Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ocho cachestrategi"" "subject:"ocho designstrategi""
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Opportunity Exploration and Evaluation: in the Trend of Open Banking / Utforskning och utvärdering av möjligheter: i utvecklingen av öppna banklösningarHsiao, Yuchen January 2021 (has links)
The concept of open banking is on the rise in the financial industry. Not only are banks taking an interest in this topic, but many financial technology start-ups are developing as well. One particular player can be considered challenger banks; they have gained a high degree of digital competence and agility to adapt to changes in the industry. As a result of this trend, these financial players raise the question of what the opportunities are. This study aims to identify potential opportunities for challenger banks and to provide a practical model for companies to assess the opportunities. The results of the study show that the opportunities can be divided into three segments: personalized banking services; modularity; as well as embedded finance. Finally, an opportunity evaluation canvas was developed, providing banks a systematic and comprehensive model to evaluate an opportunity. / Begreppet open banking är på frammarsch inom finansbranschen. Ämnet intresserar därmed såväl bankerna som många nystartade företag inom finansteknologi. En aktör är så kallade utmanarbankerna; de sitter på en hög grad av digital kompetens och flexibilitet vad gäller förändringar i branschen. Som ett resultat av denna trend väcker dessa finansiella aktörer frågan om vilka möjligheter som finns. Den här studien syftar till att identifiera potentiella möjligheter för utmanarbanker, samt att tillhandahålla ett praktisk ramverk inom vilket företag kan bedöma dessa möjligheter. Resultaten visar att möjligheterna kan delas in i tre kategorier: personliga banktjänster; modularitet; samt plattformar och ekosystem. Slutligen utvecklades en utvärderingsmall för möjligheter, som ger bankerna en systematisk och omfattande modell för att utvärdera en möjlighet.
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The Multimodal Communication Screening Test for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A) - Översättning och anpassning till svenska : En jämförelse med resultatet på MCST-A och förmåga att kommunicera med AKKNilsson, Emanuel, Pichler, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Personer med afasi lider ofta av sina språkliga svårigheter och upplever dem som ett allvarligt problem. När förmågan till effektiv kommunikation genom talat språk inte räcker till kan ett Alternativt och Kompletterande Kommunikationssätt (AKK) behövas. Det möjliggör att personen, förutom med tal, kommunicerar med till exempel bilder, gester eller tecken. Proceduren att välja ett passande AKK är komplicerad och det händer att ett hjälpmedel som inte passar individens behov sätts in av logoped, eller att ett hjälpmedel inte sätts in alls. För att utveckla och förbättra möjligheten att avgöra om och i så fall vilket hjälpmedel som bör användas har Lasker och Garrett utvecklat bedömningsverktyget The Multimodal Communication Screening Test for persons with Aphasia (MCST-A). Denna studies huvudsyfte var att översätta MCST-A till svenska. Studien delades upp i tre delar; 1) översättning och anpassning av MCST-A till svenska, 2) prövning av översättningen på personer utan afasi samt 3) en första testning på personer med måttlig till grav kronisk afasi där deras resultat på MCST-A jämfördes med en skattning av deras förmåga att kommunicera med AKK i vardagen. Översättningen och anpassningen ledde till en fungerande version på svenska. Resultatet från testningen på personer med afasi går i linje med tidigare forskning, där resultatet på MCST-A speglar personers skattade förmåga att kommunicera med AKK i vardagen. MCST-A kan således vara ett användbart instrument för att avgöra om och på vilken nivå ett hjälpmedel kan användas av en person med afasi. Det är dock inte möjligt att dra en generaliserbar slutsats utifrån denna studies resultat då urvalet var begränsat. / Individuals with aphasia often suffer from their language difficulties and experience them as a serious problem. When the ability to communicate effectively through spoken language is insufficient, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) may be required. This allows the person, in addition to speech, to communicate with for example pictures, gestures or body language. The procedure for choosing a suitable AAC is complicated, sometimes an aid that doesn’t suit the needs of the individual is provided by speech-language pathologists and sometimes an aid isn’t provided at all. In order to develop and improve the ability to determine if and what aids should be used, Garrett and Lasker developed the assessment tool The Multimodal Communication Screening Test for Individuals with Aphasia (MCST-A). The main purpose of this study was to translate MCST-A into Swedish. The study was divided into three parts; 1) translation and adaptation of MCST-A to Swedish, 2) testing the translation on persons without aphasia, and 3) a first test on persons with moderate to severe chronic aphasia, where their results on MCST-A were compared with an estimate of their ability to communicate with AAC in daily life. The translation and adaptation led to a working version in Swedish. The results from the persons with aphasia is in line with previous research, where the results on MCST-A reflects the estimated ability to communicate with AAC in their daily lives. Thus, MCST-A can be a useful tool to determine whether if and on what level aids can be used by a person with aphasia. However, it’s not possible to draw a generalizable conclusion based on the results of this study as the sample was small.
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An active chain process of self-leadership : Dynamically practising self-leading strategies for sustainabilityAmilon, Mia, Nguyen, Stephanie January 2022 (has links)
Title: An active chain process of self-leadership: Dynamically practising self-leading strategies for sustainability. Keywords: Active and dynamic, Chain process of self-leadership, Self-leadership strategies Background: Sustainability is important and of current interest, requiring all organisations to be well-functioning, committed to sustainability and create strategic decisions for their long-term sustainability. Organisations thence benefit from training the employees into self-leaders, as it results in beneficial outcomes that lead to greatness within organisations, and hence society at large. Research question: Why do individuals succeed in maintaining and practising an active chain process of self-leadership? Purpose: This study aims to understand why individuals sustain maintaining an active chain process of self-leadership by dynamically practising self-leadership strategies, where they continue to be self-aware, manage and lead themselves, practice self-leadership strategies, attain self-efficacy and achieve beneficial outputs that in extension contribute to a more efficient and long-term sustainable society. To better understand what activates the chain process of self-leadership and creates the dynamic, the authors have developed a summarising model (see model 5.1 in chapter 5). Method: The study is of qualitative character with an abductive research approach, where the empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews and a collective case study design with ten informants who practise self-leadership, and then analysed by the Gioia method. Findings: The chain process of self-leadership is holistic and what maintains it active are feelings of well-being, competence, and efficacy, as well as succeeding, contributing to a greater good and seeing things in a greater context. Of significance is to be reminded and followed up regularly. Paper type: Master thesis
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"Åtgärder som befrämja rikets försvar och överensstämma med flaggans värdighet" : En undersökning av Sveriges marinstrategi våren 1941Strömgren Lasell, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker Sveriges marinstrategi i händelse av krig med Tyskland respektive Sovjeteunionen våren 1941 utifrån Chefen för Marinens instruktioner för krigsfall I respektive II. / This paper explores Swedish naval strategy during the Second World War (1939-1945), an area that has not seen significant research. This paper focuses on how Swedish maritime forces were to be used in case of war with Germany (War Plan I; Krigsfall I), and with the Soviet Union (War plan II; Krigsfall II). This paper focuses on Swedish planning during the spring of 1941. The period after the fall of France (June 1940) and before the German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941) was a period where both Germany and the Soviet Union possessed what could be described as strategic freedom of action. This means large parts of their armed forces could have been used for operations against Sweden. The basis for each potential conflict was different: Germany occupied Norway and Denmark and could launch a ground invasion of Sweden directly; meanwhile Sweden and the Soviet Union were still separated by Finland and the Baltic Sea. Maritime forces would therefore play very different roles in the two War Plans. No official plans in case of war with the western Allies existed at the time, and hence this has not been explored here. The conclusion of this paper is that Swedish naval strategy at the time was somewhat offensive and focused on gaining sea control, at least in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia, to maintain freedom of action to be able to conduct troop movements along the Swedish coast, to the island of Gotland, and to Finland.
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Tystnaden: Makten, rösten och talet : En analys av tystnaden som kontrollinstrument i Vegetarianen och brun flicka drömmer / Silence: Power, voice and speech : An analysis of silence as an instrument for control in The Vegetarian and brown girl dreamingGuldbacke Lund, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Silence, voice and power are the main themes in this essay. The purpose is to analyze how the silence is used as an instrument for control, and how it can be used strategically to take power, but also as a resistance against the power. The novel The Vegetarian by Han Kang and the autobiography novel on verse, brown girl dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson are the core of this essay. This essay focuses on how the characters break the silence, and how they use the silence strategically to find their voice in a society that systematically works to keep women, children and men silent. The silence works in specific ways in all kinds of situations, to explore the complexity of the power dimensions a comparative analysis allows the themes to emerge and enlighten each other’s diversity. With help from Rebecca Solnit in Alla frågors moder, Audre Lorde in Your silence will not protect you and Michel Foucault’s Diskursens ordning, among other voices, the essay aims to search for how the silence can work as a strategy and what it means to speak. The essay shows how the oppressing silence is broken in brown girl dreaming, and how the voice becomes the power, but also how the silence was used in the African-American Civil Rights Movement as an act of resistance. The essays also analyze the female main character in The Vegetarian, who makes a journey from an oppressed woman where the patriarchal men violate her silence and forcing her to speak, to an existence where silence, life and growth thrives. The silence has its own language and sometimes, it’s louder than words.
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Swedish Belief and Swedish Tradition : The Role of Religion in Sweden Democrat NationalismStenbäck, Tomas January 2020 (has links)
In the context of Western, European, Nordic, and Swedish radical nationalism, this study is an analysis of the various ways the political party the Sweden Democrats talks about religion; primarily about Swedish Evangelical-Lutheran Christianity and the Church of Sweden. The study investigates the party expressions on religion and nationalism, using theoretical models of interpretation, constructed for this specific purpose, out of hermeneutic methodology. The purpose has been to analyse the different functions of the various ways the Sweden Democrats talk about religion, and to investigate how the references to religion legitimize the ideology of nationalism, with the aim to answer the following questions: How do the Sweden Democrats’ talk on religion function as an identity marker? In what way is it possible to distinguish an aspiration for cultural purity in the Sweden Democrats’ talk on religion? Is it possible to distinguish neo-racism in the Sweden Democrats’ talk on religion? In which ways can the Sweden Democrats’ talk on religion be regarded as political strategy? The results demonstrate in which ways the Sweden Democrats apply religion to promote the party perceptions of nationalism, as well as to legitimize the party conceptions of the Swedish nation and the Swedish people: Swedish Christianity and the Church of Sweden are used to identify Swedish culture and to identify contrasting foreign culture. Swedish Christianity is used as the determining factor between the good Swedish people and the bad other people. Swedish Christianity is used as the determining factor between the right Swedish values and the wrong values of the other. Swedish Christian values are used as dividing criteria between the culturally pure Swedish people and the culturally impure other people. The degeneration of the Church of Sweden mirrors the degeneration of the Swedish society. Swedish Christian homogeneity will guarantee security for the Swedish people and the Swedish nation within the Swedish nation-state. Elements of religion and culture sort different peoples into different categories in the hierarchical view of humanity. Swedish Christianity and Swedish culture identify and define the Swedish people as innocent to the current precarious situation of the Swedish nation, and Swedish Christianity and Swedish culture identify and define the people of the other, which is to blame for this situation. The Swedish people is superior, to the non-Swedish people, because of superior Swedish religion and superior Swedish culture. Swedish Christianity is used to promote anti-democratic political positions. Swedish Christianity is used to legitimize coercion and force in the enforcement of Swedishness.
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”Maten är kass, men lärarna är snälla” : Recensioner av gymnasieskolor - ett beslutsunderlag för gymnasievalet på skolmarknaden / ”The food is crappy, but the teachers are kind” : Reviews of schools – basis for decision-making for upper secondary school election on a school marketBarakat, Mohammed, Östergren, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för vad det är elever som söker till gymnasieskolan kan tänkas möta då de läser recensionstexter. Syftet är således att kartlägga recensionssystemets omfattning och innehåll kvantitativt; vad som tas upp i recensionstexterna, samt att undersöka hur recensionstexterna är konstruerade. Avslutningsvis syftar uppsatsen till att diskutera recensionssystemet i en större samhällskontext - som ett resultat av och en del i vår samtid. Vilka ämnen och teman förekommer i recensionstexter av gymnasieskolor samt hur frekvent är förekomsten? Hur värderas (positivt, negativt eller neutralt) de olika temana i recensionerna? På vilket sätt är recensionstexterna konstruerade och hur kan det tolkas? På vilket sätt framträder en skolmarknadsdiskurs i recensionstexterna? Metod De kvantitativa frågorna undersöks genom en innehållsanalys av slumpmässigt utvalda recensioner på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms län. De förekomna orden kvantifieras och delas in i teman, kategorieroch subkategorier. En bedömning görs även utifrån om de förekomna orden lyfts i en positiv, negativ eller neutral kontext. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av en textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalysen. Av ett antal utvalda recensioner, baserat på dess innehållsliga relevans, analyseras dessa semantiskt med diskursanalytiska verktyg. I diskussions- och analysdelen behandlas resultatet utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskning. Resultat Av innehållsanalysen framgår att de vanligast förekommande temana var allmänna värdeomdömen om skolan, att kommentera lärare samt skolans upplägg och utbildningens kvalité. Det är även vanligt att sociala aspekter så som atmosfär och gemenskap lyfts fram i recensionerna. Av den kvalitativa delen framgår det att recensenterna uttrycker sig på ett sätt som speglar skolmarknadsdiskursen. I somliga fall framgår tydligt hur recensenten anammat skolmarknadsdiskursen. Slutsats Resultatet indikerar att recensionssystemet riskerar att generera segregerande effekter. Framförallt utifrån den asymmetriska tillgången av information och att skola och identitet knyts allt närmare varandra. Detta förtydligas och ställs på sin spets i hur recensionerna är konstruerade och kan, i vissa fall, tänkas vara svårare att bearbeta då gemene elev tenderar att se recensenter som objektiva (till skillnad från övrig tillgänglig information). / Aim The aim with this study is to explore what kind of information pupils, searching for upper secondary school, might get from reading reviews of schools. The purpose is thus to quantify the scope and content of the review system quantitatively; what is mentioned in the review texts, and to examine how the review are textually constructed. Finally, the paper aims to discuss the review system in a larger social context - as a result of and a part of our time. What topics occur in reviews of upper secondary schools and how frequent is the occurrence? How are the different themes in the reviews valued (positive, negative or neutral)? In what way are the review texts constructed and how can it be interpreted? In what way does a school market discourse appear in the reviews? Method The quantitative questions are examined through a content analysis on randomly selected reviews of upper secondary schools in Stockholm County. The words in question are quantified and divided into themes, categories and subcategories. An assessment is also made based on whether the existing words are lifted in a positive, negative or neutral context. The qualitative part consists of a text analysis inspired by the discourse analysis. From a number of selected reviews, based on its substantive relevance, these are semantically analyzed with discourse analytics tools. In a merged discussion and analysis section, the result is treated on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Results The content analysis shows that the most common themes were general value reviews of the school, commenting on teachers and the school's structure and the quality of the education. It is also common to mention social aspects such as atmosphere and cohesion. From the qualitative part it appears that the reviewers express themselves in a way that reflects the school market discourse. In some cases, it is clear that the reviewer has adopted the school market discourse. Conclusion The result indicates that the review system risks generating segregating effects. Especially based on the asymmetric availability of information and the fact that school and identity are getting more connected. This is clarified and put on its tip in how the reviews are constructed and, in some cases, may be more difficult to process when the common student tends to see reviewers as objective (in contrast to other available sources of information).
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En studie i elevmotivation genom självreglerande lärande som metod för inlärning i moderna språk / A study on Learner Motivation by means of Learner Autonomy as Studying Technique in Modern Language LearningGehrke, Karina Wiebke January 2022 (has links)
Onödiga språkvalsbyten i moderna språk kan anses vara resultat av motivationsbrist kopplat till intrycket att glädje i språkvalsstudier inte leder till gymnasiebehörighet. Denna studie ämnar undersöka och fördjupa kunskap om a) samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation, samt b) samband mellan glädje och motivation. Hattie och Zierer (2019) konstaterar att mer självreglering leder till ökad elevmotivation. För att pröva om denna slutsats kan verifieras, genomfördes en empirisk studie med lärarintervjuer som besvarade följande fråga: Vad anser lärare är en bra återkoppling till eleverna? För att kunna nå en slutsats i frågan om samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation etablerades först en definition av begreppet självreglering. I detta syfte användes en teori som står för uppsatsens analytiska ramverk. Ramverket baseras på författare som arbetar i linje med Richard M. Ryans och Edward L. Decis Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Då slutsatsen att mer självreglerande lärande leder till ökad elevmotivation inte kunde verifieras i min empiriska studie, genomfördes en noggrann litteraturstudie. Utifrån denna kunde jag sedan göra en analys av mina frågeställningar med anslutande diskussion. Resultatet antyder att lärare bör fokusera på elevmotivationens kvalitet, med den prototypiska intrinsiska motivationen som mål, för att kunna motverka motivationsbristen i skolan. I detta forskningsarbete kom jag dessutom fram till slutsatsen att en högre motivation i allra högsta grad kan leda till ett mer effektivt lärande i allmänhet. Nyckelord: effektivt lärande, elevmotivation, intrinsisk motivation, motivationsbrist, Self-Determination Theory, självreglering, återkoppling
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