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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the User Requirements and Product Specifications for Home-Use of the ABLE Exoskeleton / Analys av användarkrav och produktspecifikationer för hemmabruk av ABLE Exoskeleton

Kreamer-Tonin, Katlin January 2021 (has links)
Lower-limb exoskeletons are an emerging technology to provide walking assistance to people who have a spinal cord injury (SCI). Until now, exoskeletons have primarily been used in a clinical setting for a range of applications in rehabilitation, and there is potential for exoskeletons to be used by people with SCI at home. Daily walking with an exoskeleton contributes significantly to physical and mental health of the user, but previous work has concluded that further development is required before exoskeletons are broadly adopted for this purpose. ABLE Human Motion is currently working to create a lightweight and intuitive exoskeleton for home use. To understand how this exoskeleton must be designed differently from clinical rehabilitation exoskeletons, it is necessary to understand the user requirements of the device in depth. This thesis explored: 1) what methodology is appropriate for evaluating home use exoskeletons, 2) what users want to use a personal exoskeleton for, and 3) what design changes distinguish an exoskeleton for home use instead of rehabilitation. This was done using a combination of literature review, hazard analysis, user observations (n=7), user interviews (n=7), and physiotherapist interviews (n=3) to derive a detailed set of user requirements and product specifications for a personal exoskeleton for home use. Interviews were conducted face-to-face and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results of the study show that users primarily want to use a personal exoskeleton for daily exercise and wellness activities, in outdoor environments, and around the theme of “like-everyone-else”. Therapists added an additional theme of user trust in the device. These insights have been translated into a set of prioritized user requirements and product specifications for a lower-limb exoskeleton for walking assistance after SCI, which can be used in the future design and development of such a device. Future work will be to develop testing setups to further explore the product specifications, and to conduct observation studies of the exoskeleton being used in a home-like environment. / Exoskelett för de nedre extremiteterna är en framväxande teknik för att ge gångassistans till personer som har en ryggmärgsskada. Hittills har exoskelett främst använts i en klinisk miljö för en rad tillämpningar inom rehabilitering, men det finns potential för exoskelett att användas av personer med ryggmärgsskada för personligt bruk i hemmet. För att förstå hur personliga exoskelett måste utformas annorlunda än kliniska exoskelett är det nödvändigt att på djupet förstå användarens krav på enheten. Detta projekt använde en kombination av litteraturgranskning, riskanalys, användarobservationer, användarintervjuer och fysioterapeutintervjuer för att härleda en detaljerad uppsättning användarkrav och produktspecifikationer för ett personligt exoskelett för hemmabruk. Intervjuer analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultaten av studien visar att användarna i första hand vill använda ett personligt exoskelett för dagliga tränings- och hälsoaktiviteter, i utomhusmiljöer och på temat ”som alla andra”. Andra viktiga teman för framtida utveckling var kring användarnas förtroende för enheten och bibehållande av motivation för daglig träning. Dessa teman har översatts till en uppsättning prioriterade användarkrav och produktspecifikationer för ett nedre extremitetsskelett för gångassistans efter en ryggmärgsskada som kan användas i framtida design och utveckling av en sådan enhet.

Feedback på din hemmaträning : En analys av designförslag för ett korrigerande verktyg via projektion / Feedback on your at home exercising : An analysis on design proposals for a corrective tool through projection

Hernandez, Cherstin, Kronman, Maya January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats jämförs designförslag för visuell korrigerande feedback via projektor i hemmatränings miljö för att se vilken design och vilka design kombinationer som skulle vara användbart och tydligast att förstå för en användare. I och med covid 19 har det lett till att det är mer aktuellt att träna hemifrån istället för på gym för att minska smittrisken. Men i och med att det ofta inte finns samma stödjande verktyg hemma som på gym (ex. speglar och instruktörer) så kan det leda till att övningar utförs fel och kan leda till skador. Tidigt inne i utforskandet av digitala verktyg för hemmaträning kunde man se en kunskapslucka. Forskning och förslag finns runt området men få verktyg för just hemmaträning. Genom att använda tidigare forskning och tidigare kurslitteratur som bas till designförslagen så skapades det tre olika designförslag. De förslagen användes i kvalitativa intervjuer för att bedöma och kritisera de förslagen som presenterades. Efter intervjuerna evaluerades designförslagen för att landa i ett användbart och tydligt designförslag av visuell korrigerande feedback via projektor. / In this paper, design for visual corrective feedback through projection in at-home-exercising environments is compared to see what design and what design combinations would be usable and most understandable. With the Covid 19 pandemic it has become more actual to start exercising from home instead of going to gyms and increase the infection risk of the virus. However, with most homes not having all the helpful tools that the gyms might have (eg. mirrors and instructors), leads to practitioners not exercising the correct way which in turn might lead to the practitioners receiving injuries rather than the desired results. Early on in the research on digital tools for at home exercising, a knowledge gap came to view. Research and drafts do exist but solutions for at home exercising were rare to nonexistent. With the help of previous research and course literature as a base for design, three proposals were made. Those proposals were used in qualitative interviews to judge and critique the presented proposals. After the interviews, the presented design proposals were reevaluated to give a usable and understandable design proposal of visual corrective feedback through projection.

The Impact of Web Accessibility Overlays on the Usability and User Experience for People with Permanent Visual Impairments / Die Auswirkung von Accessibility Overlays auf die Benutzungsfreundlichkeit und Nutzungserfahrung von Menschen mit Permanenten Visuellen Beeinträchtigungen

Kubesch, Daniela January 2024 (has links)
Today, the internet connects 66.2% of the world’s population online. Accessibility to digital information is crucial for social inclusion and equal opportunities. In this respect, it is considered to be a fundamental human right. However, most websites contain accessibility errors, creating a significant barrier for users with impairments. Accessibility overlays have emerged as potential solutions to enhance web accessibility. They often appear on a website as a toolbar or widget and allow users to customise their browsing experience by offering various adjustments, such as changes to font size, colour contrast, and text-to-speech functionalities via a button click. Some accessibility overlays use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify and automatically correct accessibility errors in website code. However, despite their intended benefits and rapid market growth, accessibility overlays face significant criticism within the accessibility community due to concerns about their effectiveness and whether they meet the needs of the intended user group.  This thesis investigates the impact of accessibility overlays on the usability and user experience (UX) for individuals with permanent visual impairments, thereby addressing a gap in academic research. Given the rise in visual impairments due to population growth and ageing, this focus is relevant and timely. The conducted research involved an evaluation study that comprised two parts: a technical evaluation of accessibility overlays against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standard, and a user study that assessed the usability and UX of 21 individuals with permanent visual impairments when interacting with websites that employ an accessibility overlay. Furthermore, interviews with two accessibility consultants and two accessibility overlay company representatives provided supplementary information to the discussion.  The research shows that accessibility overlays, in their current form, do not effectively improve the usability or UX for individuals with permanent visual impairments. Although there is a slight improvement when users are unaware of the overlay’s presence, overall, UX and usability are considered marginal at best and deteriorate upon recognition and interaction with an accessibility overlay. Furthermore, the research displays that accessibility overlays in their current form cannot meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards. The study also finds that users with permanent visual impairments are generally hesitant to engage with accessibility overlays and prefer to rely on their existing access technologies. However, they are willing to use accessibility overlays under improved conditions, which are discussed in the thesis. The empirical knowledge gained guides future technology, designs, policies, and research to create a more inclusive digital world. / Heutzutage sind 66,2% der Weltbevölkerung über das Internet miteinander verbunden. Der Zugang zu digitalen Informationen ist ein fundamentales Menschenrecht, das soziale Inklusion und Chancengleichheit fördert. Jedoch weisen die meisten Webseiten Barrierefreiheitsfehler auf, die für Nutzer*innen mit Beeinträchtigungen eine erhebliche Hürde darstellen. Als potenzielle Lösungen für verbesserte Zugänglichkeit sind sogenannte "Accessibility Overlays" entstanden. Sie werden oft als Symbolleiste oder Widget auf einer Webseite angezeigt und ermöglichen es Nutzer*innen, ihr Navigationserlebnis durch verschiedene Anpassungen, wie zum Beispiel Änderungen der Schriftgröße oder des Farbkontrastes, per Mausklick, anzupassen. Einige Overlays nutzen außerdem Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), um Barrierefreiheitsfehler im Webseiten-Code zu erkennen und automatisch zu korrigieren. Obwohl Accessibility Overlays Barrierefreiheit und Zugänglichkeit beabsichtigen, werden sie von Teilen der Barrierefreiheits-Community aufgrund von Bedenken hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität und Zielsetzung stark kritisiert.  Diese Masterarbeit untersucht die Auswirkungen von Accessibility-Overlays auf die Benutzungsfreundlichkeit und Nutzungserfahrung von Menschen mit dauerhafter Sehbeeinträchtigung. Die Arbeit adressiert damit eine existierende Lücke in der akademischen Forschung. Da etwa 4,3% der Weltbevölkerung eine visuelle Beeinträchtigung haben und diese Zahl aufgrund von Bevölkerungswachstum und -alterung weiter ansteigt, ist dieser Schwerpunkt relevant und zeitgemäß. Die durchgeführte Forschung umfasst eine Evaluierungsstudie, die in zwei Teile gegliedert ist: eine technische Evaluierung von Accessibility-Overlays anhand der Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 und eine Nutzer*innen-Studie, die Benutzungsfreundlichkeit und Nutzungserfahrung von 21 Personen mit dauerhaften Sehbeeinträchtigungen bei der Interaktion mit Webseiten, die ein Accessibility Overlay integriert haben, bewertet. Zusätzlich liefern Interviews mit zwei Berater*innen für Barrierefreiheit und zwei Unternehmensvertretern von Accessibility Overlays einen ergänzenden Beitrag zur Diskussion.  Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Accessibility Overlays in ihrer derzeitigen Form die Benutzungsfreundlichkeit und Nutzungserfahrung für Personen mit dauerhaften Sehbeeinträchtigungen nicht signifikant verbessern. Obwohl eine leichte Verbesserung eintritt, wenn Benutzer*innen sich der Existenz eines Overlays nicht bewusst sind, wird die Nutzungserfahrung und Benutzungsfreundlichkeit insgesamt bestenfalls als marginal angesehen und verschlechtert sich, sobald ein Overlay erkannt und damit interagiert wird. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Forschung, dass Accessibility Overlays die WCAG 2.1 AA-Standards aktuell nicht erfüllen können. Die Studie kommt auch zu dem Ergebnis, dass Nutzer*innen generell zögern, sich auf Accessibility Overlays einzulassen und es vorziehen, sich auf ihre vorhandenen Zugangstechnologien zu verlassen. Allerdings sind die Nutzer*innen bereit, eine potenziell verbesserte Version von Accessibility Overlays zu nutzen, wie sie in dieser Masterarbeit abschließend diskutiert wird. Das gewonnene empirische Wissen dient als Orientierungshilfe für zukünftige Technologien, Designs, Richtlinien und Forschungsarbeiten, die darauf abzielen, eine inklusivere digitale Welt zu kreieren. / <p>This thesis was also submitted to the Master degree program MultiMediaTechnology at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, in fulfilment of the requirements for the double degree program with Halmstad University. </p>

Technology In Policing : An ethnographic study of the use of information and communication technology within Bedfordshire police force

Kazeem, Ganiat Omolara January 2018 (has links)
Policing in The United Kingdom is an intricate business, balancing the enforcement of statute and other laws while dealing with public safety and security. Policing engages a diverse and complicated set of organisational structures and processes relying heavily on the skill and expertise of officers on the ground. Their role in preventing and or intercepting crime before, during and after it occurs is integral to sustaining peace, security, law and order in communities. The police operational and logistics staff work day to day with information and communication technologies, ranging from conventional databases and information systems to ubiquitous and specialised tools.  Understanding the use of technology and its management in policing has formed the backbone of this research conducted through a qualitative approach. This study adopted an interpretive paradigmic analytical lens using ethnography situated in the workplace as a methodology. The qualitative study took the form of field immersion for nine months using interviewing, and shadowing/observation to suit the complexity of the socio-technical context. Analysis was conducted using thematic analytical methods. Understanding how the police force interact with and shape the way that information and communication technologies enable them to fight crime is, then, the subject of this thesis. The findings highlighted the complexities and  intricacies involved in the use of technology, identifying unique differentiations in the way technology is engaged and integrated into policing including comparative understanding relative to other sectors and industries.  On the whole the central features of this work highlight understanding of the role information and communication technologies; usefulness, usage in practice and operational activity, strategic business goals, knowledge management, business intelligence and intelligence led architecture, governance and performance models in policing the county of Bedfordshire, England.

From Vision to Transition : Exploring the Potential for Public Information Services to Facilitate Sustainable Urban Transport

Cano-Viktorsson, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
Background: Policy initiatives to promote sustainable travel through the use of Internet based public information systems have increased during the last decade. Stockholm, in being one of the first cities in Europe to implement an Internet based service for facilitating sustainable travel is believed to be a good candidate for an analysis of key issues for developing sustainable travel planning services to the public. Aim: This thesis investigates the past development of two Stockholm based public information systems and their services in order to draw lessons on how to better provide for a public information service geared towards facilitating  environmentally sustainable travel planning through information and communications technology. The overall goal of the thesis is to contribute to an understanding on how to better design and manage current and future attempts at facilitating sustainable travel planning services based on historical case studies. Approach: The thesis draws ideas from the concept of organizational responsiveness – an organization’s ability to listen, understand and respond to demands put to it by its internal and external stakeholders – in order to depict how well or not the two public information systems and their owners have adapted to established norms and values of their surroundings. Results: Overall, the findings from the historical case studies suggest that organizations attempting to provide sustainable travel planning to the public need to design and manage their systems in such a way that it responds to shifting demands on how to provide for information. Implementing and embedding new technologies involves complex processes of change both at the micro level – for users and practitioners of the service – and at the meso level for the involved public service organizations themselves. This condition requires a contextualist framework to analyze and understand organizational, contextual and cultural issues involved in the adoption of new technologies and procedures. Conclusions: The thesis concludes with a discussion on how the findings from the historical case studies may provide lessons for both current and future attempts at providing public information systems geared towards facilitating environmentally sustainable travel planning to the public. Historical examples and issues concerning collective intelligence and peer to peer based forms of designing, producing and supervising public information services identified throughout the study are looked upon and discussed in terms of their possible role in increasing the potential for public information services to facilitate sustainable urban transport. / <p>QC 20140319</p> / TRACS, Travel Planner for Sustainable Cities

Analysis Of Fastlane For Digitalization Through Low-Code ML Platforms

Raghavendran, Krishnaraj January 2022 (has links)
Even a professional photographer sometimes uses automatic default settings that come up with the camera to take a photo. One can debate the quality of outcome from manual vs automatic mode. Until and unless we have a professional level of competence in taking a photo, updating our skills/knowledge as per the latest market trends and having enough time to try out different settings manually, it is worthwhile to use Auto-mode. As camera manufacturers, after several iterations of testing, comes up with the list of ideal parameter values, which is embedded as a factory default setting when we choose auto-mode. For non-professional photographers or amateurs recommend using the auto-mode that comes with the camera for not missing the moment. Similarly, in the context of developing machine learning models, until and unless we have the required data-engineering and ML development competence, time to train and test different ML models and tune different hyper parameter settings, it is worth to try out to Automatic Machine learning feature provided out-of-shelf by all the Cloud-based and Cloud-agnostic ML platforms. This thesis deep dives into evaluating possibility of generating automatic machine learning models with no-code/low-code experience provided by GCP, AWS, Azure and Databricks. We have made a comparison between different ML platforms on generating automatic ML model and presenting the results. It also covers the lessons learnt by developing automatic ML models from a sample dataset across all four ML platforms. Later, we have outlined machine learning subject matter expert’s viewpoints about using Automatic Machine learning models. From this research, we found automatic machine learning can come handy for many off-the-shelf analytical use-cases, this can be highly beneficial especially for time-constrained projects, when resource competence or staffing is a bottleneck and even when competent data scientists want a second-opinion or compare AutoML results with the custom ML model built.

Mobile Apps and the ultimate addiction to the Smartphone : A comprehensive study on the consequences of society’s mobile needs

Beckhusen, Benedict January 2016 (has links)
The smartphone is omnipresent and is cherished and held close by people. It allows for constant connection within a digitally connected society, as well as for many other purposes such as leisure activity or informational purpose. Within the Information Systems studies deeper investigation is required as to what impact this “taken – for – granted” mobile access to information and mobile apps has for individuals and society and if a “technological addiction”can be developed when using the smartphone for everything during the day on such a constant basis. The aim of this study was to understand the role of the smartphone in society and to shed light on this unclear relationship between the constant use of a smartphone and its development towards an addictive quality. To reach a conclusion, in depth – interviews were conducted with participants about their relationship to the smartphone and their smartphone use based on questions derived from literature on mobile communication technologies and the types of digital addictions existing. The results are that the smartphone is a device that seamlessly integrates into our daily lives in that we unconsciously use it as a tool to make our daily tasks more manageable, and enjoyable. It also supports us in getting better organized, to be in constant touch with family and friends remotely, and to be more mobile which is a useful ability in today’s mobility driven society. Smartphones have been found to inhabit a relatively low potential to addiction. Traits of voluntary behaviour, habitual behaviour, and mandatory behaviour of smartphone use have been found. All of these behaviours are not considered a true addiction. In the end, it seems that the increase of smartphone use is mainly due to the way we communicate nowadays digitally,and the shift in how we relate to our social peers using digital means.

Trygghet i stadsmiljöer och offentliga toaletter : Feeling safe in public spaces and restrooms

Thudén, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Utformningen av våra offentliga miljöer bidrar till att många känner sig otrygga, och oron att utsättas för brott medför att många, speciellt kvinnor, undviker att vistas utomhus. Detta visar att åtgärder som ökar rörligheten och tryggheten för kvinnor i det offentliga rummet är nödvändiga. Detta projekt behandlar ämnet trygghet på offentliga platser, och fokus ligger på offentliga toaletter. Frågan är aktuell och grundar sig i det faktum att det traditionellt sett har byggts fler offentliga toaletter för män än för kvinnor, och att de sällan är utformade för flickor, kvinnor och småbarnsföräldrars behov. Projektets syfte är att förbättra tillgången, utformningen och/eller upplevelsen av offentliga toaletter. Att genom design undersöka hur det offentliga rummet kan bli mer tryggt och tillgängligt för män och kvinnor på lika villkor. / The planning, structure and shape of our urban environments affects our mindsets and perception of safety. The fear of being exposed to crimes causes many, especially women, to avoid certain public places completely. This proves the necessity of increasing and improving the mobility and safety for women in public spaces. This is the topic of this project, and the focus is on public toilets. The issue is relevant and it is based on the fact that cities traditionally have provided more toilets adapted to men (such as urinals), and existing toilets rarely being designed and equipped to fit the needs of women, girls and parents of young children. The purpose of this project is to improve the availability, design and experience of public restrooms. How can one, using design, improve the public space to feel more safe and accessible for men and women on equal terms.

Post-human Hospitality? Opportunities and risks with AI : An exploratative case study of AI in the hospitality industry of Värmland / Posthumanistiskt värdskap? Möjligheter och risker med AI : En explorativ fallstudie av AI inom besöksnäringen i Värmland

Wannemo, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
The thesis is an explorative case study focusing on the hospitality in the region of Värmland in Sweden as conceived by stakeholders in the hospitality industry. The purpose of this thesis is to expand the knowledge of how AI impacts the meaning of hospitality, by mapping how stakeholders within the different parts of the touristic system perceives and uses AI development of experiences and services that combine physical and digital spaces. Previous research in connection with AI and the hospitality industry laid the foundation for the result and analysis in the thesis. Selected theory dealt with tourism, hospitality, digitalisation, technological fixes and hybrid spaces. A hospitality perspective was selected to highlight the essence of human-to-human interaction, while also including how AI can influence interaction and services in physical and digital spaces, going beyond the focus on economical promises usually taken in tourism studies of AI. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with stakeholders of the hospitality industry in Värmland. The interview guides were based on the previous research and theoretical framework, which aided the process of gathering relevant empirical data from respondents of the different stakeholder groups, thus, contributing adequate answers to the research questions. With these means it was possible to see and map the different perspectives on what effects AI has on hospitality. The conclusion shows that the hospitality industry in Värmland is gradually exploring AI, with only a few stakeholders actively involved in projects with AI. There is a significant interest due to AI's potential to improve efficiency and create new offerings, but limited financial and human resources especially for the many small businesses in the region, along with a lacking mature state of AI hinder widespread adoptions. Stakeholders believe that AI will align with tourist needs, impacting power dynamics between tourists and destinations. AI is expected to paradoxically affect hospitality by potentially increasing or decreasing human interactions, with tourists increasingly becoming producers of their own experiences. Tourists generally have a neutral stance on AI in hospitality, preferring its use in information gathering and travel planning rather than as the experience itself. Human interaction remains highly valued, suggesting AI will rather enhance than replace it, leading to a setting of post-human hospitality. Looking ahead, stakeholders approach AI cautiously, acknowledging the need to address data privacy, regulation, and power dynamics. They see opportunities in AI but remain wary of ethical and societal implications.

Surrogatmodern och den mänskliga värdigheten : En diskursanalys av den statliga utredningen om surrogatmoderskap, ur ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv

Zanzi Ferrando, Diana January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur ”SOU 2016:11 Olika vägar till föräldraskap” formulerar problemet med surrogatmoderskap, vilka subjektspositioner som kan urskiljas i utredningen och analyserar den ut ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv.   Utredningen utgår ifrån mänsklig värdighet, autonomi och barnets bästa vilket uppsatsen belyser får konsekvenser för hur problemet med surrogatarrangemang porträtteras olika beroende på om surrogatmodern och barnet är från det globala syd eller det globala nord. Utgångspunkterna är centrala när surrogatmodern och barnet från det globala nord lyfts men får inte samma roll gällande surrogatmodern och det barn hon föder. Vidare undersöks hur subjektspositioner formuleras utifrån emotionell/icke-emotionell, sårbar/icke-sårbar, skyddsvärd/icke-skyddsvärd och blottlägger hur den svenska surrogatmodern och det inrikesfödda barnet konstrueras som emotionella, sårbara och skyddsvärda vilket skiljer sig från hur den utländska surrogatmodern och det utrikesfödda barnet konstrueras. Dessa omges att tystnad vilket får konsekvenser för hur de porträtteras och för vilka åtgärder som föreslås.   Uppsatsen bidrar till en utveckling av tidigare forskning med ett tillägg av nyckelordet skyddsvärd för att undersöka konstrueringen av surrogatmödrar. Uppsatsen visar att begreppet är relevant genom att materialet visat på delvis konstuering av emotionell och sårbar men inte skyddsvärd och att detta påverkat resultat och åtgärder. Vidare stärker uppsatsen tidigare forskning som menar att utgångspunkten mänsklig värdighet verkar för en avhumanisering av surrogatmödrar från det globala syd samt att synen på biologi varierar beroende på var ett barn föds. Uppsatsen bygger vidare på tidigare forskning som menar att uttryckt rationalitet och brist på emotion resulterar i en avhumanisering, genom att blottlägga hur det kan räcka med att subjektspositionerna möts av tysthet för att uppnå samma resultat. Detta arbete belyser hur olika subjektspositioner framställs olika i den statliga utredningen och hur koloniala idéer hänger kvar och påverkar underlag till svensk lagstiftning, samt blottlägger vilka konkreta konsekvenser detta kan få för lagförslag och för surrogatmödrar i det globala syd samt de barn de föder.

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