in Life in the Narratives about Arn the Knight Templar

Särnbrink, My January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar böckerna och filmerna om Arn och undersöker genom berättelserna vilka representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål som gestaltas. Uppsatsen baseras på den teoretiska tanken att populärkultur innehåller representationer med budskap, värderingar, normer och föreställningar gällande vår verklighet och därigenom påverkar vår uppfattning om världen, vår plats i samhället, vår identitet och vår uppfattning om vad som är värdefullt, viktigt och sant. / My Särnbrink hette tidigare My Ravin.

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