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Styrförändringar i offentlig sektor : En praktisk tillämpning av tillitsbaserad styrningGummesson, Malin, Slaveska, Martina January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The abundance of reforms that have characterized governance in the public sectorin recent decades has shown a discrepancy between the reforms ambition and outcome, as the results of the reform implementation rarely reach expectations. In 2016, the government appointed a delegation with the aim of developing a new way of working that was based ontrust to deal with the problems that were perceived to exist in the public sector, the working method that was developed is called trust-based governance (TBS). As TBS is a relatively new and Swedish concept, there is a lack of empirical evidence on how various public authorities have introduced trust-based governance and developed their governance. Aim: The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about governance changes in the public sector and trust-based governance (TBS). To achieve this, the change work in a selected municipality that claims to work with TBS will be studied. Method: The study is a qualitative case study in a selected municipality, Östra Göinge. The empirical collection consists of two parts; first describes TBS based on Tilitsdelegationen definition and then TBS is examined in the selected municipality. The empirical collection from the municipality is mainly based on interviews with respondents on strategic, tactical and operationa levels but has been supplemented with documents from the municipality. Conclusion: Östra Göinge's change work has been developed with inspiration from the private sector and not based on the work of Tillitsdelegationen, but the municipality's current governance can be equated with the description of TBS that the delegation emphasizes. The municipality has influenced the delegation's work regarding the design of the trust reform, which shows that the design of public governance reforms can be influenced by the public sector. Furthermore, Östra Göinge's change work is described as an ongoing and dynamic process in which successive adjustments of control have been made in order to fix the gaps that exist between ambition and outcome. The outcome of the change work is judged to have been affected by; interpretation, intra-organizational factors, organizational characteristics, sedimentation, and contradictions, and of five challenges that exist with TBS as a way of governance; culture clashes, dismissals, difficulties in maintaining TBS and that there are no exact limits to the employee's playing field. / Inledning: Den uppsjö av reformer som har präglat styrningen av den offentliga sektorn under de senaste decennierna årtioenderna har påvisat en avvikelse mellan reformers ambition och utfall, då utfallet av reforminförandet sällan når upp till förväntningarna. 2016 tillsatte regeringen en delegation vars syfte var att utveckla ett nytt arbetssätt med tillit som utgångspunkt för att hantera de problem som upplevdes finnas inom den offentliga sektorn, detta nya arbetssätt kom att kallas tillitsbaserad styrning (TBS). Då TBS är ett svenskt och relativt nytt koncept saknas det empiriska underlag på hur olika offentliga myndigheter har anammat TBS och utvecklat sin styrning. Syfte: Syftet med denna studien är att öka kunskapen om styrförändringar i offentlig sektor och tillitsbaserad styrning (TBS). För att uppnå det här kommer ett förändringsarbete i en vald kommun som uppger sig arbeta med TBS studeras. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie av en vald kommun, Östra Göinge. Empiriinsamlingen består av två delar; den första beskriver TBS utifrån Tilitsdelegationens definition och sedan undersöks TBS i den valda kommunen. Empiriinsamlingen från kommunen bygger främst på intervjuer med respondenter på strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå men har kompletterats med underlag från kommunen. Slutsats: Östra Göinges förändringsarbete har tagits fram med inspiration från den privata sektorn och inte utifrån Tillitsdelegationens arbete. Kommunens nuvarande styrning kan likställas med den beskrivning av TBS som delegationen framhåller. Kommunen har påverkat delegationens arbete kring utformningen av TBS och resultatet visar att utformningen av offentliga styrreformer kan påverkas av den privata sektorn. Vidare beskrivs Östra Göinges förändringsarbete som en pågående och dynamisk process där successiva justeringar har gjorts för att åtgärda gapen mellan ambition och utfall. Utfallet av förändringsarbetet bedöms ha orsakats av; tolkning, intraorganisatoriska faktorer, organisatoriska karaktärsdrag, sedimentation och motstridigheter. Det identifierades också fem utmaningar med TBS som styrsätt; kulturkrockar, uppsägningar, svårigheter att upprätthålla styrsättet samt att det inte finnsexakta gränser för spelplanen.
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Teachers’ Interpretations ofthe Reading Strategies in the ESL Syllabus : A Mixed Method Study on the Possible Advantages andDisadvantages of the Phrasing of Reading Strategies in theRevised ESL Syllabus for Swedish Upper Secondary School / Lärares tolkningar av lässtrategierna i ämnesplanen för engelska : En multimetodstudie om de möjliga fördelarna och nackdelarna med formuleringen av lässtrategier i denreviderade ämnesplanen för engelska i den svenska gymnasieskolanBrude, Frida, Öhman Ekman, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers interpret the reading strategies in the revised English as aSecond Language (ESL) syllabus from 2021, and what advantages and disadvantages they see with the syllabuswhen they teach reading strategies. Previous studies suggest that it is beneficial to teach reading strategies in school.The revised ESL syllabus for upper secondary in Sweden mentions reading strategies but gives no definition orinstruction, making it the teachers’ responsibility to choose an interpretation. However, there is not much researchon the interpretation of reading strategies in ESL in a Swedish context nor in upper secondary school.The study was made through interviews, which where analysed thematically, and a survey, where univariate analysiswas used. The results showed that most teachers were confident using and explaining the strategies, but ofteninterpreted them in different ways. The results also showed that while most teachers think the phrasing in thesyllabus is clear, there are some ambiguities. Most teachers also said they had the resources they needed, but somedidactic resources were mentioned as lacking by some.Conclusions from these results are: that the revised ESL syllabus provides room for interpretation and gives teachersautonomy which they see as positive; that the differences in strategy interpretation can affect the students’ right toequal education; that there are strategies of which teachers are unsure; and that the lack of some resources is anobstacle in the implementation of the syllabus and the teaching of reading strategies. Implications of this thesis arethat policy makers can use it in their development of future educational policy documents, and that teachers can useit to educate themselves on their role in interpreting the syllabus in their work.
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Kvinnor om kvinnor i nytestamentliga berättelser : Vad kvinnliga exegeter lyfter fram i berättelser där Jesus interagerar med kvinnor / Women regarding women in stories from the New Testament : What female exegetes highlights in stories where Jesus interacts with womenEvavoll, Robin January 2018 (has links)
Den svenska skolan skall bl.a. vila på en kristen tradition enligt Lgr 11, men benämner inte närmre vems kristna tradition eller hur denna tradition bör ta sin form i klassrummet. Att tolka den kristna traditionen kan göras på många sätt, men för att exemplifiera problematiken i tolkningar så utgår uppsatsen från att belysa hur mångfacetterat ett resultat kan bli även vid ett par utvalda bibelberättelser från en relativt homogen grupp uttolkare. Syftet för den här konsumtionsuppsatsen är att undersöka vad kvinnliga exegeter belyser när de beskriver hur kvinnor interagerar med Jesus i två utvalda berättelser ur Nya testamentets evangelier. Exegeternas beskrivningar utreds också komparativt för att finna skiljaktigheter och liknelser. Vidare förs det även en didaktisk diskussion kopplat till skolans religionsundervisning om hur tolkningar kring en och samma berättelse som didaktiskt medel kan berika undervisningssammanhang i klassrummet. Resultatet i uppsatsen visar både hur exegeterna har laborerat fram sina tolkningar och vad dessa tolkningar resulterat i för bibelberättelserna. I ett komparativt arbetssätt utvidgar exegeterna kontexten för bibelberättelserna på macronivå för att understödja den närmre analys de för på micronivå. De finner stöd i bl.a. lingvistik, utombibliska dokument och kulturella företeelser för att understödja deras argumentation om kvinnorna i de bibliska berättelserna. Kvinnorna i de båda bibliska berättelserna porträtteras på ett nytt sätt och utmärks av vissa exegeter till både apostel och lärjunge. Resultatet för den religionsdidaktiska diskussionen utmynnas i både hur elever och främst lärare bör anamma en reflexivitet för att granska sig själva och hur tolkningar görs i vardagen för att kartlägga mönster där exotifiering och maktförskjutningar sker när religioner behandlas i klassrummet. Religionsdidaktikernas pedagogiska verktyg gynnar elevernas analyserande förmågor och kritiska tänkande vid exempelvis komparativa tolkningsövningar av urkunder. Hos läraren uppmanas en självkännedom genom att aktivt kunna belysa hur tolkningar av religioner förs i klassrummet och ifall det görs på någons bekostnad. Genus förs som en diskussionspunkt i förhållande till uppsatsens val att låta kvinnor ta plats och tolka religion. Genom genus kan en androgyn syn på religionsdidaktik framföras och låta en inkludering ske i religionsdiskursen där kvinnor inte längre är en åtskild minoritet inom religion, utan en aktiv och inkluderande part.
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Abraham's Final Lekh-Lekha : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the Akedah / Abraham’s Final לך-לך : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the AkedahSaleh, Leo January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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De grundläggande rättsprinciperna vid direktupphandling : HFD 2018 ref. 60 och EU-rätten / The General Principles of Swedish Direct Awards : HFD 2018 ref. 60 and EU LawLignell, Elias January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the general principles in European Union (EU) public procurement law, as they apply to Swedish direct awards of low value, outside the scope of the EU procurement directives. A combination of Swedish and EU legal methodology is used to investigate two overarching themes. Firstly, the two different legal bases of the general principles, in the light of the Court of Justice of the EU’s definition of cross-border interest, as well as the Swedish implementation. Secondly, the central substantive consequences imposed by the principles on direct awards. The only national precedent on the subject, HFD 2018 ref. 60 of the Supreme Administrative Court, is both utilised and criticised against the backdrop of EU law to paint a picture of the principles’ inner workings in a direct award context. Pertaining to the first theme, an analysis of the applicability of EU primary law on direct awards is undertaken in order to distinguish the legal bases of the principles. If a contract is of certain cross-border interest, the general principles flow directly from EU law. In the absence of such an interest, the principles are exclusively based in Swedish law, which nationally extends the EU principles to all procurement (gold-plating). Overall, contracts valued below a quarter of the applicable EU directive threshold usually lack certain cross-border interest, unless there are concrete indications of the opposite. As a result, most direct awards fall outside the scope of EU law. An awareness of the legal bases of the principles is relevant to avoid breaches of EU primary law. It is argued that the Swedish gold-plated implementation of the general principles causes unnecessary uncertainty, and that separate national principles should be introduced outside the scope of EU primary law. As for the second theme, a thorough analysis concludes that the principles do not prohibit direct awards given without any exposure to competition, as long as the contracts are of low enough value. Direct awards can therefore be conducted through direct contact with a single supplier, in accordance with the legislative aims of the procedure. This may not be the case for social and other specific services of relatively high value. Nonetheless, the principles still affect direct awards, for instance in prohibiting flagrant cases of differential treatment without objective justification, based in arbitrary or corrupt decision-making. Unfortunately, these requirements are able to be circumvented due to the wide discretion given to procuring entities. On the other hand, if a direct award procedure is voluntarily advertised, the principles have greater practical significance. Still, the requirements in such cases are more lenient than in ordinary procurement procedures.
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From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films / Från Snövit till Frost : En utvärdering av populära könsrepresentations-indikatorer tillämpade på Disneys prinsessfilmerNyh, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods. / <p>Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)</p>
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