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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Process-identifiering inom HMLV-miljöer : En studie som identifierar processer för förbättringsarbeten inom High-Mix/Low-Volume-miljöer

Josefsson, Simon, Mattus, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur High-Mix/Low-Volume (HMLV) företag kan identifiera processer med förbättringspotential och sedan effektivisera dem. För att uppnå syftet skapades två frågeställningar: [1] Vilka processer i HMLV-företag har störst förbättringspotential? [2] Hur kan HMLV-företag effektivisera och förbättra sina processer? Metod – Studien är en enfallstudie som består främst av insamlade kvalitativa data men även kvantitativa data. Data samlades in via tre metoder intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. Observationer, dokumentstudier och ostrukturerade intervjuer utfördes sedan på fallföretaget med målet att kartlägga dess processer. Avslutningsvis utfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med nyckelpersoner på företaget. Triangulering användes vid alla metoder för att fastställa och öka validiteten. Avslutningsvis jämfördes det teoretiska ramverket med den insamlade data föra att besvara frågeställningarna. Resultat – Studiens resultat baseras på leans sju slöserier och SIPOC (Supply-Input-Process-Output-Customer). Det resulterade i att inköps- och projekteringsprocessen var de som hade störst förbättringspotential. Utifrån detta resultat framkom det att metoder som kan användas för att effektivisera HMLV-företag är 5S, anställdas involvering och kvalitet från ursprung skapade. Samt kom det också fram att Business Process Management (BPM) passade in för effektiviseringsarbete. Implikationer – Resultatet för denna studie kan vara relevant för andra HMLV-företag. Andra företag kan använda sig av samma metoder för att identifiera förbättringspotential. Då kan lean-verktyg och BPM appliceras för att effektivisera verksamheten. HMLV-företag bör anpassa metodiken från denna studie till sin egen kontext, vilket betyder att det kräver kompetens inom processidentifiering, förbättringsarbeten och effektivisering.  Begränsningar – För denna studie finns det tre begräsningar. Den första begränsningen är att studien enbart undersöker processidentifiering och berör inte implementering. Insamlingen av empiri under projektets gång har varit begränsad på grund av COVID-19 och avståndet mellan studenterna och fallföretaget. Den avslutande begränsningen är att studien endast undersöker BPM och lean relaterat till HMLV-miljöer. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how HMLV companies can identify their processes with potential for improvements and then streamline them. To accomplish the purpose two research questions have been made: [1] What processes in HMLV-companies have the biggest potential for improvement? [2] How can an HMLV-companies increase their efficiency and improve their processes? Method – The study is a case study that consists mainly of collecting qualitative data but also some quantitative data. Data was collected via three methods, interview, observations, and document studies. Observations, document studies, and unstructured interviews were then performed at the case company with the aim of mapping its processes. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted with key people at the company. Triangulation was used in all methods to determine and increase the validity. Finally, the theoretical framework was compared with the data collected to answer the study’s questions.  Findings - The study results were based on leans seven types of wastes and SIPOC (Supply-Input-Process-Output-Customer). As a result, the purchasing and design processes were the ones with the greatest potential for improvement. Based on this result, it emerged that methods that can streamline HMLV-companies are 5S, employee involvement, and quality at the source. It was also revealed that Business Process Management (BPM) was suitable for streamlining work. Implications – The results of this study may be relevant to other HMLV-companies. Other companies can use the same methods to identify potential for improvement.  Then lean tools and BPM can be applied to streamline their operations. HMLV-companies should adopt the methodology from this study to their own context, which means that it requires competence in process identification, improvement work, and efficiency. Limitations – For this study, there are three limitations. The first limitation is that the study only examines process identification and does not concern implementation. The collection of empirical data during the project has been limited due to COVID-19 and the distance between the students and the case company. The final limitation is that the study only examines BPM and lean related to HMLV environments.

"Literature should reflect the basic principles of our existence" : A mediality analysis of Mo Yan´s Life and Death are Wearing Me Out

Fältström, Anneliese January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to use an intermedial theory to analyse and contextualize embodiment and violence in the Chinese author Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out. I use Jørgen Bruhn’s mediality model, introduced in The Intermediality of Narrative Literature: Medialities Matter (2016), to analyse medial phenomena such as intra- and intermediality in the novel. Bruhn’s model mainly covers relations between several media and within a single medium. The focus of this study lies on the blending of different media within the novel. My hypothesis is that the depiction of embodied violence in the novel is a literary strategy, based on cognitive functions and Chinese oral traditions to communicate historical events, as well as through an intermedial depiction of those events, a way to avoid censorship. Of particular importance to this study are medial phenomena connected to visualization of memories, and intermediality as discipline a voice between media texts, to establish how a literary text through narrative techniques can create an illusion of cinematic blending. I see this as an illustration of the historical hierarchical struggle between art forms. This is a broader perspective on literary depiction in Mo Yan’s novel than generally can be found in interpretations originating in a Western discourse. The result of my study shows that medial phenomena such as inter- and intramediality are woven into a narrative theme of remembrance of historical political events. Such memories are communicated through depictions of embodied violence, as well as the impact of trauma on anonymous bodies reminiscent of cinematic techniques, heightened by the metafictive voice of Mo Yan within the novel. It is a perspective that is also accentuated through auditory and visual elements that recall the ability of audio-visual media techniques to create identification with exposed bodies through close-up depictions of body and violence. Hence, Mo Yan has constructed a grid of medial phenomena in the novel through which he is able to convey historical processes without risking censorship.

Levd islam i svenska läroböcker : En kvalitativ innehålls- och bildanalys av levd islam i svenska läroböcker / Islam In Swedish Textbooks : A Qualitative Content and Image Analysis of Lived Islam in Swedish Textbooks

Ahmeti, Andin January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines the perspective of lived Islam. This is based on a qualitative content analysis and an image analysis of a selection of teaching materials for religous education in upper secondary schools in Sweden. The theoretical basis of the essay is the seven dimensions of lived religion presented by Enstedt and Planck and Jackson's interpretive approach. The 20th century globalization and influx of refugees has been a deciding factor in making Islam the second-largest religion in Sweden, which means that Muslims are no longer seen as residents in a place far away from Swedish society but as an integral part of it. Previous research has shown that teaching materials are frequently used in teaching, and many students feel that there is a discrepancy concerning the religion they face in the school subject to religious education with the religion they practice themselves. The result shows that the selected material adresses several aspects of lived religion, but that lived Islam is more complicated than it seems. This is because there is a great variation of Islam around the world and within countries. In other words, it is difficult to improve the presentation of lived religion without impairing understanding elsewhere. For example, a textbook can fulfill all aspects of lived religion, but only show a specific way of living. In other words, does a good presentation of the conservative Baptist church in the United States of America not neccesarily match the lived religion of a liberal Christians in Europe or Africa. Similarly, the picture of Islam does not match the variety that exists both nationally and internationally.The presence of lived Islam can be identified in the selected sample of textbooks. However, an improvment is needed, and more specifically, all textbooks should highlight more people who present and represent their way of life based on the religion in question. This is because previous research shows great variation within Islam depending on everything from the country one lives in, the laws that exist there, their family, social circle and the individual himself. The question is, on the other hand, how to achieve this without losing the interest of the pupils by creating too comprehensive books, which in turn also means that they will not be able to spend as much time on the other religions or the subject of religion in general.

Mer än bara läsutveckling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svensklärares syn på skönlitteratur som pedagogiskt material för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag i årskurs 4–6 / More than just reading development : a qualitative interview study about teachers’ views on fiction as pedagogical material in the school subject of Swedish in order to meet the school’s two missions in the grades 4–6

Nyberg, Lydia January 2024 (has links)
Skönlitteratur ska inkluderas i svenskundervisningen men samtidigt minskar elevernas läsförståelse. Skolan har ett dubbelt uppdrag i form av kunskaps- och värdegrundsuppdraget som ska genomsyra hela verksamheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka svensklärares erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om att använda skönlitteratur för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag i årskurs 4–6. Detta görs utifrån följande frågeställningar: Vad anser lärare är svenskämnets huvuduppgift? Hur använder lärare skönlitteratur som pedagogiskt material? Hur ser lärare på att använda skönlitteratur för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag? Resultatet kopplas till Svedners (1999) teoretiska tolkning av svenskämnet genom hans sju ambitioner. Materialet samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem verksamma lärare i årskurs 4–6. Resultatet visar att utifrån det som lärare uttrycker så är färdighetsambitionen i fokus. Däremot ingår fler av ambitionerna när lärarna beskriver hur skönlitteratur används och kan användas. Det framkommer även att lärare anser att skönlitteratur är ett bra sätt att inkludera värdegrund i svenskämnet men att det kräver planering och kan gynnas av att lärare arbetar tillsammans och arbetar med teman. / Fiction should be included in the Swedish school subject but at the same time the pupils’ reading comprehension decreases. The school have two missions that it needs to include, the knowledge mission and the value mission. The purpose of this study is to review teachers of Swedish experience of and their view on fiction to meet the two missions in middle school. This will be done by answering following questions: What do the teachers consider to be the main purpose of the Swedish school subject? How do teachers include fiction in their teaching as a pedagogical material? How do teachers view the usage of fiction to fulfill the schools two missions? The result is put in relation to Svedner’s (1999) theoretical interpretation of the Swedish school subject through his seven ambitions. The material was collected through semi-structured interviews with five active teachers in the grades 4–6. The result shows that what the teachers express is related to the ambition of skill being in focus. However, more of the ambitions could be seen when the teachers describe how they use fiction and how fiction could be used. The result also shows that the teachers find fiction to be a helpful resource to include the value mission in the subject of Swedish, but that it requires a lot of planning and that could be more efficient if teachers work together and work with themes.

Analys och förbättringsförslag av navigation i arbetsflöden ett business support system / Analysis and suggestions for navigation workflow improvement in a business support system

Lagne, Julia, Burlin, Queenie January 2023 (has links)
Den teknik som används i vart moderna samhalle utvecklas konstant och likaså kraven for att användargranssnitten är effektiva och användarupplevelsen god. Ett användargränssnitt bestämmer på vilket sätt en användare interagerar med ett system eller en mjukvara, och användarupplevelsen definierar hur användaren upplever denna interaktion. Dessa benämns även som User Interface (UI) och User Experience (UX). Studiens syfte var att analysera den existerande implementationen av ett systems anvandargränssnitt, för att sedan föreslå förbättringar inom dess UI och UX. Förbättringsförslagen baserades på existerande forskning kring interaktion mellan användare och datorbaserade verktyg. I studien har kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder tillämpats för att besvara studiens två forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan ”Vilka brister finns i den grafiska designen ur användarens perspektiv för den befintliga plattformen?” besvarades genom observationer och personliga intervjuer. Den andra forskningsfrågan ”Hur kan en förbättrad grafisk design se ut för den befintliga plattformen?” besvarades genom att ta fram en förbättrad utformning av den grafiska designen. Detta gjordes i form av en mockup som baserades på Normans design principer, Ware gestaltlagar och ISO-standard. Avgränsningen som gjordes var att analysera ett specifikt business support system och ett antal arbetsuppgifter som är vanliga inom kundtjanst. Resultatet från observationen visade att majoriteten av testanvändarna hade svårigheter med att utföra uppgiften som berörde framfor allt komponenten ”adress” inom den utsatta tidsramen. Detta var även nagot som påtalades av respondenterna under intervjuerna. En av orsakerna till svårigheterna kunde kopplas till utformningen av den grafiska designen för den specifika funktionen. Detta var en av de förbattringar som sedan gjordes i förslagen av en ny design som presenterades i analysen. Med grund i observationerna och intervjuerna har studien visat vikten av ett användarvanligt anvädargranssnitt och god användarupplevelse. Men även att det ar möjligt att tillämpa den existerande teorin på ett modernt systems grafiska design. / The technology used in our modern society is constantly evolving and so are the requirements for an efficient and user-friendly user interface and user experience. A user interface decides the way a user interacts with a system or software, and the user experience defines how the user experiences this interaction. These are also called User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). The purpose of the study was to analyze the existing implementation of a system's user interface and suggest improvements within its UI and UX based on existing research on interaction between users and computer-based tools. In the study, quantitative and qualitative methods have been applied to answer the study's two research questions. The first research question "What are the shortcomings of the graphic design from the user's perspective for the existing platform?" was answered through observations and personal interviews. The second research question "How can an improved graphic design look like for the existing platform?" was answered by developing an improved implementation of the graphic design. This was done in the form of mockup’s based on Norman’s design principles, Ware gestalt laws and ISO-standard. The delimitation that was made was to analyze a specific business support system and several tasks that are common within customer services. The results from the observation demonstrated that most of the test users had especially difficult to perform the task which concerned the component “address” within the set time frame, and this was also something that was raised by the respondents during the interviews. One of the reasons for the difficulties could be linked to the graphic design for the specific function. This was one of the improvements that was later made in the new design proposal that was presented in the analysis. Based on the observations and interviews, the study has shown the importance of a user-friendly user interface and user experience, and that it is possible to apply the existing theory to a modern system's graphic design.

From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films / Från Snövit till Frost : En utvärdering av populära könsrepresentations-indikatorer tillämpade på Disneys prinsessfilmer

Nyh, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods. / <p>Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)</p>

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